Book Read Free

Rock Heart

Page 8

by K. Webster

  He laughs and fills the shot glass with tequila. “Get ready to drink up, buttercup.”

  She flips him off but smiles.

  “Okay, Ry. I’m going to ask you an easy one to get the game started off fairly,” he says, “What does PRS stand for?”

  I squeeze her bare thigh—thank fuck for little shorts—and she giggles.

  “Easy. Paul Reid Smith,” she answers.

  He slaps the table and gives her two thumbs-up. “Round two will be harder!”

  We all laugh. This fucker gets so fucking serious about this damn game.

  “Chaz. Yours will be harder because I like watching you get fucked up. Ryan can thank me later since she’ll be able to take advantage of your baby carrot dick all night long,” he jokes.

  “Bring it on, asshole,” I growl with a grin.

  “How old was the original bassist for Alice in Chains when he was found dead in Utah and what was his name?”

  Fuck. I know who it is, but I don’t know how old he fucking was. “Mike Starr and, um, thirty-eight?”

  He roars in laughter and slides the shot over to me. “Wrong, baby carrot. He was forty-four. Drink.”

  I roll my eyes and suck down my shot before scooting it over to June. She’s grinning from ear to ear as she waits for Donnie’s question.

  “Baby momma, I’m giving you a tough one because you’re a trivia shark. Let’s see…” He thinks as he fills the shot glass. “Mozart died in December of 1791 at age thirty-five. Where is he buried?”

  She scrunches up her nose with thought. I suppress a laugh because June is a total fucking trivia shark.

  With a grin, she answers sweetly, “An unmarked grave in Vienna, Austria.”

  “Motherfucker,” Donnie groans.

  June and Ryan giggle as she slides the glass to him.

  “Who is going to ask you the questions tonight, Donnie?” Ryan asks.

  “I will,” June chirps.

  Donnie groans again and we all snigger.

  The little shark frowns as she thinks up her next question. “Who does Sandy duet with in the song It’s Raining on Prom Night in the original stage version of Grease the musical?”

  Ryan steals a mischievous glance in my direction. I wink at her and her cheeks turn pink. She’s so fucking cute.

  “June, time for bed. Go get Bobby,” Donnie orders grumpily.

  We all burst out laughing.

  “Nope, asshole. Looks like you’re drinking,” I order.

  He cuts his eyes over at June. “I’m onto your game, baby momma.”

  She playfully slaps him as he pours the shot down his throat. “Oh, and the answer is the radio. You’re no match for me, drummer boy,” she warns.

  The game goes on for quite some time, and by the end of it, three out of four of us are shitfaced.

  “Bobby must have passed out. Looks like I win,” June squeals out in delight.

  Donnie pulls her in for a tight squeeze. “I’ll be brushing up on my Broadway shit, woman. You’re not winning next time,” he threatens playfully.

  She kisses his cheek and scoots out of the booth. “Night, everyone.”

  Once she leaves, Donnie grins at us. “What now? You guys ready for a threesome? I usually do those with chicks, but June already ran off. Chaz, I’m a giver, not a taker.”

  I kick him under the table and he laughs hysterically at me. He slides out of the booth and out of my line of fire before he slowly starts stripping off his shirt like a stupid-ass motherfucker.

  “Dude, nobody wants to see that shit. Carry your ass to bed.”

  Ryan laughs from beside me, which only eggs him on.

  He tosses his shirt at Ted, the driver, which earns him a, “Fuck off.”

  When he starts unbuckling his pants, I’ve had enough. “That’s it, fucker. I’m putting you to bed.”

  He tries to run away, but I tackle him by the waist and we roll around in the floor of the kitchen. We’re both strong, cut motherfuckers, so neither of us can get the advantage on the other one. Ryan giggles and stumbles down the hallway to the bathroom.

  “Truce, Donnie. I’m going to get laid now.” I grin smugly at him underneath me.

  “Better her than me,” he laughs. “I hope that hard-on is for her. I mean, I know I’m a sexy motherfucker and all, but—”

  I don’t hear what else he says because I climb off him and bound down the hall to my woman.

  “Let me in, angel,” I tell her against the door.

  She giggles from the other side, definitely causing my dick to thicken. “In a minute!” she yells.

  I hear a text chirp on her phone from within the bathroom. Who the fuck is she texting? The fucking tequila must be running through my veins, because I’m suddenly very jealous. I turn the knob, throw my weight against the flimsy door, and bust it right off the hinges. I push it inside and lean it against the wall.

  “What the fuck, Chaz?” she demands angrily, her eyes blazing.

  “Who the fuck are you texting?”

  She glares at me and points out of the bathroom. “Get away from me.”

  When I go to reach for her phone, she quickly jerks it away and slings it behind her in the process. It hits the floor and shatters.

  “No!” She bursts into tears and falls to her knees, scooping it back into her hands. As she frantically tries to turn it back on, she starts bleeding from her thumb. “What have you done, you asshole? How will he talk to me now?” she shrieks.

  I’m staring at her, dumbfounded, and blinking wildly at her. Why is she freaking out so bad?

  Donnie’s voice booms from behind me. “You. Out!”

  “What? No!” I steady myself because I know what’s about to happen. When he’s not wrestling around, the dude is strong as fuck. Two iron hands wrap around my shoulders and haul me backwards out of the bathroom.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Bobby demands. “You’re going to wake up my baby!”

  “A little help here,” Donnie huffs as he struggles to keep me from flying back into the bathroom.

  Bobby helps him haul me to the living room and shoves me onto the couch.

  I flip them off with both hands but stay seated on the couch. There’s no getting past these two assholes. Donnie storms back down the hall, probably to comfort my fucking woman. Bobby sees the fire in my eyes and shakes his head in warning.

  “Don’t think about it, Chaz. You’ve fucked up. Now you need to chill the fuck out, sober the fuck up, and figure out a way to make shit right with Ryan so that, in the morning, you can work it the fuck out. Capisce?”

  I reluctantly nod and stretch out on the sofa, knowing that my angel isn’t going to want to be anywhere near me tonight.

  “Let me see,” Donnie orders softly from the doorway. His bare chest sports some beautiful tattoos. All three of the guys are like walking works of art.

  He eyes the door in annoyance. At least I’m not the only one who thinks Chaz was being an ass. I’m sitting on the lid of the toilet as I hold my injured hand out to him. He kneels down in front of me and carefully pulls away the tissue I had wrapped around the cut.

  “I see a piece of glass,” he says after he carefully inspects my thumb.

  He pulls away and rummages under the sink for a minute. After he locates a bottle of peroxide, a pair of tweezers, and a box of Band-Aids, he stands at the sink. Gently, he takes hold of my hand and holds it over the sink. Pouring slowly, he rinses away the blood with the peroxide and looks closely again. He quickly washes the tweezers with the peroxide and uses the end to pinch the microscopic piece. With steady hands, he eases it out of my thumb.

  “Wow. You did that surprisingly well for as drunk as you are,” I tell him, astonished.

  He curls up one side of his mouth in a half grin. “I was a Boy Scout.” As he dries my thumb off and applies a Band-Aid, he continues on. “Dad wanted me to be a surgeon like him. But unfortunately, the world is only big enough for the ego of one Dr. Jennings.” His eyes darken when he says th
e last part. I’m about to probe him for more, but he kisses my thumb and smiles broadly at me. “All better, Ry-Bear.” Then he stands and pulls me to my feet.

  I throw my arms around him and hug him. “Thank you.”

  Gently, he strokes my hair. “Want to tell me what’s going on?”

  Once again, my emotions take over and I burst into tears. He doesn’t let go and continues to comfort me, waiting patiently for some sort of answer.

  “I was texting my ex about something. We’ve remained civil toward each other, so it isn’t uncommon for me to talk to him. Chaz clearly assumed the worse and busted down the door. I dropped my phone when he tried to take it from me, and now it’s broken. I’m expecting a call in the morning. His call. And I can’t miss it,” I tell him tearfully.

  “Ryan, you can use my phone tomorrow. I won’t pry or bug you. And afterwards, we’ll go get you a new one, okay?”

  I nod but don’t let go of him. Donnie is like the brother I never had. He’ll make some woman really happy one day.

  “He’s just going through a lot. Chaz has always been a good guy. Everyone has their asshole moments, especially when drinking, so please keep that in mind before you write my friend off completely. He really likes you, Ry.”

  I know everything was much more dramatized because of all the alcohol, but I’m still upset with him.

  “I’ll try, Donnie, but I’m not making any promises,” I sigh.

  He tugs on my hair so I look up at him. His whiskey-colored eyes search mine to make sure I’m telling the truth. “That’s all I can ask,” he whispers and kisses my forehead before leaving me alone in the bathroom. All alone with my broken thoughts. Broken phone. And broken heart.

  “How long is three months?” he asks.

  I smile at him and swipe a blond curl from his forehead. “Not long at all.”

  “Will you miss me?”

  “Every single second of every single day.”

  His next question guts me. “Why do you have to leave me?”

  Tears threaten to spill, but I blink them back. “Not forever. Just for now.”

  “Not forever. Just for now,” he repeats softly.

  “Ryan, wake up.”

  The voice startles me from my sleep. I realize I’ve been bawling my eyes out because of my dream. Chaz has climbed up onto the top bunk and pulled me into his arms. I should push away from him, but I bury my face into his bare chest and wrap my arm around his waist. His vague scent of sex, sweat, and tequila cause my heart to thrum to life.

  “I had a bad dream,” I whisper as my tears begin to dry.

  He runs his fingers through my hair and kisses the top of my head. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs.

  I don’t reply, snuggling closer to him instead. He acted like a complete asshole earlier, but I crave his comfort, his closeness—him. I slide a hand along his chest, up his neck, and into his hair, where I grasp a handful. His hair. I love his hair—dark, overgrown, and always looking like he was just fucked. His hand slides to my ass and possessively grabs on to it through my thin, cotton shorts.

  My body must forgive him quicker than my heart because I slide a leg across his hips and straddle him. I’m glad to discover that he’s just wearing boxers and not jeans, because I can feel his thick cock pressed against me, right where I love it. He tries to pull me to him for a kiss, but I deny him and place my hands on his shoulders. I work my hips so that I’m grinding against him through our clothes.

  Once again, he slides his fingers into my hair and urges me to him, but I wrench away.

  “No,” I clip out as I ride him.

  He moves his hands to my hips and urges me to go faster. The quicker movements cause a lovely friction against my clit, and I’m already tingling in anticipation of my orgasm.

  “Angel, I want to kiss you.”

  I ignore him and bite my lip as my climax explodes from my core all the way to the ends of my hair. Stars glitter across my vision in the dark bunk.

  “I’m not in the mood to kiss you,” I pant.

  He slides his hands up my thighs, slipping his thumbs under my shorts, and massages my still sensitive pussy. “All I can think about is kissing you.”

  I pull his hands from my shorts by his wrists. “You’re telling me you’d rather kiss than fuck?” I ask in disbelief.

  “Fucking is what lovers do. We’re more than that. Now please forgive me and let me kiss you.”

  My heart falters as I let him pull me to him. His arms wrap protectively around me and our lips meet. I part mine open and he seizes the opportunity, thrusting his tongue inside. The still-present taste of tequila mixed with the familiarity that is him completely turns me on. As he kisses me, I push myself against his cock. He sucks my lip into his mouth and gently bites on it.

  “Anything with you is always more than I could ever imagine.”

  I ignore my swooning heart and continue to fuck him through our clothes while he kisses me. “I want to fuck,” I murmur against his lips.

  When he doesn’t answer but keeps kissing me, I pull away with a huff, yanking off my tank top in the process.

  “Fuck me. Please.”

  His hands briefly find my breasts and he massages them. “I’m not fucking you tonight.”

  I blink in the dark in shock. “Fuck you, Chaz.”

  “Nope, not happening.”

  Gasping, I go to move away from him, but he locks his strong hands on my hips, stopping me.

  “Angel, you’re not going anywhere.”

  I allow him to roll me underneath him. When he hooks his fingers in my shorts and panties, tugging them down quickly, I know I’ve won this battle.

  “You are going to fuck me,” I taunt.

  He places his hands on my knees and roughly forces them apart. I’m pretty much dripping with my arousal at this point. But when he says his next words, I frown.

  “I’m not fucking you tonight.”

  He teases my pussy with the tip of his dick, and I thrust my hips upward. Incredibly slowly, he pushes himself inside me until he’s all the way in. Donnie has no clue, because I fucking love Chaz’s huge cock.

  “You lied,” I exhale.

  He captures my lips with his and kisses me sweetly. “I didn’t lie.”

  Confusion sets in as he slides himself in and out of me. Am I really that fucking drunk?

  His lips move to my neck kiss by kiss until he sucks it a bit. A moan escapes me.

  “Chaz, you don’t make any sense,” I gasp as he tongues me on one of my erogenous zones just under my ear. “Mmm.”

  He gently fingers my nipple as he continues his slow, sensual torture of my pussy with his beautiful cock.

  “Even in the dark, your beauty radiates from you, turning darkness into flashes of color. You’re such a fucking vision,” he praises and nips my ear lobe.

  I whimper and feel my orgasm just on the cusp. “I’m coming,” I murmur out seconds before my body shudders under him.

  He groans and pumps hard a few more times into me before he exhales and climaxes simultaneously. Slowly, he kisses me as his cock throbs until it begins to soften.

  “We fucked,” I tell him proudly, although I’m not sure that’s the proper word for what just happened.

  With a chuckle, he pecks my nose. “No, angel. We made love, and it was fucking amazing.”

  Damn him and his epic lovemaking.

  He pulls out of me and gathers me into his arms. “I’m sorry, Ryan.”

  I bite my lip. “I know you are. My ex was an ass, so I’m not looking to repeat that. I know you were wanting to know who I was texting with, but you tried to violate my privacy against my will. Can you trust me when I say I’ll tell you when the time is right?”

  He sighs and kisses the top of my head. “Yes. I’m sorry. It kills me that you hide something that eats you alive, but I will respect your wishes. But if I find out you have a husband or some shit, it won’t end well.” He chuckles darkly, causing me to shiver.

nothing like that. I promise.”

  It’s nothing like that, but it still may not end well. And with that thought, I shiver again.

  Pop! Someone slaps my bare ass, jolting me awake.

  “Wake up, Ry-Bear. We’re going phone shopping,” Donnie laughs and pops my bottom again before I even register what’s happened.

  “What in the fuck?” Chaz mumbles out, still half asleep. “Prepare to die after coffee.”

  Donnie closes the curtain, leaving me with my stinging ass. He laughs all the way down the hall to the kitchen. I fumble around while looking for some clothes to go get ready really quickly.

  “Where are you going?” Chaz asks, trying to pull my naked body back over his.

  I lean down and peck his lips. He’s so sexy with dark stubble scattering over his cheeks and eyes heavy with sleep. I need to find clothes like stat if I have any hope of getting out of this bed today.

  “Someone broke my phone and Donnie is taking me to get a new one,” I tell him as I turn my tank top inside out and yank it over my head.

  “I’ll take you,” he growls out.

  I roll my eyes and slap his chest. “No, I think you might want to work on fixing that door, asshole.”

  His face darkens as he clearly remembers the night before. “Shit.”

  “Yeah, shit,” I say as I shimmy into my shorts.

  He palms my thigh, stopping me as I go to get off the bed. “Why don’t you let me make you feel good first?” The deep timbre of his voice sends heat straight to my core.

  As much as I want to stay in the bed and fuck him all day, I have a very important phone call to make. “I promise we’ll get some alone time before the show tonight.” I kiss him once more before hopping off the bed.

  Twenty minutes later, I’m in a cab with Donnie on the way to the cell phone store. I wanted to make my call, but I told him I’d wait until we got to the store first. After a very tearful call home behind the building, I return to find Donnie sitting on bench with his eyes closed.

  “Thank you for helping me, Donnie,” I say as I sit beside him.

  He wraps an arm around me and hugs me tight. “No problem, Ry-Bear. You’re my girl. Of course I’m going to look after you. I’m glad you gave him a chance to make things right, by the way.”


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