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Page 14

by James, Jenni

  Jaden was wise enough not to say anything. He just shook his head.

  “But he’s really serious about not telling anyone who he is. He said he’d break his contract if he does. But Nora says—”

  “That’s his sister, right?” Jaden interrupted. “The chick who came in and was hitting on Joe?”

  “She was?” I smiled. Good for her! “Um, yes. That’s his twin sister.”

  “Ah, okay. So he’ll break his contract if he tells anyone?”

  “Yeah, except Nora says he won’t, and that he should tell me. Then, get this—she knows like everything that happens to him, like everything. It’s why I was positive he was a vampire, because it’s like they can read minds. So, there we were after the photo booth—”

  “Whoa, Bessie. Slow down. There who was after the photo booth? And what photo booth are you talking about?”

  “The one where Tony kissed me. Here.” I leaned down and pulled the strip of pictures out of my purse. “See? Our first kiss.” I waved it under his nose.

  Jaden grabbed the long, skinny sheet of photos and set them on the steering wheel. He glanced down a few times until he had seen them all. “Wow.” He handed the pictures back to me. “I’ve got to hand it to him. That’s a pretty cool place for a first kiss. You’ve even got proof.” He cleared his throat and looked straight ahead.

  All at once I felt like a huge idiot. “I’m sorry.” I quickly slipped the photos back in my purse.

  “For what?” Jaden shrugged. “I’m your best friend, remember? You’re supposed to show me stuff like you kissing another guy.”

  “Oh yeah.” I looked down and fiddled with the strap of the seatbelt.

  “Okay, so what happened next? After Nora came?”

  “Oh.” I brought my head up. “So, Tony and I hug a bit because we’re kind of freaked out over the photos and how cool they were—anyway, so then we decided it was time to get to know each other. And as we were asking each other a bunch of different questions, Tony just jumps up and freaks out, saying he has to go and that he’s late for something. Which, okay, so we’ve all been late before—it was just weird, you know?”

  “So then Nora came?”

  “Yeah. Well, Tony calls her and she comes to where we are, and she gets seriously mad. Like yelling and everything. And I’m standing there wishing I wasn’t standing there—because it’s way stupid when those two go at it.”

  “Well, they’re brother and sister. Aren’t they supposed—”

  “Not in front of me,” I interrupted. “It’s stupid.”

  “All right.” Jaden lifted his hands off the wheel for a second. “It’s stupid. Then what happened?”

  “Then Nora starts accusing Tony of lying and trying to leave early, and she wants to know what happened to make him want to leave. Anyway, she figures out we’ve kissed each other, and that makes her really mad, because he’s had virgin lips this whole time, and—”

  “Wait! No way! Mr. Vampire has virgin lips?” Jaden looked like he was going to burst with glee. I could tell he thought it was hilarious.

  “Not anymore,” I pointed out.

  “You hussy.”

  “Whatever.” I rolled my eyes. “Anyway—”

  “Anyway. Go on, I’m listening.” He smiled innocently at me. If I had a brick, I’d have thrown it at that smile.

  “So Nora’s mad because—”

  “—Cold Lips has kissed you—”

  “Hot Lips, okay? His lips were very warm.”

  “Ah, again. Another lightbulb flickers to life.” He nodded. “Now you know he’s really human.”

  “You know you’re really an annoying best friend, don’t you?”

  “I try my best. Now hurry up—I’m listening.”

  “So, Nora’s mad because he kissed me—mainly because she doesn’t think we’ve known each other long enough for that kind of commitment, at least on his part.”

  “So she doesn’t think her brother should kiss you because you live so far away—that he’d just be wasting his kisses on you?”

  “Maybe that’s what she was getting at. I don’t know. All I do know is, she was mad. And they started fighting. So I walked away.”

  “What’d they do?”

  “They kept arguing. They didn’t even know I’d left. Of course, that’s when I heard Tony freak out and yell that it didn’t matter anyway, because he wasn’t going out with me and it was only a kiss.” I heaved a sigh. Okay, so that hurt. Right there. The one thing that bothered me most.

  “So that’s why you didn’t answer your phone?”

  “Yeah, well, I didn’t need to hear that again.”

  “But don’t you think he’s trying to call you now?”

  I looked down at my purse. Two big, stupid tears started to form in my eyes. Don’t cry! Don’t cry! “Probably.”

  “Are you going to let him apologize?”

  I blinked, and one of the tears fell. I quickly turned my head to look out the window. I allowed the little guy to follow a path down my cheek. I wasn’t about to wipe it in front of Jaden.

  “Look, Claire.” Jaden took a deep breath. “This goes against the grain, saying this, but chances are, he just said that to get Nora off his back. And chances are, this guy really, really likes you—and has probably fallen for you. Hard.”

  The other tear fell. “That’s impossible.” I tried to make my voice sound normal. “We haven’t known each other long enough. Nora’s right. He can’t fall for me.” Two more big tears filled up my eyes again.

  “Really?” Jaden’s voice was gentle. “It sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself.” He paused a moment and then asked, “Claire, have you fallen for him?”

  Yes! I closed my eyes. Now tears streamed down my cheeks. “No, I couldn’t have. I don’t even know who is he, do I?” I gave up. I didn’t care if Jaden could see or not. I sniffed and wiped the tears off my face. Who are you, Tony Russo? And why won’t you tell me? What are you afraid of, anyway?


  By the time I got home, I was in no mood to talk to anyone. In fact, my bed seemed like the perfect place to crash. Jaden didn’t even try to walk me to the door, thank goodness. He just made some comment about texting me later to see if I was okay. With a huge sigh, I entered the cottage and walked right past Cassidy, who was reading on the couch. Good. That means I’ll have the room all to myself.

  “You’re home early,” she called after me.

  I headed straight for the stairs. “Yep.”

  “Any reason?”

  “Not feeling good,” I answered. “I’m gonna lie down for a bit.”

  “Okay. I’m gonna stay here and read.”

  Perfect. I marched up the stairs and plopped face down on the bed. My purse smacked the pillow next to me. Ugh. My phone. Should I turn it on? I pulled it out of the purse and turned it over in my hand. What if Tony has the most amazing excuse ever? What if he’s begging my forgiveness and flat out tells me I’m the most beautifulest, wonderfulest, kindest person he’s ever known, and he can’t stop thinking about me? I smiled. That would be seriously cool. My smile fell. What if it isn’t excuses and apologies and flatteries? What if he is just worried about getting me home so Roger and Darlene won’t be mad? I threw the phone onto Cassidy’s bed without turning it on. Never mind. In some ways, not knowing what he said was better than facing the truth.

  In disgust, I heaved myself off the bed and pattered into the luxurious bathroom. My eyes were drawn instantly to the large bathtub. That’s what I needed. I collected my things and the third book in the Twilight series; Cassidy had just started the fourth. I headed back into the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and poured some bubble bath into the tub. Immediately, thousands of sparkling little bubbles burst to life. I let out an exhausted sigh.

  In no time at all, I was sinking happily into the bath, Eclipse in my hand, ready to escape the world around me. I mean, nothing was better than fiction, right?

  About an hour later I wandered out of the
bathroom—dressed, with bare feet, and a tie pulling my hair up in a messy bun. My phone was still on Cassidy’s bed. This time curiosity overrode common sense. I had to know what Tony had been trying to say. Maybe it was the hour of reading and seeing the struggle in Edward that did it—I don’t know. But all at once I wanted to know what my vampire—okay, human, but can’t I still have a bit of fantasy left?—wrote to me. I scooped up the phone and plunked down on my bed, crossing my feet beneath me.

  I took a deep breath. Okay, so here’s the deal. I’m not going to get upset either way. If he likes me and has showered me with millions of compliments, I’m going to smile and remain calm. If he’s just concerned about my safety and worried he’ll get in trouble, then I’m going to smile and remain calm for that, too. Got it? I took another breath and closed my eyes. Blindly, I pushed the button and heard the phone chime to life in my hand. I waited.

  For five minutes I waited with my eyes closed to hear the chimes announcing Tony’s text messages arriving in my mailbox. None came. Huh? Warily, I opened one eye and scanned the messages I had already received. There were no new messages from Tony. Scanning through my voicemail, I realized he didn’t leave a message there, either.

  What in the world? He didn’t send me a message at all? Not at all? Not even an “Are you okay?” text? Holy cow! He has no idea who I went home with—how does he know I’m even safe?

  And then it hit me full force, like a ton of bricks. Tony didn’t care about me. I had the evidence right in my hand. Here I’d thought he’d be worrying himself sick. Nope. In fact, after reviewing the evidence, it would seem he was relieved.

  Dejected, I tossed the phone across the room. It landed with a thud on the overstuffed chair. After I’d seen that it landed safely, I dramatically threw myself backward onto the bed in despair. Why did I ever turn my phone on? It was so much better to not know what he thought. Okay, I have been the biggest dork in the history of dorks.

  My eyes stubbornly filled with tears again, and I closed them, not ready to deal with such an emotional disappointment. Discouraged beyond belief—for a girl who’d just promised herself moments before that she’d smile and remain calm no matter what happened—I turned on my side and curled around a thick pillow, hoping my silent tears wouldn’t stain the smooth satin surface.

  When I first awoke about forty minutes later, I thought the radio was on. My eyes blinked open, and I listened to the sound—it was far away, almost as though it was in another room. I groaned and pulled my watch off the bedside table to see how long I had slept. Good grief, it was way past time to get up. When I sat up, the music seemed to get louder. It was oddly familiar, like I had heard the song before, just not the version that was playing now.

  The room was still empty. I could tell Cassidy hadn’t been up to check on me. Good. I slipped off the bed to wash my face. As I walked closer to the window, the music got louder. What’s going on? Is someone having a party outside? I moved the curtains and peered out the window.

  Oh my gosh! Is he for real?


  Rock Star

  I quickly threw open the window, engulfing myself in the glorious music below. Tony grinned up at me, jamming on a guitar, and continued to sing the song I had been raving about earlier from the new band, Northanger Alibi.

  I didn’t have a heart until I met you.

  That smile is killin’ me too.

  I can’t look away.

  Can I always stay?

  I can’t look away.

  I need to stay.

  I didn’t have a heart until I met you.

  Come on, girl, I need you.

  I smiled. He’s good! He’s really good. Like, almost as good as the band’s lead singer.

  With a flash, I remembered the singer’s name—Jackson Russolini. My smiled faltered. Why that name caused me to stop and stare hard at Tony, I don’t know. But it did. Oh my gosh! Is he—? He can’t be! I mean, there’s no way he’s Jackson from—

  “Hey, Claire!” Cassidy came rushing in the room. “Have you seen what’s going on outside? Oh! You’re looking now. Holy cow! Did you know he was Jackson Russolini? I’m totally freaking out—you have no idea!”

  “Is he? Do you think so?” I still couldn’t believe it.

  “Uh, duh!” She joined me at the window and groaned. “Look how hot he is playing that guitar!” She turned and grabbed me by the shoulders. “Claire! We totally know someone famous!” She clutched tighter and began to jump up and down. “I can’t believe it! I’m gonna freak, seriously! I’m gonna die right now! Eeeh!”

  I hardly paid any attention to her. My sole focus was on the amazing look Tony was giving me from below. It had to have been the most magnificent grin in the whole world.

  The key changed in the music, and I knew he was gearing up for the guitar solo. As fast as I could, I shook my sister’s hands off and dashed down the stairs and out the front door. There was nothing I loved more than an awesome guitar solo, no matter what music genre.

  Tony smiled as he approached me, his head bobbing with the beat. I liked the way he bit his bottom lip and scrunched up his nose when he got to the really complicated part. He loves this! He’s such a natural, too. I could tell he’d been playing for a long time.

  “Wahoo!” I hollered and clapped, which made him smile more. It blew me away to see him like this—so in his element and so talented. I’d never seen anyone as hot as Tony Russo was right then.

  When he got to the chorus again, I laughed and sang along. He took another step toward me, strumming and jammin’. We were only about two feet apart when he did a quick break in the melody and sang the chorus again, this time straight at me, like he wanted me to really hear what he was saying. I listened while the spark in his eyes subconsciously pulled me closer.

  I didn’t have a heart until I met you.

  That smile is killin’ me too.

  I can’t look away.

  Can I always stay?

  I can’t look away.

  I need to stay.

  I didn’t have a heart until I met you.

  Come on, girl, I need you.

  He finished with an extra jolt and a strum that he playfully held out as his voice matched the note on the word “you.” After yanking his guitar up, he did a half bow, his eyes still holding mine. For a split second, the world around us was frozen and silent. No one else existed except Tony and me. I can’t believe he sang to me! Oh my gosh! A splattering of applause erupted all around us, breaking the hold he had on me.

  As I looked around, I was surprised to see a group of neighborhood children clapping on the lawn. An older couple with their dog was also applauding by the driveway, but my own family and friends were cheering the loudest.

  “Tony! Way to go,” Roger hollered from behind me.

  I didn’t even know he was home. I stepped aside and watched as he rushed past to clap Tony on the shoulder.

  Darlene was all eager smiles and glee. “That was the best thing we’ve heard in a long time!” she exclaimed as she ran past me to give him a hug.

  Tony shyly took it all in stride, especially when Cassidy ran over, jumping up and down and acting like a complete teenage crush. The more praise he got, the more the neighbors warmed up as well. Soon everyone was around him and cheering for him and asking for his autograph. Only I stood back. He noticed, too. Every chance he got, he looked up at me and then smiled. It was cute to see that he was still thinking of me.

  After a few minutes, I did notice a problem starting. He was beginning to attract even more attention from passing neighbors and people spreading the news. Just when I was beginning to think I’d never get a chance to talk to him, a man approached with his camera phone.

  Apparently that was Tony’s limit. He backed off, and after handing his guitar to Roger, he moved toward the porch near me, thanking everyone graciously with a little wave. People everywhere broke out into applause again. Tony smiled, grabbed my hand, and maneuvered us into the house. I had a quick gl
impse of Roger and Darlene bathed in glowing admiration from the natives as Tony shut the door.

  “Sorry about that.” He looked worried. “I wasn’t expecting so many people to be around.”

  “Well, you did come here in broad daylight,” I pointed out.

  “Yeah, but . . .” He shook his head. “I kind of pictured that differently. You know, I thought I’d get you all to myself.”

  I laughed. “I’m here now.”

  “Yeah, I know.” He grinned and then walked past to poke his head around the curtains.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked as he came back, looking dejected.

  “Plan B isn’t going to work now.”

  “Plan B?”

  “Yeah, I—” He sheepishly looked down. “I kind of had a couple of plans for tonight.”


  He peeked up at me. “Plan A was to get you to talk to me. If that worked, I was gonna move on to Plan B.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Well, I had planned to take you on a picnic in the park, but I’m thinking I’m not going to be able to leave anytime soon. Those kids are all around my car.” He didn’t sound mad, just disappointed.

  Aw. My heart melted. I cleared my throat. “Well, there’s a small back yard, if you want to try that.”

  “Really?” His eyes gleamed as he raised his head. “Yeah, that’d be cool. Where is it?” He tugged my hand and pulled me with him toward the back of the house.

  “Not there!” I chuckled and stopped near the closet to put on a pair of flip-flops. “You have to go through the kitchen.” I gently maneuvered him the right way. “In here.”


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