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His Woman

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Chapter Nine

  For the next month Drake took Rachel out every chance he got. He made sure to be at the bar to pick her up throughout the week and to keep an eye on her when she worked the weekends. Lloyd was a fair boss and made sure she had plenty of time off as well as working the necessary shifts. The summer was one of the hottest in history, but Drake didn’t mind. With the heat high Rachel wore more revealing clothes.

  His family knew about his intentions with regards to Rachel. From the moment they started dating he knew in his heart there was going to be so much more between them. She was everything he ever wanted in a woman. Bishop no longer looked trigger happy around him. The gun was firmly put away whenever he turned up. Drake had even spent some time watching football with Rachel sat on his lap. Those moments were his favorite as she relaxed in his arms.

  His father and mother had already given him their grandmother’s ring. It was bequeathed to him in her will that he was to have the ring to give to his wife. Now was not the right time to ask her to be his wife. He’d told Bishop of his intentions, which was probably why the gun was kept away from him.

  She hadn’t stayed at his house, but she’d visited him often. He’d come to realize she liked to explore. Drake loved to spend time loving her body as she simply kissed and stroked his own. He didn’t want to rush her. They’d not gotten completely naked with each other, but they’d touched. He’d brought her to screaming orgasms with his mouth and hands. Each time they were together he knew he brought her a step closer for her to trust him. Henry had stopped by one Sunday for lunch. Drake had gotten jealous watching the two talk about old times. He hated to see another man have something in common with his woman.

  Afterwards she proved to him in more ways than one that she wanted to be with him and no other man.

  Pulling up to the house Drake saw Bishop was enjoying a cigar on the porch looking out over the ranch. Drake climbed out of his truck and made his way over to him.

  “Hey, Bishop.”

  “It’s going to be a long winter, son. It’s good to see you back again.”

  “Your daughter hasn’t run back off to the city?” Drake asked.

  “Not yet.”

  “Then I’ll keep coming back.”

  “What would you do if she was to run off to the city?” Bishop stared at him, waiting. Drake respected this man. The whole of Crest Hill respected him. His priorities were in order as the family came first, always.

  “I’d go and find her and bring her back. This is her home, and I’m her man.”

  “That’s why I like you, Drake. You know what I like to hear.”

  “Daddy, leave him alone,” Rachel said, walking out of the house. “He’s proven to you he’s not here to steal your girl away.”

  “He’s here to steal you away all right. He’s just being sly about it.”

  “I’m sure Granddaddy felt the same way about Mom.”

  “Where do you think I got the shotgun from? Your granddaddy knew how to protect his women, and so do I.”

  Drake laughed, then paused as he noticed the bag in Rachel’s hand. All humor ceased as he took in her nervous appearance.

  “Are you staying the night, honey?” Bishop asked.

  “Yes, if that’s okay with Drake.”

  “Sure, I’ve got a spare room.”

  Bishop muttered under his breath about spoiling women’s innocence.

  “Daddy! Drake has been a perfect gentleman.”

  “I find that hard to believe.”

  “He has, and I don’t want to hear another bad word said about him.” Rachel kissed her father on the cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “I’m sure I will. Take care, you two, and be good.” Bishop stared at him long and hard.

  Nodding his head, Drake pointed at his pocket where he kept his grandmother’s ring. Any chance he got to propose to Rachel, he was going to take.

  Helping her into the truck, he got in the driver’s side, and pulled out.

  “You’re staying the night with me?” he asked, glancing at the case lying between them.

  “Yes, if that’s okay with you. I really want to stay the night.”

  “More than fine with me.”

  Silence followed, and he gripped the steering wheel in the hope of it keeping him grounded. Crap. What was going through her mind? What was she thinking about? Did she want to stay in the spare bedroom, or was there more to this than he saw?

  Drake didn’t want to rush into anything, but he also didn’t want to leave anything to chance.

  “Drake, I want to, erm, I’m ready to.” She stopped, and she was rubbing her palms up and down her thighs. “I’m ready to have sex.”

  He actually swerved the car. Pulling up on the side of the road he turned toward her. “I don’t mind waiting if you’re not ready.”

  “I’m ready, Drake. I’m more than ready. You and sex is all I think about. Do you know what it’s like to be thinking about sex and your father ask you what you’re thinking about? I can’t tell him half of the time that I’m thinking about sex.” She rambled on, and he couldn’t get past the fact she wanted sex.

  The condoms were not an issue as he’d bought plenty from the moment they started touching each other. He’d not bought them to rush her as he’d not been expecting her to be ready. It had been a month of them dating. The release they were giving each other was more than enough for him. He wanted sex, needed it even, but he’d wait until she was the one who came to him.

  “Before we go any further there is something I want to tell you.” He lifted his leg and turned toward her.

  “What is it, Drake?” she asked.

  “I’m in love with you.” He let the words come with so much ease. It wasn’t hard to let her know how he was feeling. Drake was going to make her his wife, and he wanted her to know it wasn’t down to sex.

  “I don’t know what to say.” Her eyes glistened as if she was about to cry.

  “Tell me you love me as well, if you mean it, that is.”

  “I do. I love you. I just, I wasn’t expecting it to be like this so quickly. A month is not a long time.”

  “To some it feels like a lifetime. I love you, Rachel.” They’d come a long way from him stalking her in the bar and her denying him a simple conversation.

  She smiled, pushed her case to the floor, and slid across the seats. “I can’t be any happier right now.”

  Claiming her lips, Drake gripped the back of her neck keeping her in place. “I love you, baby.”

  “Take me to your home.” She whispered the words against his lips. Drake didn’t need telling what to do twice.


  Drake wouldn’t let her hold her case. He took her hand, leading her upstairs, and he placed her case in the corner. They hadn’t stayed around to look at his home. She watched as he opened up one of the wardrobes in the corner.

  “Here, there’s enough room for you,” he said, pointing inside.

  “You left part of your wardrobe available to me?” She was touched by his actions. He was blowing all of her preconceptions of him out of the water.

  “Yes, this is where I hope you’ll want to live. I wasn’t lying about loving you.”

  Hearing him say the words gave her a buzz. Smiling, she took a step closer and looked in at the space. The other end of the wardrobe held his clothing. Shared space, the future, his and hers. It was all so surreal to her. One moment she was having to deal with his flirting ways at the bar, and now she was standing in his bedroom ready for sex, in love, and sharing wardrobes. To some it may be a tiny step, but to her it was huge.

  “I love this,” she said.

  Drake wrapped his arms around her body. “And I love you.” He kissed her neck as they stared at the space.

  “Do you want to fill it now?”

  She shook her head. Turning in his arms, she stared into his eyes. “No.” Reaching up, she ran the tips of her fingers across his chest. He was rock hard, firm muscle underneath the shir
t. Going to the first button, she slipped it out of the hole and moved onto the next. She worked his shirt free and pushed it off his body leaving him exposed. “I’d rather do something else.”

  He sank his fingers into her hair, teasing the back of her neck. She kept her hair down as she knew he liked playing with the length.

  “Are you sure?”


  Her body was on fire with need. There was no choice for her. She either gave in to the burn or risked going up in flames and going crazy with need.

  “I’m ready, are you?” she asked.

  “More than ready, baby doll.”

  She no longer cared why he called her that endearment. It was part of who he was. Drake moved her away from the wardrobe toward the bottom of the bed. “Give me those lips.”

  There was nothing more for her to do other than what he demanded. As she offered up her mouth, he took possession of it, slamming his lips down on hers. Moaning, she wrapped her arms around his neck, running her fingers down his back, and she groaned into his mouth.

  He withdrew first, and she felt her shirt being tugged out of her jeans. With a quick tug the shirt was up and over her head. Her bra followed, leaving her naked.

  “Perfection,” he said, holding her close.

  Closing her eyes, she rested her palm against his chest feeling his heart race against her own. When she could stand it no longer she went to the button of her jeans and started to tug it open.

  “No, baby doll, let me.”

  His touch slid against the flesh of her stomach, and he popped the button open. The sound of the zipper sliding down filled the room. Panting for breath, she stared into his eyes then did the same to his jeans. They were getting naked together.

  Kicking the jeans out of the way she stared at the outline of his rock hard cock against the front of his boxer briefs.

  In one tug, her panties tore from her body, and she stood completely naked for him to see. Fine black hairs covered her mound, and before she could stop herself she covered her breasts and pussy.

  “No, you don’t get to hide from me. I want to see every inch of your body.”

  Drake moved her hands out of the way then slid his boxers down. Together they stood, facing each other, naked.

  Hands at her sides, she forced herself to meet his gaze. There was no reason for her to look down at his cock.

  “Nothing has changed, Rachel. If you want to stop now, we can stop.”

  “I don’t want to stop.” She shook her head, denying it. No, she didn’t want to stop. How did she tell him that she didn’t have a clue what to do?

  “At any time you want to stop you tell me and I’ll stop.”


  His hand settled on her hip, naked flesh to naked flesh. Glancing down she saw his pale palm against her darker skin. Drake was different. He was larger than she was. With his palm on her hip she saw he was huge all over. His hand covered her hip, and she looked sort of dainty compared to him. Drake put his other hand on her hip and drew her close to him. “Put your hands around my neck.”

  She did as he asked. Drake gripped her ass and lifted her up. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she held onto him as he moved toward his bed. Slowly, he lowered her down, going with her, but he rested his hands on the bed to stop his body going all over her.

  “Is this too much?” he asked.

  “No, this is perfect.”

  He fanned her hair out on the pillow stroking through the strands. Down his hand went her body to rest on her thigh. His lips took possession of hers, and he plundered her mouth.

  With his cock pressed to her stomach she couldn’t think. Gripping the hairs at the back of his neck, she pressed her tongue into his mouth.

  She opened her thighs for him to get closer still. He broke the kiss and glided down her body to take one of her nipples into his mouth. Arching up she gasped as he bit down onto one of her nipples. He soothed the sting by flicking the nipple with his tongue.

  “Your tits are so fucking big. I can’t wait to fuck you between them.” He squeezed them together showing her where he’d go.

  Drake cupped her pussy, sliding a finger between her slit to stroke her nub. Crying out, she closed her eyes at the sudden onslaught of pleasure. He didn’t let up and stroked her pussy all the time he sucked between her nipples, dividing his time to lick, suck, and nip at her breasts.

  “Please,” she said.

  “Do you want to come?”


  He kissed down her body, dipping his tongue into her belly button. Opening her thighs, she made herself go to her elbows and watch what he was doing. He kept the lips of her sex opened with his fingers and slid his tongue through her slit. The pleasure was instant, spreading through her body. Screaming, she jerked on the bed as he sucked on her clit.

  “Come for me, Rachel.”

  Gripping the covers underneath her, she cried out as the pleasure built sending her closer and closer to the edge.

  Drake pressed a hand on her stomach keeping her held down. He bit her clit and flicked his tongue across the clit. Screaming, Rachel went over the edge into an orgasm.

  Chapter Ten

  Licking her juices off his lips, Drake pulled away. He stroked her thigh as he reached over to grab a condom from the drawer. Tearing into the foil packet, he slid the latex over his cock. Going over her body, he waited for her to open her eyes. He was shaking all over from the feelings coursing around his body.

  Over the years he’d fucked many women. None of them meant a thing to him, and he’d not cared about them the way he did Rachel. She was part of his soul, the reason he got up in the morning. Before he claimed her as his woman, the ranch had been his reason for getting up in the morning, work. Now, he wanted to see her. Every morning he woke up, dealt with what business couldn’t wait, and then he’d go to see her for his morning kiss. The first thought when he woke up was of Rachel, and she was the last thing he thought about when he fell asleep.

  She consumed his thoughts, his feelings, and soon his soul. Rachel was part of him, and he had no intention of giving her back.

  Her eyes opened, and once again he was lost. Rachel would be his woman, forever and always.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes, Drake, make me your woman.”

  Had she been reading his mind?

  Gripping his cock, he aligned the tip to her entrance. Swallowing past the lump in his throat, he stared down at her pussy before looking back into her eyes.

  “I’m ready, Drake.”

  Was he ready?

  Sliding his cock through her wetness, he found her entrance and slowly eased his way inside her body.

  Her hands gripped his arms, and he kept his gaze on her eyes. Gritting his teeth, he knew the only way to do this was to take her.

  Drake held her hips then slammed inside her sweet cunt in one thrust. She cried out, arching up, and her nails sank into his flesh. Rachel whimpered in his arms.

  Cupping her head, he claimed her lips to capture each whimper and moan. He hated causing her pain but saw no way to stop it.

  “I’ve got you, baby doll,” he said, whispering the words against her lips.

  Her cunt tightened around him. He remained still within her, kissing her lips and neck. Drake took his time to bring her pleasure, making sure she wasn’t in any pain.

  “Drake, please, do something.”

  Looking down into her eyes, he saw she frowned.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Move or do something, please.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You’re not hurting me. It feels good. Please.”

  She thrust up to his cock, and he slid a little deeper inside her. They moaned together, the sound echoing off the walls.

  “See, please, move, make love to me.”

  He’d been so concerned with hurting her that he’d not realized the hurting had stopped.

  “Give me your hands.”

bsp; Rachel locked her fingers with his, and he kept them beside her head. The condom kept him from feeling her naked heat. He was thankful for the rubber as he couldn’t stand to have children now. Drake wanted the time to enjoy her. With kids running around he wouldn’t get much time. The last thing he wanted was to grow jealous of his children for taking her time. At times he was a selfish bastard, but with this, he refused to budge.

  Sliding out of her heat, he watched her eyes dilate. She bit into her lip, and a moan escaped her lips. Her eyes gave everything away. She thrust up to meet him as he plunged into her warmth.

  Their moans mingled together. Leaning down, he claimed her lips and thrust his tongue inside her mouth in the same way his cock was her pussy.


  “I know. It’s fucking amazing. You’re so tight and hot.” Even through the condom he felt the heat of her sex surround him. Rearing back, he released her hands and watched his covered cock sliding in and out of her cunt. The inner red lips were open showing her swollen clit. Her slightly darker skin was a contrast to his pale body.

  Drake didn’t care about the color of her skin. He loved her mind, her body, the whole package.

  “Look at us, baby. Look how perfect we look.”

  Her gaze followed his, and she gasped. When they were married and he was ready to share her, he’d take her without a condom. He didn’t want her taking any pills. Drake was more than happy to deal with the protection for them. She deserved a man who was willing to do anything for her.

  The condoms were his choice.

  “Your cunt is so tight.” Gripping her hip, he thrust inside her going to the hilt until she was crying out with pleasure.

  Using his free hand, he stroked the swollen nub of her clit. She splintered apart with a few strokes. Her pussy squeezed his cock, making it tighter than a fist.

  Drake cursed as he fucked her harder, slamming all the way into her. He was the only man to take her, and knowing that sent a sharp jolt of heat through his body. There was no one else he wanted. All of his thoughts were dominated by Rachel.

  Plunging in one final time his release poured out of him spilling into the waiting condom. The blood pounded through his body making him feel dizzy. Collapsing over her, he held on tightly to her body while waiting for the pleasure to subside.


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