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Sweet Surrender

Page 11

by Rebel Wild

  Chapter Twelve

  I’m still apprehensive about this boyfriend shit. I really should establish some boundaries, but the fact is, I don’t want to. I like how this is going so I’m just going to roll with it for now.

  “Hey, little brother, where are you?” I hear Alex call from somewhere downstairs. “I thought we could hang out again, shoot some pool, maybe watch the game. I brought beer.”w

  It’s times like these I hate that I’ve allowed my family to have full access to my place.

  “Where the hell are you hiding, bro?” I can hear him getting closer. The last thing I want is him walking in on me and Reagan half-dressed. “I know your lazy ass better not still be in the bed.”

  “Get dressed,” I tell her.

  “Why?” She asks, smelling the dress and panties fresh from the dry cleaners.

  “I want you to meet him.”

  “In this?” She holds up the leather dress. I can see her point, but there’s nothing we can do about it now.

  “Don’t worry about it. You’re beautiful.”

  “But… really… I mean, maybe I should stay here. I wouldn’t want to intrude.”

  “You’re not,” I assure her, quickly pulling on some jeans and a t-shirt. “Get dressed and come hang with us.”

  I let her get ready. I’ll give her ten minutes, fifteen tops before I go back in there after her.

  “There you are,” Alex says, looking back from being bent over in my fridge. “Damn, don’t you have any junk food in here? All this kale and shit can’t be good for you.”

  “Food wasn’t really on my mind this weekend.”

  “Oh, yeah, how come?” He gives up his search for edible food and comes to stand at the kitchen counter. “Wait. Did you do it? Did you finally talk to her?”

  “Weeks ago.”


  “And she’s here.”

  “Where?” He says, looking around with a dumb grin on his face. “Here?”

  “In my bedroom, getting dressed.”

  “Damn,” he says impressed. “You’ve had her hemmed up all this time?”

  “Shut up,” I tell him as I sit on a bar stool. “I want you to meet her, but first there’s something you need to know.”

  He looks past me and I can tell by his shocked expression that Reagan’s approaching. I swivel in my chair to greet her. She comes in and stands at a respectably safe distance from us.

  “Reagan Montgomery, this is my older brother, Alex,” I tell her.

  I introduce him without turning away from her so that she can read my lips. She waves a hello.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Reagan,” I hear him tell her from behind me.

  She smiles at him warmly but her expression changes and I know the look very well. It’s a placating look a submissive would give if a Dom’s approaching her. How the fuck did he peg her as a submissive already when I couldn’t? Probably because of her dress. I bet his ass dropped by the club after we left that night.

  Because Reagan’s mine, she’s not to bow her head submissively to Alex. She tries to hold his stare but her shyness almost gets the better of her. I smile when instead of lowering her head she not only looks my way but beelines over to me, planting herself right between my legs.

  Snaking my arms around her, I lean her back so she is resting on me. I look over to see Alex all reared up and confident. A stance he has perfected over the years that can very well rival my own.

  “Stop that shit,” I say to him, throwing a damp dish towel at his head making him duck.

  “Hey,” he says, popping back up with a playful grin making Reagan laugh. Just like that, the illusion of my brother the Dom is broken. “So, you’re the girl my brother’s been obsessing over for the past few weeks,” Alex says to her. “I had to force him to ask you out, you know?”

  Reagan looks at me in surprise. I know it’s news to her. She tugs at her ear in question to me and I shake my head.

  “I was just getting to it,” I tell her. “Alex, Reagan’s deaf and she doesn’t speak.”

  For the first time in a long time, my brother is at a loss for words. If it wasn’t at Reagan’s expense, I would be teasing the fuck out of him right now. She gives him an expression of mock guilt and he smiles, charmed by her.

  “Well, I’m guessing you can read lips since my brother doesn’t know any other form of communication besides tirades,” he says to her.

  He’s joking but if he only knew how we met. She nods and moves her hands like she is texting and then shrugs because she doesn’t have her phone to talk.

  “I’m sure I can figure you out,” Alex assures her. “Right now, I’m starving. I can’t believe all my brother has to eat is rabbit food.”

  I get Reagan’s attention before I speak.

  “You just don’t know where to look,” I tell Alex, and Reagan nods in agreement. She makes a motion like she is whipping something in a bowl and points to herself. “Baby, you don’t have to do that,” I say about her whipping up something for us to eat. “I’ll order in.”

  “Please, let the lady cook,” Alex begs. “It’s not every day I get a home-cooked meal. Which reminds me, Mom wants me to drag your ass… excuse me, Reagan… your behind to dinner next Sunday.” I simply nod my head not wanting to deal with that.

  No longer feeling self-conscious, Reagan leaves me and rounds the island. She shoos us with her hands and we leave her to cook.

  “What the fuck, Reed?” Alex says the moment I close the door to my office. He looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. “What the hell are you doing with that girl?”

  “What does it look like I’m doing with her?”

  “She’s a goddamn kid. A deaf /mute kid who sees you as her protector. You weren’t fucking lying when you said she’s not the hit-it and quit-it type, but fuck man, she’s way out of your league.”

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  “Reed, she’s a sweetheart and from the looks of her, I bet you she hasn’t had much experience with guys.” I just stare at him. “Aw, you have got to be kidding me,” he groans. “You took it from her?”

  “I won’t even dignify that with a response.”

  “So that’s a yes. You popped that sweet little cherry.”

  “What I do with my cherries is none of your damn business.”

  “Okay, fine, just answer me this. What the fuck are you planning to do with her now? You’re her first. She’s going to remember you for the rest of her life. How’s she going to feel when you ghost her?”

  “It’s not like that. Believe it or not, I like having her around. I haven’t even thought about ducking her.”

  “Bro, I know you want to be the long-haul kind of guy for this girl. I don’t blame you, but that’s not who you are. You can keep this shit going maybe a month tops before you get bored and want someone with experience.”

  “You’re wrong. This one’s different. It’s not just about fucking. I can’t explain it, but I feel a connection. It’s easy with her. She gets me. I haven’t felt this way about someone since forever and by the way, she’s not as timid as she appears. She’s shy for good reason when she first meets people, but believe me, she has balls and she has me by mine.”

  “All right,” he says throwing his hands up. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “I don’t. I don’t have a damn clue, but I’m going to figure it out and for the record, nothing about my girl is boring. She’s hands down the best I’ve ever had in all she does.”

  I give him the finger as he laughs at me.

  “Damn, that little girl has got you all worked up.”

  “Speaking of the devil.”

  Reagan comes to the door and motions like she’s eating to let us know the food is ready.

  “Great,” Alex says, getting up. “I’m sta

  My mouth starts to water from the aromas coming out of the kitchen the closer we get to it. Thank God, she can cook.

  “Oh, hell yes,” Alex says as he bites into the pizza Margherita grilled cheese sandwich she’s made. The melted cheese makes a thick string as he pulls the sandwich out of his mouth. “So good,” he moans.

  We sit drinking beer and talking long after lunch is done. You’d think it would be awkward but we’re getting through it. Reagan’s good at giving common gestures. I and sometimes even Alex can figure out the other ones.

  He tells her a little bit about being the head craftsman for our company and how the shipyard works. She seems genuinely interested in it. He’s not one to brag about himself, but he’ll talk your ear off about building boats. He stays on my ass for spending too much time sailing but doesn’t think shit about the long hours he spends building the damn things.

  Now, there’s one question that Reagan wants to be answered and she uses my phone to type it out.

  “Did you really have to force him to ask me out?” I read it out loud as I shake my head at it. That opens the door for him to go in on me. This is just the kind of shit he lives for.

  “I sure did,” he says, with that annoying ass laugh I can’t stand. “You’d already blown him off before when he texted you.” Reagan’s head whips over to look at me for a second. Amusement showing on her face as she obviously remembers the texting debacle. “You shot him down cold,” Alex says when he has her attention again. “He was so screwed up, he called me to hang out. I knew something was up. He never calls me to hang out. You should have seen him.” He pops a beer and scoots down in his seat. I know he’s planning on drawing this damn story out. Time to end this shit. “So, I told him, I said—”

  “Let’s call it an afternoon, Alex,” I say, getting up to grab his ass out of his seat if need be.

  No way in hell is he going to tell Reagan any more of that shit.

  “I was just getting to the good part,” he says as I take his beer from him and pull his chair out so he can stand. I pull it so hard he almost falls out of it.

  “Say goodbye to my brother, Reagan,” I tell her and she waves goodbye to him.

  “Nice meeting you, Reagan,” he calls back as I usher him to the door, but she’s too far to read what he’s saying. “You could at least let me have an appropriate goodbye with your girl, bro.”

  “Yeah, goodbye my ass,” I tell him. “I’ll relay it to her.”

  “She’s a great girl. Forget everything I said before. Mom’s going to flip when she hears about her. You better prepare her for the pride parade once they all meet her.”

  I give him the finger on his play of words with my parents thinking I’m gay. I close the front door in his face, but I’m somewhat enthused at him thinking they’ll love her that much. I already know they will, but I’m glad he can see it too. Not that their opinion would sway me in either direction where my personal life is concerned.

  I couldn’t help but like Alex. He reminds me of how Reed is if you’re lucky enough to get past his intimidation factors. I didn’t feel that initial awkwardness it usually takes me a while to get over. Alex is very welcoming.

  “Just us again,” Reed says joining me in the kitchen where I’m tidying up.

  “Just the way I like it,” I tell him. “I also like your brother.”

  “He likes you too, but enough about him. We have unfinished business we need to attend to.”

  “What’s that?”

  He takes my hand and leads me to the couch in the living room.

  “With all that talk about you blowing me off, it reminded me of you being at that club after going out with me.”


  “Yeah, ‘oh’,” he says. “Was our date not satisfying enough for you?”

  “It was a perfect date. It was just… um…”

  “You wanted a Dom?”

  “Kinda, sorta, yeah.”

  “And you didn’t think you could tell me that?”

  “I wanted to, but how was I supposed to bring it up. I thought you’d think I was crazy.”

  “So, you were just going to blow me off?”

  “Oh… uh… well no. Um, yeah, maybe.”

  “And then I find you in that damn club wearing this outfit, talking to that loser who was trying to ply you with drinks just so he could get you drunk enough to fuck.”

  “I wasn’t going to let that happen.”

  “You shouldn’t have been in the situation to have to not let it happen. Especially when you were mine.”

  “But I wasn’t yours.”

  “You were. You just didn’t know it. Regardless, I think that all warrants a punishment, don’t you?”

  “I most certainly do not.”

  He sits on the couch and pats his knee.

  “I’m going to spank you ten times and I want you to count. Safe words?”

  “You cannot be serious,” I say crossing my arms across my chest. His eyebrow lifts as he looks at me.

  “Oh, wrong move, baby,” he says, grabbing my arms and flinging me over his knee.


  With my ass in the air, he pulls up my dress. I cannot believe this. I inhale sharply as the palm of his hand comes down on my butt cheek.

  “One,” I say and roll my eyes at my treacherous obedience. A moan comes from my lips as he lightly rubs the spot he just hit. “Two,” I breathe as he hits me again. It’s a humiliating position but I start to squirm never the less from the pleasure of it. It’s so bad it’s good. I bite back a bad word when he pops the elastic of my panties, snapping my butt with them. I would horse kick him if I wasn’t so turned on. I can feel my arousal seeping out of me. He’s going to have to wash these panties again. He hits me three more times before he moves over to my other cheek. I get to ten and I think he’s done but he hits me once more. “Eleven?” He sits me upright, takes my face in his hands, and makes me moan with the depth of his kiss. I guess I wasn’t the only one turned on. “Why eleven?”

  “That last one was for that defiant little thing you do with your arms.”

  “You don’t like it?”

  “On the contrary,” he says undoing the straps of my dress and pulling them down to expose my breasts. “It turns me on.” He helps me to my feet and slides off my dress and panties before laying me down on the couch beside him. “Now for your reward.”

  “Oh, God,” I moan out as I shatter in a million pieces at the feel of his tongue on me.

  Reagan and I spent the rest of the weekend driving each other crazy, but it always ended up with me making love to her in my bed. Dreams do come true. We didn’t venture out. The threat of rain and the overcast kept us snuggled up inside watching movies and ordering whatever junk food she desired.

  Catching her sketching, she showed me her designs and I was extremely impressed. She has a wonderful career ahead of her and it’s just my luck I grabbed her before anyone else could.

  I had to stop myself from laughing several times when I caught myself doing some of the boyfriend crap I used to think was a waste of time. Like having my shopper bring her over clothes to wear. Never in a million years would I have thought it possible for me to be this happy in a relationship. In fact, I would have had anyone that told me I would be snuggled up with my girlfriend enjoying a rainy weekend, arrested for possession of an illegal substance.

  It was a weekend of first for the both of us and admittedly, I’ve never been happier. Of course, with the weekend ending and Reagan going back to school, I will never feel lonelier and that’s also a first for me. I usually feel disconnected, but never lonely. I don’t know if this is a good thing or not. Hopefully, distance will help me figure it out.

  “Promise me you won’t come down to the mailroom,” she says while I walk her to her dorm.

  I interlock h
er hand with mine.

  “Why not? I want to see you.”

  “It would be awkward if everyone knew.”

  “So, no summoning you to my office for a lunch quickie?”

  Her mortified expression tells me that’s definitely out of the question.

  Before we can get all the way to the door, it flings open and there stands Chloe with two other girls behind her all giving me wide grins.

  “Hi,” Chloe says.

  I look at Reagan, wondering how they knew we were coming and she points to the peephole. Reagan had texted Chloe that she was on her way back and I suppose she and their friends were lying in wait for her.

  “Can I have your autograph?” one of the girls asks sounding a lot like Chloe. I take the pen and paper she’s offering me.

  “Sure. Who’s it for?”

  “Just make it out to Mollie. Just say what a great time you had last night.”

  I look up at her when I hear that last part.

  “Mollie,” Chloe says to her. “What about your boyfriend?”

  “It’s okay,” Mollie says. “He’s on my free pass list.”

  Reagan takes the pen and paper from me and closes the door on them before her lips find mine.

  “Dream of me tonight,” she says.

  “I wouldn’t be able to sleep well otherwise, baby. Have fun getting the third degree from your friends.”

  I kiss the smirk off her face before leaving her to her evening. A brilliant idea smacks me right upside the head and I know just the guy who can help me pull it off.

  “Buzz, I need a favor,” I tell him as I walk back to my car.

  “I’m your guy, boss.”

  I smile. That’s exactly what I want to hear.

  A typical Monday morning keeps me bogged down with paperwork in my office all day. This is the shitty part of my job. I’d rather be out testing the yachts instead of signing off on the shit it takes to build them. I’m tempted to call Reagan up for that quickie after all. She’d certainly break the monotony.


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