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Game On

Page 18

by Kelly Jamieson

  “Oh.” Olivia tilted her head. “That’s nice.”

  “Yeah. She called me yesterday. It’s spring break, so she’s bringing the kids to Chicago.” It was kind of short notice, but I was excited to see the munchkins. And my sister.

  “Is she staying with you?”

  “Yeah.” I grimaced. “But it’s okay; she knows what my schedule’s like.”

  “Lucky you’re not on a road trip.”

  “We do fly to Denver on Friday. But that’s okay. They’re going home Saturday morning, and she says they’ll manage by themselves Friday. They get here Tuesday.”

  “Which sister is this?” She slid off her stool to refill her coffee cup.

  “Lark. She’s my oldest sister.”

  Olivia held up the pot.

  I nodded. “Sure, I’ll have more.”

  She padded over to top off mine as well.

  “Her kids are ten and eight—Carter’s ten, Mia’s eight.”

  “Cute. Her husband’s not coming?”

  “Apparently he can’t take time off work right now. But Lark’s pretty independent.”

  “I’m sure you’ll have fun with them.”

  “Yeah, I love those kids.” I couldn’t wait to see them. It meant I’d get to buy toys. I liked buying toys. “We’ll take them out one evening for dinner.”

  She eyed me over her coffee cup. “We?”

  “Yeah. You and me.”

  She didn’t respond for a moment, and when she did smile it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Okay.”

  * * *


  The week was busy, with Lark and the sprouts. I picked them up at the airport early Tuesday morning and couldn’t believe how much they’d grown since I’d last seen them. They both threw themselves into my arms, and I squeezed them tight. “Damn, wish you squirts didn’t live so far away.”

  I’d gotten things set up in my condo, moving Magnum’s stuff into my room temporarily so Lark could have that room, the kids sharing the third room. I had to jet off to practice, but Lark said they’d explore the neighborhood and we’d meet up this afternoon to go to Navy Pier and the children’s museum there.

  We practiced again on Wednesday, leaving the rest of the day open, which was awesome. I’d arranged with Olivia to meet up for dinner when she was done with work. We went to Dimple’s Diner for milkshakes, burgers, and chicken tenders.

  Mia admired Olivia’s hair and announced to her mom that she now wanted to grow out her bangs, like Olivia.

  “How old do you think I am?” Mia asked Olivia in the booth at the diner.

  “Um.” Olivia tapped her finger on her lips. “Eighteen?”

  Mia giggled. “No! I’m only eight!”

  Somehow Olivia started telling the kids jokes. “What kind of water cannot freeze?” she asked Mia and Carter.

  They frowned.

  “Hot water.”


  “What falls in winter but never gets hurt?” Olivia waited expectantly. “Snow!”

  The kids giggled.

  “What did the banana say to the dog?”

  “I don’t know! What?” Carter grinned.

  “Nothing. Bananas can’t talk, silly!”

  The kids cackled away, and I exchanged an amused glance with Lark.

  After dinner, we all went to Just for Fun, a fantastic toy store. Yeah, I spoiled my niece and nephew, buying cool new Lego sets, a science kit, a monkey playground (Mia wanted that), and a remote-control car. I gave in to Lark’s refusal to allow them to have Nerf tactical vest kits, even though it was Nerf guns, because I respected her firm stance against violent toys. I also bought them books, because reading’s important. Then we went to Dylan’s Candy Bar, where I spoiled them more. And picked up a few things for myself.

  And for Olivia. I knew she didn’t eat a lot of sweets, but I bought her a ridiculous, bright-colored lollipop anyway, which she laughingly accepted.

  “Okay, we’d better get home,” Lark said. “I’ll be lucky if they get any sleep tonight with all this sugar.”

  “It’s a myth, Lark,” I told her. “There’s no such thing as a sugar high.”

  “I know,” she admitted with a grin. “But I wanted to blame you for something.”

  Olivia came home with us, and the kids watched a movie, which helped settle them down. It was cute how they wanted to sit on the couch on either side of Olivia to watch Charlotte’s Web.

  “I’m being replaced,” I grumbled to Lark in the kitchen, even though I really thought it was cool that the kids liked Olivia. “I thought I was their favorite.”

  “You think everyone thinks that.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Well, it’s usually true. You know I’m Mom and Dad’s favorite.”

  “They deny it.”

  I smirked. “Of course they do. They have to.”

  Lark laughed, then said in a low voice, “Olivia’s really nice, Cam.”

  “Yeah.” I gazed at the back of Olivia’s head. “She is.”

  “It’s surprising to see you with someone.”

  “It’s not serious.” I wasn’t about to tell her that Olivia and I were winning a bet and this would be done in a few weeks.

  She frowned. “Then why are we meeting her?”

  I stiffened. “I, uh, wanted you to meet her.”

  Her smile went knowing. “Uh-huh.”

  Shit. I’d answered honestly, without thinking.

  She punched my arm. “I get it. You’re head over hockey skates, and you don’t want to admit it.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  She snorted and put the milk back in the fridge. “Right.”

  “No, really.” Okay, the more I protested, the more she’d believe it. “Never mind.”

  “It’s okay, dude. Falling in love isn’t the end of the world. I’m happy for you.”

  This wasn’t love. Sure, I liked Olivia. A lot. We had fun together. But that was all it was.

  This was the last week in March. Playoffs started in about two weeks, though we wouldn’t know the exact schedule until closer to then. April 12 was when the bet was won, a little more than two weeks away.

  Which was when Liv and I would be done.

  So why didn’t that make me feel happier? I should be punching a fist into the air and taunting my teammates who’d have to wash my shorts for the rest of the year. Instead, the idea of not seeing Olivia any more depressed me.

  But wait. Maybe I didn’t have to stop seeing Olivia when the bet was over. I just had to make it two months without falling in love. She was having fun too. Maybe when the two months were up and the guys knew they had to wash my shorts, she’d be okay with us still seeing each other. Just casually.

  My mood cleared like the clouds parting for the sun to come out.

  Feeling cheerier, I followed Lark into the living room to join the others. I sat in an armchair, debating whether to kick the kids off the couch so I could sit next to Olivia. But as I looked over at them, I saw tears running down Carter’s face. My eyes widened.

  “Carter’s crying!” Mia announced.

  Carter swiped at his cheeks. “No, I’m not.”

  “You are too!”

  “Well, it’s s-sad. Charlotte’s d-dying!”

  “Don’t be such a baby!” Mia chided him. “Boys don’t cry!”

  “Hey, hey,” I said, frowning. “Boys do so cry.”

  “No, they don’t!” Mia bounced on the couch.

  “Sure they do. I’ve cried.”

  “When?” Mia regarded me suspiciously. Carter sniffed and wiped more tears, but I saw he was listening.

  “I cried last year when we lost in the playoffs.”

  She til
ted her head, lips pursed. “Really?”

  “Really. You think boys can’t feel sad?”

  Her bottom lip pushed out more. “I guess so. But you’re a grown-up boy.”

  I almost laughed. “Yeah, I’m a man, but I still feel sad sometimes. Boys feel the same things girls feel, and there’s nothing wrong with that. And there’s nothing wrong with crying if you’re sad.”

  “People make fun of boys who cry.” Mia’s eyebrows pulled together, and Carter’s bottom lip quivered.

  I caught Olivia’s warm gaze intent on me as I answered her. “Well, if they do, that’s just mean. And it’s not fair.” I looked at Carter, still wet-cheeked, but his chin was up. “There’s nothing wrong with caring about someone dying, even if it’s just in a movie.”

  Carter nodded.

  “Thank you,” Lark said softly from the chair next to mine.

  I glanced her way and nodded, then looked back to Olivia. Her eyes were bright, like she was going to cry too. I smiled at her. She sucked briefly on her bottom lip and rubbed her nose.

  We watched the rest of the movie, which I had to admit was pretty touching with the spider dying but having her babies and then the babies leaving Wilbur, except for the ones who didn’t. Then Lark herded the kids down the hall to bed. I wasted no time joining Olivia on the couch, pulling her against me.

  To my surprise, she shifted onto my lap, wrapped her arms around my neck, and laid a huge kiss on me. My head spun, and I held on to her waist as our mouths and tongues slid together. “Wow,” I said when we both came up for air. “What was that for?”

  “You’re amazing.” She kissed my cheek. “I l—” She pulled in air through her nose. “I…loved…what you said to the kids.”


  “The world is messed up because men are so afraid to break the stereotype of being all strong and stoic.” She sniffed. “They repress their emotions and end up with their masculinity so fragile it becomes toxic.”


  She kissed me again. “You have no idea how much it turned me on hearing you say those things. I’d do you right now if your sister and her kids weren’t here.”

  “Damn. But we can talk about, uh, boys crying whenever you want.”

  She sniffled out a laugh. “Also, I like your sister. And her kids.”

  “They’re pretty cool. Lark likes you too.”

  “Aw. Thanks. I’m glad.”

  I pulled her head back to mine for another kiss, an expansive warmth filling my chest. I was glad too.

  Olivia was hesitant about staying over with Lark and the kids there, but I assured her it was fine. We both had to get up early, her to get to work, me to our game-day skate.

  In my room, in the near dark, Olivia continued to show her appreciation of me by walking me backward to the bed then pushing me down onto it. I shifted up, and she stood at the foot of the bed and pulled her top off, leaving her in a pink lace bra and black pants. She flicked open the fastener and lowered the zipper, then shimmied the pants down her hips and thighs.

  My gaze ran up and down her body, enjoying this little striptease. In her sheer pink bra and thong, she climbed onto the bed between my legs and kissed me. I lifted my head to meet her, holding her face with one hand as our mouths devoured each other. As we kissed, again and again, she lowered her body to mine and rocked her pelvis over my hard-on.

  “Aaaaah.” Lust punched my gut, heat rushing through my body. “Christ,” I murmured against her lips, letting my hand trail down over her throat to her chest, caressing her breast.

  She pushed back and shifted down my body, watching my face, her fingers working to open my jeans. She slid them down to my thighs. Once freed, my dick sprang up thick and hard. I groaned as she took me in her hand and stroked me. White hot electricity shot up my spine. The engorged head of my cock pulsed; my nuts were as hard as walnuts. Then she licked…over my balls, up the length of my shaft, her lips lingering in a kiss on the tip. My blood ran hot through my veins, the drumbeat of my heart in my ears drowning out everything else.

  She did it again and again, swirling her tongue around the head, her eyelids going heavy, looking like she was in heaven. Fuck, that was hot. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, propping myself up on my elbows. Excitement pounded through me, my breathing raw and rough. Finally she opened her mouth wide and closed her lips around me. Jesus.

  My head fell back as sensation poured through me in heated waves, her lips and hand working together, her mouth soft and wet. I was crazed for more. Embarrassing, needy noises rose in my throat and tumbled from my lips as she worked me over, pausing to lick and, oh sweet Jesus, suck my balls, then returning to close those sexy lips around me again.

  She shoved my shirt up, her hand lingering on my abs, tickling my lower belly. I pushed up again, and her eyes lifted to meet mine, hers hazy with desire. I reached out to move her hair off her face, but it fell forward again, so I used both hands to gather it all up and held it at the back of her head, cupping her gently, guiding her up and down on my cock.

  I had to kiss her. I reached my free hand out, cupped her chin, and brought her head up as I sat, and our mouths sealed together in a long, heated kiss. She smiled as I drew back and returned her attention to my dick, sucking me again, making my head spin.

  “I want to come in your mouth so bad.”

  Her eyelashes fluttered.

  “I’d love to see you take me like that…right down your throat. But right now…I want to fuck you more.”

  She hummed, and the vibrations skittered right to my balls and up my spine.

  Tonight Olivia was taking charge though. She rose up onto her knees, removing her bra.

  “Oh yeah.” I reached for those pretty tits and cupped them, loving how they swelled into my palms, her nipples hard. I pinched the tight peaks, and she sighed with delight, lowering her panties. She shifted on the bed to toss them aside and moved back over me, straddling my hips, her eyes on my face. I watched her, fascinated, so fucking turned on, taking in her beauty, the neat patch of dark gold hair on her mound, her taut thighs, her smooth belly and slender arms. She circled her fingers around my dick and lowered herself onto me.

  “Wait,” I croaked, even though I didn’t want to. “Condom.”

  “Shit.” She closed her eyes and gusted out a breath. “Hang on.” She leaned over, stretching out to reach the bedside table, and found one. She sank her teeth into her bottom lip as she concentrated on applying it. Her fingers on me were making me crazy.

  She resumed her position, this time taking me inside that pretty pussy. I went flat onto my back, eyes closed at the feel of her body clenching around me all hot and slick and tight.

  She set her hands on my chest, rubbing my pecs, my nipples, more sparks zapping over my nerve endings. I reached for her waist, sliding my hands up over her rib cage, my thumbs brushing the undersides of her breasts, then back down to her hips, holding her as she rode me.

  She lifted her arms, ran her hands through her hair and held it up, her breasts bouncing, and my jaw slackened. “Christ, you’re gorgeous. Fucking me like this…riding me…”

  She bit her lip, and I could tell she was trying not to cry out like she wanted to, aware of the other people in my condo. I loved the noises she made when we fucked, so sexy because they were unrestrained and so responsive.

  “Feel good, baby?”

  She nodded, leaning forward so her tits were right in my face. Perfect. I latched onto a nipple and sucked hard. She made a whimpery noise, and I sucked the other nipple before she rose back up to plant her hands on my chest again, our bodies slapping together. I held her hips, my fingers digging into her firm ass.

  She straightened, cupped her breasts, her eyes closing, and pinched her own nipples. I nearly lost it, but I had to make sure she came too.<
br />
  “Touch yourself,” I urged in a low voice. “I want you to come.”

  “Ohhhh.” She skimmed a hand down over her stomach, over her mound, to find her clit. “I can’t…” Her movements slowed, became more of a gentle rocking, which was okay because I was hanging on by a frayed skate lace. Her eyes fell closed, her lips parted, her breath became choppy. I lifted my hands to her breasts, again teasing her nipples. I knew she liked that. Her body quivered, her abs contracted, and she threw her head back as she came, tightening and rippling around me. “Oh God!”

  Then she slapped her hand over her mouth, still shaking.

  “It’s okay,” I whispered, not really caring who heard, although I probably should have. Pretty sure Lark did not want to hear us having wild animal sex.

  Olivia fell over me, hair all around us as I thrust my hips up, fucking up into her pussy like a madman, teeth gritted, arms banded around her. My orgasm ripped through me, pressure building and exploding, my cock shuddering inside her. I let out a delirious groan and squeezed my eyes shut as starbursts exploded on my eyelids.

  Chapter 18


  I got to spend more time with Lark and the kids, since we went to the home game together Thursday night. Lark was one of those people you meet and feel like you’re friends with right away. Maybe it was because she had a lot of the same charm as Cam. She was fun and open and smart. I learned that both Mia and Carter played hockey and were very knowledgeable about the game. I offered to drive them to the airport on Saturday morning, but Cam had said he’d take them, even though he’d be back super early that morning. So we said goodbye outside the arena after the game with hugs and Lark looking a little emotional.

  “I’ve never met one of Cam’s girlfriends.” Her mouth kind of twisted up. “I don’t think he’s really had a girlfriend since he’s been in Chicago. I mean, he’s gone out with lots of women.” She winced. “You probably don’t want to hear that, sorry.”

  “That’s okay.” I formed my mouth into a smile.

  “I think he got scared after what happened with Ashley. I’m so happy for both of you.”


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