Holly Heats It Up (Holly Craig Erotica)

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Holly Heats It Up (Holly Craig Erotica) Page 12

by Jodie Halliday

  She breathed, slowed her pace then picked it up again, amazed at the way she responded to the promise of more pleasure and began climbing the hill with such ease. She closed her legs with the cock still deep inside her and rolled onto her side. The sheets stuck to her buttocks and hips and her stomach, breasts, thighs and legs seemed to be wet and slightly sticky. She shook her head in disbelief as her breathing slowed. With the covers back around her neck she pulled her pillow underneath her head and closed her eyes, feeling with delight the firm cock still deep inside her, waiting for further instructions. She could hear her heart still pounding and knew, if she had any energy left, that she could have done it all again and would have come in minutes. She was absolutely sure she had never come like that, not with a force that blanked her mind out and simply trampled over her. She didn’t feel any pain which was a relief although her thighs ached from the way she had forced them apart. Without thinking she rotated the cock and another flash of pleasure shot through her making her gasp. She would experiment with that the next time, as well as maybe heating it up in warm water and of course sticking it to a surface. She decided she would be careful and wear white panties to bed for the first time in many years just in case she had done some internal damage and any trace of blood in the morning might be worth knowing.

  Holly lay there is post-orgasmic bliss for another twenty minutes before she gently slid the thick cock out of her and brought it up to take a look. There were no streaks of blood but it felt delightfully sticky and warm. Her tongue flicked at it and she tasted herself but any need to take it into her mouth didn’t materialise and she just laid it on her pillow and stared at it, fascinated. At that moment she had no urge to get out of bed or do anything except relax, dream and stare blankly at her purchase. It was clear to her, in the sleepy, rested state that she was in, that using it just before she went to sleep would be a wonderful way to end the day. This, she thought, was what it felt like to have been well and truly fucked.

  She did get up eventually, her movements lethargic and minimal as she wandered over to her desk and grabbed a towel. She patted her pussy down which was almost dry anyway and then wiped her buttocks and thighs. The sheets were still wet in the middle of the bed so she pulled the covers back and let the air get to the distinctly darkened patches with the hope that they would be dry by bedtime.

  She looked at the cock resting on her pillow and thought that she needed to tell other people what she had discovered and maybe help them avoid years of drought. After pulling her dressing gown around her she had dinner, answered emails late into the evening then went to bed, at peace with the world.

  On Tuesday afternoon Jessica reported by email that she had submitted her application and gave Holly the reference number. Holly picked up her phone and dialed Neil’s work number.

  “Hey, it’s me, Holly.”

  “Holly, how are you? I got my car back OK, waved to Jess but didn’t speak to her.”

  “Great! She submitted the application just now, you might have seen the email.”

  “No I hadn’t but that’s good, and again, so kind of you to lobby for her.”

  “No problem. So, I think I need to make an offer on her house, right?”

  “Yes. Can we discuss when I’m at home tonight?” said Neil, a note of caution in his voice.

  “Oh sure, do you want to call me around eight o’clock?”

  “Will do, speak to you later.”

  Holly got home at just after six o’clock on Tuesday evening, dumped her laptop in her room then came back down to make coffee and dinner. She chatted with Suzy for a short time and had a strong sense that she knew exactly what had been in the foot-long box from the previous day.

  “Suzy, did you know that I’m looking around for a place to buy?” asked Holly as she sliced bread for a sandwich.

  “No, oh that’s great, well done!”

  “Thanks, it will be in the Witney area but I haven’t found the right place yet.”

  “You moving in with Ricky?”

  “No,” replied Holly, smiling. “Just me to start with.” She buttered the bread and layered some roast beef on top.

  “Well good for you,” said Suzy, sitting down at the table. “Hope you find some good neighbours.”

  “Hmm, doubt if I can check them out before I move in. How’s Kathy?”

  She watched in amazement as Suzy’s face lit up and she seemed to burst into life. “She’s fine, Hol. Lovely actually,” she said wistfully.

  Holly nodded, truly delighted. “I’m so glad. I think I may have found someone to take my place, her name’s Jess.”

  “Oh, right, I didn’t think about that. Where is she now?”

  “At her parent’s place, she might be starting as a freshman in September.”

  Holly looked away, suddenly realising that if Jessica didn’t get accepted then they would have to advertise and so maybe her announcement of Jessica was premature.

  “Oh nice, so are you going to bring her round or has she already seen the place?”

  “No, but that’s a good idea, I’ll mention it to her once she’s been accepted,” said Holly, cleaning up. “Gotta run, catch up on email.”

  “OK, maybe see you at the gym later.”

  “Yup!” said Holly as she went upstairs. The gym sounded like a good idea and if she could get down there for about eight thirty she could still get a decent night’s sleep. As usual, she placed the coffee and food on her desk, closed the door and stripped. Her panties were spotless with no trace of blood which relived her. She powered on her screen and checked email, grunting in annoyance as tomato dropped onto her thighs. She gripped her pussy firmly in her palm, squeezing to sensitize the smooth flesh. The hair above her clit had grown since the morning and she calculated that she would shave it on Thursday or Friday night. She picked up her cellphone and called Neil who picked up on the second ring.

  “It’s me, Holly, how are you?” she asked, munching on her sandwich and pushing the bits of lettuce that had dropped on the floor towards the waste bin.

  “I’m fine. Sorry we couldn’t talk earlier but what we’re doing isn’t exactly ethical.”

  “OK, understood. I’d like to see more places this weekend, around the south-east of town so that they’d be on my commute.”

  “Good, I’ll put together a list. Now, the Kowalski property has been on the market for almost four months, twenty two showings, no offers. So I suggest you offer something about 15% below listing price, subject to inspection and contract. They will consider it for a short while and I can lead them along a little saying that you might be willing to go higher.”

  “Devious!” she said, leaning back in her chair as she placed her feet on the desk. Within seconds her left hand rested over her pussy and her thumb made the lightest of brushes over her clit.

  “It’s not unheard of, just not a very nice thing to do. You would need to send me your offer in email then I’ll forward that to them verbally tomorrow.”

  “Have you heard from Jess?” she asked as she rubbed her clit very gently with the palm of her hand. She recalled the sight of Neil’s cock in the light from the fire, tangled up in the labyrinth of her black panties.

  “Oh yes, we text and email all the time. Email mainly as she doesn’t want to go over her text quota and have her parents inspecting her phone.”

  “Jeez, poor girl, that would drive me mad.”

  “Hol, she’s so desperate to move out, our weekend with her made her very happy and also very angry. Any idea when you might hear from the Dean?”

  “No, don’t forget the application only went in last night.”

  “Yeah, I know. It’s just horrible to hear her suffering.”

  “I’ll call you the minute I hear something, promise.”

  “OK, thanks Holly, speak to you soon.”

  “Bye for now.”

  She hung up, slightly irritated by the conversation. She understood his anxiety but he couldn’t really expect the university to jump th
rough hoops for a late applicant. She finished the first half of her sandwich, cursing as tomato dropped between her legs onto the seat. She tried to grab it but it slipped deeper before disappearing under her buttocks. Exasperated, she got up, wiped her hand over her buttocks and thighs to get at the mess then after a brief search bent down and wiped her hand on the carpet. She sat back down, scowling at the second half of the sandwich and picked it up carefully. She texted Ricky for the hundredth time that day, just saying hello and that she missed him. It was about two and a half weeks before he got back. She would spend the coming weekend looking at houses, then hopefully the weekend after that showing Jess around the college and the house. The weekend after that she would be naked for forty-eight hours in his apartment, chained to the chair on the balcony as he did unspeakable things to her in public.

  Holly sent her offer email to Neil and made it seventeen percent lower than the list price which she thought would protect her from having to move forward. She then called Sam who had introduced her to Millsum’s and had helped her out when she selected her car. He sounded very excited to hear from her and they chatted for almost half an hour but towards the end of the conversation Holly began to feel that something was wrong. Rather than pry on the phone she said she would invite him to her housewarming and they could catch up then. She wondered if he too had been naked during their call or whether she was the only one who dared make nude phone calls. She could ask Ricky next time they spoke but she smiled at the thought, knowing he would say he was wearing nothing just so she would reveal the same.

  On Saturday morning Holly met Neil at his office to run through the houses they were going to view and his first question, predictably, was whether she had heard about Jessica’s application, and Holly bit her tongue before she told him that she would have called him immediately if she had heard anything. Instead she simply shook her head and replied she hadn’t. They set off in his car and toured the southern end of Witney, spending about fifteen minutes in each property unless it had no hope for her when they pulled up outside. The fourth and fifth houses had the most promise and so after a very quick lunch they made appointments again and re-visited them. They were both three bedrooms and while Holly thought that was too large they were within her price range and Neil suggested that one of the bedrooms could be a study. What eventually decided it for her was one of the houses had a barking dog in the rear of the property next to the house which she thought might bark all night. The other house was quiet and had wallpaper in the lounge which she really liked, so 17, Bramley Drive won.

  Holly and Neil discussed an offer that would get the owner’s attention and she said she would confirm by email later. She took pictures of every room and the garage then collected her car and drove home, elated and excited to start planning. Neil had reminded her of his offer to pay for some of her furniture and they agreed on a value of three thousand dollars which would get her two beds, some furniture for the kitchen and living room plus a sofa. He said he would confirm that the fridge was staying and anything else that the owners didn’t want to move.

  Holly emailed Jessica with her news and asked if she was thinking of going running on Sunday. The reply came back immediately and they agreed to meet at eleven o’clock to chat and maybe sneak off somewhere. Holly made coffee and stripped naked once back in her room. She reviewed the photos on her phone and began planning although she quickly realised that she had almost nothing to move from the house to her new property, assuming of course that her offer was accepted. That reminded her that she had actually made the formal offer so she emailed Neil with the details and expected to hear back from him later that day.

  She flopped onto her bed and stared at the photo of the master bedroom as she gently massaged her pussy. She would buy a big bed, suitable for two people to get lost in, plus some really nice bedding. She thought that the main rooms she would concentrate on were the master bedroom, the kitchen and her study. She was thinking about pots and pans when her phone buzzed in her hand. She didn’t recognise the number but pressed the little green icon anyway, ready to tell the stupid business loan man to get stuffed but only after wasting five minutes of his time by sounding genuinely interested.


  “Holly?” said a man’s voice.

  “Yes, this is Holly.”

  “It’s Simon Mansfield at Witney University, hope I’m not disturbing you?”

  She sat up, heart pounding and pulled her hand out from between her legs. “Oh hi, no, no problem.” Her fingers smelled wonderful.

  “We’ll, I’ve heard back from the faculty regarding Miss Kowalski. It seems that one of them knows of her. Did you know she had published two papers on ‘Laser gravitational divergence’?”

  Holly laughed out loud. “No, I had no idea, nor do I know what that is to be honest.”

  “Well I’m not too sure either but it sounds impressive. But the point is that Miss Kowalski is performing well above what we would ever expect as a freshman. There’s no doubt that we wouldn’t just admit her but we would actively court her.”

  “Oh wow, I really didn’t know she had done that. I just knew Physics was a passion of hers, that’s all.”

  “So there’s talk of a full scholarship. She would need to find the lodging fees and of course food, books and so on. I can’t promise but I would say that it’s ninety percent likely.”

  “Simon, this is wonderful, she’ll be thrilled. Can I tell her?”

  “Oh I think so, yes. She has a place, definitely, we’ll work out the details in the next few days. I’ll email you a letter of acceptance if you would do me the honor of passing it on to her?”

  “Of course, that’s just wonderful news.”

  “Thank you again Holly, for thinking of us and of Jessica. Bye for now.”

  “Bye, and thanks Simon, we really appreciate it.” She rung off, wondering whether the use of ‘we’ had conveyed the right impression, but she didn’t over-analyse it. Her left hand zipped back between her legs and she squealed with delight as she rolled onto her stomach and rewarded herself with her fingers tight over her pussy while the heel of her hand rubbed gently over her clit. The feeling of slightly prickly skin reminded her that she had meant to shave two days ago, so she pulled her dressing gown around her, grabbed her washing bag and slipped downstairs into the bathroom.

  As she dropped her dressing gown the draft wafted around her body and she didn’t need to look to know she was aroused, presumably as a result of the promise of the razor rather than Jessica’s acceptance or Simon’s voice. Her fingers confirmed it and she then realised that she hadn’t masturbated since that Monday night when her new friend arrived. She placed one foot on the toilet and spread foam over her pussy and up over her clit, popped the safety cover off the pink razor and swiped down towards her pussy in slow, gently strokes. It was a simple process if she took her time and after shaving the top area she pulled her lips out slightly and got them as smooth as possible. Having her foot on the toilet and balancing her bottom against the sink didn’t seem to be the sexiest way to shave herself, so she turned the shower on, allowed some hot water to warm the porcelain of the bath and once the shower was off again, stepped in and lay down. She started again just to see whether it was more fun and with her feet either side of the bath she felt sufficiently exposed for it to be a little more pleasurable and for the seeds of fantasies to be sown.

  With her skin baby-smooth once again she dropped the razor and spread the remaining foam over her pussy and down to her anus, pushing into the tight little hole while her palm massaged her pussy. It was a nice feeling but she wasn’t going to come and she immediately wondered whether the toy had wrecked her ability to come by any other means. What if she couldn’t orgasm with Ricky thrusting deep inside her? She gently added another finger and pushed again deep inside her anus. That, thankfully, caused a tremor inside her which gave her confidence that all was well.

  He had pushed his finger into her asshole on a couple of occasion
s but she had never had anal sex in her life. She knew that her dildo would permanently wreck her if she could even get it in there, but Ricky might and she knew he would be gentle. She closed her eyes to imagine a scenario, even though it was getting cold lying in the bath. If he was shaving her she could pull her legs up as he was finishing off and somehow indicate that her anus was in play. If she groaned a lot when he touched her there perhaps she could hold his cock and guide him just an inch lower. If it was covered in shaving foam then all the better for him to slip in. Now she was feeling horny and her thumb slipped over her lips, massaging the foam until goose bumps on her arms and legs signaled it was time to rinse off and get back upstairs. As she toweled herself dry she concluded that being shaved by someone else was a thrill while doing it herself was a chore but very worthwhile. In addition, one or two fingers in her anus was wonderful whoever was doing it so having a cock in there would be at least as exciting and most likely thrilling.

  Back upstairs she saw she had an email from Simon and she opened the attached letter and printed it out. It was on headed notepaper from the university and confirmed that Jessica Kowalski had been offered a place on the Astro Physics course staring in September. She held it in her hand and sighed with delight, knowing that Jessica would be so excited when she saw it. Her dressing gown dropped in a puddle to the floor and she assumed her normal position at her desk. Once again she wished she had some porn on her PC that she could watch. By all accounts the Internet was a river of filth but it seemed to be diverted around 45 Foley Road and she had no idea who to contact to obtain even a little drop.


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