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Holly Heats It Up (Holly Craig Erotica)

Page 2

by Jodie Halliday

  “Did we miss the toilet?” said Holly before giggling at her words.

  “You might have thought it was a coat cupboard. Off the vestibule,” replied Neil as he walked to the lounge window. “Oh gosh, this looks like a major storm. This wasn’t on the forecast!”

  “I know, I looked too before I left, otherwise I’d have worn something sensible.” She saw him falter again and turned to the kitchen again. “What heating do they have here. Is it gas?”

  “Yes, gas central heating. Hot water is electric,” he said, reading from the printed sheet. “Here, this is your copy.” He handed her the single page and she could feel his eyes examining her but once again not in a way that concerned her.

  “OK, so two bedrooms upstairs and the main bathroom which is shared between the two bedrooms, right?

  “Yup, shall we look? Master will face the back, second bedroom at the front.” He led the way upstairs and turned right. Holly turned left and opened the door to the second bedroom. She noted the ice on the windows and then gasped. Her hand came to her mouth and she swayed, coming to rest against the wall by the door. The pink room had a desk in one corner, stuffed animals around the bed and kneeling on the bed, with her buttocks in the air was a young blonde girl. She had earphones connected to her phone and two fingers of her right hand were jammed into her pussy, pushing out the lips in a regular, firm motion. Holly watched for no more than five seconds before she dived for the girl’s sheets and threw them over her back. The girl screamed, almost fell off the bed with a look of utter terror on her face. She rolled onto her back and screamed again at which point Neil came running up to the door. The girl yanked the earphones out and stared at them both.

  “What happened?” he asked, concerned but at a respectful distance from the two women.

  “I surprised her, that’s all. Could you give us five minutes so I can explain to her?”

  “Sure, I’ll be downstairs. Take a look at the master when you can.” He looked over at the petrified girl. “Sorry miss, we’re here looking at your lovely house. We’re from Gascoine’s, the firm your parents are using.” He left, shutting the door gently.

  Holly walked towards her and stopped short, her face showing as much sympathy and contrition as possible. “Sweetie, I’m so sorry.” She was about to say she should have knocked when she realised that the girl wouldn’t have heard anything. The girl was sobbing now with the sheet right up to her mouth. Holly sat on the bed and smiled weakly. “He didn’t see anything, believe me.” She was shaking and slid further down the bed. Holly stood briefly, pulled the covers up and sat back down. The girl brought her hands up and covered her face, crying quietly as the bed shuddered gently.

  “But you did!” she said, still hiding behind her hands. Her groans sounded like the world might end.

  “Sweetie, I’ve seen it before. I do it myself all the time.” It seemed to take a little while for the comment to sink in but Holly noticed very well defined stages of the balm that she had just administered. The breathing became quieter, the bed stilled and then the fingers parted allowing the sunshine of her face to burst through. She was beautiful, clear skinned, with shiny blonde hair which most girls would die for. She was not, in Holly’s opinion, a blonde bombshell but she was a beauty in her own right.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Everyone does it. I’m just sorry that you didn’t know we were looking at the house. What’s your name?”

  “Jessica,” replied the girl. Her tears had stopped but she still seemed to be breathing rapidly. “Are my parents here?”

  “No, just Neil, the agent and me. I’m Holly.” They shook hands and Jessica smiled.

  “All the time?” asked Jessica.

  “What? Oh, no, not all the time. Jessica, can I ask how old you are?”

  “Nineteen. I’m going to university in September.”

  “Ah right, that’s what Neil said.” Another huge gust of wind threw an additional layer of ice and snow at the window and the rafters creaked in the attic as the storm seemed to increase even more. “Wow, what a night! When are your parents due back?”

  “About ten tonight, but maybe they’ll be delayed,” said Jessica, looking at the mess on her window.

  “Where are they now?”

  “They went away for a prayer retreat.” Holly rolled her eyes and also looked at the window. “And they should be taking off about now.” Holly turned back to Jessica and patted her hand, belatedly trying to work out whether that was the one that he had been deep inside her pussy. Suddenly, Jessica grabbed her hand and held it to her chest. “Can you stay? I mean, for a little while, just to chat?”

  “Well, Neil’s downstairs. We ought to go soon or we’ll be stranded.”

  Jessica let go of Holly’s hand and covered her mouth, shaking her slowly in disbelief. “What did you see?”

  “When I came in?”

  “Yes, I can’t believe I was so disgusting!”

  “Jessica, it wasn’t disgusting. Like I said, I do it too. When I saw you I ran over straight away to cover you incase Neil came in.”

  “That was nice of you. But you saw my, my thing, right?”

  Holly smiled, nodding. “Your pussy?”

  Jessica gasped and bit her lip. “That’s such a disgusting word, right?”

  “Not disgusting, it’s nicer than some words. And don’t forget I’m a girl too. Changing rooms are full of them, aren’t they? And you have a cute bum!” said Holly laughing.

  “Oh my goodness, you think so? How old are you?”

  “I’m twenty-four. And yes, I’m sure! What were you watching?”

  She gasped and clutched the phone. “Please don’t tell, Holly. It was a video, that’s all.”

  Holly smiled. “I’m not going to tell anyone about anything. I had a video like that once but my PC blew up and I lost it.”

  “This just has a boy on it”

  “Ah, mine had a bit more. Look, I’d better catch up with Neil.” Holly looked up as a strange sound caught her attention. It sounded like a moaning or tearing coming from outside, to the left of the house. Jessica heard it too and they stared at each other, frowning, analyzing the sound for possible causes. The dull moaning of the storm muted much of the sound but about ten seconds later a thud sounded from approximately the same location and seemed to continue for several seconds. Holly looked at Jessica and got up. “I’ll see what that was.”

  “Please come back though. To chat, I mean.”

  She went downstairs and found Neil shutting the lounge window. “Looks like a tree came down. Missed my car by about twenty feet, yours should be fine too. Road’s blocked completely though and I doubt if it’s safe to travel in this weather. We may have to wait until a bit later when the weather clears up.”

  Holly sat on the sofa and pulled up the weather on her phone. It took a long time to load but the news was not good. “Wow, look at all this muck coming through! How come it wasn’t showing up two hours ago?” Neil stood behind her and watched the simulation of the weather moving from left to right.

  “Is she OK now?” asked Neil.

  “Jessica? Yeah, she had headphones on and I startled her. She had no idea anyone was coming round.”

  He took out his own phone and after a minute groaned quietly. “Oh, looks like it’s now down to twenty-eight degrees, shows a low of fifteen for tonight, then back to fifty tomorrow.”

  “Crazy weather, right?”

  “Yeah, I’ll call the owner and give them an update.”

  Holly went to the bottom of the stairs and shouted up to Jessica. “A tree fell down, about three houses down from here Jess.” She heard the door open and saw the girl, clutching the sheet in front of her.


  The sheet revealed half of Jess’s leg, a buttock, her waist and an arm but it looked alluring and sent a ripple through Holly. “A tree, got blown down about three houses away. It’s blocked the road.”

  “Ha, my father said they should get that thing
lopped. It’s huge!”

  “Hey, do you have the Wi-Fi password?”

  Jessica shook her head shamefully. “No, they won’t let me have it.”

  “Your parents?”

  “Yeah,” she said, then grinned. “But the lady next door lets me leech off theirs!” she tilted her head back to her room. “Here, I’ll give it to you, but don’t tell!” Jessica paused to make sure Holly was coming up the stairs then returned to her room. As Holly rounded the top step she heard another thump and a squeal, this time definitely from Jessica’s room. She found her sprawled out of the floor beside the led, the sheet tangled between her legs. “Oh damn that hurt!”

  “What happened?” asked Holly, leaning down to pull her up. The girl’s breasts were visible, high on her chest, tiny and enticing.

  “Stupid sheet got caught. Damn, that really hurt!”

  “Here, take my hand,” said Holly, pulling her so that she sat up. Her legs flopped open and Holly noted her pussy and the small amount of thin blonde hair which covered the area above her clit. Holly’s heart thudded in her chest as the girl continued to wriggle around so she could get her feet on the ground. “Sit on the bed, looks like you took a knock to the head.” Holly looked at her with mild suspicion, thinking that there was a slim chance that the fall had been contrived but the bump on her head suggested differently. Her buttocks were tight, slim and probably warm to the touch. Holly closed the bedroom door and sat beside her, feeling around the bump on her temple as though she knew what she was doing. “Looks like it will be just a bruise, that’s all.”

  “Sorry, I was in a hurry. It’s so exciting that you might stay longer, you know, so we can chat.” She brought the sheet up over her waist and giggled at Holly then became serious. “Nobody’s been in here before, except my Mum and Dad.”

  “Not school friends, relatives?”

  “No, I’m home-schooled. We don’t have any relatives near here either.”

  “Oh, poor you. So who do you hang out with?”

  She shook her head and remained silent. Holly breathed in slowly and reached out for her, pulling her close in a gentle hug. “We can chat, definitely. I was a bit like you at nineteen, honest.” Holly stared at her bookshelf with most of the titles being classic English literature, dictionaries, a couple of encyclopedias. There was a solitary book on physics nearest her bed. At nineteen, Holly had been able to count on many friends, both from her home town and later when she got to university. It was there that the scene changed completely. There were almost nightly parties, clubs, societies and general places to hang out with groups of people her age. It was the perfect place to round out a person’s impression of the world and modify their feelings that they initially brought to campus. And of course to find out the real truth about boys, except that was still under research and may never end as far as Holly was concerned. “Password?”

  “Oh yeah.” She reached over to the physics book and opened it at a specific page. “Here.”

  Holly added it to her notes on her phone, thanked her and stood. ”I’ll get connected and let Neil have it too then we can think about what we’re going to do. You going to get dressed?”

  “OK,” said Jessica, not fully on board with the idea.

  “We can chat downstairs, OK?” Holly found Neil in the lounge and showed him the network name and password for next door.

  “It’s OK, I have a hot-spot. Good signal. I’m going to call the owners and let them know what’s happening.”

  “Good idea, Jess is coming down in a minute.” She looked back towards the kitchen wondering if there was something lying around that she could eat. The gym had made her hungry. The visit should have been over half an hour ago and she had expected to be in the middle of dinner by now. She turned back to Neil and for the first time noticed the bump in his black suit trousers. She glanced away, looked at the blank TV then looked back. It was not, in her very limited experience, a bump from an erection, more from natural padding. The thought of the naked girl upstairs, the bump downstairs and her hunger contributed to her the growing lightheaded feeling. He was dialing a number on his cellphone and Holly smiled to herself, wondering what lay beneath those clothes.

  “Hi, is that Patryk Kowalski? This is Neil Legge from Gascoine’s, how are you?” He nodded and looked over to Holly as he spoke. “Yeah, it’s bad here too. A tree just fell in the road, looks like it’s blocked.” Another pause, more nodding. “So I have Miss Craig here viewing the property. We think we may be stranded here until the weather improves, just wanted to let you know.”

  Jessica appeared in the doorway, leaning on it as she listened to the conversation develop. She wore nothing on her feet, track suit bottoms and a t-shirt which hid everything except the two points of her nipples. Holly was sure that she had tweaked them deliberately before coming downstairs and wondered what Jessica’s agenda included. Part of her behavior might be due to the lack of friends her age but she thought that the girl wouldn’t have dressed so provocatively if her parents had been home.

  “Neil’s talking to your Dad,” whispered Holly. Jessica nodded and went into the kitchen, filled the kettle and switched it on. She motioned at Holly to join her.

  “What’s up?” asked Holly, looking back at Neil in case she missed some important information.

  “Nothing. You won’t get out tonight, you know. My windows were jammed shut so the front door is as well I expect. Hungry?”

  “Oh yeah, definitely,” said Holly, touching her arm.

  “How about coffee and biscuits to start with, then we can work out what to have for dinner.”

  “Are you warm enough?”

  “You sound like my Mum. I just like to dress like this, relaxed, minimal layers.” Holly considered her words and realised that when she was alone at home in her room she would almost always be naked, sitting at her desk, keyboard, mouse, phone and pussy all within easy reach. One of the things she had dreamed about with a house was being able to walk around naked whenever she wanted, temperature permitting. “Holly, can I tell you something sort of private?”

  “Sure,” she replied, guiding her over to the sink.

  “What happened earlier, when you caught me, that’s the most exciting thing that ever happened to me.”

  “Oh Jess. What about social events, boys you’ve met?”

  She shook her head glumly. “I used to go to the church teens dance once a month but that stopped when Father Shamus was jailed. The only time I get out is when my Dad takes me to the track where I run. He watches me all the time from the car and gets out if I speak to boys for more than a couple of minutes.”

  “No kisses or cuddles?”

  “Nope,” replied Jessica, looking dejected and unsure of herself. Holly opened her arms and Jessica smiled delightedly, leaning towards Holly and sighing as they wrapped their arms around each other. “My parents let me see and learn things according to their rules. That’s why the Wi-Fi is so important. Without it I hear nothing about the world.”

  “I’m so sorry, Jess.”

  “It’s OK, I’m used to it.”

  “You’re a beautiful girl, Jess. You have nothing to worry about. I didn’t have my first boyfriend until my third year at university.”

  “Tell me about him?” she said, handing Holly a packet of biscuits.

  “Maybe later, let’s see what the plan is for tonight.” They wandered back into the lounge and sat. Holly winced as Neil did a perfect double-take at Jessica’s nipples.

  “Yeah, we can’t see out the windows because of the ice and snow build-up. Yeah, I can hold.” He covered the phone and turned to Jessica. “They’re making an announcement at the gate right now.” Holly watched her with renewed interest as the girl clasped her hands together and seemed to hold her breath. “Huh? You’re breaking up Patryk. Oh, OK, that’s a nuisance. Yeah, well we’re probably going to be on the sofa too what with this storm, no chance of getting back to town tonight.” He covered the phone again and nodded at Jessica. “Can

  The broadest smile lit Jessica’s face and she clapped her hands with glee. “Yes!” she said, pumping the air. Neil frowned at her and picked up his conversation again.

  “Yes, she’s here. OK, between us we can cook something, I’m sure. What. Are you sure? That’s very kind, we’ll make sure the bed is ready for you tomorrow night, that’s very a generous thought. OK, yes, have a reasonable night and we’ll be in touch during the week. Bye for now. Jessica, your Dad would like a word.”

  She took Neil’s phone, her energy level dropping as she slumped to the floor. “Hi Dad, what happened to your flight? Oh, so what time tomorrow? OK, yes, we can cook something from the freezer. Yes, I’ll be fine. At least I won’t be alone in this storm. It looks really bad you know. OK, Dad, I know, I won’t. No, nobody is likely to want to come to a party here anyway, not in this weather. Yes, I will. OK, bye, see you tomorrow.”

  Jessica handed the phone back to Neil and she used his knee to steady herself as she stood. It seemed a rather forward interaction with him and Holly sensed his surprise but he merely looked pensive for a second or two before resuming his usual cheerful countenance. Holly wondered why Jessica hadn’t asked to speak to her mother and assumed she wasn’t available.

  “We have ham steaks, how about that? Anyone allergic to ham?” Both Neil and Holly gave their blessing and so three steaks were removed from the freezer and placed into warm water while still in their protective plastic wrappers. “Peas, carrots, new potatoes, OK?”

  “Can I help Jessica?” asked Holly, draining the bowl in the sink and replacing with more hot water.

  “No, but you could check in the pantry for some wine. Anything will do. Oh and we have cheesecake for desert.”

  The pantry smelled of apples, cinnamon and other homely flavors. Holly pulled out a couple of bottles and chose the one with the name in italic script on the basis that it looked more important and expensive. “How about this?”


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