The Difference of Life: A Rachel Waldman Novel (Romance, Contemporary, Women's Fiction)

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The Difference of Life: A Rachel Waldman Novel (Romance, Contemporary, Women's Fiction) Page 5

by Rachel Rachel Waldman

  “You’re welcome.” He smiled. “Bay I-“ He said getting cut off; by his phone. “Right.” Dean sighed looking at his phone.


  “I’ve got to go. I am so sorry.” He said getting up and rushing out of the little café.

  “What the hell?! Dean?!” I shouted running out after him but I didn’t see any sign of him. “Perfect.” I sighed as tears rolled down my cheeks. I took my phone out of my pocket and called Eve. It went straight to voicemail again and I hung up. I went through my phone for people who had cars. The only person who did was Spencer. I groaned and pressed send. He picked up on the first ring.

  “Hello Bay.” He said on the other end.

  “Don’t flatter yourself Spencer I just need a ride.”

  “Oh? I wouldn’t be so rude if you need a favor from me.” He said as I heard the smile in his voice. “If you were nicer I might consider it.”

  “Ugh I can’t believe I am doing this…” I trailed off. “Spence please? I need you.” I said in the sweetest voice I could.

  “Well if you need me, I’ll be right there.” He said as I heard him rev his engine. “Where are you?”

  “Umm…” I trailed off looking around for some clue. “6542 Cherry Blossom Rd.”

  “Okay I’ll be there as soon as I can.” He said hanging up the phone. I sat on the curb and waited for Spencer. His red mustang pulled up and honked. “Get in princess.” Spencer yelled out his open window.

  I rolled my eyes and got in.

  “Hello beautiful.” Spencer smiled.

  “Just drive.” I sighed looking out the window.

  “What’s wrong Bay? I didn’t even do anything. I came to pick you up when that jerk ditched you-“

  “Like you did?”

  “Oh yeah so I guess you can’t hold it against me because Mr. Pretty Boy Warren also ditched you. At least I tried to apologize.”

  “Hey he hasn’t had the chance to!”

  “Are you going to forgive him?”

  “Did I forgive you?” I said eyeing him coldly.

  “That doesn’t answer the question.”

  “You’re a jerk!”

  “Yes, I agree with that.” He chuckled. “I will however try and make it up to you.”

  “I don’t want you to. Spencer, do you remember what I said to you about treating me like an equal?”

  “That you wanted to be treated like that?”

  “Yes but I didn’t want false hope. I didn’t want to dig myself into something I couldn’t get out of.” I sighed. “I knew I would do that if you were as great as I convinced myself you were.”

  “Bay, I broke up with Lena.”

  “Wait what?”

  “I broke up with Lena so I could be with you.”

  Life is Precious

  I got home and Eve was on my front porch. “Eve what are you-“

  “Sorry my parents took away my phone because I left Jason.”

  “You what? Eve you can’t do that, it’s against the rules.”

  “He was driving me crazy, needing to know where I was all the time and the consent questions. I was about to snap Bay!”

  “Okay take some deep breaths and calm down. Here let’s go to my room.” I said letting us into the house and sneaking to my room.

  “How did you know I tried to call you?” I asked changing out of my clothes and going into my closet for some pajamas.

  “I have instinct; I mean Dean was coming over for dinner- oh my god how did that go?”

  “Surprisingly good and then Dean and I went out for dessert.” I said dressing in one of my silk night gowns.

  “What?!” Eve shouted getting excited.

  “Yeah but in the middle of something he was saying his phone went off and he bolted out of the café.”

  “Weird.” She said sitting down on my bed.

  “Yeah and I needed a ride home, you didn’t pick up your phone so I was forced to call Spencer.”

  “I am so sorry if I knew I would have not left Jason for another couple hours.”


  “No we aren’t talking about me right now. I’m not important.”

  “Of course you are I-“

  “Bay.” She said eyeing me.

  “Okay well Spencer came and picked me up and told me he broke up with Lena to be with me. I mean what do I do with that?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe you should give Dean the benefit of the doubt.”

  “Why would I do that? I didn’t do it for Spencer.”

  “Because Dean deserves time to explain himself.”

  “Maybe you’re right.” I sighed.

  “Listen Bay one day you will find a guy that you won’t even have to question.”

  “It’s not that simple, Eve. The council is very strict and you will be killed if you don’t go back to Jason.”

  “No Jason and I don’t belong together. I would rather get killed then live a life that I didn’t choose.”

  “What are you saying, Eve?” I asked getting concerned.

  “Bay you are strong and I know you will change the way our world works but me, I am not.” She sighed getting up. “I just want you to know that I love you. You are my best friend.”

  “Eve!” I shouted running after her. I got to my front door and she was gone. “Shit!” I cried sliding down my open door.

  “Bay what’s wrong?” “Who are you?” I said as tears flowed down my cheeks.


  “Jake? I haven’t seen you in years.”

  “Yeah I just got back from war, well for the season anyway.”

  “The last time I saw you, it was my tenth birthday and we were hanging in your tree house before my party.”

  “Yeah and you told me if I left, you would never talk to me again.” He chuckled.

  “Yeah that’s right. I guess that is out the window.” I said as tears still fell.

  “So what’s with the tears?” He said wiping them away with the back of his hand.

  “Eve, I think she is going to do something terrible! I have to go after her!”

  “Okay calm down. Why don’t I go with you? It looks like it’s the time to try out those wings of yours.” He said spreading his golden wings. “Come on, Bay. We have got to find Eve.”

  “You’re right I can’t be afraid anymore.” I said taking a deep breath.

  “If you fall I will catch you.” He smiled shooting into the sky. “Just take a deep breath.” He whispered in my ear.

  I took a deep breath in and spread my wings to their full span. They almost engulfed me. A feeling I never had overwhelmed me and I shot into the sky.

  “There you go; looking good!” Jake shouted through the wind, chuckling.

  “Come on Eve could be anywhere and I don’t know where to start.”


  I almost fell a couple times and like Jake promised he caught and righted me before he flew a little ahead. When we found Eve it was too late. We found her body on some jagged rocks. Her face and body were all cut up along with blood all over the rocks. I flew down and picked up her body, she was dead. No heartbeat but her body was still warm which means we weren’t late by much. I landed on the cliff that she must have jumped off of.

  “She’s dead…” I sighed laying her body on the grass and began crying. “She didn’t have a chance; it looks like she was going for the water. She chickened out in the middle and hit the rocks.” I cried pushing her hair out of her face. “She said I was strong but that’s only because I had her. Now what do I do?”

  “Well you aren’t killing yourself that’s for sure. I won’t let you.”

  “She had some much ahead of her. Just because she was with Jason, she couldn’t be herself with him and convinced herself that the only way out was-“

  “To kill herself.” Jake sighed, coming next to me and putting his arms around my shoulders.

  I collapsed into his chest and just cried. “She was my best friend. We did everything together and she
always told me everything. I had no idea she felt this way so strongly. Maybe it’s my fault.”

  “Bay, what Eve decided had nothing to do with you. Some people just can’t handle how the council runs us. It’s not right what they do and it has cost many of us our lives. That’s why I went away to war, to fight and stop this kind of control that the council has on us. You remember that night I told you my sister killed herself because she was in an arranged marriage with a man who beat her. She couldn’t handle it. She wasn’t strong enough.”

  “Eve didn’t even try.” I screeched as tears still fell.

  “How do you know that? She might have just become overwhelmed with how her life was turning out. It was all piling on very fast and it was out of her control. She couldn’t go to anybody-“

  “She could have come to me!”

  “Didn’t she? She was over at your house before this, what did she say to you?” He asked stroking my hair and rocking me.

  “She said she would rather be dead than alive with Jason. She told me that I would change the world because I was strong and she wasn’t. She said she loved me and that I am her best friend. Oh my god! She did come to me! But I tried to find out what was going on but she didn’t want to tell me. She said that she wasn’t important right now. I was the only thing that was. I should have pushed more.”

  “It seems she wanted to make sure you were okay before she did this because she wasn’t going to leave you in a state of misery, I guess she thought you would really be in one once she did this. She had already made up her mind when she arrived at your house. There was nothing you could have said or done to change her mind. She wasn’t going to let that happen.”

  “I just can’t believe she is gone…” I trailed off taking Eve’s dead hand.

  “I know but I am here.”

  “Thank you I don’t know what I would have done if this happened and you weren’t around.”

  “You would probably make some rash decision and jump off the cliff too.” He sighed kissing my head. “I’m actually glad I got back tonight. I was supposed to be delayed but I think God knew that you needed me tonight. That you needed a friend.”

  “Yes I do.”

  Never Bloomed

  I watched as the black casket was lowered into the ground. I was wearing a black dress that went to my knees and flowed out. I was holding a white rose that hadn’t bloomed yet and that will never bloom. This flower and all the other flowers are Eve. She was a rose that never had the chance to bloom.

  “Bay, come here.” Dean sighed with open arms.

  “What are you doing here, Dean?” I asked wiping my eyes and nose in a tissue.

  “I heard about what happened to Eve. I know what I did was wrong and you probably don’t want to hear it but you have to know I am in a very secretive line of work that is very important.” He said letting his arms fall. “They needed me and I can’t just say no.”

  “Dean you came to my best friend’s funeral to tell me this?” I questioned wiping my eyes again. “This isn’t the place. I will give you a chance to explain but not here.”

  “Hey who are you? This is a closed service.” Jake said coming next to me and putting his arm around my shoulders.

  “Right I’m sorry.” Dean said putting his hair in a low ponytail.

  “Jake I’ll be right behind you.” I said as he walked back to the service.

  “I guess I’ll see you later.” I sighed, turning.

  “Bay.” He said catching my hand in his. “None of this seems right without you.”

  “Yeah well the way my life is going nothing feels right anymore.” I said gently taking my hand out of his. “I will meet you tonight at the river.” I said leaving Dean to go back to the service. I walked beside Jake and he put his arms around me.

  “It will all work out.” He smiled a weak smile. “Hey, Bay?”


  “Who is that?” He asked pointing at Jason who was pulling the petals off his rose.

  “Jason. He was Eve’s arranged marriage that the council chose for her.” I sighed watching him as petals fell to the ground.

  “Oh he’s cute, I should go comfort him.” He said dropping his arms from my shoulder.

  “Jake you are not hooking up at Eve’s funeral!”

  “No but what about after the funeral? He is in a very easy state right now…”


  “Okay, okay fine but I am not responsible if he falls for me.”

  “How will that happen exactly?”

  “I am going to talk to him, as a friend.” He said giving me a new tissue. “He could use a friend right now.” He sighed walking over to him.


  “Happy Thirteenth Year, Bay!” My mom and dad shouted when I walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

  “Okay let’s get this over with.” I sighed.

  “Bay an arranged marriage has nothing to do with who you are.” My mom said taking my hand. “Come let’s get you dressed.” She said leading me into her room. “I wore this at my ceremony.” She sighed taking out an off-white gown; she unwrapped the plastic and put it over my head. “I can’t believe how beautiful you look. I wish life was different, Bay. Life sometimes pulls us out to sea but the sea leads to many places. Maybe you will find something better.” She smiled tying the bow in the back.

  “Welcome Anderson and Woods family; today is a very special day we join River and Bay in a bond that only us as the council can make.” A very deep voice said from behind us.

  I could only guess it was the head of the council. I of course couldn’t see because its law that I can’t see the guy I am arranged to until we are man and wife. When they say, you may remove the blindfold and kiss the bride is the first time I get to I see him. We must be quite through the whole thing. If any words are uttered that the head doesn’t say shame comes to the family that utters them. I don’t approve of this but I would never bring my family shame.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may remove the blindfold and kiss the women of your dreams.”

  My blindfold was removed and River kissed me softly on the lips. My eyes were still closed and after the kiss was done I opened my eyes to find a tall man standing next to me with short brown hair and dark green eyes. He had stubble and I couldn’t tell what kind of mix he was. He looked normal to me.

  “Hi my name is River Thomas Woods.” He chuckled rubbing his neck.

  “I’m Bay Fawn Anderson.” I whispered looking up at him.

  “Now go out and show the word the miracle that the council has made for you. We would love to stay and chat but we do have other weddings being held today.” Spencer’s dad said putting his black hood on. I guess he had it on before we started and took it off at some point. God I wish I could have seen what had gone on at my wedding.

  “River sweety, we will help you and your new bride move into the house.” River’s mom said smiling.

  “Thanks.” River smiled nervously.


  River and I hardly even look at each other. We have been married for about a month now and I come and go as I please. I should be happy about his lack of attention but for some reason I want him to be concerned about me.

  We may be married but I know River is seeing someone else on the side. I guess I am too. Dean and I have been together for a while now.

  If you are however interested in Jake, he got together with Jason. The council of course knows nothing of this. If they found out Jake and Jason would be killed with no questions asked. They live together as “roommates” and had a little ceremony for themselves. They come over every once and a while when River is out. I’m the only person they can be themselves around.

  The only reason the council hasn’t insisted on remarrying Jason or Jake is because as far as the council is concerned Jake doesn’t exist (I don’t actually know how he swung that deal). Jason on the other hand isn’t considered for another mate because the council can’t find him in any records; like he com
pletely fell off the map. Maybe Jake does undercover work. He is away for a couple months and Jason is coming over more and more. He is very lonely.

  “Bay could you please try and pay attention?” Dean questioned taking my hand.

  “Oh sorry I was just thinking.” I sighed looking up at him and kissed under his jaw. “River will be home any minute and you can’t be here when he is.” I said looking at the clock on top of the TV. “I’ll see you later.”

  “See ya.” He sighed kissing me on the lips passionately and getting up to leave. “Bay I can’t do this anymore, the constant back and forth. Gas is expensive. You either have to move in with me and forget about this life or I-“

  “I know. Tell you what give me a few days and I will give you my answer. Promise.” I whispered kissing him on the cheek. “Bye.”

  “Okay but only a couple days. That’s all you get.”

  “That’s all I will need.” I said and he was gone. I got up off the couch and went into the kitchen to start dinner.

  “Hey what are you cooking?” River asked sitting at the table and took out the newspaper from under his arm to read it.


  “What do you mean nothing?” He asked looking up from his paper.

  “What if we went out maybe? Possibly?” I questioned playing with my hair franticly.

  “Yeah, sure.” He chuckled putting the newspaper down on the table. “Where did you want to go?” He asked getting up.

  “How about the new restaurant that just opened up down the street?”

  “Alright. You want to walk there?”

  “Mhm.” I nodded as he opened the side door.

  “After you.” He smiled.

  We walked to the little restaurant and were seated in a table for two in the window. “Hi my name is Dean. May I take-“ He said cutting off and looked at me. “Umm your order?”

  “Yeah we will start with some bread and will need a couple minutes with the menu.” River said picking up the menu and buried himself in it.


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