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The Difference of Life: A Rachel Waldman Novel (Romance, Contemporary, Women's Fiction)

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by Rachel Rachel Waldman

  The Difference of Life

  By:Rachel Waldman

  This book is dedicated to my best-friend Amber who showed me how creative and special I am and to my little sister Michelle who never turned down an opportunity to listen to my latest chapter.

  Would you agree with the separation of people from different races or religions? Humans have gotten farther than our world has with equality. In your world races have equal rights along with women and your freedom with religion. In our world we are separated by pure breeds and mix breeds, the freaks is what they call us; we are treated differently. But if you are a women and a freak you have less rights, you are married off after your thirteenth year.

  Our council picks out who we are to be married to; of course pure breeds have first pick. My mother was pure; she was an elf and went against the rules to marry my father, he is a mix between a fairy and a unicorn.

  The only reason why our family wasn’t killed for such a marriage is because my great grandfather was on the council at the time. After their marriage he mysteriously disappeared and was never heard from again but once a council member makes a decision it is law and my great grandfather risked his life to try and make a change.


  Chapter 1 - The Pures

  Chapter 2 - New Feelings

  Chapter 3 - Getting Ready

  Chapter 4 - True Colors

  Chapter 5 - My New Job

  Chapter 6 - Busted

  Chapter 7 - Meet the Family

  Chapter 8 - Life is Precious

  Chapter 9 - Never Bloomed

  Chapter 10 - New Happiness

  Chapter 11 - History is Present

  Chapter 12 -The Right Guy and a New Beginning

  The Pures

  “Bay, you’re going to be late for school! Wake up!” My mother called up to my room. “I made elf cakes!”

  “I’ll be right down!” I groaned from my bed. “Maybe just a few more-”

  “Now, sweetheart!” She screeched as I got out of bed and brushed my long golden chestnut brown hair with my hand. I got dressed into my light pink dress and flew down the stairs into the kitchen. “Bay, I have told you no flying in the house.”

  “Sorry mom I over slept and Eve will be here any moment.” I said taking a bite of my elfcakes.

  “I tried to wake you several times. You didn’t listen.” My mom said doing the dishes.

  The doorbell rang. “That’s Eve, got to go mom.” I smiled kissing her on the cheek. “See you tonight.” I shouted over my shoulder leaving out the door.

  “Hey.” Eve said in her cheery voice (She is a mix between a sentor and an elf. She has a horse body and elf ears. Her hair is amber with light blond streaks in it and her eyes were hazel. Changed color according to her mood it seemed.).

  “Hey, what’s up?” I questioned closing my door.

  “My parents are unbelievable! You know how it’s my birthday this weekend, right? Well they have already chosen a suitor for me! Ugh I don’t want to marry and breed with a nymph! Our babies will be more of a freak than I am!”

  “Not to mention small.” I laughed. “How are you guys actually going to have sex?” I asked in a low voice.

  “I don’t even want to think about that.” Eve said shaking her head. “Oh Bay I hope you are luckier when they marry you off next month.”

  “Damn I haven’t even thought about my birthday at all. I wonder who the council has chosen for me.”

  “Sweetheart, it’s better if you don’t think about that. I really wanted to be set up with Spencer.”

  “Spencer? Eve he is a pure. The council would never set you up with him.”

  “I know but it’s still nice to dream. It could happen and come on Bay you can’t tell me he isn’t gorgeous.”

  “Yeah and he is also the most popular guy in school not to mention his dad is the head of the council. Everybody has a thing for Spencer.”

  “Everyone but you.” She laughed while we sat down at our desks. “How can you not find him attractive?”

  “I don’t know stuck up isn’t really my type.” I said as Ms. Green flew in through the window.

  “Alright class settle down. We have a lot of work to do and no time for dallying. Everyone take out your homework and turn to page fifty in your biology textbook. I will come around to collect your homework and replace it with a quiz. So get to the studying. You have ten minutes.” She said sitting at her desk and pulling out some papers.

  Class went by with no excitement what so ever, just like every day. Ms. Green gave us homework on pages 50 through 55 because everyone failed the pop quiz she sprung on us. It was lunch time and lunch time is the only time when we even get to see the pures roam. Of course they are blocked off but we still look at them and wonder what it might have been like to be perfect.

  “Bay you were supposed to wait for me after you got your lunch. I was stuck with Jason behind me the whole time. Talking to me about nonsense.”

  “Nonsense? Eve come on he was only talking nonsense because you weren’t actually listening to him.” I laughed.

  “Yeah well I don’t know what he was talking about but it had something to do with his arranged marriage. He was trying to tell me something about that, why would he think I would even be interested in who he was arranged to?” She questioned as we sat down at our usual lunch table as close to the pures as we were ever allowed to be to them.

  “I don’t know maybe you are the-”

  “Bay, don’t even finish that statement. I couldn’t even imagine that.”

  “You might not have to.” I whispered.

  “Whatever new subject before I vomit. Have you seen what Spencer is wearing today? He is so gorgeous.” Eve said staring at the pures’ table.

  “Eve get over it. He is unreachable.” I said taking a second to actually look at him. Okay so he was attractive and had the most amazing smile that anybody could have but he was already taken by the daughter of his father’s best friend who is also a member of the council.

  “Can you believe Miss Lena gets to be with that for the rest of her life? They are both elves and apparently perfect for each other.” Eve sighed rolling her eyes.

  “Perfect for each other? Please, the only people that even come close to perfect, is my parents. They fought for who they loved and still look at us…we can’t even choose who we marry.”

  “At least we still have our dreams. They can’t take that away from us.”

  “Just watch them. If they wanted to, they could.” I sighed watching Spencer kiss Lena. “You would think they would have PDA rules here.”

  “They do, for us. Apparently it’s gross to watch us be happy…”

  “Yeah…” I sighed as the bell rang.

  “Come on let’s get to class. We don’t want to be late for Mr. Barners lecture on Shakespeare.” She giggled getting up.

  “Yeah I’ll be right behind you.” I said as she galloped off into the direction of our English class. I started walking behind her and was bumped into by Lena.

  “Watch where you are going freak!” She shouted at me.

  “Me? You were the one who wasn’t watching and you just think because you are pure you can push all of us ‘freaks’ around? Well I’ve got news for you sweetheart I won’t take it. I have as many rights as you do.”

  “Actually you don’t.” She laughed. “Spencer, can you believe this freak trying to stand up to me? Not knowing her place? People like you are a disgrace to our race.”

  “Lena, come
on just leave it alone.” Spencer said taking her hand.

  “Leave her alone?” She questioned slapping his hand away from hers. “You should be ashamed of yourself. Your dad is the head of the council he would expect better of you.” She said walking off.

  “Are you okay?” Spencer asked as everyone followed after Lena.

  “Yeah I’m fine. Thanks.”

  “For what? That was all you. I have never seen anybody stand up to Lena like that. It was cute.” He laughed as he started walking to his class.

  “Wait!” I shouted catching up with him. “You can’t just say something like that and walk away.”

  “Listen you seem like a nice girl and all but I can’t be seen talking to you.”

  “That’s right because you are pure. You can’t be seen talking to anybody who isn’t, that would ruin your rep. wouldn’t it? I knew it. I knew you would all be the same.” I sighed. “You know I thought you might be different but you aren’t. You have the power that no one else has but you choose to ignore it.”

  “What power?”

  “The power to change how this world is ran; to change segregation so pures and freaks can have a conversation. But I guess you don’t think that way, my bad.” I said flying to Mr. Barner’s classroom.

  “You’re late Miss. Bay.”

  “I know I’m sorry it’s just-”

  “I don’t want to hear it. Just go take your seat.” He sighed waving me away.

  “I thought you were right behind me.” Eve whispered to me once I sat down.

  “Ugh, I was but Lena bumped into me and Spencer was there.”

  “Spencer? What did he say?”

  “Eve get over him. He is a jerk.”

  “Quite!” Mr. Barners shouted. “Alright now we can move on to Shakespeare. He was a smart man, like yours truly.” He smiled turning to the board. “Now Bay what is the answer?”


  “Took too long! Eve!”

  “The answer is Romeo and Juliet.” Eve smiled.

  “Correct!” He shouted smiling at her. “Extra credit!”

  “Thank you.” She giggled.

  “Eve cut it out! You’re such a flirt!” I said pushing her arm.

  “I’m just playing.” She smiled.

  School ended the way it always did, with a bell. I packed up my things and headed to 45th street. “Okay class today we are going to paint a picture on how you see yourself.” I said putting my stuff down at my desk at the front of my classroom.

  “Miss. Bay what if we see ourselves as ourselves?”

  “Well than paint yourself.” I smiled.

  I walked around and looked at all the paintings the kids were painting. “Perry that’s beautiful.” I said looking at his canvas. “Who is that?”

  “That’s me, Miss. Bay. It’s how I see myself, a warrior who isn’t afraid of anything, a warrior who doesn’t need their dad and can become anything.”

  “Perfect.” I smiled. “Okay that’s all for today. Wait outside for your parents to pick you up.” I said as they all jumped up and ran for the door. I sighed and started cleaning up the paint mess.

  I was finally done with cleaning up the mess the kids left in the classroom. I walked outside and saw Perry sitting on the corner, kicking a rock. “Perry where is your parents?”

  “My brother is picking me up.” He sighed. “He is just a little late that’s all.”

  “Alright, I’ll stay with you until he comes.”

  “I don’t know if that would be such a good idea, Miss. Bay.”

  “Perry I told you to stay by the tree!” A man’s voice shouted behind us.

  “You are the brother-Spencer?” I questioned as I turned around.

  “Perry I told you-”

  “You are late!” He shouted getting up. “My mom said you would pick me up! You are just like my father who forgot about us and left! You-”

  “Alright Perry calm down.” Spencer said walking over to him.

  “Yes Perry can you give me a moment to talk to your brother about our rules here?”

  “Yes, Miss. Bay.” Perry said walking over to the tree.

  “I don’t know if-”

  “Spencer, we have rules here and they need to be followed. Kids are to be picked up right after class and before I leave. I have things to do after this class.”

  “I have an arrangement with my father.”

  “Your father? You can’t even risk your reputation for your own brother?”

  “This is none of your business!”

  “These are my kids! They come here to forget!” I shouted. “You want me to show you what Perry painted today?”

  “No I-”

  “Let me show you.” I said walking to the door, unlocking it and turning on the light. “He painted this.” I said pulling off the sheet. “Do you know who it is? It’s him. I asked them to paint how they saw themselves and this is what he painted.”

  “I don’t understand what this has to do with me.”

  “Wow.” I said sarcastically laughing. “You don’t even care. You don’t care that you have a brother who is mixed. He is your own flesh and bloo-”

  “No he isn’t! He is my dad’s mistake not mine!”

  “Can you hear yourself? It’s my dad’s mistake? Now we are a mistake?!” I shouted. “Maybe you do belong with Lena! You guys are both on your high horse! Thinking you’re better than us freaks!”

  “You think I like being treated the way pures are treated? I have a reputation, yes but it doesn’t define me, thank you very much. But my father’s mistake has nothing to do with me! He chose to cheat on my mother! You think I like the way I found out about Perry?!” He shouted as I put the sheet back over Perry’s painting. “I found out because I was the one who answered the door. The day Perry was born Heather showed up at our cottage. She lived a couple cottages down from us. She is a beautiful fairy with translucent pink wings; she was a pure. I was sent to my room and my dad closed the door behind them to talk outside. He didn’t anticipate that I would open my window and listen in. I didn’t like what I heard or saw.” Spencer said sitting down. “My dad looked around to make sure nobody was watching and then he kissed her! Kissed her!” He shouted jumping up. “This women that wasn’t my mother! Once he realized the baby was his he wanted nothing to do with Perry or Heather.” He sighed and started walking out of the classroom. “Listen thanks for looking after Perry for me but if you tell anyone, I will make sure the council kills you.”

  “You wouldn’t.” I said eyeing him.

  “Watch me, I have connections.” He smiled over his shoulder and he was gone.

  New Feelings

  “Bay, are you okay?” Eve asked jarring me out of my daze.


  “Okay who is he?” Eve questioned getting all excited.

  “Who?” I asked turning to look at her.

  “The guy you are thinking about.”

  “There is no guy, Eve.” I laughed talking a bite of my elfwich.

  “Oh no, girl I know what drooling looks like and honey you are drooling.” She said turning to me.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about, Eve. Spencer was just doing a handstand.”

  “Oh my god. Oh my god!” Eve shouted. “You like Spencer!”

  “No Eve-”

  “You brought him up this time. I didn’t.” She smiled. “You like him. Don’t try and deny it, sweetheart.”

  “I don’t like him.”

  “You’re blushing!” She giggled. “You like Spencer! You like Spencer!” She sang. “Bay and Spencer sitting in a tree-”

  “Eve be quite!”

  “-K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage!”

  “Eve!” I shouted pushing her off her seat.

  “What the hell was that?” She questioned with her back on the ground.

  “I told you to keep it down. Spencer might hear you.” I said looking up at Spencer for a moment. H
e didn’t seem to have noticed Eve’s little musical number.

  “Wow Bay I can’t believe it. You actually have fallen for him.” She said getting up and sitting back down at our table.

  “No and even if I had, not saying that I have, I’m not going to sit around and talk about how attractive he is.”

  “Oh so you admit he is attractive? Finally!” She shouted laughing. Spencer looked over at us then and smiled at me. “You’re blushing again.”

  “No.” I said even though I could feel how hot my face was.

  “If only he was attainable…” Eve trailed off as the bell rang.

  “Come on I can’t be late again; Mr. Barners might actually have something interesting to teach today.” I laughed getting up and picking up my lunchbox.

  “He always has something interesting to say.” Eve said laughing.

  “Down girl, he is a grown man.”

  “Doesn’t mean I can’t have a little fun. He needs some in his life.”

  “Eww, Eve stop. Just stop right there before I throw up my lunch. It was good the first time but I don’t think it will taste as good coming back up.” I said as we walked to class. “So my art class was cancelled today do you want to hang out after school?”

  “You know I would love to but my parents are making me meet the man I’m going to be married to by the end of the week. I so don’t want to get married…”

  “The council doesn’t allow that.”

  “It will be done in secret because my parents don’t want my husband to be sprung on me. Not that it makes it any better.”

  “Good luck.”

  “I’m going to need it. I have this sick feeling it is going to be-”


  “Don’t say his name!” She shouted as we entered the school building. “I’m still holding on to what little sanity I have left.”


  “Ahh Miss. Bay, nice of you to join us, please take your seat.” Mr. Barners said in a stern voice.

  “The bell hasn’t even rung yet, Mr. Barners chill out.” I said sitting at my desk.


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