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The Difference of Life: A Rachel Waldman Novel (Romance, Contemporary, Women's Fiction)

Page 4

by Rachel Rachel Waldman

  “That’s the punishment!” She said snapping. “He is planning something when Dean comes to dinner.”

  “Come on, Eve my dad wouldn’t do something like that.” I said brushing my hair and putting it up in a messy ponytail.

  “Don’t be so sure.” She sang smiling.

  “If we don’t leave soon we are going to be late to school.” I said flying down the stairs.

  “Bay you know your mother doesn’t like it when you fly in the house.” My dad said folding his newspaper in half to look at me.

  “Oh daddy!” I shouted freezing and Eve galloped into me; we both tumbled to the floor. “Ow sorry, Eve. Daddy what are you still doing here?”

  “I took the day off today.”

  “Great well I will see you after school.” I said getting up.

  “Sweety, make sure this boy you are hanging with comes to dinner tonight. I want to meet this young man.”

  “Okay, daddy.” I said kissing him on the cheek and leaving out the front door with Eve.

  “See I told you.” Eve said as I closed the door. “He took the day off, Bay he is planning something for tonight.”

  “No he works hard. He needs a day off. It has nothing to do with Dean.”

  “Okay if you say so.” She sighed as we walked to school. “What are you going to do about the jerk at 2 o’clock?”

  “Wait my 2 o’clock or yours?”

  “Hey Bay.” Spencer said coming up to me. “Eve can you give Bay and I some privacy?”

  “You going to be okay?” Eve whispered to me

  “Yeah she will be.” Spencer smiled.

  “I wasn’t talking to you.” Eve said rolling her eyes. “Bay?”

  “I’ll be fine.” I said as Eve walked off. “What do you want?”

  “I want to apologize for how our-“

  “Date turned out? It was horrible Spencer your girlfriend made me feel two inches tall. Oh and that’s another thing, what happened to telling her how you felt about me if she found out? I actually believed you.”

  “Bay I-“

  “No I wanted this so bad I convinced myself that it was going to be perfect. That you actually cared for me.”

  “I do I just-“

  “Did you even mean any of the stuff you said to me?”

  “Of course I did. Bay just give me a chance to explain myself.”

  “Why should I?” I questioned walking to my locker. “It’s not like you could say anything to make it any better.”

  “I think I can.” He smiled.

  “Really?” I questioned opening my locker. “ Go right ahead and try.”

  “I panicked and it’s the first thing that came to mind so I didn’t get a lecture from Lena. After you left I spent the rest of the night with Lena and her family.”

  “Wow that must have been so tragic for you. Tell me something when do your ‘feelings’ about me come into play here?”

  “I’m getting to that.” He said leaning against the locker beside mine. “I tried to get away from her but she had me going on all the rides and winning her stuff. I even offered to buy her ice-cream. She wouldn’t budge.”

  “You still went with it didn’t you?” I sighed getting my books out and putting them in my backpack.

  “What did you want me to do?”

  “How about telling her the truth? Oh you wouldn’t do that because that would destroy your reputation. I’m not even more important than that and why would I be? The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree now does it, Spencer?” I asked slamming my locker door shut.

  “But Bay-“

  “What? What do you want to say to me?” I asked holding back tears. “You can’t even think about anybody else’s feelings but your own. It couldn’t be that I started falling for your lines and fake dreams that I thought were the same as mine. I give you credit though Spencer, you are really good at reeling girls in.” I said walking off to English class.


  It was lunch time and the school day was the same after my little thing with Spencer. Nobody seemed to have noticed or even cared. I waited for Eve outside the cafeteria like I do every day.


  “Dean what are you doing here?”

  “I don’t know but I brought you lunch.” He smiled pushing his hair back.

  “Really that’s so sweet. Where is it?”

  “Oh the lunch it’s in the bed of my truck did you want to follow me there?”

  “Yes but I am waiting for someone.” I said looking around for Eve.

  “Oh I see. That’s cool.” He sighed.

  “Oh no I am waiting for my best friend Eve. She gets really pissed when I leave her.”

  “Oh.” He said cheering up a bit. “I could wait with you.”

  “Sure.” I smiled as Eve showed up with Jason.

  “Hey.” Jason said greeting us.

  “Jason what a surprise.”

  “Sorry I know we said no guys but I see you have broken that rule too.” Eve laughed.

  “Right, Dean, Eve , Eve , Dean.” I smiled.

  “Ahh Dean.” She smiled shaking his hand.

  “Listen if it’s not too much trouble I would like to steal Bay away. Just this once.” He smiled.

  “Of course you can steal Bay. Jason and I were worried about her being the third wheel.”

  “Thanks. Have a great lunch.” Dean said as they left us in front of the lunchroom. “Shall we?”

  “Sure.” I smiled following him to his truck. “Um Dean I know this is soon and all but my dad wants to meet you tonight for dinner. I promise he will be on his best behavior.”

  “Tonight?” He questioning helping me into his truck bed. “I haven’t really ever been good with father’s even my father was hard for me to get along with.”

  “He just likes to meet my friends and who I spend all night hanging out with.” I said looking around his trunk and saw a little picnic. “You did this for me?”

  “Yes, why too much?”

  “No of course not.” I said sitting down at one end of the blanket. “It’s so sweet.” I smiled.

  “Thanks.” He said pulling his hair in a ponytail. “So your father huh?”

  “Yeah just for tonight and I will make it up to you.” I said taking a bite of one of the sandwiches he had made.

  “Really?” He said eyeing me playfully.

  “Yes anything you want is yours.” I giggled.

  “Okay I want a date; with you.”

  “Me?” I said surprised putting down the sandwich. “You want to willingly spend time with me?”

  “Yes I would. I want to know you Bay.” He smiled pouring some sprite in two glasses.

  “Okay.” I smiled. Not a normal smile; one of those involuntary smiles that hurt your cheeks but you just can’t stop. “Why me?”

  “Because you saw me. Not the stereotype that us winged horses get. That we are dangerous.” He sighed. “I would never hurt you, Bay.”

  “I trust you.”

  Meet the Family

  I got home from school and I found my dad cooking dinner. He almost never cooks; not because he can’t but because he only cooks when he is harboring a secret.

  “Hey dad I’m home.” I said walking into the kitchen. “What are you cooking?”

  “Oh just some spaghetti and meatballs.” He said turning away from the stove for only a second. “Go finish your homework and dinner will be ready in 10. When is your little friend coming over?”

  “Around 7.” I said flying up the stairs.

  “No flying in the house, sweety!”

  “Sorry dad.” I said walking into my room and throwing my backpack on the floor. I pulled out my cellphone and called Eve. It went straight to voicemail.

  “Hi, you have reached the RIGHT woman but at the WRONG time, leave your message after the beep.”

  “Hey Eve I think your right. I got home and my dad was making spaghetti and meatballs. You know he only ever cooks when he is hiding something. Call me back as soon a
s you get this message.” I said and hung up the phone.

  I got my homework out and started working, it was around 7 and I hadn’t heard the doorbell ring. I went down stairs to see what my dad was doing. I saw him sitting on his knees by the shelf of photo albums.

  “Dad what are you doing?” I questioned walking in the living room.

  “Nothing I just thought-“ He said being cut off by the doorbell ringing.

  “That must be Dean I’ll go let him in.” I said walking to the front door and opening it quietly so my dad couldn’t hear it. “Hey.”

  “Hey is there a particular reason you are guarding the door?” He chuckled.

  “No it’s just my dad is over by the photo albums.”

  “Ahh so the awkwardness begins.”

  “It’s only awkward if we let it be awkward.” I smiled. “Just answer all of his questions and believe me there will be a lot of them. You’ll be fine.”

  “Questions huh? At least I get a date with you after this.” He smiled.

  “Yes anywhere you want to go. I have some rules though.”

  “Hey that wasn’t part of the deal.” He said still smiling. “I wasn’t supposed to have any rules.”

  “Oh they aren’t that bad.”

  “Okay what are they?”

  “I’ll let you know when I think of some.” I laughed opening the door. “Welcome to my home, Dean.” I said walking into the house as he followed behind me looking around. “Dean this is George Anderson.”

  “Mr. Anderson.” My dad said getting up from kneeling on the floor and walked over to Dean and shook his hand.

  “Mr. Anderson, it’s nice to meet you.” Dean said very politely. “You have a very nice home here.”

  “Thank you. It’s nice to finally meet some friends of Bay’s. She is always shy.”

  “Bay? Shy?” Dean chuckled. “No way.”

  “Oh yes she is shy because she is afraid of people finding out the real her.”

  “Dad you said dinner was going to be ready. I am starved.” I said jumping into the conversation before it turned into something I didn’t want to talk about with Dean just yet.

  “Right.” My dad said walking into the kitchen as we both followed him and we sat down at the table. “Dean do you like spaghetti and meatballs?”

  “Yes, sir.” Dean smiled looking at me when my dad turned his back.

  “Good because I made a lot. Bay eats a lot of food.” He laughed.

  “Dad! I don’t eat that much.”

  “Oh come on Bay be proud of your accomplishments. You know Bay has been the forest’s champion of the pie eating contest for three years running? She ate 15 pies in five minutes.”


  “I have a picture somewhere.” He said getting up and going to the fridge. “Ahh here it is. Isn’t she cute with blueberries all over her face?” He asked showing Dean the picture.

  “Dad where did you get that? It wasn’t on the fridge.”

  “Where I get things is none of your business and if I want a picture of my daughter on MY fridge I can.”

  “Dad this isn’t necessary.” I said taking the picture out of his hand.

  “Bay Fawn Anderson give that picture back right now!” My dad said putting his hand out for it.

  “You are trying to embarrass me aren’t you?”

  “Bay hand me the picture so we can get to eating. You were the one that told me you were starving.”

  “Alright fine.” I said giving him back the picture. He walked over to the stove and started putting the spaghetti on plates.

  “Chill out Bay. He isn’t altering how I think of you. I actually find it kind of cute that you are a pie eating champion.” He whispered laughing softly.

  “Really?” I questioned as he nodded. “The trick is to not eat for 24 hours before the competition. That way you are really hungry when you start.”

  “Oh you don’t have to tell me. I am my forest’s champion for eating pie. My record is 17 pies in 15 minutes.”

  “Your buffing.” I smiled.

  “Really the picture in my wallet says differently.” He smiled pulling out a picture and showing it to me. It was a picture of him with either cherries or strawberries all over his face and a gold medal around his neck. “See?” He laughed putting it back in his wallet.

  “There you are.” My dad said putting the spaghetti in front of us. “Enjoy.” He smiled sitting down between Dean and I.

  “So Mr. Anderson I see you are interested in the Menitors.” Dean said looking at my dad’s hat.

  “You bet your sweet bippy! They are the best baseball team of all time! God, what I would give to have season tickets.”

  “You know my buddy is in good with the coach of their team. What would you say if I got you a private meet n’ greet with the whole team?”

  “You could do that? I must be dreaming.” My dad said pinching his arm. “Ouch! Okay so I guess I am not dreaming.”

  “Of course not. I don’t think you would have a guy over for dinner in your dream. If this was your dream I bet you would have a gun and would have shot me by now.” He chuckled a little uneasy.

  “No it’s not my style. I don’t even own a gun.” My dad chuckled.

  “Great. Now I will talk to my buddy and see what he says.”

  “Wow thanks so much. I’ll be right back.” My dad smiled walking out of the kitchen.

  “Not good with fathers? You just single handily became part of the family. Just like that. You a sports fan?”

  “Of the Menitors? Yeah I am their biggest fan.”

  “Really?” I giggled.

  “Yeah, I have already spent a whole day with them. When I was little my dad would take me to games all the time. I wanted to be one of them; on my birthday my best friend Eddie took me to the local baseball field in town. They were all there. It was his birthday present to me. I got to play a game with them and they all signed the baseball I hit a homerun with. It was the best present any fan could ask for.” He smiled.

  “Ah so you can pull strings too? A man of power; I like that.”

  “Well then I am your man. I like being in control of my surroundings.”

  “I see that.” I said as my dad returned. “What were you doing?”

  “I was calling your mom. She didn’t pick up so I left a message.” He said sitting down and finishing his spaghetti.

  “Um Mr. Anderson it was a pleasure meeting you but Bay and I have to get to work. Ted doesn’t like it when I am late opening the ice-cream stand.” Dean said standing up. “It was a great dinner and I won’t forget to talk to my buddy Eddie for you.” He smiled. “Bay.”

  “Right I will see you tomorrow morning dad.” I smiled getting up and kissing him on the cheek.

  “Alright but feel free to drop her off at the front door, Dean and you guys drive carefully.”

  “Thanks.” I said as we walked out of the front door and walked to Dean’s truck. “See that wasn’t so bad was it?”

  “I guess not. I had it going differently in my mind.”


  “Yeah I had your father being all in my face and asking me all these questions about you and how I felt about you. And quite honestly I thought of him having a gun stashed somewhere.”

  “It did go a little different than that.” I laughed as he unlocked his doors and we both got in. “So off to work?” I questioned as we started driving.

  “Nope I am actually off tonight and since you don’t technically work there so are you.” He smiled laughing.


  “I want my date. I know this great little place you can get amazing desserts.”

  “Wow you took my promise to heart.” I laughed. “I was expecting you asking me out or something.”

  “Why do I need to do that? There is no way in hell I am that normal.” He chuckled.

  “I guess not.”


  “Hi how may I help you?” A guy asked looking down a bit.

p; “Eddie. Its me.” Dean said chuckling.

  “Oh hey bubby how are you?” Eddie questioned looking up and smiling. “Who is this?” He asked nodding toward me.

  “This is Bay.” Dean smiled.

  “Nice to meet you.” He said putting out his hand.

  “Likewise.” I smiled shaking his hand. “So you are Eddie? Dean has said so much about you.”

  “Really because I haven’t heard anything about you.” He said eyeing Dean.

  “You don’t talk about me?”

  “There was nothing to really talk about. I will talk about you now. Eddie, Bay is a girl who fell into my lap. She came to work and tricked me into believing that Ted hired her.” He chuckled. “She became a regular; coming every night and working with me. Then I called Ted he told me we were short-handed what with me working by myself and everything. Then he suggested we hire someone to work with me.” He said sitting on the counter. “I played it cool and told him I would be on the lookout for potential workers.” He smiled.

  “Wow dude I didn’t need the whole load down. I just wanted to know the girl.” Eddie chuckled.

  “Well now you do.” I laughed.

  “Can’t argue with that logic, Eddie. By the way her dad is a huge Menitors fan and would love a private meet n’ greet.”

  “Okay I’ll get the guys together.”

  “Thanks man I owe you.” He said taking a deep breath. “Now can we order?”

  “Sure. How my I help you?”

  “I will take two pieces of chocolate cake.” Dean smiled.

  “Sure.” Eddie said digging into the showcases. “There you are. That will be ten dollars.” Eddie said as Dean gave him the money. “Enjoy.” He smiled as Dean and I sat down at one of their little tables.

  “So here we are on a date.” He smiled. “I am so glad you gave me the option because I never would have been able to ask you otherwise.” He chuckled.

  “Why?” I questioned taking a bite of the cake. “I didn’t know you even liked me. I like to be sure a girl likes me before I ask them, to minimize getting rejected.”

  “I wouldn’t reject you Dean. The only reason I stayed at the ice-cream stand was because I liked you. I thought you were adorable; you also made me feel normal; like I belonged there.” I smiled. “I haven’t felt that way in a long time. Thank you.”


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