Holly Heats It Up (Holly Craig Erotica)

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Holly Heats It Up (Holly Craig Erotica) Page 13

by Jodie Halliday

  Holly’s phone buzzed with a new text, which she saw was from Neil. “You won the bid congratulations. It’s a great house. Talk more re details Mon.” She laughed with joy, realising now that there seemed to have been other interested parties and she had outbid them. She spent the remainder of the evening compiling a spreadsheet of her intended purchases organised by room with a maximum price against each item. At midnight the list totaled just over four thousand dollars. She saved the data crawled into bed, too tired to even kiss her big friend goodnight.

  Chapter 8

  Holly reached the track just before eleven on Sunday morning and did a very slow warm-up lap as she waited for Jessica. She began to get concerned as she was still not there by a quarter past, but several laps later and just before half past eleven Jessica got out of a car and began running. As agreed, they pretended to ignore each other then as one of them stopped as far away from Jessica’s father’s car they began talking with Holly pointing to her watch and the starting lines for the 400 meter track. Jessica nodded and they walked across to the other side, Holly started her watch and they ran together at a moderate speed. After 5k they slowed down, again on the far side form the car, and agreed that they would say they were going to go to the sports store to look at running clothes.

  They jogged over to the car and Holly smiled nicely at Jessica’s father as she explained the plan. Her father was irritated that he might have to accompany them until Holly said she would bring her back in good shape.

  “OK, just this once Jessica, but your mother will be extremely displeased. Remember, no drinking or talking to strangers. Do you understand?”

  “Yes Dad, I’ll have Holly here drop my off at the house later this afternoon,” she said, grabbing her jacket.

  “Sir, would you like my phone number just in case?” asked Holly.

  “No, that won’t be necessary. She needs to be back before four this afternoon and I’m making an exception just this once. She has a lot of work to do, do you understand?” The man didn’t smile and Holly had no intention of replying. She disliked him even more now she had met him. Maybe she would submit a new offer on his house lower than the last.

  “See you later Daddy” she said, kissing his cheek.

  They walked over to Holly’s car, got in and drove off slowly towards town and Holly’s house. They turned left at the T-junction and immediately right, knowing that Jessica’s father would have gone a different way. Holly grinned and pulled over outside a row of detached houses. She looked in her mirror, grinned even more then grabbed Jessica, kissing her hard on the lips and not caring at all what the neighbours might think.

  “Jess, I thought we could grab lunch somewhere, then you can see where I live if that’s OK?”

  “Lunch? Really? Oh Hol, you angel!” cried Jessica, clapping with joy. “That would be perfect! At a real restaurant?”

  “Um, yeah. Are there any other types?”

  “You know what I mean. Oh god this is so great! I’m out on my own, free for five hours!”

  They set off towards town and Holly watched Jessica out of the corner of her eye as the girl seemed to look at everything they passed with a sort of fascination. She found a mid-priced restaurant that wouldn’t mind if they were a bit sweaty and in workout clothing, parked and went inside. Music was pumping out and the place was lively for a Sunday lunchtime. They were shown to a table and Jessica grinned like a woman possessed as she read through the menu. Holly watched her and felt that tell-tale surge of pleasure. The girl was radiant, her skin coloured slightly from exercise which set off her long golden hair. She sensed that people were staring in their direction and when she turned to survey the scene eyes were firmly focused on Jessica.

  The waiter came by and ran through the specials for the day. Holly watched him as he recited his little speech, all of which was directed straight towards Jessica’s breasts. She didn’t blame him because she had been staring earlier at the little points of arousal while Jessica had been reading the menu. They ordered then sipped the iced water that had arrived from another server. Holly thought that Jessica might burst from the excitement of being in a restaurant and it dismayed her that something so simple as an outing that she would expect from any parent had been denied this girl so far. At a minimum she thought her parents would have been proud to show off such a beautiful girl and celebrate her achievements rather than cocoon her in a room for her foreseeable future.

  They ate and chatted and of course the inevitable question came up about her application to Witney. Holly said she hadn’t heard anything but expected to do so in the next couple of days. Jessica accepted the news and the conversation continued but Jessica slowly began to take more interest in the other diners and those standing at the bar watching the sports screens. It was as though the girl was gradually realising that this was real life and not television and that everyone in the restaurant had homes, friends and families. Holly paid the bill and they set off for a brief trip to the sporting goods store so they could say they had been there. Again, Jessica was enthralled by the products on display and touched everything she could find, absorbing new information and smiling and gasping her way around like a little girl on a school trip.

  “Here, this is what I use, this is LuluLemon,” said Holly, handing her a pair of running shorts.

  “You like their stuff?”

  “Yeah, it’s very versatile, you can wear it anywhere and it hugs you nicely.”

  “Hugs you?”

  “Yeah, look inside and see. Look, this bit,” said Holly, leaning closer to Jessica. “It cups your pussy nicely, and your bum,” giggled Holly.

  “Are you allowed to try things on?”

  “In here? Yeah, I expect so.” Holly looked around and saw a bug green sign on the wall. “Look, Changing Rooms over there.” They walked towards the sign and Jessica touched her arm.

  “What do I do, just walk in?”

  “Yeah. I’ll wait here for you.”

  “Hol, can you come with me? Please?” said Jessica, tugging at her sleeve.

  They walked into the changing rooms and since there was nobody checking items they just entered a stall halfway down the row and closed the door. Jessica looked at Holly, holding the shorts to her chest. Holly sat on the seat and watched with delight as Jessica pulled down her existing shorts before turning to her.

  “Oh, a big mirror, I can see all of me at the same time!” said Jessica, looking back over her shoulder at her bum.

  “Face the mirror,” said Holly, guiding her round. “Watch in the mirror, my hands on you.” She gripped the waistband on Jessica’s tiny pink panties and pulled them slowly to her knees, then slid her hand between the girl’s legs, making her groan. “Shh!” said Holly as she pulled them further down to her feet.

  “I’m all sweaty, Hol!” she gasped as Holly kissed her buttocks and up her back.

  “I’m going to show you my place later, you can have a shower there!”

  “Oh Hol! That would be so great!”

  Holly arranged the new shorts at her feet then pulled them up her legs, making sure her hand ran across her pussy before pulling them up tight.

  “What do you think?” asked Holly. Her hand was wet.

  “Oh they feel great, so comfortable. It’s so nice to be able to see me in the mirror like this!”

  Holly pulled them down to her knees causing Jessica to giggle but they both looked at the girl’s reflection showing her pussy and the little tuft of hair, plus of course Holly’s hands on one hip and between her thighs.

  “Come on, get dressed and I’ll buy them for you!”

  “No Hol, you don’t need to do that.”

  “Do you have money with you?” asked Holly, brushing the side of her hand against the girl’s pussy as he held her thighs.

  “No, I didn’t think I’d need any.”

  “Come on then!” At which point she dressed, Holly paid for the shorts and they left the shop. Jessica grabbed her arm on the way back to the car, huggi
ng her in thanks before kissing her neck. Nobody seemed to even look at them.

  Holly drove slower than usual so that Jessica could absorb the sights. She pointed out the main shops in Witney, the university campus, the Red Lion pub and then Foley Road.

  “I live down here, number 45.”

  “It’s OK here, Hol.”

  “It’s actually quite reasonably priced for a rental so close to the campus. I’ve been here about two years.”

  They entered the house and Holly heard the sound of the TV so she nodded at the lounge to Jessica and they looked round the door. Suzy was lying on the sofa with Kathy, arm in arm and greeted Holly as she entered. As Jessica appeared around the door the two girls simply stared then grinned at Holly.

  “Suzy, Kathy, this is Jessica.”

  “Oh wow, hi!” said Suzy, holding out her hand to Jessica. Jessica grinned and shook her hand gently while Kathy seemed to be transfixed.

  “Jess may be moving in to take my place when I move out.”

  “This is a great place Jess, you’d love it here.”

  “Thanks Suzy. Holly has been showing me around. She’s my hero!” she gushed, kissing her neck again. Suzy briefly glanced at Kathy and their smiles grew as they exchanged knowing looks.

  “Um, we’ve been running at the track so we’re going to get washed up.”

  “Yeah, right,” said Suzy, looking straight at Holly. “Take your time.”

  Holly showed Jessica the kitchen and bathroom and made her wait in the kitchen as she grabbed two clean towels from her room. Holly locked the bathroom door and they both shed their clothes in the confined space then got under the shower. She guided Jessica out of the direct force of the shower and ran two fingers over the girl’s aroused pussy. She kissed the girl hard on the mouth then touched her lips with the sticky fingers, slowly inserting them into her mouth for her to suck.

  “Can you taste yourself?” asked Holly, tweaking the girl’s nipple. Jessica nodded, eyes closed as she gripped the hand that fed her. She could feel the little tongue seeking out every drop of her lubrication and it totally delighted Holly. She wanted so much to make love to the girl, to kiss her gently like their first time, to caress her body and bring her to life. But not in the shower where it was cold and almost sterile. Holly soaped her hands and ran them over Jessica, taking care to clean her thoroughly and then turned so Jessica could do the same for her. They rinsed off and stepped out of the bath, drying quickly before wrapping the towels around themselves. They grabbed their exercise clothes and Holly opened the door, half expecting Kathy and Suzy to be sitting innocently in the kitchen so they could gawk and grin but the house was quiet and the two girls made their way up to Holly’s room and closed the door. She watched as Jessica walked slowly towards the desk and realised that this was the first time another girl had been alone in the room with her and she sensed the importance of the moment. Jessica was in the room at her invitation, her guest and there was no coercion, just simply two friends meeting. There didn’t have to be any sex but Holly knew they were both expecting it as a nervousness filled the air. She walked up behind Jessica who was looking out the window. She gripped the girl’s waist and kissed her shoulder.

  “There’s a guy who lives over there, the house with the dark blue door, he has a motorbike which he revs up now and again. He’s a lecherous guy, always staring at women.” She kissed her neck gently. “The guy right across from us is nice, drives a taxi I think.”

  ‘So this is where I might live?”

  “Yeah, this is my room, and Suzy has the room the other side of the stairs. Hey, and your stuff is already here, in that bag,” said Holly, nodding at the trash bag on the floor.

  “Oh yeah, I’d forgotten about all that. Nobody has noticed anything missing.”

  “The bed and desk come with the room so you wouldn’t have to worry about that. You’d need bedding of course.”

  “Has Neil been here?”

  Holly was surprised by the question and didn’t want to investigate why she had asked. “No, but you can invite him round once you move in.”

  “Hol, you know what I learned today?” asked Jessica, turning to face Holly. “I found out that I know lots about Physics and nothing about anything else.” Holly touched her face and raised her chin so she could look into her eyes. Leaning forward very slowly she kissed her lips and then pulled her close against her body.

  “We’re here to help you. Once you’re out of your house everything will become obvious and if it’s not then Neil or I will always be here for you.” Jessica hugged her and they kissed for some time, standing by the desk and swaying together in their embrace. Holly reached behind Jessica and grabbed the printed email. “Oh, I almost forgot, this might be of interest,” she said, handing her the paper. It was addressed to Jessica Kowlaski at 15, Cypress Drive, Witney and on headed paper from the university. Jessica read it out loud.

  “Dear Miss Kowlaski. Oh it’s for me, from the university?”

  “Yeah, keep going,” replied Holly, watching the girl’s eyes dart across the paper.

  Jessica’s lips began to tremble and Holly guessed she had skimmed through the content and realised what it said. “Further to your application on January 19th for a position on the Astro Physics 101 course for September of this year, we are delight….Hol!” Jessica screamed and almost immediately began sobbing in her arms, unable to continue. She slipped from Holly’s arms to the floor’ landing in a shaking mess, crying loudly. The sound of her screaming and the fall seemed to reverberate through the house and Holly hoped that it wouldn’t mean the appearance of Suzy and Kathy. Holly took her by the hands and helped her to the bed. Jessica sat on the edge with her head between her knees, shaking and crying as though the world was ending. Holly pulled the covers back, tugging them from under Jessica’s slim frame then turned her round and climbed into bed with her.

  Holly pulled her close with her arm around her shoulders then continued from where Jessica had left off. “We are delighted to confirm that Jessica Kowlaski has been offered a place on the above course.” Jessica sobbed even louder, tears cascading from her eyes as she kissed Holly’s neck tenderly. “Please note that due to the late arrival of this application the bursar is still determining eligibility for scholarship funds and further information will be communicated shortly.” Holly kissed her forehead and hugged her tight in an attempt to slow her shaking and trembling. “Breathe, Jess!”

  Jessica shook her head in disbelief, gasping for breath. It was then that Holly began to appreciate what a nightmare the girl must have been through and how the one short meeting of fifteen minutes that she had with the Dean had changed the young girl’s life. A lump formed in Holly’s throat and she breathed in deeply to stifle any tears of her own. Great gasps of breath were still issuing from Jessica but her shakes subsided a little when she kissed Holly again.

  “Hol…” she gasped. “You can’t imagine ..”

  “Shh, babe.”

  “Just so happy, beautiful Holly!”

  “Shh, there there babe, it’s going to be fine.” But Jessica became silent, shaking slightly and crying quietly. Holly could only guess what was going on inside the girl’s head. It could be the words that they had practiced which she would use when she talked to her parents, or the knowledge that her confinement would soon end and she would visit more restaurants and shops, or even that she had other ideas about lasers and gravity which were bubbling in her head and would now have an opportunity to explore them. “Give me your towel,” said Holly, gripping at the edge of her own. They were cumbersome and it felt cleaner and healthier to have them on the floor rather than wrapped around their bodies. Jessica snuggled against Holly and rested her leg over holly’s thigh. “There, that’s better, right?” Jessica nodded quickly and pulled Holly tighter. She raised her head slowly and gazed up at Holly with a starry-eyed look of intense gratitude. She opened her mouth to speak but sighed, closed her eyes then lay back down with her cheek against the gentle ris
e of Holly’s breast. Holly kissed her head gently, soothing her to dispel the last of her tremors and tears.

  “Simon Mansfield, the Dean at Witney, called me, um, yesterday I think it was. He said, although there are no promises, that they’re looking at a full scholarship.”

  Jessica nodded then suddenly raised her head. “What?”

  “A scholarship. But nothing has been decided yet.”

  “Oh Hol, so they would pay for some of it?”

  “Yeah, they’d issue you with a credit at the beginning of the year. You’d have to pay lodging I think, plus food of course, but tuition would be subsidized.”

  She cried again, gripping Holly tight in her arms. “I don’t think I can take any more Hol, of this news I mean.” Jessica wiped her eyes with her hand but the emotion continued to shake her. “It’s like I’ve been travelling west all my life and I really wanted to go east. Then someone comes along and turns me round and I’m at last on the right road.”

  Holly kissed her head. “I think it’s going to turn out OK, it’ll just take a few more days to become completely clear as to what’s going to happen. But this will be your room I think in about six weeks’ time.”

  “Hol, I keep thinking, ever since that weekend. What if my parents had taken me to their stupid prayer retreat?” She gasped for breath and shuddered. “What if there hadn’t been an ice storm, what if Neil had been the first person to find me in my room, or what if it had been some other man who he was showing round, or children? What if just nobody had cared?”

  “I don’t know sweetie,” said Holly, kissing her forehead. She could feel Jessica’s breasts against her own, tight, little points poking at her own firm skin, warm and homely. She traced her finger along the girl’s cheek bone and down into her long blonde hair which always seemed to be clean and bright.


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