The Difference of Life: A Rachel Waldman Novel (Romance, Contemporary, Women's Fiction)

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The Difference of Life: A Rachel Waldman Novel (Romance, Contemporary, Women's Fiction) Page 7

by Rachel Rachel Waldman

  “River, River wait.” I said getting up off his bed to catch his hand. He moved it away from mine.

  “Why, why am I waiting Bay?”


  “Because why?” He asked turning back to me.

  “I just don’t want to lose you.”

  “Right you have a guy on the side and you don’t want to lose me? Can’t you see how absolutely insane that is?!” He shouted throwing up his hands.

  I just looked him in the eyes and smashed my lips to his. He put his hands on the back of my head and pulled me in closer to him. His tongue was forced into my throat and I still wanted it to go deeper in. He gently threw my body on his bed and kissed from my lips down to my neck. I was already breathing heavily and he was breathing pretty heavy too but he was still kissing down my body. He lifted up my shirt, kissed my stomach and kept lifting up my shirt until it was completely over my head. Then he went back to kissing my lips while unhooking my bra and took one boob in each hand. He rolled my nipples with his thumb and I started to moan in his mouth.

  “I want you.” I said as his mouth went to my boobs and sucked one in his mouth. He didn’t say anything but he unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them off my legs. I unbuttoned his jeans and he shook them on the floor. I rolled my foot over the obvious bulge in his underwear. It felt way better than Dean’s ever felt. I wanted it and not just touching my foot. I wanted it inside me; exploring me. “Oh River, River make love to me.” I moaned as I pushing his underwear down with my feet and he took off mine.


  “You look so beautiful right now.” River whispered pushing my sweat infested hair out of my face. “But you decided already.” He sighed rolling over.

  “River I am not going to leave you.” I smiled getting on top of him and kissing him gently on the lips. “I want this. It took me a long time to sort through all my feelings and the miss read signals but if I really loved the guy I had before I wouldn’t have been able to fall for you.”

  “Bay I love you.” He said gazing into my eyes.

  “I love you too.” I whispered as he kissed me passionately and then pulled away to look at me again. “Can I ask you something?”


  “If dragons died out years ago how are you-“

  “Alive? Simple we never died out. We faked our death and all moved to a secluded area where we won’t be judged or-“

  “Dragons killed entire villages in the past. They were the most reasonable explanation to where the council’s rejects went to-“ I said realizing something. “My great grandfather told my parents they could be together and he disappeared after their marriage. The dragons were part of the council’s execution process.”

  “They were but we didn’t want to kill people anymore. We wanted to be apart from the rules.”

  “Then why are you here?”

  “Because I was still a minor and they needed to marry me off. They want us back because we did all the dirty work for them without much other damage. That’s why I am remarried to you after my first because I killed my offspring.”

  “It wasn’t your fault.” I smiled kissing his shoulder. “So you are a pure?”


  “Is this part of the council’s punishment for fleeing?” I questioned running my hand down his back.

  “Well the council is smart and knows that we didn’t die out. They found us years later and captured every baby from our secluded forest so they could marry them off. To breed, they want their own army of dragons for themselves.”

  “Why didn’t they just make the dragons breed with the other dragons? Why breed them with mixes?”

  “Because our powers are more under control when we are born a mix; we are less tempt-mental that way.” He smiled.

  “River, I want to build our relationship from the ground up.”

  “I think it’s too late for that.” He chuckled looking at my naked body under the covers.

  “Stop it!” I laughed pushing him away with my foot. He kissed up my leg to my neck where he nibbled on it a little. “I’m so hungry!”

  “Oh? Well than I should make you some food.” He smiled kissing my forehead and getting up. “I’m going to make you my special recipe.” He laughed walking out the door while I watched his butt move, how the muscles in his back flexed and then smoothed out as he walked.

  I decided to walk downstairs to help River cook for me.

  “I hear footsteps.” River laughed looking at the stairs. “What are you doing?”

  “I don’t know I just thought I would help you.” I smiled kissing his shoulder.

  “No, no.” He smiled picking me up and sitting me on the counter next to him. “You can’t help me. It’s a secret recipe which means you can’t help but you can sit there and let me admire you while I work.”

  “Okay. How is this?” I questioned posing on the counter.

  “Beautiful.” He chuckled kissing my nose and going back to the ingredients he had lined up on the counter. “I am making you my grandma’s special Soufflé Pancake with Apple-Pear Compote.”

  “You know you just told me what the ‘secret special recipe’ was called?”

  “Wow I guess I did. Oh no my grandma isn’t going to be very happy. I was only supposed to keep it in the family.” He laughed cutting pears.

  “I am part of the family.” I smiled eating a piece of pear.

  “Hey I needed that slice!” He shouted laughing again.

  “I guess you will just have to slice another one. Just so we don’t waist this.” I said picking up another slice and feeding it to him.

  “Mmm that’s good.” He sighed chewing the piece of pear. “I’m going to get another pear.” He smiled walking over to our fruit basket and grabbing another pear.

  The Right Guy and a New Beginning

  It has been a month since that magical night when River and I made love for the first time. We sleep together now in the same bed, naked. I have since seen Dean and we still have passionate chemistry but I can’t help but think of River instead. Dean and I haven’t had sex in a while and I think he is catching on.

  “Babe what’s wrong? You have been very distance lately.” River sighed turning over in the bed and hugging me to his bare chest.

  “I missed a period.”

  “Do you think you are pregnant?” River asked pulling me closer to his rock hard chest.

  “Well I am walking down to the pharmacy today to get a pregnancy test. We will know then.”

  “Why can’t you be more excited about this?” River whispered nuzzling my neck.

  “I am but I just don’t want to get my hopes up if it doesn’t end up being so.”

  “Well at least you have better genes than Jaime had. She was a Cyclops mixed with a centaur. My Iris was beautiful though.” He chuckled.

  “I bet she was. I hope we have a baby as great as both of us.” I smiled as we walked down to the kitchen.

  “She will be.” He whispered kissing me. I put my hands behind his head and tried to deepen the kiss. “Hey hey not that this isn’t...tempting but I still respect my grandmother when I am making her secret recipe.” He said pulling away from my lips but kissed me on the forehead.

  “River you are making your grandmother’s recipe while naked looking at my naked body. I doubt kissing me is really that bad.” I smiled pushing his hair away from his face. “Come on baby.”

  “Mmm god you are so tempting. You are going to make me want to throw you on that table and fuck the shit out of you.” He said looking me all over.

  “Really do you now?” I said looking up at him through my eyelashes.

  “Damn. I apologize in advance for this.” He said picking me up and throwing me on the kitchen table. He climb on top of me and started kissing down my body when I heard cracking below me.

  “River I-“ I sighed being cut off by the table giving away and we both fell to the floor onto a heap of wood. “Ow! River honey, are you okay?”

ah are you okay?”

  “Well if you could get off me I would be better.”

  “Right, sorry.” He said rolling off me and standing up. “Let me help you.” He smiled putting his hand out and picking me up in his arms. “You sure you’re okay? If not I could play doctor.” He said kissing and nibbling my neck.

  “Mmm.” I moaned into his ear. “Oh River.”

  “See play doctor.” He said breathing a little heavy.

  “River sweety I don’t want to- Oh.” I moaned as he bit my neck. Then I heard the doorbell ring. “River I have to get the door.”

  “Yeah but you might want to get dressed first.” He laughed walking up the stairs.

  “Right.” I said flying up the stairs past River. I went into my room and quickly got dressed. The doorbell rang again. “I’m coming. I’m coming.” I mumbled under my breath flying to the front door and opening it. “Dean?” I questioned closing the door behind me. “What are you doing here?”

  “Bay what’s going on? You were supposed to move in with me, leave this jerk and then you make some lame excuse about your art class?”

  “Dean I just don’t think I can leave my kids. They need me.”

  “No it’s not your kids. It’s River isn’t it?”

  “That’s crazy! Dean I love you.”

  “Really? Bay I have seen how distance you have been lately. You stopped wanting to have sex with me. You have fallen for your husband. Haven’t you?”

  “Yes. I am so sorry.” I said avoiding his gaze.

  “No, this isn’t right you are supposed to be with me!”

  “Dean keep your voice down!”

  “Why because River could hear us?!” He shouted even louder.

  “Dean!” I shouted crushing my lips to his to shut him up. While he kissed me I realized all I could think of was River. I pulled away and stepped back. “I’m sorry, Dean this isn’t right; I love River.” I said opening my front door. “Go away, Dean and don’t come back.”

  “These are very mixed messages, Bay.”

  “Not anymore. River is my future and I might have a future of my own growing inside me.”

  “You’re pregnant?” Dean asked looking at my stomach.

  “I don’t know yet. But Dean you have to leave.”

  “So I guess this is good bye?” Dean questioned looking a little sad.

  “Yes. Bye Dean” I sighed closing the front door.

  “Who was that?” River asked walking down the stairs.

  “Just somebody selling something.” I said going over to River and tangling my hand in his hair. “So why did you get dressed? I was looking forward to having sex on that big pile of wood on the floor of the kitchen.” I laughed playing in his hair.

  “No we are walking down to the pharmacy and getting a pregnancy test.” River smiled taking my hand. “Come on.” He chuckled as we walked out the front door.


  “Okay one more push should do it.” A nurse said sitting at the end of my bed.

  “It’s going to be fine.” River whispered in my ear. “I see- it’s a girl!” River said getting excited.

  “Congratulations, did you have a name picked out yet?” The nurse asked cleaning off the baby that just came out of me.

  “How about Delila?” River said as the nurse gave him the baby.

  “Delila?! Delila?! Why do you get to choose the name when I did all the work!”

  “I’m sorry sweetheart what did you want to name her?” River smiled giving me our baby.

  “Well I want to name her-“ I cut off as she looked into my eyes with her clover green eyes. “Oh never mind Delila is a beautiful name.”

  “Honey we still need a middle name. What was that name you had in your mind?”


  “Delila Elizabeth Woods?” He asked looking at our daughter. “Perfect just like you.” He smiled kissing my forehead. “I love you.” He whispered kissing my lips.

  “I love you too.” I said kissing him back.

  “Oh we don’t want to crush Delila.” I said starting to cry.

  “Aww honey, are you okay?”

  “Yeah I’m just so happy and really tired.” I laughed through tears.

  “Get some rest.” River smiled taking Delila from my hands as I settled down into the bed to sleep. “Thanks so much.” He whispered as I dosed off to sleep. I was at peace with my life.




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