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Highlander's Beautiful Lia ( Historical Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance)

Page 7

by Adamina Young

  Gritting her teeth in determination, she swung the door open and stopped. Mary stood on the other side with her hand up, poised to knock on the door. “Claire!” she whispered. “Oh, I’m so sorry! Is he punishing ye?”

  Cora’s eyes widened in fear. “What? He knows?”

  Mary swept past her. “I heard he caught ye last night. When I didn’t see a guard at yer door, I feared I’d find ye back in the prisons! Did he beat ye?”

  Immediately, Cora realized that the other servant was talking about Alec and not the King. As her thoughts returned to the night before, embarrassment stained her cheeks. Not only did Alec not beat her, but he’d instilled a flame of desire that she’d still been unable to extinguish. “No. He was quite cross with me, but he did not beat me,” she muttered. “I am to stay in my quarters while your King is here.”

  “Innes Campbell went home last night. King’s orders. He wished to speak to Alec, so ye do not need to worry about him for now. Oh, Claire, ye can’t stay here. They’ve planned the most wonderful celebration for tonight. The King has ordered musicians and dancers. Do ye know that we haven’t had a grand celebration since Laird Duncan MacKay was alive? Ye can’t miss it!”

  “It’s sweet of you to invite me, but I assure you, I’m no stranger to balls.”

  Mary wrinkled her nose. “I’ve heard of what you English consider a ball, and believe me, ’tis nothing like what we do. The drink flows freely, and everyone can join in. We serve, but we also dance and laugh. Brawls break out, and the bards tell the most wonderful tales!”

  “Brawls break out? Sounds more like a tavern than a ball,” Cora pointed out, but she was intrigued. “I suppose I can try to sneak a look, but I won’t be able to join.”

  Mary sighed and shook her head. “Well, it won’t do well to defy the laird, especially with the King here, but ye should try to watch. Ye could do with some fun.”

  “Will your clan show some respect for Alec MacKay?”

  Her friend hesitated. “’Tis no secret that King Edward is here to check up on things. He’s showing his support for Alec Sinclair, but he’ll listen to my clan. If he fears that the Sinclair cannae earn their loyalty, he’ll appoint another. Kane is our greatest warrior. He deserves to be our laird.”

  “Perhaps, but we both know that under Seth, he never gained the experience that he needed. I heard Seth and Innes talking many times about the threat that Kane posed. Seth would have killed him months ago had he not feared the uprising it would have caused. He deliberately kept him away from politics so that he could overthrow him. The King will give the clan to Innes Campbell. He’s far more experienced and perhaps even more cruel that Seth.”

  “How do ye know this?” Mary demanded.

  “Seth and Innes spoke freely when they visited me in the dungeon. They assumed that I’d never dare to tell their secrets,” Cora said bitterly.

  “Ye must tell someone what ye know, Claire. ’Tis the only way that ye’ll be able to shake loose the demons that haunt ye.”

  “I can’t. Not while Innes still lives and breathes. He knows of my family. He’ll kill them without a moment of hesitation. I won’t let that happen. If I cannot return to them and protect them, the only thing I can do is keep quiet and hope that it is enough.”

  “Yer no servant, Claire. I can tell by how smooth yer hands are and inadequate yer cooking skills are. Ye must have a wonderful life in England.”

  Cora smiled wistfully. “I was well-loved by a family, but any future that I had with another is ruined. No one would believe that I remain pure while locked away for six months. My only reason for returning is to see that Lana’s future is secure. She’s my sister, and she shines brighter than the sun.”

  Reaching over, Mary took her hand and squeezed. “Whatever ye need, I’ll help ye. But there’s nothing ye can do tonight, so steal away so ye can dance with me, and I can see a genuine smile on that face. All right?”

  “All right. I’ll see what I can do.”

  The day passed slowly. Cora watched from the window as Alec and his friends continued to train the MacKay men. Although she knew very little of fighting, she could see the improvement. Today, it looked as though Alec was breaking a sweat. Either his techniques were working, or the clan wanted to impress the older man watching.

  From her perch, she watched King Edward. There was no change in his expression, nothing to signify whether he was pleased or disappointed by the new laird’s actions. Part of her was thankful to the man for sending Innes Campbell away, but the other greatly feared his power. If he understood the cruelty of the man, why would he order her marriage?

  On the other hand, he could have handed the MacKays over to Innes instead of Alec. So what did that say about him?

  Suddenly, as though he felt her burning gaze upon them, Alec looked up sharply. Seeing his distraction, Edward did the same. Gasping, Cora stumbled back from the window. Her heart beat wildly in her chest as she sat heavily on the bed.

  Tonight, during the festivities, she would take another chance at escape. Alec would be too distracted to notice, and she’d finally be able to put all of this mess behind her.

  Hours later, when the muted sound of music reached her ears, she quietly opened the door and slipped out. Alec had taken away her disguise, sword, everything she had packed away. If she thought to survive the journey, she’d have to search his chambers first.

  The hall was deserted. She rapidly made her way to the stairwell and climbed the stairs to the guest chambers. She couldn’t remember which was his, but she remembered that it was on the end. One by one, she cracked the doors open and peered in until she finally found the one that stirred her memories. His searing touch. The kiss that had easily wiped away her resolve. The desperate desire for more.

  With a shuddering breath, she pushed the memories aside and gathered the things that had been so thoughtlessly tossed in the corner. When she’d found everything that she needed, she quietly backed out of the room and slowly closed the door.

  “Either ye truly are a thief, or ye seek to spend the night in Alec Sinclair’s bed,” a rough voice commented behind her. Gasping, Cora whirled around. At the sight of King Edward, all the blood drained from her face.

  “Your Majesty,” Cora stuttered. “I had thought that you would be downstairs enjoying the celebration. It is, after all, in your honor.”

  A small smile played along his lips. “I appreciate the honor of yer greeting, but it does not quite meet yer eyes. I’m not yer King, am I?”

  “That doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve my respect,” Cora whispered.

  “I am an old man. I needed to rest before tonight. Would ye do me the honor of escorting me down?”

  Panicked, Cora looked down at the bundle in her arms. Not only would she not be able to escape, but Alec would be furious if he found her on the arm of the King. But how could she disobey? Edward saw her dilemma and chuckled. “I saw ye spying on us during the training. Sinclair was rather closed-mouthed about ye when I asked, but I quickly discovered that not everyone would hide ye. Yer friend Mary was quite open when it came to ye.”

  Bloody hell, Mary! “What did you learn?”

  “I learned that you are a mystery. No one seems to know where ye came from or who ye are. Six months ye’ve spent in the dungeons, and no one knows yer crime. If ye’ve nothing to fear, why not explain the truth to Alec and win yer freedom?”

  “I have answered his questions. I am not a thief, but he does not believe me. I find it rather strange that I would confess my sins and still be accused of lying,” Cora said defiantly.

  Edward laughed. “I do know that Alec Sinclair is a fair man. ’Tis why I chose him.”

  “I would think that Innes Campbell would be your first choice. Isn’t that what you decided six months ago?” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she realized her error.

  The King watched her carefully. “I did not have all the facts when I made those initial decisions. The consequences of my actions ha
ve forced me to review them.”

  He knew. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that he knew exactly who she was. The question now was what he planned on doing about it. “All of those decisions, my Lord? Or just the ones that affect the MacKays?”

  “Claire, isn’t it?” he asked with an innocent expression on his face. “I do believe that ye have a story to tell. Why do ye not tell it?”

  “I’m a stranger here, King Edward. Who could I possibly trust to divulge my secrets? It’s not like the family that I left behind. A vulnerable younger sister who still believes in the goodness of everyone.”

  Her vague confession hung heavily between them, and he glanced down at the sword in her hands. “My dear Claire, if ye would be so good to return those items to Sinclair’s chambers, I can assure ye that ye will not be needing them tonight.”

  “But—” she protested. He put his hands up to stop her.

  “Join me this evening. I insist.”

  Here she was, taking a chance on the King’s kindness, and he meant to keep her here! Still, what could she do? Defying him on Scottish grounds would no doubt be treason. Straightening her spine, she gave him a little nod. “Very well.”

  Returning to Alec’s chambers, she dumped the items on the floor and shut the door with such force that the King’s eyes widened. “Ye must get yer temper from yer mother, for Duncan MacKay was soft inside.”

  If there was any doubt that King Edward knew her father, it was dashed in one sentence. Taking the King’s arm, she held her head high as she walked him down the stairs. There was little choice but to meet the fate that awaited her with as much dignity as possible.


  The fiddlers and bards had caused a frenzy as the MacKays danced and drank and laughed. Even Alec could feel the tension leaving his body as he surveyed the grand hall. The dozen of Sinclair warriors were getting along famously with the MacKays, and Innes Campbell had been ordered to leave with his tail tucked between his legs. His men trained that day with vigor and even some excitement although it was difficult to tell if his King was happy with the results.

  “If ye continue scowling, there isn’t a woman here who will want to share yer bed,” Shane laughed as he clapped him on the shoulder. “This is a celebration. Try to have some fun!”

  “’Tis may verra well be the last night we spend here,” Alec reminded him. “Have ye had a conversation with the King today? Do ye have any idea what he’s thinking? His face is as still as a stone wall.”

  “As a matter of fact, I did have a conversation with His Majesty. He had a few questions about ye and the clan, but he was far more interested in Miss Claire.”

  “What?” Alec’s head snapped up. “Ye must be jesting. What would he want with her?” The fact is that King Edward caught him staring at her earlier today, but Alec had hoped his quick dismissal of the conversation would douse the King’s interest.

  Apparently not.

  “I wasn’t the only one he was asking. Where is Claire? I would think she’d be helping the other servants. It won’t look good if yer servants are disobeying orders.”

  “I ordered her to stay in her room,” Alec said sourly. “I don’t want a thief running around with the King here.”

  Shane’s eyes widened. “Then I suppose ye’ll be verra unhappy if the thief had not only disobeyed ye but was gracing King Edward’s arm?”

  “Like that would ever hap—” His words died in his throat when a hush fell over the hall. As everyone bowed, Alec turned his head to see King Edward making his way to him.

  Cora was as pale as a ghost.

  “What the hell,” he grumbled under his breath, but he dutifully stood and bowed. “Yer Majesty. I’m pleased to see ye well-rested.”

  “I doonae know about that,” Edward said with a small smile. “’Tis hard to rest with such merriment happening. I was pleased to meet the lovely Miss Claire on my way here and asked her to escort me.”

  “I see. Miss Claire is a servant here. I’m sure she’ll be happy to get to her duties now that she’s here,” Alec said as he glared at her. She averted her gaze.

  “Nonsense. I feel the need for some female companionship during dinner, and ’tis been a long time since an English lass has been by my side. I’m sure ye will not mind, will ye?”

  Alec gritted his teeth. “Of course not. Miss Claire, I’m happy for ye to join us.”

  “Wonderful.” Someone pulled out his chair, and the elderly man sat heavily at the head of the table. “Perhaps ye’ll entertain me with a dance later, Alec. I’m sure Miss Claire will oblige ye.”

  Could this night get any worse? After what nearly happened yesterday evening, he was afraid to even be near her, let alone embrace her during a dance in front of the whole clan.

  Once the King was seated, Alec waved his hand to the musicians, and they started back up again. The dancing began as before, and soon the celebration was back in full swing. Mary came around quickly with a fresh plate of food for the King, and her eyes widened at the sight of Cora.

  “Thank ye, girl,” Edward said gallantly. “I trust that ye won’t hold it against yer friend that she entertain me tonight? I find her story to be fascinating.”

  “I’m sure she’ll be pleased with yer attention, Sire,” Mary said as she curtsied. Cora sucked in her breath, and Alec narrowed his eyes. There was something going on here.

  “Aye,” was all Edward said before reaching for his goblet. Mary gave Cora a pleased smile before scurrying away. She looked more terrified than pleased with her circumstances. What had transpired between them before they had made their appearance? “Alec, tell me of yer sister. Is she of age now?”

  “Grace? She turned eighteen this past summer. Connor would have married her off two years ago, but he’s having trouble finding a man that will have her,” Alec said with a grimace.

  “Really?” Edward said in surprise. “She was such a beauty last time I laid eyes on her. Has she some new affliction?”

  “Aye,” Alec snorted. “She’s mental. She’s decided that she’ll not marry anyone because she has far too much fun driving Connor and I mad. Just last month Connor caught her learning swordplay.”

  “She’ll need a strong man to take her in hand,” Edward agreed.

  “I would think that in a place like this, a woman’s strength and independence would be welcome,” Cora said harshly.

  “Claire,” Alec growled. “Watch yer tongue.”

  “Please,” the King said mildly. “Enlighten me. What do ye mean ‘a place like this’?”

  “We do not face the same threats and conditions in London as you do here. Women are bred to either serve men or make dutiful wives. But here, you have dissent between the clans and a constant battle against the harsh elements. With trained women by your side, you stand a far greater chance at success.”

  “Trained women?” Edward asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Tell me, Laird. Was your sister impressive with a sword?” Cora asked.

  “Yes,” Alec admitted.

  “Then there you go,” Cora said primly.

  “Were ye bred to make a dutiful wife?” Alec asked in a low voice. “Or to serve a man?”

  His words were dangerously seductive, and for a moment, he forgot the King seated between them. Cora met his gaze cooly, but he saw the redness that stained her cheeks. “I have endured more than one season in London,” she replied.

  “So you’re a Lady then? I’ll ask again, what were ye doing here in the MacKay prisons?”

  “Alec,” Edward said sharply. “I would enjoy my dinner in peace.”

  “My apologies,” Alec said as he stood. “If ye’ll excuse me, I’d like to stretch my legs.”

  “Take Miss Claire dancing,” the King said. “That should help ye blow off some steam.”

  Alec opened his mouth to protest, but Edward had already returned to his meal. Knowing there was nothing else he could do, he presented Cora with his hand. She took a deep breath before accepting it. Soon he twirled he
r around in the sea of bodies dancing between the tables.

  “What do ye think yer trying to achieve?” Alec hissed. He wasn’t worried about anyone overhearing them above the laughter and cheers.

  “I’m not trying to achieve anything,” she snapped. “If you must know, I stole back in your room for the supplies that you took from me so that I could escape. Your King caught me and ordered that I escort him to the festivities.”

  “And ye think admitting that ye were trying to leave me is better than this?” Alec asked incredulously. Someone bumped into her, and she stumbled into his arms. As her body molded against his, he caught his breath. Beneath the thin serving dress, he could feel every curve of her body.

  “You could be so easily rid of me,” she breathed as she stared at him. “If you would only let me go.”

  “And why would I want to be rid of ye?” he asked silkily. “When I can keep ye here until ye consent to be mine.”

  “You would seduce a thief?”

  “I would think ye’d be happy. While I slept in my bed, sated from yer body, ye could take whatever yer heart desires. Unless, of course, there’s nothing here that ye want?”

  “Maybe I’ve already obtained what I came here for,” she said as she turned her face towards him. Unable to help himself, he bent his head to taste her again when someone slapped him hard on the back.

  Furious, he whirled around only to find Jamie handing him a tankard of ale. “Forgive me, but ye looked like ye might do something ye wouldn’t want prying eyes to see,” he said meaningfully.

  “Please excuse me,” Cora said suddenly as she bolted through the crowd. Alec watched as she curtsied in front of Edward and exchanged some words. Whatever he said must have greatly upset her. With her shoulders slumped in defeat, she returned to her chair and pushed her plate of food away.

  Jamie shook his head. “Ye weren’t really going to kiss her in front of everyone, were ye?”

  “She means to escape,” Alec said as he stared at her. “I think I mean to let her.”


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