Savages: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance (Pawns of Patience Book 3)

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Savages: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance (Pawns of Patience Book 3) Page 3

by Cassie James

  Jax puts a hand out to stop me. “We’ve met Jan before. Dad hired her to sit with my mom for a few weeks the last time she was battling a pill problem. She knows how he is; she won’t take it personally.”

  He sounds so sincere about it that I back off. I still don’t like it, but Jax is right, Jan doesn’t look the least bit offended as she strolls out of the room, knitting in hand, and tells me I can find her in the library when Pearl’s ready for her again.

  Governor Woods gives his security guys instructions to stay out of the room, too, which surprises me. They took up a stance right by the doorway as the governor pointedly closes the door to the room between us. Now, it’s just me, Jax, and some rando security guys whose meaty thighs look like the size of almost my whole body. I shudder. They’re super intimidating.

  Jax, if he notices, doesn’t comment. Mostly because he’s too busy grabbing my arm and hauling me up the steps.

  “What are you doing?” I grit out as I try desperately to dig my bare feet into the ground. It’s not any use, Jax is a man on a mission right now and I’m just along for the ride. Until I realize he’s bee-lining straight for my bedroom.

  “Stop.” I grab onto the doorframe as he tries to push me into the room. “Jax, stop!”

  That finally gets his attention. “Stop yelling,” he hisses, eyes darting back toward the stairs. My eyes widen as I look at him, wondering if he’s for real. He’s dragging me to my bedroom, which is obviously really freaking me out, but he’s worried my being loud will attract attention? Uh, I hope it fucking does.

  “Let go of me,” I try again, though this time my voice sounds downright panicked. I’m not even that angry, just scared at this point.

  Jax lets go of me so fast it’s like I’m suddenly on fire and he’s scared of getting burnt. He stares at me like I’m some foreign object, instead of the girl he just manhandled through half the house. I don’t dare let go of the doorframe, worried he’s only trying to get me to let my guard down now.

  “I told you last time not to ever touch me again,” I remind him, watching his eyes flash as I bring up the last time he got too rough with me.

  “I wouldn’t have to drag your ass around if you would just do what I ask.” He crosses his arms as he leans back against the wall. He’s still within grabbing distance, but he looks slightly less threatening now with his relaxed posture. I loosen my grip just slightly—enough that my fingers stop cramping from holding on too tight.

  “You didn’t ask me to do anything! You just started dragging me up here like a caveman.” I shake my head, truly baffled by the nerve of him.

  “Because I knew you wouldn’t listen to me,” he snarks back.

  I can’t help myself. Really, I can’t. I let go of the wood of the doorframe and just fucking hit the hell out of him. In the stomach, in the arm, anywhere I can reach really. I hit him until some of the sudden rage is gone and I’m panting from the effort.

  “Are you done now?” he asks, not even the least bit fazed.

  I glare at him and hit him one more good time in the gut. He winces, much to my glee. At least I got one good hit in, even though he immediately straightens back up and acts like that one didn’t bother him either. Asshole.

  “Why did you make me think you didn’t care about Kathryn’s death?” I blurt out. This is so not the right time to be having this conversation, but it’s a question that’s been weighing on me for weeks.

  “Because I don’t.”

  “But your dad was the one that put the pressure on the police department to solve the case as quickly as they did. Didn’t you have something to do with that?” I can’t imagine Governor Woods doing anything like that on his own. Not after he tried to keep everything quietly swept under the rug and encouraged everyone not to talk.

  “Yeah, only because that’s what you wanted.” He frowns. “Wasn’t it?”

  “Yeah,” I say slowly. “That’s what any decent human being should want. No one’s parents or friends should have to go without answers after something like that. They deserved to know.”

  “I’m not going to pretend I give a shit about the Lassiters or Kathryn’s frenemies, Juliet. I made that happen because it was what you asked me for. Because you made that goddamn comment about how it could have been anyone—and then I couldn’t stop picturing that it could have been you.”

  There’s a level of emotion in his voice that makes me uncomfortable, mostly because I absolutely never hear him talk like that. This is why Smith told me to talk to Jax when he told me what the Governor had done. He already knew Jax had done it for me. He wanted Jax to have to tell me himself.

  I think back to what it was Ace said when I first brought Pearl home. “He’s here for you. Do you really not get that?” I’d doubted the truth of it at the time, but what if it’s not a scheme? What if Jax has feelings and this is the only way this asshole knows how to show it? Is that what everyone but me has already seen? But god, it’s hard to forget what an asshole Jax has been. The way he’s humiliated me and tried to run me off. It seems like a lot of cruelty to throw at someone just to turn around and decide you care for them. Enough to manipulate a whole police investigation.

  “I don’t know what you want me to say,” I admit, too many negative emotions still swirling inside of me to play nice with him. “You did something you should have done in the first place, so I’m not exactly ready to hand you a blue ribbon for being a decent person.”

  Anger flashes in his eyes. “The police department couldn’t get the job done. I fucked Cece, all so I could get ahold of her phone and prove her alibi was bullshit. She coached that freshman into saying they hooked up when they didn’t. I got that proof for them. I handed them the solution to that case.”

  That makes so much damn sense and answers so many questions for me. Like why on earth Jax fucked Cece on Valentine’s Day when it was so obvious he couldn’t stand her. Or how he ended up so buddy-buddy with the cop that led her arrest. The part that baffles me is that he’s acting like I should be appreciative when really all I feel is gross. I never asked him to do those things. I just wanted him to make sure Kathryn had a fair shot.

  “I’m glad it was taken care of.” Seriously, what else can I say right now?

  Jax stalks toward me, gaining on me even as I try to take two steps back for each one he takes forward. There’s a predatory look in his eyes that makes me nervous—and makes me wish I never let go of the doorframe. He stalks me across the room until the backs of my knees hit the bed, my stomach sinking as I realize this was exactly what he wanted.

  “What do you want?” I snap at him, trying to sound more confident than I feel.

  “I did all that shit for you.” His voice sounds slightly strangled. “So what do I want?” He hesitates, and for a second I think we’re finally getting somewhere. That he might find it in himself to be sincere for once, instead of being such an ass. Instead, he growls out, “What I want is to know how you’re planning to thank me.”

  “Dammit, Jax.” I shove him back, and to my surprise he lets me. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “You tell me,” he shoots back, scowling like I’m the one in the wrong here.

  I don’t get him. It’s not even like he’s hot and cold with me—unless you count the heat of him coming onto me and the coldness of him being an ass about it. This would actually be a little easier if he was ever just freaking nice like a normal person. He’s really fucked up, but when I think of the man downstairs, am I really that surprised? It’s not like Ed Woods is a beacon of warmth and love.

  These last few weeks have been too much, and now this just feels like a breaking point. I’m tired of playing this weird game with him. But I haven’t forgotten the first day of school, and the way I won at the game of chicken he created. Jax Woods does not like to be caught off guard.

  Which is why I throw myself at him, latching my arms around his neck as I kiss the ever loving hell out of him. He doesn’t even kiss me back at first, but I lick the
seam of his mouth to encourage him to open for me, and after that all hell breaks loose. He takes over control, his tongue pushes mine exactly where he wants it as his hands cup my ass, pulling me harder against him. Just as I start to feel myself losing complete control, I remember what I was doing in the first place.

  He lets me go when I push against his chest, his eyes hooded as he blows out a long breath and watches me carefully. I grab the hem of my tank top and pull it over my head, reveling in the way uncertainty passes over his face.

  When I unbutton my pants and start pushing those down my legs, he lunges for me. I’m half-afraid this plan is about to go horribly wrong, until I feel him yank my shorts back up my legs. “Dammit, Juliet.”

  “What? Isn’t this what you wanted?” I taunt him, twisting so he can’t quite get my shorts all the way back up. He’s leaned down a little reaching for my shorts, so I arch my back to thrust my chest right into his face.

  He hesitates, and for a second I can see his weakening resolve. Shit, I can even feel my own resolve weakening. If he doesn’t put a stop to this, I’m not sure I’ll be able to, either.

  But he does, stepping back, completely out of reach as he looks at something just past my head instead of looking at my nearly exposed body. Funny how he’s the one that dragged me here and now he’s acting like an innocent schoolboy. Funny how easily the tables are turned when he realizes I’m better at this game of chicken then he is.

  I’m starting to realize that despite what an asshole Jax is—and he definitely is—he’s not nearly as much of a brute as he wants me to think. That last time, he really wanted me to think he would force himself on me without a second thought. This time, I see that’s not at all true.

  “I said,” I continue to taunt him, “isn’t this what you wanted? C’mon, Jax. Here I am. Do your worst.” I hold my arms out, offering myself up to him on a silver platter. It doesn’t get any easier than this, but he still doesn’t look at me. “What, now you don’t want to fuck me? Performance anxiety?”

  He can’t ignore that one, eyes cutting over to me with sheer disgust. “I’ll fuck you when you beg me to, and not a goddamn second sooner. You are going to beg me, Juliet.” He turns and is gone before I get a chance to respond. It’s probably for the best. I wanted to tell him fat chance of that, but only one of us can be right, and I’m starting to worry that it might actually be him.

  By the time I’ve collected myself and made it back downstairs, Jax is nowhere to be found. Governor Woods’ security team is still standing guard, though, so I hover nearby, hoping that he’ll finish up soon.

  A few minutes later, I get my wish. The security goons step to the side to let Governor Woods pass, the sitting-room door slamming open against the wall as he yanks it with far too much force. Whatever happened in there, he obviously isn’t pleased.

  He storms right past me, not bothering to acknowledge my presence at all. My first real thought is that I only hope he hasn’t upset Pearl, especially when she’s only lucid about two-thirds of the time. I don’t want her to waste that precious time on an asshole like this.

  “Have a nice day,” I call out sarcastically to his back.

  He freezes halfway to the door, turning back to me with a stone-faced expression. My face heats as he says just one thing: “Your lip gloss is smeared.”

  Chapter Four

  It’s hard to believe the summer is already half over. I’m bent over, seeking out something new to read from the shelves in Hollis’ office when a whistle startles me. I turn to see Ace taking up the whole doorway, watching me with his shoulder butting up against the frame. To the casual observer, he would look easygoing standing there like that, but I don’t miss the way his muscles are bunched below the surface. He’s worked up, even if he’s not showing it. It’s nice to know he’s not immune to my charms—and by charms, I obviously mean my ass.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask as I walk towards him and he meets me in the middle of the room. I wrap my arms around him and breathe him in. It’s been too long since I’ve seen any of my guys. I haven’t wanted to steal their summers away from them, even though every single one of them has bitched at me for seeing it that way.

  “Your aunt made the nurse call and threaten my life if I didn’t come get you out of the house,” he answers with zero humor in his voice. I know Pearl well enough to know he’s not joking. Plus, the nurse on duty right now is this tiny little thing that’s absolutely terrified of Pearl and does everything she asks without question—even if it’s threatening a teenage boy with murder.

  I raise my eyebrows, surprised that Ace was the first call, more than anything else. He shakes his head sheepishly, reading my mind. “The other guys are all out of town. I’m pretty sure she actually tried to call Jax first, but lucky for you this is Ed Woods’ Hamptons week. It’s the only vacation he actually takes with the family all year, mostly just so they can get Fourth of July photos for his website.”

  “Well, I’m glad it’s you.” I pull at him until he lowers his head to me, offering me his lips but letting me take the lead.

  It’s the first real kiss I’ve gotten to share with him. There’s nothing behind it. No alcohol, no emotional vulnerability, nothing. This kiss is one just for us. For no reason other than wanting to kiss each other because we care for each other.

  His mouth parts for me almost immediately as I keep trying to inch closer. As I kiss him, my squirming must get to him, because he pulls back and lets out a groan. Before I know what’s happening, he’s pushing me up against a row of bookshelves, his hands lifting me by the ass as he pulls me up to a more comfortable height. I wrap my legs around him, marveling at how easily he holds me up.

  Ace blinks at me, looking shocked himself about how we ended up here. If I weren’t so damn hot right now, I might laugh. Instead, I whimper. I don’t mean to, it just slips out. This guy is hot as hell in the best kind of way because it’s like he has no idea how goddamn sexy he is.

  He’s so open and vulnerable, but also just so damn masculine in the way he carries himself. Partially because of his size. A guy this big could never be mistaken for anything but masculine, honestly. Not to mention the other decidedly masculine thing about him, which I just so happen to be rubbing up against like I’m in heat or something. But it feels so fucking good.

  Ace’s mouth descends on mine, not giving me a chance to second guess how forward I’m being with him. He must like it, a little voice says in the back of my head, otherwise why would he pin you up against the wall like this? No, not just the wall, the bookshelves.

  This is like the ultimate wet dream right here.

  Until he pulls away and groans out, “We should stop.”

  What? No! Fuck me against the bookshelves, right fucking now! I think it, but I don’t say it out loud. I nod my head as he backs up so he can let me down. I don’t make it easy for him, forcing him to let me slide straight down his body and getting an excellent feel of his body in the process. Can’t blame a girl for wanting to feel the goods—not when the goods are this good.

  “Sorry, I just—”

  “It’s okay, you don’t have to explain. Stop means stop, Ace. For any reason.” And even though Jax and I apparently aren’t living by that same rule, I’m not about to pressure Ace into anything. There’s still a sore spot in my chest whenever I think about what Celia Harrington did to him. She never should have put hands on him, and I think that makes me pay ten times more attention to making sure I’m not putting him in an uncomfortable position.

  Thinking about Celia makes my eyes automatically move to his arm. There’s still a small scar where Celia stabbed him over Spring Break. He catches me looking and rubs a finger along the ridged edge.

  “I don’t want this to plague us forever,” he tells me, making me feel bad for drawing attention back to this topic. “What happened with Celia was fucked up, but it has nothing to do with us. I want you. Trust me.” He blows out a long breath. “But right now, I’ve gotta get you outta
here before Pearl makes good on her promise to have a hitman take me out. If anyone has actual hitmen running around somewhere, my money’s definitely on Pearl Lexington.” He shudders.

  “Fine.” I pout. “Where are you taking me, then?”

  “Home,” he answers with a grin.

  One of my eyebrows goes up as his grin morphs into a secretive little smile. “Your home?”

  He nods, but doesn’t offer anything more than that. Still, I can feel excitement bubbling up when I remember what Patrick told me about Ace’s house. A horse farm. There definitely aren’t horse farms in Nikon Park.

  “Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s go!” I give him a shove, thinking I might push him towards the door. I’m hilarious. Ace doesn’t budge an inch.

  “Did you really think that would work?” he teases.

  This guy… he’s really something else. All the heaviness of these past weeks seems to melt away as he takes me home with him for the first time. There’s just something about Ace that makes being with him easy. I’m glad he’s the one I’m spending this time away with for a little while. That feeling amplifies tenfold when we pull through the gates to his family’s property.

  My eyes are practically glued to the window as we drive down a long, winding driveway, passing fields dotted with horses. There’s a big barn out to the side, Ace stops there instead of pulling all the way around to the house. He barely has the car in park before I’m jumping out, my wide eyes trying to take everything in at once.

  “If I’d known this was the way to your heart, I would have brought you here a long time ago.” Ace grins as he comes around the car to take my hand. “Let me show you the babies.”

  Baby animals. Damn. Ace really knows the way to a girl’s heart.

  We walk hand-in-hand into the barn, my eyes going impossibly wider as I realize this wasn’t at all what I was expecting. This place has to be state-of-the art. I might not know much about horses or farms, but even I can see that this place is big money. Especially since on top of the facilities being stunning, there are at least a dozen people meandering about, doing work that I don’t exactly understand but that looks important.


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