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Forgotten Page 8

by Jennifer Sucevic

  The silver gown is a lovely contrast to the inky black locks piled high on top her head. Small tightly budded silver roses adorn her hair. A shimmering silver mask covers the upper portion of her face. Her large gray eyes hold mine tentatively. The silver is a perfect complement to her eyes. They shimmer and shine from behind the elaborately detailed mask.

  It is very softly that I foretell, "You will be the most beautiful Faerie Queen the realm has ever seen. Your subjects will come from the farthest corners just to catch a glimpse of your beauty. Your subjects will find you to be a kind and just ruler. You will be adored by all. Especially the Prince. Yours will be a love match in the truest sense of the word."

  My words are meant solely for her ears because no one must know until the presentation that she is the future Queen. The guards at the door do not even glance our way. She squeezes my hand in return. Then she leans forward to kiss one side of my face before gently kissing the other.

  "Thank you. I could not have asked for a more trusted sister or confidante."

  She holds my gaze steadily before finally giving a small nod, letting me know that she is ready for the future she has been groomed since birth for. I turn to the faerie guard at the door.

  "If you please."

  They barely glance at us as the immense golden doors slowly slide open. The noise and music from the ball suddenly spill out into the echoing corridor. I give Shaylee one final look before we both square our shoulders and proceed forward.

  My fingers clutch Shaylee's. My eyes cannot help but be drawn to the sheer splendor that meets them. The palace itself is incredibly opulent but this ballroom is so much more lavish than anything I have ever seen before. It is almost hard to believe that something as magnificent as this even exists.

  Huge diamond chandeliers drip from a ceiling that is covered in solid gold. Everywhere you look there are crystal walls so one can see the lushness of the brilliantly shimmering gardens. It is the most glorious place. One wall is opened to the gardens so guests may stroll through them at any given moment during the ball.

  The faeries decked out in all their finery are just as much of a visual spectacle as the palace ballroom itself. Gorgeous shimmering gowns and rich black tuxedos made of the finest materials. There are so many faeries in attendance this evening that I do not even realize I have lost Shaylee in this press of bodies until it is too late. I search but finding her is next to impossible. I will never be able to find her in this crush of faerie folk. But I keep searching because Shaylee is my charge. For now, I am responsible for her. It is my duty to keep her safe.

  It feels as if hours slide by in the blink of an eye and still I cannot find Shaylee. Searching for her in the grand ballroom is much like searching for a four leaf clover in a meadow full of three leaf clovers. Perhaps she has taken herself to the gardens for a much needed breath of fresh air. The ballroom has grown overly stuffy with so many guests. No one wants to miss the presentation ceremony at the stroke of midnight for that is when the grand reveal will take place.

  Once the cool night air caresses my overheated skin, I am loath to return to the warmth of the ballroom. So I walk along the stone path that meanders its way through the gorgeous oversized blooms. Their fragrance wafts gently over me, cocooning me in a sensory euphoria. I cannot help but twirl a few fanciful steps since I have not danced at all this evening. Dutifully I have been trying to locate my sister rather than give in to such frivolousness. But that doesn't mean I do not wish it were otherwise.

  My arms go up as if I am holding onto a partner. I spin on the toes of my slippers trying to remember the steps our master dance instructor instilled in us. But my memory is much too faulty and even though I focus on the measure now being played, I simply cannot. So I make up my own steps and continue dancing to the music that wafts from the ballroom. I grin happily for the master dance instructor would surely rap my knuckles if he could see me now. I have single handedly massacred every polished step he has painstakingly taught me. Just as I end with a deep curtsy, an amused voice touches my ears.

  "I wish I could lie but alas I cannot... that was simply atrocious."

  Gasping, I spin towards the lazily amused voice behind me. As I do so, I cannot believe I didn't see him sitting there on a stone bench tucked into the darkened shadows. A mortified stain spreads across my cheeks but I straighten my shoulders never the less.

  What choice do I have but to brazen this out?

  "I'm afraid my dance instructor would whole heartedly agree with you."

  A slow smile steals across his face before I see the gleam of white teeth flash in the velvety darkness.

  "Perhaps you might allow me to teach you a few steps?" He unfolds himself languidly from the bench and after a moment or two I find that I have to crane my neck to meet his twinkling gaze.

  "I'm afraid that has been attempted far too many times with too few successful results to make it worth the effort."

  "Still, I would like to try." Opening his hand, he patiently waits for mine. I hesitate before finally laying my white gloved hand in his larger one.

  He awaits the music before his feet start moving. "Just follow my lead. I promise to go slow."

  And he does. At first I am solely intent upon watching the graceful movements of his feet so I can mimic the steps. After a dozen or so movements, he takes his hand from about my waist and lifts my chin so I am forced to hold his deep brown eyes.

  "Look at me and feel the music. That is all you need to do. I promise it is just that easy."

  I give him a skeptical look for it has never been that easy. Within the first few steps, I falter but he continues to patiently hold my gaze and I find that for the first time in my life, I am actually dancing! Amazing! It feels absolutely splendid! I grin happily and he smiles in response to my pleasure.

  I do not know how long we float under the large silvery moon in the fragrant gardens, just the two of us dancing on the stone path. For that little sliver of time, nothing else matters but the feel of his arms wrapped securely around me, leading me through the steps of a waltz.

  For the first time in my life I understand why faeries find dancing to be such an enjoyable pastime. There is freedom in each step I take. It is almost like flying, the way you circle and glide. Spinning and dipping. In his arms, I find that I actually feel quite graceful.

  When the last measure comes to a close, I drop into a deep curtsey. I cannot help but flush with genuine pleasure as I meet his eyes. "Thank you. That was truly marvelous!"

  The smile falters from his handsome face as his eyes search my gaze with more intensity. Certainly more intensity than is appropriate. I'm not quite sure what he is looking for but I remain utterly still under his scrutiny.

  "I believe the presentation is about to take place." He reaches for my gloved hand before raising it to his lips for a gentle kiss.

  I gasp. "Oh, the presentation! I must go!" How could I have possibly forgotten the presentation? My heart drops to the very bottom of my slippers. Shaylee! I have to find Shaylee!

  Something within his face relaxes at my words. "I as well. Perhaps you should leave first and I will follow in a bit. It would not do for the pair of us to return from the gardens together."

  My hand flies to my chest because he is absolutely right!

  Somehow I have forgotten the years of etiquette that have been ruthlessly drilled into my head. I am stunned that this handsome boy is having such an effect on me that I would forget the sole reason I am even here this evening. Just as I am about to pick up my skirts and flee, he finds my hand once more before pulling me into an embrace.

  For just one glorious moment, we are breast to chest. I feel his warm breath feather gently across my parted lips. I see the rich tones of chocolate that make up a kaleidoscope of color within his eyes. Too easily they ensnare me within their warm depths and I am powerless to pull away or even protest such shocking intimacy.

  "Just one kiss."

  In that moment everything from within the
ornately decorated ballroom fades. It is as if we are suddenly alone in a world of our own making. I could not pull away from him anymore than I could stop breathing. Everything around us stills except for the beating of our hearts.


  Without thoughts of my sister or my duty, I reach up onto the toes of my dancing slippers until my lips can lightly press against his. I hear him suck in a breath and for some reason this spurs on my assault. I turn my head just a fraction so I can caress him just a bit differently. He seems to snap out of his daze as I do so. I feel the warm pressure of his lips as they slide achingly across mine. Something magical hums between us as we stand with our faces pressed gently together. I wish this moment could last a lifetime.

  A thousand lifetimes.

  But it does indeed come to an end. He pulls back to search my eyes once more before taking a step away from me. The sudden loss of his presence is strangely devastating. My breath catches as everything riots painfully within me.

  "Go," he whispers huskily, "Go now! Hurry before it is too late!"

  My eyes widen and uncaring of how it might look, I spin around, racing towards the ballroom. Just as I enter the enormous cavernous room, I hear the Faerie Queen's lyrical voice welcoming everyone. I hear the excited whispers of all the faerie folk who have gathered to see the prince and his betrothed meet for the first time. Pushing my way carelessly through the crowd, I continue searching for Shaylee.

  Finally I see her and something within my breast finally ceases its nervous fluttering. I slow my pace just as I reach her side. I am quite certain my cheeks are deeply flushed. Hopefully everyone will think it is merely from the excitement of being presented that has my color riding so high.

  Shaylee's eyes slide questioningly to mine. She gives me the briefest of smiles before turning her full attention back to the Queen. I too look at the Queen and some emotion resembling fear slices clean through me.

  Without question, she is the most stunning creature I have ever seen. Her eyes sparkle like bright amethysts. Her hair shimmers around her like spun gold. It is almost blinding to behold and yet, impossible to look away from because she is so dazzlingly beautiful. She is tall and strong. Her presence regal. She can silence a ballroom full of subjects with a single glance.

  When I first came to the palace, I was bowled over by her commanding presence. But it did not take long for my awe to turn to fear when I knew she was about. I am deathly afraid that any misstep on my part will result in a singling out. Shaylee and I have done our best to blend into court life and not draw any unnecessary attention to ourselves. We discovered that the Queen is much like the sun itself. All in the realm are expected to revolve around her.

  My body trembles with her proximity and I gulp only wanting this presentation to convene.

  Her voice drones and I am trying to follow her words when I see the boy from the gardens slide quietly into line across from me. My face heats as he ensnares my gaze.

  Who is he?

  He must be of some importance to be standing up front during the presentation.

  A confidante of the prince's perhaps?

  A high ranking guard or adviser?

  I do not know. I cannot help but remember just how we danced under the silvery moonlight only moments ago. And that kiss... a shiver runs the length of me as I remember it.

  The Queen smiles at the crowd and I realize that her amethyst colored eyes remain chilly and aloof. They are like chipped pieces of ice and something skitters uncomfortably down my spine banishing all the warm thoughts that were flowing through me only moments ago.

  "This night, my son, Prince Ryland, becomes betrothed to the faerie destined to rule the Faerie Realm."

  She turns to the three males flanking her side until one finally steps forward.

  Unable to stop the sound from leaving my lips, I gasp in shock. I don't believe it was overly loud but Shaylee glances at me from the corner of her eye. Her head doesn't move a single muscle. Thankfully the Queen doesn't notice or if she does, she chooses to ignore me.

  I cannot believe this!

  My head starts to spin. It's the boy from the gardens.

  The one I danced with.

  Prince Ryland.

  I feel every drop of color drain from my face and it takes everything within me to stay standing erect. All I want in that dizzying moment of comprehension is to crumple to the cold marble floor beneath my feet.

  This is my sister's betrothed.

  He will one day rule the realm alongside her.

  I barely hear the Faerie Queen as she continues. Her words are nothing more than the dull buzz of drunken bees within my ears. I blink my eyes desperately trying to clear them. They stray to the Faerie Prince who stands directly across from me. There is a quizzical expression marring his handsome face as he watches me. My belly knots with mounting anguish.

  It is all I can do to straighten my shoulders and tear my eyes away from him because nothing can or will come of this disastrous infatuation that has suddenly sprung up between us. The dance in the gardens means absolutely nothing now. The finality of it is as sharp and painful as a dagger piercing my heart.

  I force my gaze to the Queen. She skewers us with her steely eyes and I realize that the time has come for us to proceed forward. The dagger in my heart twists even more agonizingly as I do so. My downcast eyes catch his for just a flickering moment and I realize with a sinking heart that he assumes I am his intended. He looks... pleased. My heart crashes to the toes of my slippers.

  But that is all part of the game.

  There is no way to warn him that I am little more than a decoy.

  Which girl is the one?

  That is what everyone is speculating about at this very moment.

  Which girl is the future queen?

  Is it the one on the right or the left?

  But he isn't wondering this because he mistakenly believes I am the one. He believes I am The One destined for him.

  The Queen pauses as we simultaneously step forward. Shaylee is outfitted beautifully in silver. I am dressed in a stunning gold confection. When we move, our costumes shimmer and dazzle the eye as the light of a thousand candles catch them. The contrast of our gowns play perfectly off one another. Together we are quite striking.

  We have to be.

  The eyes of the Faerie Realm are on us as we curtsey deeply to the Queen and her son. You can hear the murmured whispers ripple throughout the vast ballroom. The din of voices continues to rise, spiraling out of control.

  Which girl is the future queen?

  Who will it be?

  Who is the one?

  Together, like we have practiced a thousand times before, we slowly lower ourselves into deep curtsies until we are practically kissing the cold marble floor. I hear the buzz of excitement swirling around me. It continues to unfold as the moment of truth draws near.

  Anticipation grows more frenzied with the passing of every heartbeat until the Queen holds her hand up effectively silencing the hundreds of faeries who are in attendance this evening. Stepping between us, her fingers hover over the back of our masks. She allows her subjects to whip themselves into another frenzy of excitement before revealing our faces. Mine is still directed towards the floor but I can't help my eyes from flickering towards Prince Ryland. He smiles just a bit as his gaze captures mine. The crowd murmurs because still, no one knows which girl is their future queen. The game continues onward drawing slowly to its dramatic conclusion.

  Finally, when it seems that an eternity has passed, she extends a gloved hand to my sister allowing her to break her deep curtsey. She closes the steps that separate Prince Ryland and Shaylee before placing my sister's delicate hand in his larger one. I am still deep in my curtsey. But no one is looking at me anymore. I have been forgotten. An entertainment that has finally run its course.

  No longer are there questions as to who will one day reign over the Faerie Realm. All eyes are on Prince Ryland and their future queen. I raise my head
just enough to watch the look of confusion flash across the Prince's handsome face before it is replaced with a smooth smile.

  Thunderous applause erupts throughout the massive crowd and I know at this point, now that the pair have turned towards their loyal subjects with their clasped hands raised in unity, I can finally rise. I turn away because I cannot bear to gaze upon them a moment longer.

  This time, when I abandon the ballroom for the gardens, it is because I need to be alone. The excitement of the evening has evaporated and in its place is a throbbing wound that is painfully tender in its newness. I need to breathe because it does not feel as if I have been able to do so since I first turned and found him watching me.

  Thankfully I am able to slip away unnoticed before burrowing my way deep into the gardens. I don't want to face anyone for the remainder of this night. How can I possibly stay at the palace now? That thought has my heart twisting into a painful knot within my chest. I sit alone until the music finally ceases. Until there are more quiet lulls than ones filled with excited chatter about the future queen and her handsome prince.

  Honestly, I don't even understand why I'm so upset. It is not as if I know this boy. Just like Shaylee, I've only just met him this evening. So there can be no genuine feelings between us. There can be no bond to break for we have only just laid eyes upon one another.

  But still... my heart aches terribly.

  For reasons I cannot explain, it feels as if I have known him for much longer than a mere hour. The connection that sprung up between us was instantaneous as he held me within his arms. The very air felt charged around us. My breath catches at the memory. At the fragile feelings those memories stir within me.

  Is it possible to tumble head first into love within moments of meeting?

  It seems utterly preposterous.

  And yet I cannot deny that something magical transpired between us as we danced. Every step we took had it growing stronger. Every moment spent in his arms had it expanding and multiplying. When his lips finally touched mine, an unknown feeling bloomed and grew within my virgin heart. I have never felt anything like it before.


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