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Holly Heats It Up (Holly Craig Erotica)

Page 16

by Jodie Halliday

  “Yeah, can you collect me from here?”

  “Course. Ten o’clock. Night!”

  “Night Hol, thanks again, it was so good just to get out the house this evening!”

  Chapter 8

  On Friday night Holly drive down to her parent’s house and stayed the night. Her mother was clearly unwell and her limbs looked swollen, presumably from the lack of exercise and the almost constant pain in her leg. It sounded like it was going to take some time to get rid of the infection even with the IV drugs. She had dinner with her parents and slept in her old bedroom, pleased to see some of her old school books, posters and childhood toys that were on shelves and in drawers.

  She took them to lunch on Saturday morning and was frightened by the time her mother took from the car to the restaurant entrance as though she was an old aged pensioner. Holly paid for lunch which excited her and impressed her parents, giving them a sense of pride, especially when she showed them the details of her new house. Her father raised his eyebrows at the price but said nothing while her mother asked questions mainly about local shops, schools and the back garden. The drive home to Witney took her no more than ninety minutes and Holly was pleased that she had made the effort to get out of town and see them.

  On Sunday Holly showered and changed into her exercise clothes then drove over to Jessica’s house once again. She turned the car then pulled up outside number 45 just as the front door opened. Jessica almost immediately stepped out from the house, and woman who Holly took to be Jessica’s mother was behind her, talking to her back. Jessica seemed to nod occasionally then opened the car door and slid into the passenger seat. She drove at her usual sedate pace so as to give Jessica’s parents no cause for concern, and as they approached the track she turned left then took the first right. Jessica giggled as they pulled to a stop and leaned over to Holly.

  “I like this place, just here,” she said, touching Holly’s arm.

  “Yeah, me too.” They kissed longingly but for no more than a minute before turning back for the track and starting their run. Holly found it so helpful and encouraging to have someone running next to her and was happy with her 10k time of 45:27. Hot and sweaty even in the overcast morning, they rested on the car before setting off for Neil’s place.

  “Text me when you want to be collected, OK?”

  “Yeah, and thanks Hol,” said Jessica, kissing her lips. “About nine-thirty, like we said.”

  Holly watched as Jessica walked up the path and rang the bell. The big blue front door opened seconds later and Neil appeared, waved to Holly and then they both disappeared into his house. She exhaled loudly and slumped back in her seat, feeling alone and surprised that she should feel that way. She drove off, her mind on anything but the road in front of her until after a few minutes she realised she was looking at the properties in the housing estate and comparing them to Bramley Drive. Fours week to go and her excitement mounted. She changed course and was soon was cruising her new neighborhood, parking occasionally, listening and watching to get the sense of the area.

  Back at her house she showered and went to her room with coffee in a slightly happier frame of mind. She dropped her towel on the floor and Jessica’s bag of clothes caught her attention. There would be underwear in there. Clean, but still hers. She paused, then sat on her chair, naked as usual as she pushed the thought from her mind. Her pussy failed to respond at all to her hand, even the lightest touch and as she raised herself, even a fingertip over her anus registered very little. Her PC said it was twelve fifteen so about nine hours before she needed to set off to collect Jess. For the first time in many months Holly was bored and if she had been asked to point to the cause then it was due to the loss of Jessica for a few hours. She knew she was infatuated with the girl even though there was no future in a relationship with her, if only because she was second in line behind Neil. It wasn’t just her young body, her hair, smile and energy. It was also, she realised, because Jessica needed someone to talk to and Holly was delighted to be that person, to fulfill the role as Jessica’s mother. She thought back to the way Jessica had suckled her breast and the gush of love that had flowed out as she felt those warm lips about her nipple. Maybe, she thought with a wan smile, she was showing a mother’s love and she was becoming broody? She stood, eyed the clothing bag again then slumped onto her bed, confused. She dearly hoped that Ricky wouldn’t notice if this distraction remained on her mind the following Wednesday.

  She went to her desk, grabbed her house purchase folder and lay back on the bed. She read through the paperwork for about 5 minutes, trying to shuffle paper and read while her left hand cupped her pussy and occasionally tweaked her nipple but there was nothing. It was as though someone had switched her off and it was so unfair as she realised that she had last orgasmed on that very bed with Jessica exactly a week ago. A week! She was twenty-four years old and already rationed, deprived, starved even. She dropped the folder on her stomach and glanced at the PC. She needed videos, just like the rest of the world but there was no way she was going to Google ‘dirty video’ after her last attempt at research. The image of a walrus of a woman with a dildo in her bum and another in her pussy was seared into her mind.

  Holly had lunch downstairs in the kitchen in her dressing gown then dressed and went into town to shop for sheets and other bedding. She also paid a visit to a gardening center and bought two plants for her bedroom which she would move, if they survived, to her new house. The first was a small flowering cactus which already had a bright red flower in the center, and the second was a miniature rose bush. It was only about nine inches tall and had a lot of buds which appeared to be healthy. She poked around the soil in both pots to make sure that there were no obvious bugs or inhabitants in there then bought them and put them in her car. She had never thought about buying a plant for her bedroom before and it seemed so civilized that she wondered what else she ought to have, if not for her rental then certainly for the new house. Something welcoming would be nice and she realised that she should have looked around her parent’s house when she was down there for things they might no longer need.

  She looked around the department stores for pots and pans and other basic kitchen utensils, then at furniture for the lounge. Although she didn’t have a calculator the total seemed to easily exceed her four thousand dollar estimate and she knew she would have to prioritise her purchases carefully. A big master bed and bedside table, a kettle, a few pots and pans and a sofa ought to do for Day 1, plus a desk and chair for her study. Oh, and some curtains for every room so she could walk around naked.

  As if the orgasm fairy was watching over her the phone in her pocket vibrated with a new text message. It was Jessica. “Im cooking. Wanna come round for dinner at 6? Please come, please xxxx!!” Holly leapt up from the mattress she had been testing and stumbled towards the department store exit, unsure where she had parked her car. She found it ten minutes later, convinced someone had moved it to a different floor. It was four-thirty when she arrived back home and she threw her new king-sized sheets into her bedroom and pulled out clean clothes. She texted Jessica to say she would be there.

  Even though she had showered only four hours earlier she went downstairs again and ran the shower. She brushed her teeth, grinning madly into the mirror to check for lettuce leaves or other lunch components then stepped into the shower. She washed under her arms and then applied huge amounts of soap to her buttocks and thighs. Stepping away from the direction of the shower she pushed the bar of soap between her buttocks and gently inserted a finger into her anus, probing to see what might lurk close to the exit. She found nothing and spent quite some time pushing one and then two soapy fingers inside. She knew that she would totally refuse to have sex with either Jess or Neil but a girl needed to be clean. She cleaned her pussy with similar thoroughness, running a soapy thumb over the outer lips and fingertips just inside her vagina. She rinsed her fingers, buttocks and pussy then sniffed her fingers. She felt her pussy and sniffed again, then p
ressed a finger slightly inside her anus. Everything passed the test so she turned off the water and dried herself carefully.

  She dressed, grabbed a bottle of wine and left the house, arriving at Neil’s place just after six and was delighted when Jessica opened the door to her even before she rang the bell. She pulled Holly inside while remaining mostly behind the door and kissed her lips with great tenderness, obviously thrilled to see her even though it only been a few hours. Holly presented her with the wine.

  “For your first dinner party, Jess!”

  Jessica looked humbled and so very happy. “Oh thank you, that’s so kind,” she said, guiding her into the kitchen. Jessica was wearing what looked like a man’s shirt and knickers and nothing else.

  “I’m cooking lamb chops, potatoes and some veg. Is that OK?” asked Jessica. She was barefoot and looked both cute and relaxed at the cooker.

  “Yeah, great. Where’s Neil?”

  “Upstairs. Showering.”

  “Ah, OK,” said Holly, assuming it had been one of those afternoons.

  “Hey, we went out for lunch, to a restaurant miles away.”

  “That was nice, and this is a nice house too,” said Holly, looking through the door which led to the lounge.

  “Yeah. It’s been so good just to chat, like you and I do. Talk about adult stuff.”

  “Good, I’m glad Jess, it’s all valuable.”

  “Do you want tea, coffee or wine?”

  “Wine would be nice, but just one glass as I’m driving.”

  “Yeah, and I’ll brush my teeth before we go so my parents don’t smell it. Hey, can you open it, I have no idea!”

  “You need to learn for the restaurant. Where’s the corkscrew?” Jessica went straight to the drawer and took it out, amazing Holly that she had already memorized the location of the smallest things. “Take off the foil then place the top of the screw on the cork. Press down and turn slowly until it bites.” She watched as Jessica followed her instructions then nodded. “Now turn and press down gently, letting the screw bite into the cork. That’s it! Now it’s all the way in so pull very slowly.” Out came the cork and Jessica cheered. “Nice job!”

  “I hope it’s not too early for dinner?”

  “No, I had a light lunch then went shopping. I was in the bedding department when you texted.”

  “You get anything?”

  “No, just adjusted my calculations a bit.”

  Neil came downstairs and greeted Holly, grinning at her then kissing her cheek. “Glad you could make it Holly.”

  “Thanks for inviting me. This is a nice house!”

  “Want the tour?”

  “Yes. Jess, do you need any help?”

  “No, take a look around. Dinner’s in about fifteen minutes.”

  Holly followed Neil into the lounge which had a huge two piece leather sofa and a matching easy chair. Pictures hung on the wall which gave the room a homely feel. They moved through to the dining room which had seating for six, then to the hallway and up the stairs.

  Neil opened a door to a small room which looked out over the front of the house. “This is the small bedroom, more of a box room really. Then here is the second bedroom with built-in closet space.” He passed the bathroom and the third bedroom and then entered the master bedroom. “This is the master with an en-suite bathroom. I really don’t use the other rooms, shame really. Sorry, should have made the bed,” he said, pulling the covers across.

  “It’s OK, don’t need to tidy up for me,” said Holly. The room was very well decorated with what looked like expensive furniture and more paintings on the walls. She tried to think what Jessica would have looked like laying there with Neil on top of her and her imagination did a very good job.

  “Good views of the back garden as well from here.”

  Holly looked at Neil and sensed he needed to talk. She sat on the edge of the bed and looked up at him “She seems very much at home, don’t you think?”

  He nodded, sitting next to her. There was absolutely no sexual energy coming from him, just talk, adult to adult. “Yeah, we talked a lot over lunch. Went to a restaurant well away from town, just in case.”

  “Yeah, she said.”

  “We agreed that she would only come here at weekends, never during the week in term time.”

  Holly nodded. “The idea of the dorm is growing on her. I think she was frightened to be around so many people.”

  “Yeah,” said Neil, taking Holly’s hand. “We both love her, don’t we?”

  Holly was about to object but studied Neil’s honest, warm smile and just nodded. “Yeah.” She replied, squeezing his hand before letting go.

  “We’ll both look after her. She needs it. You remember what I said about that church club? Well, more came out this afternoon, and I suspect even more will in the days and weeks to come. Hol, her parents are largely to blame for what happened, not because they encouraged it but because they knowingly did nothing to protect her or other teenagers from it.”

  Holly just shook her head, not wanting to get drawn into the discussion but understanding the depth of the problem.

  Neil shook his head, staring at the carpet. “Sorry, it just makes me so angry. I’m just surprised that she’s such a wonderful girl, she seems to adjust very quickly to being outside her parents’ control.”

  “Yeah, it’s a long way from what she was like when we found her.”

  “Yeah, no friends except one boy in the video,” he said, smiling.

  Holly laughed. “I heard about that but she’s at least got one more than me!”

  “One more boy?”

  “No, video.”

  Neil looked at her, frowning. “You don’t have any? How come?”

  “Neil, I’m a nice girl. I don’t move in those circles!” said Holly, a little embarrassed.

  “Well, Jess and I were talking about videos this afternoon. Not watching them, just discussing. Do you want some, I mean I have quite a few.”


  “Sure, of course. I can give them to you on a flash drive. What type do you like?”

  Holly shook her head slowly, blushing despite the fact that it seemed a very normal conversation in many respects. “Well, I don’t know.”

  “OK, so come with me and pick a few out.” He led her to the small box room which had a desk and chair in it. On the desk was a laptop and he jiggled the mouse to bring it to life. After some searching he showed Holly a screen with video thumbnails then plugged in a flash drive to the USB port.

  “Wow, that’s a lot!” said Holly, sitting down as directed.

  “So, how about threesomes?” he asked.

  She giggled, reminded of what they had done a few weeks earlier. “Maybe.”

  “Two boys and a girl or two girls and a boy?”

  “Two girls.”

  “OK, grab those three there. How about just two girls?”

  “Yeah,” she said wistfully, “yeah that would be nice.” She was amazed that she was confessing her pornographic desires to him.

  “OK, those two are really nice. Long videos, two girls meeting like for the first time, talking, falling in love, kissing and making love. Real slow burn.”

  Holly just nodded as she copied the two video across but was working out the earliest time she could reasonably leave without offending the host and hostess.

  “And some normal stuff,” she suggested.

  “What, like horses, dogs?”

  “Oh Neil, yuk! You don’t have that stuff surely?”

  “No, just kidding. No boy-boy either, not my taste. So normal, you mean a boy and a girl?”


  “OK, jump up and I’ll grab a few for you.” He copied about ten different videos to the drive, waited for it to finish then pulled it from the laptop. “There you go!”

  Holly grinned up and him then kissed his cheek. “Thanks Neil!”

  “Let’s go down and eat.”

  Jessica was at the cooker, pulling the lamb cho
ps from the grill. “Can you do the veg Hol?”


  “Nice house, eh Hol?”

  “Yeah, huge!” she said, patting her pocket to make sure the flash drive was still there.

  Holly drained the vegetables and put them in a bowl while Jessica attended to the rest. She placed the empty saucepan in the sink and pulled her hand back, screeching.

  “What happened?” asked Neil, grabbing her arm.

  “Cut myself, knife in the sink maybe!” said Holly, grimacing.

  “Oh Hol, I’m sorry, my fault!” said Jessica, concerned at the drips of blood on Holly’s finger.

  “Stay there, I’ll get the first aid kit,” said Neil. Holly sat on the stool and held her hand up. Jessica put down the lamb chops and put her arm around Holly’s shoulders.

  “Sorry, I should have put the knife on the drainer,” said Jessica, clearly troubled by Holly’s injury.

  A minute later Neil returned, took the wrapper off what looked like a brand new first aid kit and selected a plaster. He wrapped it around Holly’s finger, covering the cut on the top of her finger with the little gauze pad and waited to ensure that it had helped to stop the bleeding.

  Jessica kissed her head. “Sorry babe.”

  “It’s OK, I won’t die,” said Holly, standing and taking the vegetables over to the table.

  “Hey, Holly, keep the kit in your car, I have loads of them,” said Neil. “I’ll put it by the front door.”

  “Oh, OK, thanks!” she said, wondering why anyone would have a surplus of first aid kits. She busied herself laying the table and within minutes they were sitting down with food and wine, enjoying the evening.

  Jessica smiled and looked at Neil then Holly. “You know another difference? It’s being able to shout out ‘Do you want coffee?’ to someone rather than my parents shouting up to me ‘Jessica it’s time you made coffee for everyone’.”

  “There’s going to be lots of little things like that, I bet,” said Holly.

  “Hey, I was thinking,” said Neil “for both of you. Sometimes I come across properties where there was only one person remaining in a house and they’ve passed away. Often the family doesn’t want the hassle of getting rid of the furniture so they contact a local guy who they sometimes pay to clean the place out. He then sells the furniture and makes money on both ends of the deal.”


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