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Sweet Surrender

Page 14

by Rebel Wild

  “Not without you,” she says, and damn if I don’t feel the air entering my lungs again.

  “Good, because there are so many places I want to take you. The first being to bed. I haven’t come close to getting enough of you today and right now, I want you naked.”

  She shrieks when I lift her and toss her back on the bed. I take my sweet ass time stripping her of her clothes before taking restraints from my drawer, tying her wrists together, pulling them above her head.

  “Don’t move.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I leave her to retrieve the dessert that was left in the refrigerator for us and return to find her naked and completely exposed right where I left her in bed. She’s perfection laid out for my pleasure. My dick is giving her a painful salute of approval. I rid myself of my clothes before I join her.

  “I hope you left room for dessert,” I tell her. She nods as I sit in the bed. I take a fresh strawberry, dip it in the whipped cream, and hold it to her so she can eat it. “Mmmm,” I suck the whipped cream from her lips.

  Making my own Reagan dessert, I mound her tits with gobs of the whipped cream and top them both with a strawberry. I make a happy trail of cream from her belly to that sweet spot of her pussy opening. She squirms as I nibble on the sweet creation I made on one of her tits before I move on to the other. I’ve had this dessert many times in my life, but having it on her makes it a rare delicacy.

  With her hands still above her head, she watches me as I lick my way down the trail to her pussy. She throws her head back as her body arches at the first tongue flick of her clit. Her juices put the sweet concoction that covers her to shame. She whimpers unhappily when I stop to lie beside her on the bed. Untying her hands, I bring them down to her sides.

  “Good girl,” I tell her for not moving.

  She bites her lip as lust floods her beautiful eyes, knowing that I plan on rewarding her for her obedience.

  I slide my hand down her belly. She bends her knees, opening her legs wide for me.

  “So eager for my touch, baby.”

  “Yes, sir. Always. I love your touch.”

  Her breath quickens as I slip two of my fingers inside of her and rub the hard bud of her clit with the heel of my hand.

  “What else do you love?”

  Her senses are heightened and out of whack with need so I know she’ll answer me truthfully.

  “I love the way you make me feel, like… like I’m important to you. I love how you take care of me even when I’m being stubborn.”

  She grabs on to my arm as I move my fingers deeper inside of her.

  “Reward time, baby.”

  My movements are quick, slapping my hand deep into her as she begins to cream and quiver from the start of her orgasm.

  “Oh, God, Reed… I,” she pants, grinding her pussy into me.

  “Come, baby.”

  She comes apart in my hand. Her cum is oozing through my fingers while she shakes and shudders next to me. Fuck, I love watching her come. I cover her mouth with mine as she rides her wave. I make sure I get every drop of pleasure out of her, only stopping when her body goes limp next to me.

  “Wow,” she breathes, finally calming down. I smirk at her as I suck her off my fingers and lick her off my hand. “I wish I knew how to make you feel that good.”

  “You do.”


  “By being here. By being you.”

  “If I wasn’t deaf, would I be here?”

  “God, baby, I don’t know. If you’re asking me ‘would I have looked twice at you’, the answer is yes. I would have gone after you and fucked you. Would I have opened up to you the way I have? No. You being deaf… I think it made it easy for me to respond to you. But it was because it was you. You’re the only one that… Reagan, I don’t know what the hell I’m trying to say. I just thank God you’re here and that you’re you. Because I didn’t think this was possible before you.” I let the words I’m trying to say float in the space between us. We lay, staring at each other, lost in the moment. Neither one’s willing to do anything more than just breathe. Her fingers are in my hair, massaging the nape of my neck. “Remember when I told you I didn’t like you rubbing up on me?” She nods. “Don’t ever stop rubbing up on me.”

  “Never,” she says as I roll on top of her. She takes my face in her hands. “I want to get even closer to you,” she tells me with such conviction that I believe it with every cell in my body.

  “Me too, baby.”

  “Mmm,” she moans in pleasure when I enter her.

  I fit so right inside of her, it’s like she was made for me. Only me. She is mine and only mine. No man will ever have the gifts that she has given me: her voice, her virginity, her submission. They all belong to me. But what of her heart? Do I want that as well? Yes, damnit, I want it. I want every part of her.

  “Aw, fuck, Reagan. I want you so much. You’re mine. Tell me you’re mine.”

  “I’m yours. All yours. Only yours.”

  “You feel so good. You make me feel so good. Get closer to me.”

  She wraps her legs and arms around me, pulling me close to her. We’re in perfect sync as we move together, every inch of us connected. My skin is alive under her hands as they caress my back. Soft fingers traveling the length of my spine with a butterfly’s touch that sends electrical currents right down to my groin. She must feel it too because she starts to move, slow and sensual. Her body is alive and responsive to everything I’m feeling.

  “Reed,” she moans, spiraling out of control.

  “Shit, baby, yes,” I cry out at her raking her nails down my back as she comes, so violently marking me as hers. She spurs me on and I slam into her, coming so hard I see a burst of light that damn near blinds me. “You are going to be the death of me,” I tell her, kissing her lips before I collapse beside her.

  She laughs as she turns on her side. She places her hand on my chest and I cover it with my own.

  “I love the feel of your heartbeat.”

  Oh, baby. It beats only for you.

  I groan at the feel of someone’s hands shaking me. I think it’s Chloe and I sign for her to get lost and to let me sleep. She knows my alarm will shake me awake. But then I remember I’m at Reed’s place. I slowly open one eye to peek at him. He’s sitting on the edge of the bed smiling at me. Quickly, I close my eye again. Nothing like a chipper morning person to screw up your day. I laugh when he starts to tickle me.

  “Okay, okay, I’m getting up,” I tell him.

  I feel him get off the bed. I look at the clock on the nightstand and it’s a little after seven. The aroma of bacon frying makes my stomach growl. I go into the bathroom and the sight of the water running in the shower almost makes me pee on myself. I rush to the toilet and sit down. I try to make myself as invisible as possible because I’ve never peed in front of anyone before, let alone my boyfriend.

  The man has been exposed to your other body fluids. I’m sure he can handle you peeing in the toilet.

  Like it’s anywhere near the same thing.

  Why am I arguing with myself?

  I check him out instead, grinning at the way his ass looks all slippery wet and soapy. I cover my mouth to muffle my laugh when he shakes the thick soap suds off his foot. I wipe up and close the toilet lid. I wonder if me washing my hands will change the water temperature. I take a chance and since he doesn’t react, I wash my hands before joining him in the shower.

  He instantly turns and takes me in his arms.

  “Good morning, baby. You pee cute.”

  “Hmmm,” is all I manage to say. For me, morning doesn’t officially start until ten AM. Anything before that time is still considered night as far as I’m concerned. “You really love waking up,” I tell him as we dry each other off.

  “Oh, you have no idea,” he tells me as he wipes himsel
f clean and I notice his erection. I run away before he can use it.

  Ginger has made a large spread for breakfast: spinach omelets, toast, oatmeal, bacon, and orange juice.

  “Keep feeding me like this and I’ll be too big to fit through the front door,” my new phone tells her. She smiles proudly that I enjoyed the breakfast as she clears our plates and leaves us alone. I haven’t a clue as to what the voice sounds like but using it makes me giddy and Reed seems to like it. “Thank you,” I say to him.

  “For what?”

  “For everything… for being you.”

  I kiss him and leave to get dressed before he can comment on my sudden spark of cheesiness.

  “Where’s the sticker that lets people know you can’t hear?” he asks, eyeing my car as we leave for work.

  “I lost it. I have to stop by student services and get another one.”

  “You can ride with me.”

  “I can’t ride with you on my second day of my new position. Everyone will swear you planted me to spy.”

  “Who gives a shit what they think?”


  “Is Parker on?” he says over my shoulder and I look to see Sampson walking up behind me.

  “He’s en route to the docks, sir.”

  “Have him swing by and pick up Miss Montgomery.”

  “Of course,” Sampson says, stepping back to make his phone call.

  “Wait, how am I going to get back to school?” my phone asks Reed.

  “I’ll have your car delivered to you with the proper notification stickers.”

  “You can’t be serious. I’ve been driving it all this time just fine.”

  “But now I’m aware of it. What if you get pulled over? What if you’re in trouble and you need help? That phone can go flying off somewhere and then you’ll be screwed.” He actually signs screwed as he says it and I have to admit I’m impressed.

  “I can figure it out,” I sign back.

  “You don’t have to figure it out because I’m going to put on the damn stickers so it won’t bug the shit out of me.”

  I smile at him knowing what I signed. He’s learning so fast. I don’t know why that makes me so happy, but it does. I think it means he really does want to get close to me.

  “You don’t have to go through all that trouble.”

  “Making sure the people that are important to me are protected is a part of who I am fundamentally. Trust me, you don’t want to make me worry. I can be one hell of a nuisance when I worry.”

  “I don’t doubt it. You’re already infuriating.”

  “I know.” He wraps his arms around my waist and tugs me to him. “Save it for the bedroom.”

  I know he’s not saying that out loud by the exaggerated way his lips are forming the words. My eyebrows dance thinking of all the possibilities.

  I can’t keep the grin off my face as I ride the elevator to the second floor. I’ve never been so happy. I have the perfect job and most of all the perfect man who I love and trust and who trusts me.

  Now, if I can only get him to love me.

  I stomp my foot in frustration at my greed. He’s made me his girlfriend. He lets me get away with being a lousy submissive. He’s done so much to show me he cares but I still want more.

  Yes, I want more. I want it all. I want all of him.

  I wave a greeting to Michaela and she waves good morning to me, handing me messages she took before I arrived.

  “There was a delivery,” she says. “I put them on your desk.”

  “Thank you,” I type, wondering what it could be. I wasn’t expecting anything and Mr. Baylis didn’t alert me to anything coming in.

  I round the corner and there, in the middle of my desk, sits a very large bouquet of pure white long-stemmed roses. I don’t even have to read the card to know who they’re from but I rush over to read it anyway.


  These remind me of you:

  Your perfect beauty, your strength, and the innocence you gifted me that I will cherish for the rest of my life, the way I plan on cherishing you.

  You’re not so secret admirer and only yours, baby.

  I squeal as my insides do somersaults. My man is the definition of the perfect boyfriend. I busy myself rearranging my desk to showcase them when I glance up at the mirror I’m facing behind my desk. I catch Mr. Baylis watching me. I have no idea how long he’s been there or why he’s looking at me the way he is. What has him so weird this morning?

  Chapter Fifteen

  I go on with my task pretending not to notice Mr. Baylis as he just stares. I start to get uncomfortable so I turn around to face him. He gives me a nod and moves in closer.

  “Beautiful flowers,” he says, eyeing them.

  I nod in agreement. He sneezes and rubs his eyes. Oh, my God, he’s allergic. No wonder he didn’t want to come near me.

  “Sorry about that. I’ll just have someone take this downstairs,” I type the offer into my phone.

  I can get Mrs. Stream to keep them until I get ready to leave.

  “Don’t trouble yourself,” he says. “I’ll just pop one of my antihistamines. I can’t tell the women here not to enjoy their flowers and not be looked at like a jerk.”

  “It must be torture for you.”

  “You know the only two words that make me scream in terror?”

  “What are they?”

  “Valentine’s Day.” I can’t help but laugh. I’m sure this place looks like a flower shop. A person with allergies worst nightmare. “The department heads are meeting in an hour. I’d like you to sit in.”

  “Of course, Mr. Baylis.”

  “Call me July, Reagan.”

  “Of course, July,” I retype.

  I sit next to July in the conference room. Mr. Jim Morris, the general manager, is taking up the head of one end of the table and the rest of the management staff surrounds us. Cora is on-screen and she already has the names of the staff and who they are so she can help me keep up with the meeting. I wouldn’t want to miss anything and I can’t very well ask them to slow down so I can catch it all.

  “Good morning,” Cora signs but lets me know she’s unfamiliar with the person who just entered the room.

  I look up and nearly faint when I see him walking in just as cool as he pleases and sits down at the head of the table closest to the door.

  Reed Dixon, CEO. I inform Cora and she makes note of it.

  The tension in my body is a dead giveaway that I’m uncomfortable. July notices and nudges me. I look at him and he winks at me. I give him a smile in return. It was meant to tell me not to worry about the big boss, but I feel Reed’s eyes burning into my skin and I chance a look at him. He’s throwing daggers at July. One more wink at me and my Dom will burst out of Reed like the Incredible Hulk.

  I keep my eyes on Cora throughout the meeting, only glancing up occasionally in the minor breaks between conversations. As good as I am at reading body language, I can tell that everyone’s nervous around Reed. July has let me sit in these meetings before and usually the group is very relaxed. Now they’re all on edge and I guess that they’re not used to Reed being here. I hope he’s not suddenly taking interest because of me, although knowing him, I’m kidding myself if I think he’s here for any other reason.

  Bored, July begins to doodle on his notepad like he always does. He holds the notepad up so no one else can see it but sitting next to him, I always have a clear view. He’s drawing a dark-haired girl in a field of flowers and I swear he’s quite good. He’s missed his calling. I keep glancing at his drawing but soon stop when I feel Reed’s eyes on me every time I do. It’s finally July’s turn and he talks about the progress we’re making on our projects. He gives me credit saying he’s very impressed with my eye for detail. Everyone comments on how this is high praise coming from him and I grin
like an idiot.

  Once the meeting’s over everyone starts to leave. I’m about to dismiss Cora when she signs “Miss Montgomery, I need a moment of your time.” Indicating it’s Reed. “Come to my office at your leisure.”

  “Of course,” she says for me and I know he means now.

  “I’ll come up with you,” July says as I get ready to go upstairs.

  “You don’t have to. I’m sure I’m not in trouble.”

  He looks at me in pity for what I’m sure he sees as my naivety showing.

  “Reagan, when the big boss calls you up like that, it’s serious. If he has a problem with you being in the meetings, he should talk to me.”

  I ride the elevator up alone after convincing July I would be okay. Opening Reed’s door and seeing he’s all alone I slam it for dramatic effect, hoping it’s as loud as it is in my head, right before I stomp up to his desk to give him hell.

  “Really? Was it really necessary for you to be in that meeting?”

  I narrow my eyes when I see the little smirk on his face as he pretends to ignore me.

  “Yes,” he says, barely looking up from his work. “I wanted to be sure you were being received well in your new position and now I’m satisfied that you are. Baylis seems to appreciate you. I’ll need to speak to him about blurring lines.”

  “July is not blurring lines.”

  Finally, he looks up, giving me his full attention.

  “It’s ‘July’ now, is it?”


  “Don’t ‘Reed’ me. You know I wasn’t going to let you be subordinate to any other asshole but me. Now I think he’s a little too damn friendly toward you, but that’s an issue I’ll take up with him.”

  “Why did you even call me up here?”

  He pulls me into his lap and kisses me.

  “To give you that and to give you these.” He’s holding up my car keys.

  “It’s here, already?”

  “It was here an hour ago. You’re officially at lunch, so take it for a spin.”


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