Holly Heats It Up (Holly Craig Erotica)

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Holly Heats It Up (Holly Craig Erotica) Page 11

by Jodie Halliday

  Holly texted Ricky about her Mum and the ice storm then emailed some pictures to him with a lot more information about the house and her on-going search. She was tempted to mention that Neil and Jess were there even if she didn’t go into detail about how she had found a way to bring Neil out of his two-year nightmare and Jessica out of her nineteen year-old isolation. Mentioning them would definitely plant the seed in his mind but after further consideration she thought she could bring it up after they had become exclusive and she could frame it as one of those things she had willingly given up to devote herself to him. Holly smiled at the thought and how her third-year course in PR had come in useful. She extended the reasoning to consider that making love to girls was harmless as it was no threat to Ricky, so she could cross off those two indiscretions off the list. With respect to the two men she had slept with, the first was under duress and Ricky had already absolved her of any sin, so that only left Neil to explain. She grinned and stared at her screen which contained an image of her new 6.7 inch dildo. It wasn’t she who had made love to Neil that night by the fire, but Shelly, his departed wife. She jumped up and pumped the air. She was cleansed, forgiven, her slate wiped clean. Her dressing gown dropped to the floor and she celebrated the feeling of the warm air over her nakedness. Her clock said 4:15, which meant her little friend should be on her doorstep in less than twenty-four hours. Perhaps she would take Monday afternoon off and ‘work from home’ to make sure it arrived safely.

  Holly rolled her stockings down her legs and dumped them in the dirty laundry container then changed into her gym clothes. As always, the running shorts felt great in the way they gently compressed her buttocks and gripped her pussy and lower stomach with warm confinement. She walked to the gym carefully over the slush and remaining ice but ran her 5k in 22.45 which was a reasonable time for her. Back home she showered, had dinner then slept soundly.

  On Monday morning Lloyd, Holly’s boss, confirmed that it was perfectly OK for her to work from home for the latter part of the afternoon. She called the Dean’s office and was surprised and flattered that his assistant remembered her and moreover found time on his calendar for her to briefly meet him that afternoon.

  Holly did some useful work at Millsum’s for about twenty minutes until Neil texted her to say that Jess had informed him that the tree had been chopped up and that his car was free. He was going round by taxi to collect it later that day. She left the firm at around two in the afternoon and drove directly to the university, sorely tempted to take a detour to her house and check on the package but that might have made her late so she parked in front of the administration building and went up to the second floor.

  “Miss Craig?” asked the assistant seated behind the outer office reception desk. Holly was pleased that she recognised her after almost a year had elapsed since their one and only previous meeting.

  “Yes, how are you?”

  “Fine, the Dean is ready so go straight in.”

  Holly entered his dark paneled office and saw him seated behind his desk, typing and glancing between keyboard and screen. The room should have been used for a movie set with its shelves of books, dark brown leather easy chairs and the small windows which let in very little light. There was even a globe on a stand to complete the effect. He looked up, smiled and immediately stopped typing. Rising, he offered his hand and she shook it, smiling as they exchanged pleasantries and he guided her to one of two leather armchairs.

  “How have you been and how is Millsum’s?” he asked. Holly was impressed that he remembered where she had taken a job and nodded happily.

  “I’m fine, and Millsum’s was a great choice, thanks.”

  “Good firm, John Millsum is very supportive of Witney. His son came here, you know?”

  A mental image of Ricky lying naked on her bed fluttered through her mind. She nodded. “Yes, I’ve been on the road a little with them already, good experience.”

  “So how can I help you today?” he asked.

  “I met a young girl who wants to study Physics here at Witney. She’s nineteen but hasn’t submitted an application yet. She’s home schooled and has already passed the first year equivalency exams for the course. Well, I think they’re equivalent, but it’s late in the acceptance cycle and I hoped that if she submitted her application in the next couple of days that the university would process her as an exception?”

  “Well, Holly, it would depend if we have space on the course for another student.” He rose and pressed his intercom button on the phone. “Joyce, could you find out if there’s any spare capacity on any Physics 101 for next year?”

  “Will do,” came the response.

  “Sir, there’s one other thing …” said Holly before being interrupted.

  “Holly, please, call me Simon.”

  “Oh, thank you. Well, one other thing. The girl, Jessica, has led a very sheltered life, protected by her parents to an extreme. Her application would not be shared with her parents unless she is accepted.”

  “So they would object to her coming here?”

  “Possibly, but if she was successful she would move out of the house and then into halls of residence before the year starts. She is nineteen after all.”

  The intercom buzzed. “Yes Joyce?”

  “Simon, there are three places available in Biophysics, one in Astrophysics and two in Theoretical.”

  “OK, thanks Joyce,” said Simon as he reached over the desk to cancel the intercom. “Did you get those?” he asked, and Holly nodded. “So, we have vacancies. Holly, do I detect another of your Good Samaritan deeds in the making?”

  She smiled, nodding. “Simon, the girl is like a prisoner in her own bedroom. She’s expected to study English Literature for four years which she has no interest in at all, Physics is her passion. Her parents are very controlling and I just want to help her achieve her potential.”

  “So just have her complete the application form online. What’s her name?”

  “Jessica Kowalski.”

  “Thanks,” he said, noting it down. “I’ll make sure I keep an eye on the application and will let you know when a decision has been made. Then you can tell her and make plans from there. But there’s no guarantee, of course. She has to qualify for the course like all students, I’m just prepared to review her application late because you asked me to, OK?”

  “Thanks so much Simon. That’s very kind of you,” said Holly, rising with him and shaking his hand.

  “You’re welcome, see you again I hope, along with Jessica. Do you think you could leave your contact details with Joyce?”

  “Of course, and thanks again.”

  Chapter 7

  Holly drove home as carefully as she could, not because of the slush that was still lying on the lore sheltered parts of the road but because she was delighted that Jessica would have an opportunity to submit her application and also because she expected a little package to be waiting for her when she arrived. However, as she skipped along the short path to the front door she saw there was nothing lying there which was not what she had expected. Glumly she opened to door and went into the kitchen to make coffee. It was just after three so she knew she ought to log on to the Millsum corporate systems and check her email to make it look as though she was working.

  “Hol, that you?” came Suzy’s voice. It sounded like she was in the lounge. Holly carried her coffee and laptop bag with her and stuck her head round the door.

  “Hey, no lectures?”

  “No, not on Monday afternoons. There’s some stuff here for you,” said 2Jessica, nodding at the coffee table. Holly spied two letters and a brown box about twelve inches long. She looked at Suzy, trying to determine whether she knew what was inside. Twelve inches or whatever, it was seemed way too big.

  “Ah yeah, probably the underwear I ordered,” said Holly as she grabbed the package and letters.

  “Wow, heavy duty stuff. Must be rubber underwear!”

  Holly turned as she blushed and climbed the stair
s. She put her coffee on her desk, powered up the laptop and then closed her door very quietly before switching on her electric fire. She looked again at the package. Her first sex toy and no police outside. The box was sealed against tampering such that she had to place it on the floor and lean down on a pair of scissors to pierce one end before she could even begin to tear the package apart. She prayed that the scissors wouldn’t cut off part of the dildo, deforming it even before she had got it in her hands. The box eventually gave way and out slid another elegant box, purple and nicely presented, which opened to reveal her little friend. It looked like a penis, with veins and ridges and a bulbous end which made her giggle. She lifted it out of the packing and was amazed at the way it flexed slightly but felt rigid, strong and almost lifelike. She wobbled it in the air and giggled again as it flexed back and forth but always returned to its upright and rigid shape. It smelled of some type of plastic or rubber but it was benign. She licked the end with the tip of her tongue and breathed out long and hard. This had all the makings of a long and wide friendship.

  Holly kicked off her shoes and placed the dildo on her chair, then sat on it so that it ran along the length of her pussy. She jumped up, hitched up her skirt and sat again so that it looked like it poked out from between her legs. Gloriously happy with her purchase she logged on to the corporate email system and reviewed her email from the past two hours. Even as she read she couldn’t help reaching down to touch the thing, gently feeling its shape, pulling it up on occasions so that it pressed more firmly against her pussy, wondering if this was what Ricky did when he was reading his email.

  She pushed her laptop to one side and used her PC to email Jessica, saying that the Dean had agreed that she could submit her application and that she would be happy to review it if that helped. She also listed out the number of positions which were available for each course, copied Neil and then pressed ‘Send’. She half-heartedly looked at the news from around the world but was unable to concentrate on anything as her flexible friend seemed to be smiling up at her from between her legs. She wondered how Ricky could ever get anything done if he had something like her toy to play with all the time. The room had warmed up and she knew she couldn’t wait any longer so he pulled the curtains to make the room slightly darker, then shed her blouse, bra and shoes before slipping quietly into bed. She was fairly sure that Suzy was still in the lounge which was directly below her room and so a creaking bed at this time of day when she was alone would make it just too obvious as to what was going on.

  She slid the dildo down between her breasts and under the waistband of her panties so that it glided over her clit and lodged between her pussy lips. She smiled at the feeling and lay back, closing her eyes. It seemed strange to be able to control the penis so that it approached her at any angle she wished and it reminded her of some sort of snake as it explored the confines of her underwear. She pressed the end against her pussy lips and felt them part slightly, welcoming the new guest and delivering a little lubrication to the top. She decided her panties were in the way and quickly slipped them down to her ankles, leaving them there for possible future use or in case Suzy called out or even knocked at her door. She repositioned the cock at her entrance and pushed gently, surprised by the resistance and the feeling of its size that registered against her inner lips. She pulled it out and brought it to her mouth, licking and then sucking the end just has she loved to do with Ricky. She breathed out slowly, her heart thumping with the exhilaration of having the huge thing in her mouth and at her command. She parted her legs so they were flat on the bed with her feet together and rested it once again against her wet pussy, making sure the fake little balls hung down. It was then that she felt the other end of the cock and pulled it back up to examine it. She gasped when she saw the suction cup and her mind flew off into an immediate calculation of how many surfaces she could attached it to, even right there in her room. Even the window was added to the mental list as she brought it back down and pressed it gently inside.

  Lubrication dribbled out of her in quantities that were surprising and Holly used the cock to smooth them around her pussy before pushing it in an inch. It lodged home as her lips and vagina walls held it in place with minimal force required from her hand. She could feel it opening her wide, stretching her just as Neil had done, gliding beneath her clit as the ribbed surface tantalized her pussy. It was an intense feeling as a result of the stretching as well as the unknown. She tried to guess using her right hand how many more inches were outside her but she gave up and pushed in further, shifting her bottom slightly to align it better. It felt wicked, she thought, grinning at the word as she pulled it out then rubbed the length of it over her pussy, stimulating the whole area and giving her a sense of its enormity. Maybe it was bigger than Ricky and about the same size as Neil but that didn’t matter. What was important was that it was wholly under her control and its sole purpose in life was to deliver maximum pleasure to her. She rubbed it hard against her outer lips, briefly brought her legs together to trap it then pulled it up so that it felt like she had captured the thing with her thighs and pussy. Wide open again she pushed it in half way and breathed out, slowly and deliberately as she felt more lubrication dribbling down to her anus.

  Her corporate laptop dinged quietly to signal a new email and she giggled at the thought that she was, once again, getting paid to pleasure herself on a workday afternoon. She pulled the cock part of way out and since she had experienced only stretching and the tiniest of stings in her pussy she decided that she would push it all the way in or at least until it seemed it wouldn’t go any deeper. With the fingers of her left hand she gently circled her slippery clit while another inch slid inside her. It was divine, pure pleasure and she quickly pushed again, losing another inch. She had never felt so full, as though every square inch inside her pussy was being stimulated by the thing. Another inch then a final push as the little balls came up against her thighs. She felt her wetness on both hands and as she ran her fingers around the cock where it emerged from her pussy she felt the copious slickness everywhere.

  She pushed back the covers so that she could move more freely and pulled the cock out slowly then pushed back in again immediately, groaning quietly at the sensation of fullness and the instant response of her body to the wonderful toy. She left her clit alone knowing that it wouldn’t be necessary to do any more than use the cock. Her left hand gripped her breast firmly, tweaking the nipple as she began a steady, slow movement of pulling the cock out of her until the knob almost emerged then pushing it back in at the same pace, delighting in the way it forced her vagina apart all the way down but especially the first couple of inches. Each thrust was a thrill, making her pause in anticipation of the intense feeling before actually pushing it inside herself. She grinned stupidly at the ceiling with the joyous thought that the dildo had been designed just for her. Otherwise, how could it possibly fit so well inside her and stimulate every inch of her pussy, probably reaching depths that no cock had ever plumbed before?

  She continued her rhythm of slow insertions and extractions for a couple of minutes as she got used to the feeling and the knowledge that she was in control of what promised to be an intense orgasm. She stopped a couple of times to calm down, to prolong the feeling of bliss that the toy was delivering to her. It remained hard along its length yet soft to the touch and she found she could angle it slightly differently to stimulate various areas inside. Holly touched her nipples, her inner thighs, her little hood and every area of her body that was crying out for her fingers. They all sent back messages of warmth, desire and pleasure, united in their thanks for her purchase.

  She tweaked her nipple one more time then felt over her stomach, hips and around under her buttocks. Her movement faltered on the cock as she felt the sheets which were soaking wet underneath her and when she touched her anus her fingers came away sticky. With a sickening dread she thought she might be bleeding and brought her hand up quickly but breathed out and grinned as thick juices str
ung between her fingers. She licked the tips clean then spread the juice over her breasts before starting her motion again. Holly swallowed hard as her orgasm built up and she varied her thrusting between long deep strokes with others that simply split her lips and went in an inch or two. The variety was intoxicating and something that she would never have tried to explain to a man. It was her personal rhythm. Her hand and her body’s responses were perfectly in tune.

  Her hand once again mashed her breast, digging her nails into the firm flesh as the cock picked up a little speed. She realised suddenly that her thighs were shaking from the build-up of pleasure. The squelching noise from her pussy grew louder with each stroke and she felt occasional spurts of liquid hitting her upper thighs or dribbling down to her anus and the sheets beyond. The cock felt glorious, firm, sleek and so slippery as it continued to fill her far beyond anything she had ever experienced before. It was then that her orgasm clicked into gear and she felt the stirrings grow rapidly, far faster and stronger than anything she had experienced before. The pace of the build-up scared her and she thought for an instant that she might do herself some damage. She knew she could stop and calm down or just ride it out and she chose the latter, pumping hard inside her, varying the depth but not the force as she squeezed her breast and painfully grabbed her nipple between her fingers. Her limbs were shaking now, out of her control and she breathed only when her lungs became painful. She didn’t care if she screamed out or writhed onto the floor as long as the devastation that the toy promised was delivered to her pussy. The final few seconds before it hit were unknown territory for her as she seemed to black out, shudder and shake and then totally surrender as the climax ripped through her young body and ricocheted around her trembling frame. Her mouth was jammed open, silent with no hope of air as she froze, then briefly pounded the thing inside her once, froze again and then picked up the pace as she rode the monstrous wave into oblivion. Her breast had deep white nail marks in it and spurt after spurt squirted from her pussy, most landing on her bed but one deflected by her palm onto her stomach. She shook spastically as each thrust prolonged the exquisite feeling and she had to force herself to stop as she simply couldn’t keep riding the wave that seemed to have no end.


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