The Difference of Life: A Rachel Waldman Novel (Romance, Contemporary, Women's Fiction)

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The Difference of Life: A Rachel Waldman Novel (Romance, Contemporary, Women's Fiction) Page 6

by Rachel Rachel Waldman

  “Of course I will get that for you.” He smiled walking off.


  “Yeah?” He asked looking up from his menu for only a second.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  “You okay?”

  “Yes, I just need to use the restroom.” I said getting up and walking until I was out of River’s site. I bumped into Dean standing by the kitchen doors.

  “What are you doing here? With him?” Dean questioned pulling his hair out of his face.

  “We needed a night out. I didn’t want to cook.”

  “Oh you didn’t want to cook? Bay you know I took this job to be close to you and you brought him here?”

  “Yes and I am sorry.” I said pushing my hair behind my ear. “But you are close to me.” I smiled.

  “Yeah but what about your husband?”

  “You are so cute when you are scared about getting caught.” I whispered pulling his head down and kissing him.

  “Bathroom?” He asked starting to breathe heavily.

  “Is it growing, Dean? We don’t want that do we?” I questioned putting my hand on his dick and squeaking it a little.

  “I can’t do this I’m on the clock. My boss would not be happy.” He sighed taking my hand that was on his dick.

  “Not even a quick one?” I smiled sweetly.

  “I’ve created a monster.” He said still breathing heavily. “Maybe I could…no I really can’t. I wish I could.” He smiled kissing my forehead. “Now go back to your husband.”

  “It kills you to say that doesn’t it?”

  “You have no idea.” He sighed. “Now go.”

  “Okay I’ll call you after River goes to bed tonight.” I said walking back to my table.

  “You okay?” River questioned after I sat down.

  “Yeah why?”

  “I don’t know you were just gone a long time that’s all. You know this waiter hasn’t even gotten us our bread yet. What am I supposed to eat, this napkin?”

  “River he must be very busy. There are other people in this restaurant. We aren’t the only ones.” I said picking up the menu and looking at it.

  “Here is your bread and have you had a chance to look at what you want?” Dean questioned putting the bread basket in front of us.

  “It’s about time. I am a paying costumer not to mention I am in control of your tip.”

  “River!” I shouted putting down my menu. “Be nice.”

  “No he is right. I am sorry, sir. Let me refill your drink.” Dean said picking up River’s glass. “So do you know what you would like so I can put it in for you?”

  “Yeah I am ready. What about you, sweetheart?” River asked looking at me for the first time in a different way than he ever had.

  “I am.”

  “Ladies first.” He smiled gesturing to me.

  “Okay I will have the Olive Cabina.” I said as Dean took the menu from me and stroked my hand gently under the menu before he took it out of my hand.

  “You, sir?” Dean said reluctantly turning to River.

  “Yes I will have the steak; medium well.” He said giving the menu to Dean.

  “Great I will get those in for you and I’ll bring your drink back shortly.” He said leaving our table.

  “You know we have been married for almost a month and I know nothing about you.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Well how about your life before I took it away from you?”

  “Wait now I took yours too.”

  “No the council took our lives.” He sighed. “But what did you do before our marriage?”

  “Well I use to teach art to kids. I use to paint a lot and I really loved it.”

  “Really? Well you should do that. I don’t want to stop you from doing something you love. Open the class back up for however many days a week you want. I would like to see what you have painted.”

  “That is all in the building my classroom was in. Mr. Jamison said I could keep the room for storage.”

  “Not storage anymore. Your class starts again on Monday afternoon.”

  “Thank you so much.” I smiled. “What about you?”

  “I don’t know I’m not very interesting.”

  “I find that hard to believe. Please I want to know.” I said gently rubbing his hand that was on the table. I don’t know what I was doing I just couldn’t stop myself. It was all involuntary and I was comfortable.

  “Umm well I cook.”

  “Really I like a man that can cook.”

  “Do you now?” He questioned picking up his water glass and bringing it to his lips. I never noticed it before but the glass intensified his lips. He had a scar running through his lips. I kept looking at him and saw more scars, a lot of them all over his face.

  “Yeah, so why did you stop cooking once you married me?”

  “I don’t know.” He chuckled putting down the glass. “I suppose I should. I’ll tell you what I will start cooking again if you start your art class again.” He smiled as Dean placed his beer in front of him. “Well do we have a deal?” He questioned picking up the drink Dean placed in front of him.

  “I’ll be right back with your dinner.” Dean said walking back to the kitchen.

  “Yeah I think we do.” I laughed pushing my hair behind my ear. “But I will need some time to get ready for teaching again. I might need a subject to practice my skills on.”

  “Well I’m your man.” He smiled taking a drink of his beer.

  “Great.” I said as Dean placed our dinner in front of us. “Thank you.” I said taking a bite of my Olive Cabina.

  “You’re welcome.” Dean smiled. “How is it?”


  “Good.” He said leaving again.

  River kept me laughing through the whole thing. I noticed Dean came around a lot. Like every time he heard my voice to ask us how everything was. He was trying to protect his property in a way it didn’t look like he was doing just that.

  “You ready?” River asked paying the bill.

  “Yes I am.” I said wiping my mouth with a napkin. “But I am going to go to the bathroom before we leave.”

  “Sure I’ll meet you outside.” He smiled leaving out of the restaurant.

  “Was everything up to your satisfaction?” Dean questioned clearing the table.

  “Dean did you have to come by so much?”

  “Excuse me? I wasn’t the one mooning over some guy that’s not who? Your boyfriend.”

  “He is my husband. I was playing the part.”

  “Were you now? I saw it all, Bay. The way you looked at him, the way he looked at you. Was he playing the part too?” Dean asked loading all our dishes on a dolly.

  “Dean you have to calm down nothing is going on.” I said getting up and kissing him. “Okay?”

  “A real person with nothing to hide wouldn’t have to try and convince me.”

  “You apparently need some convincing.” I said looking up at him. “You don’t trust me do you?” I whispered.

  “It has nothing to do with that.”

  “It has everything to do with that. Dean we have been together for almost half a year and you still can’t trust me. Why are we going around in circles, Dean?”

  “No, no we aren’t doing this. We aren’t going to let that little rat ruin our relationship.”

  “He isn’t the one ruining it.” I said walking to the door.

  “Yeah well then who is?”

  “Think about it.” I said over my shoulder and was out the door where River was waiting for me just like he said he would.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah I was just thinking that’s all.”

  “Shall we go?” River asked running his hand through his hair.

  “Sure.” I said and we started walking back to our house. While we were walking River put his jacket over me.

  “You looked a little cold.” He smiled.

  “Thanks.” I smiled.
/>   New Happiness

  “I had fun.” I said opening the front door.

  “Me too.” River said kissing me softly on the lips.

  “You coming in?” I giggled.

  “Nope what kind of guy would I be if I came in the house with the girl on the first date?” River laughed. “Have a great night.” He said leaving me in the doorway.

  I waited until he was out of site to close the door. I kicked off my shoes and put them in the hall closet when I heard a knock at the side door. When I opened it I saw River standing there.

  “It would have worked better if the door was unlocked.” He chuckled closing the door behind him.

  “What so you could have just broken in the house to scare me later?”

  “Yeah I guess.” He laughed walking in the house.

  “Listen this was fun but I think I’m going to call it a night.” I smiled.

  “Alright but I must warn you that the council is coming to check up on us tomorrow so we should probably sleep in the same bed just in case they come earlier than expected.”

  “Yeah so is it my room or yours this time?”

  “Hmm how about yours.” He smiled starting to walk to my room. “Race ya.” He laughed making a run for it.

  I just took a deep breath and spread my wings as far out as they would go and flew in my window that was right above the side door. I quickly dressed in one of my silk night gowns. One of the best things about being part fairy is you can do everyday tasks a lot faster than others.

  River showed up out of breath hanging in the doorway. “What took you so long?” I questioned sitting on the bed. “Umm River why is it that we get checked on a lot when my best friend Eve was only checked on once a month? We are going on three times a month.”

  “I don’t know.” River said taking off his shoes at the end of the bed.

  “Okay.” I sighed getting under the covers. “Good night.” I yawned turning off my light on the side table.

  “Good night, beautiful.” River whispered getting under the covers. He pulled my long hair away from my neck and touched it gently before turning off his light.


  I woke up with the light streaming in through my window and River had his arms around my waist still very much asleep. I felt normal and comfortable. There was a knock at my door and I got up carefully not to wake up River. He looked so cute and peaceful in his sleep. He looked happy.

  “Morning.” Dean said hanging in the side doorway.

  “Dean what are you doing here? You can’t be here this early; River is still here and the council is supposed to arrive at any moment.”

  “I wanted to see you. After what happened last night I went home and just laid in my bed awake all night thinking about us. About you.”

  “Dean, we will talk about that later right now I have to shoo you out.” I said hearing River shuffle down the stairs.

  “Bay is there a reason; River is coming down from your bedroom? Did you sleep with him last night?!” Dean asked getting angry.

  “We are married. I told you the council was coming to check on us.”

  “That’s the third time this month.”

  “I am just asking you to trust me. Now get out before River sees you.”

  “Hey babe can I talk to you?” River said coming around the corner.

  “Did he just call you babe?” Dean said grabbing onto the door frame.

  “Bye, Dean.” I said kissing him on the cheek and closed the door. I ran to the refrigerator and opened it. I took out some milk, eggs and butter and then went to the panty. I took out flour, baking power and sugar. I also got a bowl from under the sink and put everything on the counter.

  “Bay?” River questioned coming into the kitchen. “Didn’t you hear-are you making pancakes?” River asked putting his arms around my waist from behind. He pulled my hair away from my neck with his nose and then nuzzled me.

  “River sweetheart what are you doing?” I giggled turning around and he leaned into kiss me. Our lips touched innocently for a second and then he pulled back and gazed into my eyes before he went in and we kissed again.

  This time it was passionate. Both our eyes were closed I knew this because he closed his eyes before he leaned in again and me? I closed my eyes when his lips touched mine. We both put our hands on each other’s necks and deepened the kiss.

  “Kissing isn’t going to convince us that you guys are honoring our agreement.” A man said behind us.

  “Robert. Jen.” River greeted. “You hungry? Bay was just about to make pancakes from scratch.” He said rubbing his neck.

  “No River we just want to search the house and then leave. It’s our 12 anniversary.” Jen smiled taking Robert’s hand.

  “Jen you know how I don’t like public display of affection.” Robert said taking his hand out of Jen’s. “Can we search the house now?”

  “Yeah of course let me show you around.” River said leaving my side.

  “River we have been here more times than one we know the house.”

  “Mr. Gellar can I ask why you are here all the time, I mean this is the third time this month that you are ‘searching’ the house. What are you looking for exactly?” I asked as River looked quickly back at Robert.

  “If River wants to tell you that’s his chose. Jen everything looks good here, let’s go.” He said as him and Jen left out the kitchen and I heard the front door close.

  “You lied to me. You said you didn’t know why they were showing up so much.” I said walking up behind him. “River?”

  “I don’t want to talk about.” River said storming out of the house.

  “River! I-UGH!” I yelled running out of the house and shooting in the sky to find where River ran off to but I didn’t see him. I looked around everywhere and a gust of wind hit me blowing me out of the sky. It blew me down and I landed on the ground. “Ow.” I groaned looking up into the sky to see what the sudden wind was.

  I saw a big black dragon flying very fast toward the mountain. I have never seen a dragon before, only in textbooks. They were suspected to have died out years ago.

  History is Present

  River hasn’t talked about our last visit with the council and I have dropped the matter. If he doesn’t open up to me soon I am leaving him to live with Dean. Dean and I have been rocky for the past couple weeks but I bet once I move in with him it will all go away. I mean River is the reason it’s been so rocky anyway.

  I was packing my suitcase when I heard River walk up the stairs. Normally he goes into his room and closes the door for the rest of the night. I am not even responsible for cooking for him anymore. I started doing my art class again; just like I promised I would. I see Spencer now and again when he picks up Perry. I looked up when I didn’t hear his door close.

  “What are you doing?” River said in the doorway to my room. “Are you leaving me?”

  “River I can’t take this silence. You don’t talk to me; you don’t even look at me anymore. You look through me.” I said going to my closet to get the rest of my clothes.

  “I am not letting you leave. You aren’t leaving me!” River shouted as his eyes started to glow.

  “What’s going on?” I asked as River started breathing heavily.

  “Just tell me you aren’t leaving me.” River said trying to calm himself.

  “I’m sorry River but I am.” I said smooshing the rest of my clothes in the suitcase.

  “No!” River shouted as a cloud of smoke surrounded him. It swirled around and around him.

  “River what the hell is-“ I cut off no longer seeing River in front of me. All I saw was a big black dragon in front of me. He was the same one I saw just weeks before after the council visited. River was a dragon. River growled and looked at me in a very hostile way. “Oh my god!” I screeched in surprise. “You’re a dragon!” I shouted as he flew out my open window. “A dragon.”


  “So you’re a dragon.” I said as he walked into his room in his
human form.

  “I’m so glad you are taking this is in a joking matter. I could have killed you.” He sighed going to his dresser and taking off his shirt. I saw his rock hard body and I wondered what is would feel like to have it gliding up and down mine.

  “Why didn’t you tell me? Were you afraid of-“

  “I was afraid of hurting you. You want to know what happened to my last family? Why the council shows up so much?” He questioned not really wanting an answer so I just nodded. “It was about five years after my first arranged marriage; she drove me crazy. Always putting me down and telling me it was my fault that she had to settle down and breed. We had a little girl that I loved to death; her name was Iris. I just snapped one night when Jaime (my wife) was lecturing about how great her life could have been without me.

  I wasn’t as in control of my transformations at that point and I turned into a dragon right there. Fire blew out of my mouth and set the house on fire. I escaped but then realized my daughter was still inside. I went to go save her but it was too late by the time I pulled her out of the burning house she was dying.” He said as I heard tears hit the dresser. “Iris actually took her last breaths in my arms. Her last words were, ‘I love you, daddy.’ She whispered that as she closed her eyes for the last time.” He said tears rolling down his face.

  “That’s why the council shows up. To make sure I am still alive.” I whispered.

  “But I would never hurt you. Bay I want children. I want a real life and marriage with a girl that I could fall in love with.” He said brushing my hair away from my face. “So don’t leave me.” He whispered looking like he was about to cry again.

  “River I wasn’t just leaving you, I have…I have a guy on the side. Actually I have had this guy since we got married.” I said avoiding his gaze. “I mean I started to fall for you until I found out how much you were lying to me.”

  “Lying to you?” He questioned forcing a laugh. “You kept a guy from me. Who is he? What’s his name?”

  “We don’t need to talk about this. I was in the mood to talk weeks before but you didn’t want to.”

  “Well it looks like you have already made your decision. Good luck.” He said turning to leave his room.


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