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Cocky Prick: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 24

by Tessa Thorne

  Meet me at La Cigogone. I need a drink.

  Sarah’s not going to judge me for drinking at 10 a.m. Besides, a little mimosa with a late breakfast never hurt anyone. I tuck the phone back in my purse. It’s a little weird having a secret cellphone, but I think it’s weirder finding your mom going through a printout of all your texts from the phone company. I supposed that's the price of having a phone on the family plan in the Pavoni familia.

  The Corolla whines to life with a turn of the key, and I pull up to the guarded gateway. Phil nods to me with a smile and brings the gate up, and I pull out with barely enough space to clear the slowly rising gateway.

  This is going to be a long day.

  Chapter Three


  Heavy bass beats pulse out from the entrance to Hush. I instinctively bob my head to the beat. I have to admit, whoever runs this place has good taste in DJs. The club is packed for a Wednesday night. At 11 p.m., there's already a long line snaking around the corner. It’s your usual Brooklyn crowd. Local hipsters in their mid-twenties, in stark contrast to the Manhattan bankers looking to enjoy a night out in Brooklyn. Clueless tourists wearing jorts and t-shirts who are going to be waiting in line until they give up or the club shuts down. Places like these are always at capacity for people who don’t look the part.

  The guys I’m looking for will be standing out like a family of Norwegians in Afghanistan. They're wise guys in cheap suits, acting like lords among peasants. The ones working security are only associates or soldiers at best. They're just guys on the outside, trying unsuccessfully to dress the part and hoping to work their way up into the big leagues. It's like there's an unofficial dress code of sorts that involves wearing ill-fitting pinstripe suits with cheap patent leather shoes. Their hair is always slicked back with dollops of pomade as they walk around surrounded by clouds of their expensive cologne. I've never met a young wise guy who didn't spend more on his cologne than their girls do on perfume and shoes combined.

  I blend in with the crowd easily despite my size. I'm wearing a plain white t-shirt over a pair of close-fitting dark jeans. An old belt I picked up at a thrift shop and my full sleeve tattoos round out my look.

  I skip the line, lean into the doorman and subtly pass him a Benjamin. The right look, confidence, and some cash lubricant are all it takes to get into the most exclusive places in the city. Most people fail because they can’t convince themselves that they belong in places like this.

  I ignore the dirty looks I get from the line and walk past the bouncer into the club. The doorway opens into a huge open space lit by multicolored lasers, glowing fog, and pulsing strobe lights. I stand by a woofer that's almost as tall as I am, letting the bass pulse through my bones as I survey the club.

  Waitresses in leather booty shorts and crop tops carrying champagne bottles over their heads weave their way through the gyrating crowd. The champagne bottles are topped with sparklers and are intended for the well-moneyed crowd at the VIP tables. The bars lining the walls of the club are crowded with club-goers who can't afford bottle service.

  I make my way across the dance floor, heading for the bar on the far side of the club to get a better vantage point. The security is the standard fare—huge guys in staff t-shirts who look like bikers or college football players. Big guys, but it's unlikely they can actually fight. In addition, I take note of the wise guys in charge. I've spotted at least four of them. That count includes the two outside, plus another two inside, but not Rizzo. After finding the picture Tommy mentioned of his crew partying at Hush, I decided Rizzo would be easier to get to first. Now I just have to find him.

  A young blonde spots me pushing through the crowd and tries to grind her ass on my crotch. She’s a tight little thing with a nice face, and on any other night I would take her home and fuck her brains out. But fucking’s not on the menu tonight. She pouts her pink lips as I gently move past her.

  The crowd at this bar is heavy and packed in tightly. Men are waving cash around, trying to get their orders in to the bartenders. Competing against them are women flashing cleavage.

  I press my way through the pack, drawing glares and complaints. But they turn away, lowering their eyes and voices as soon as they realize who’s moving through. Thick crowds like this bring out the animal in us. There’s no place like a club, thick with hormones and testosterone, to show you where you belong in the pack.

  Another guy tries to follow through in my wake, only to be shouldered back. A curse word is followed by a shove and it quickly devolves into a fight.

  I pause and watch, impressed by how quickly the security responds. The two are soon separated, and both are escorted out despite their friends’ protests. They should have let it play out. Fights between these boys shouldn’t even really be called fights. It’s just posturing and shoving. No real harm can come from it.

  I make my way to the front of the bar and find myself in front of an empty stool with a simple black purse sitting on it. This isn’t the type of purse you’d expect at a place like this. I’d guess it was bought at a Marshalls or T.J. Maxx.

  My heart misses a beat, and my cock stirs in my jeans as my eyes fall on the woman sitting on the stool next to the cheap purse. She’s beyond hot. Her thick, shiny black hair falls past her bare shoulders. Her large breasts press against her dress, begging to be set free. Her gold heels are propped up on the brass footrest running the length of the bar. My eyes move slowly from her painted red toenails up to her creamy pale thighs. Shit, I want this girl bad. But I've got to keep on target. Can’t get distracted tonight.

  Reluctantly I move on even though I'm already picturing her crimson lips wrapped around my thick cock. Hush is huge, and I have a lot of ground to cover still. I push through the sea of people, envious how most of them have nothing but booze, drugs, and sex on their minds. I'll never have that kind of simplicity in my life. The next bar I move to is just as crowded as the one I just left, and there isn't anyone else who can hold a candle to that mysterious woman with the black hair.

  There's no sign of Rizzo either.

  I'm starting to get frustrated with my lack of leads, but if I'm being honest, I'm also getting frustrated with myself. Why am I thinking about pussy when I need to keep myself focused on finding more of the men responsible for my family's murder?

  I cut through the dance floor to get to the bar on the right side of the club. There’s a group of young girls drinking cocktails out of bright plastic cups, waving dildos in the air. Obviously they're a bachelorette party. I take a nice easy path right through the thick of things. As I'm cutting through, one of the girls grabs onto the back of my shirt and tries to pull me into their circle, but I tug my shirt out of her fingers and leave them to the drunken idiots gathering around them like flies on honey.

  Rizzo’s not at this bar either. Shit. If Tommy was lying about Rizzo working this place, he could have been lying about everything. But I could have sworn he was telling the truth. I round my way around the club again and find myself back at the far bar. I push my way back through the crowd. The crowd’s about the same size as before, but the faces are different. I hope the bartenders here get paid well for churning through this many people so quickly.

  I scan the crowd looking for Rizzo, but there’s no one that fits his description. I find my eyes drawn again to the woman sitting next to the empty stool. God, she’s gorgeous. I can't believe no one's next to her or even talking to her. Just my luck to find ass worth dying for and be unable to take advantage.

  I tear my eyes away from her and head to the bathroom. Rizzo slings drugs on the side. I should have thought to check the bathrooms earlier. My mind’s too clouded with visions of the mystery woman's sweet tits bouncing in my face. There’s a long line leading into the bathroom, and I skip it over the protest of the pissed guys waiting in line. One of them is dumb enough to grab at my shoulder, and he ends up paying for it with a sprained wrist and probably a broken finger.

  I wait in the line inside, preten
ding I gotta piss. I grin as I spot my mark. Five-foot-six, about a hundred and sixty pounds. Black hair with an undercut and an ace of spades tattooed on his neck. Fucking classic goon.

  I clench my fists by my sides and feel my knuckles crack. Heat rushes into my face as I picture his face pulverized under my fists. But I can’t make my move tonight. I have to be more careful about this if I want to live long enough to get the man who ordered my family dead.

  I stay in line long enough to get to a urinal and take a piss. I don’t want to draw any attention on my way out. I need to case the joint and get an idea of Rizzo’s movements to find the best spot to get the drop on him. There’s only a painful death in store for me if I’m impatient.

  I take a leak and head back out into the club, and aim once more for the far bar. Might as well get myself a drink before I head out now that my work is done. It’ll look less suspicious too if I’ve drawn any attention, although I doubt I have. Most people here are already drunk. I head to the front of the bar and find myself staring at the raven-haired beauty.

  That cheap purse is still on the seat next to her. I pick it up, pull the stool back to make room for my legs and slide into the seat. She looks up at me from the paperwork she’s working on at the bar. Her eyes are big and dark, and they widen as soon as they fall on me. Her luscious red lips open, but whatever sass she was about to spit my way gets stuck in her throat.

  I want to grab her by the back of her slender neck and crush my lips against her, but instead I hold out the purse for her. “This your purse, sweetheart?”

  She twists her bright red lips at my last word, and I widen my grin.

  “Yeah, thanks.” Her voice is low. I can barely hear her over the music. She takes the purse and puts it down on her paperwork, covering up whatever is important enough for her to work on in a club.

  “Are you saving this seat for a friend?” I ask the question even though I already know the answer. This girl was expecting to be left alone tonight. How she'd expect that, looking like she does in a place like this, is a question I want to ask with my cock buried deep inside her.

  “No. Feel free to take the seat.” There’s sarcasm in her voice. She’s used to having her way. She shakes her head and rests her face against her hand. I can see her looking at me out of the corner of her eyes through her fingers, taking in every detail of the tattoos on my arm.

  I order two glasses of Hudson Baby Bourbon, neat, and pull my stool closer to hers. “How is it that a girl like you manages to get left alone in a place like this?”

  She puts her hand down over her paperwork and looks at me. There’s an edge of nervousness in her eyes. Like she’s not used to being hit on. How’s that possible?

  “Maybe most men who come to this club just know when a woman wants to be left alone,” she says sharply.

  Behind her, a woman turns around to slap a man in the face. “Hey!” she yells, “Get your hand off my ass!”

  The skinny guy with the fedora, handlebar mustache, and glowing red cheek takes a step toward the offended girl and gets a cosmo in the face for his trouble.

  I cock an eyebrow at the pale beauty. She looks at me and laughs. “Okay, maybe that’s not why.”

  “So, is that what you're working on?” I nod my head at her paperwork. “Is it a list of guys you’ve killed for hitting on you at the bar? Is that why they all leave you alone?”

  She laughs again and shakes her head. Her hair dances around her high cheeks. The sound of her laugh sends a tingle up my spine. There’s something special about this girl. I need to have her.

  “It’s just work.” She closes the folder over the paperwork as I lean in to get a look.

  I turn to her and catch her dark eyes with mine. “Well now that you're done with work, have a drink with me.” Just in time, the bartender puts down the drinks I ordered, and I slide one toward her.

  She looks at the drink and bites her full bottom lip. The sight of that makes my cock twitch in anticipation. God damn, I need to take this woman home. Just looking at her makes me forget why I came here in the first place.

  “You really shouldn’t let bourbon like this go to waste.” I pick up my drink. “Whoever stocks this bar knows what they’re doing.” She smiles like she wants to tell me a secret. She looks at me from under long lashes, and after a moment of hesitation picks up the drink. I raise my glass to my lips as she raises hers. Without hesitating I drink half, relishing the sweet burn in my mouth. She takes a decent sip, puckering her lips, and I see her eyes flickering to her side.

  She’s taking a peek at a wise guy who’s keeping a close eye on her from beyond the crowd at the bar. That must be why she’s untouchable. She’s been claimed by one of the Pavonis. All the more reason to take her to her home and fuck her till she screams my name.

  She puts the drink back down and gives me a small smile. Her lips have made a red impression on the rim of the glass. It makes me picture her marks smeared all over my body, and my cock twitches at the thought. Her eyes dart to the side again, trying to hide the fact that she’s subtly keeping an eye on the wise guy watching her.

  She shifts her body toward me, her knees mere inches from my thighs. She leans forward slowly, giving me a hint of her pale cleavage. “Now that we’ve had a drink together, it’s probably best for you to go.” I don’t believe she means that for one second. She’s just worried about the Mafiosi watching her. No woman has riled me up this badly before, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to walk away from her just because some Mafioso thinks he owns her. You only own what you can keep, and I mean to make her mine.

  “Is that what you want, or are you worried about what the guy in the cheap pinstripes thinks?”

  Her mouth opens in surprise. She didn’t think she’d given it away. “It’s not like that.”

  “It’s not like what?” I ask, leaning in. She doesn’t pull back, but her eyes shift over to her watcher. I can tell she wants me as bad as I want her, but she’s nervous.

  “From what I can tell, there’s only one reason no one’s been trying to take you home tonight.” I put my hand on her knee and rub her soft skin with my thumb. I can see the goosebumps running up her legs in the dim light. “You’ve been claimed by someone you don’t want, and you haven't found a guy with a pair on him large enough to risk taking you home.”

  She smiles coyly, and she takes a quick sip of her drink. “And you think you've got a pair large enough?” she asks with her full lips twisted into a smirk.

  “I know I do.” I run my hand up her thigh to the edge of her dress. She draws in a sharp breath, swelling her breasts. “Come home with me. I promise you the best night you’ve ever had.”

  She takes another delicate sip of her drink as I finish mine. She leans in close to me, turning to give me a better view of her cleavage. I love it when a girl gets playful. She’s making me want to bite. “And what would you do with me if I went home with you?”

  My glass clinks against the copper bar. I lean in close and whisper loud enough in her ear to be heard over the music. “I’m going to tear your clothes off, lick your pussy until you beg for my cock, and then fuck you so hard you’ll never be satisfied with another man again.” She coughs into her drink, and her face flushes a deep red. God, she’s so innocent. She’s never even heard a man willing to tell her what he wants to do with her. No woman this gorgeous should be forced to live like that.

  She puts her drink down, keeping her hands clasped around the glass and turns slightly toward me. “It’s going to get ugly if Pinstripes sees your hand on my thighs.”

  I watch her breathe in as I brush my thumb just under the hem of her dress. “I know you like my hand just where it is.”

  She looks down between her elbows at my hand on her pale thigh. I can feel her trembling beneath my touch. “We can’t all have what we want.”

  “Depends on how badly you want it.” She draws in another sharp breath as I slide my hand a bit farther up her thigh. She turns to face a couple next to u
s as they grab their drinks and leave the bar. She must be worried that Rizzo will catch a glimpse of my hand on her leg through the shifting crowd.

  “I don’t want anyone to get hurt.” She means it, too. I can see the look of concern in her eyes.

  “How about you give me your name, and promise to pick up where we left off when you’re away from prying eyes?” I take my hand off her thigh and take out my wallet, counting out cash for our drinks.

  She tilts her head and smiles. “It might be a while.”

  I stand up, pushing the stool back toward the bar. “Let me worry about that.”

  She speaks quietly. “My name’s Alessandra.”

  “Name’s Gio.” I grin at her. “Catch you again soon.”

  Chapter Four


  The register slides shut with a loud bang. The janitorial staff left thirty minutes ago. The only people left are Marco and me.

  “Ready to go home, ma’am?” He’s always so formal, even when we're alone. I’ve asked him to stop, but I don’t think that’s something I’ll ever get him to change. I know he’s interested in me, but he’s never had the balls to risk my father’s wrath. It’s not that I’m interested in him, but it’d be nice to be noticed once in a while. Instead, everyone's always too scared to approach me. That’s why I couldn’t help but play along with Gio, at least for a little while. Of course, the fact that he had a perfect face and a body like a football player didn't hurt, either.


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