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Highlander's Beautiful Lia ( Historical Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance)

Page 9

by Adamina Young

  Father Kevin Donnelly looked entirely too nervous to suit his needs. From what he knew, the Englishman was hoping to convert the Scottish heathens although he always looked terrified when he traveled from clan to clan. “Laird Sinclair, this is most unusual,” he said after he cleared his throat.

  “But Father Donnelly, I am in love,” Alec drawled. “What could be more unusual about that?”

  “Ye do realize that I must hear the bride’s consent before the ceremony can begin, yes?”

  “Father, ye wound me,” Alec said with a grin. “Do ye really think a woman would turn all of this down?”

  His friends, and even Kane, chuckled. Jamie stepped forward and leaned in close. “Alec, when I told ye to find a way to dispense of yer obsession with the lady, I did not mean for ye to marry the wench. Are ye truly in love?”

  “In the audience of the King, I am. Doonae worry, Jamie. I have not lost all my senses. My motivation will be revealed in the King’s presence.”

  “Did ye get her pregnant?” Stephen asked as he sauntered closer. “The whole hall saw ye run after her like a madman last night.”

  That was even more perfect. More support for this ridiculous idea of a love match.

  Kane suddenly cleared his throat, and Alec whipped his head around. Cora was dressed in a gorgeous green silk dress that dipped low over her bosoms and fit to every curve in her body. Her auburn hair was coiled in a braid around her head, and when she walked, she commanded the attention of everyone in the room. Never had Alec seen anyone look more beautiful in his entire life. At that moment, he couldn’t imagine anyone in England not thinking that she was a lady.

  She looked like a goddess.

  “Miss Claire,” Stephen said as he bowed. “Ye look breathtaking.”

  “Actually, since you have all magnanimously agreed to attend my wedding, you should know that my name is Cora. Cora Isles.”

  Alec watched Kane’s expression closely, but there was no surprise. The man had no idea that Duncan had a daughter.

  Father Donnelly walked over and took her hands. “Lady Isles, I am Father Devin Donnelly. I will officiate your wedding, but first I must have a private word with you.”

  “Father, if you are concerned that I am here against my will, I can assure you that I am not. From the moment I laid eyes on the Laird Sinclair, I was drawn in by his kindness. He rescued me from dire circumstances, and I have adored him ever since. He is a gentle, kind, and fair man. I am overjoyed to be his wife.”

  Her loud declaration was followed by a deafening silence. Even Alec could only stare at her. She slipped into the role so well that even he believed it for a moment.

  “That must have been some night last night,” Stephen whispered in his ear.

  Growling, Alec pushed his friend away. “Father, I trust that will suffice to satisfy ye?”

  Apparently not. “Lady Isles, I really must insist that we speak in private.”

  “’Tis all right, darling,” Alec said as he nodded. “We’ll be right here waiting.”

  He didn’t mind giving Cora some time alone with Father Donnelly. He trusted that she’d make the right decision.

  A few minutes passed, and he began to doubt his decision. What if she loved Innes? She could deny everything she’d just claimed and ruin his whole plan in one fell swoop. With a scowl, he crossed the hall and opened the door into the kitchen. Startled, Cora jumped. “Laird Sinclair. So impatient,” she said with a fake smile. “What did I tell ye, Father? We are meant to be together.”

  “But Lady Isles, don’t you think he has the right to know?”

  “My father is dead, Father Donnelly. If he cannot explain his actions, I certainly cannot. In this regard, I am making my own decisions. You will marry us this morning.”

  The priest sighed and stood. “Very well. We’ll get started right away.” He walked back into the hall leaving Cora and Alec alone.

  “Problem?” Alec asked quietly.

  “It appears that Father Donnelly recognized my name. My father told him of my impending marriage to Innes Campbell, but he doesn’t know why.”

  “Ye could have told him.”

  “But I did not. Next time you think me devious, remember this moment.” She swept past him with her head held high, and he followed. There was a hollow feeling in his chest, and he began to wonder if he was making the right decision.

  In the hall, Stephen, Jamie, Shane, and Kane waited for Alec. Cora stood in front of the priest. That irritating smile was still plastered on her face, but she twisted her fingers around themselves, giving her away.

  “Laird Sinclair?” Father Donnelly asked nervously. “Are you ready?”

  Alec took his place next to Cora and wed himself to the woman he knew he would never love.

  It had only taken minutes for Cora Isles to become Cora Sinclair. Seated at the head of the table, next to her husband, she waited in terror as the rest of the MacKays began to trickle in to break their fast. Alec hadn’t said a word to her since the ceremony, much to the distress of Father Donnelly.

  “Child,” he whispered to her urgently. “If you have any hopes to annul this marriage, you must not consummate it! I will not be able to help you after that.”

  “Father Donnelly,” Alec interrupted coldly, “ye have traveled far to join us this morning. We have a chamber prepared for ye, and no one will think twice if ye choose to rest for the day.”


  “Shane, could ye please escort Father Donnelly to his room? I’m sure he is verra tired, and I would not want to bother him any further.” His command was clear, and Cora felt sorry for the priest. He was obviously a good man who would strive to see that she hadn’t just made a mistake.

  “You didn’t need to banish him,” Cora admonished in a quiet voice. “He’s only concerned for me.”

  “Have ye given him reason to be concerned, Lady Sinclair?”

  His silky voice sent a shiver down her spine, and she turned her head. Is this how things would be? He ran hot and cold. She feared she would never know which face her husband would put on for the day. How could she live like this?

  “I did as you wanted. Is there any hope that you’ll leave me alone?” she whispered desperately.

  Instead of responding, he took her hand and brushed his finger over her knuckles. Surprised at the loving caress, she looked up and saw the soft look on his face. Breathing softly, she reached up to touch his cheek, but his eyes immediately turned to the front of the room. Cora followed his gaze and felt her heart drop.

  King Edward had entered.

  Alec stood, and when she didn’t immediately follow suit, the gentle caress turned into a squeeze. Quickly, she stood and curtsied as King Edward approached them. Edward took in her fancy gown and raised an eyebrow. “A bit early for a ball, isn’t it my dear?”

  “Yes, my Lord. But I am not prepared to attend a ball. Today is my wedding day.”

  “Sinclair?” Edward said questioningly. “Ye have married yer thief?”

  Alec cleared his throat. “Actually, to that, I have an announcement to make. If ye do not mind?”

  “This should be good,” Edward muttered and nodded his head.

  Alec raised his glass. “Yer Majesty, MacKays, and SInclairs, I proudly present my wife, Cora Isles. Nearly seven months ago, my wife learned of her true heritage. She is the daughter of Duncan MacKay, and I bid ye accept her with open arms. She has witnessed her father at the hands of his son, and faced six torturous months paying for the sins of her birth. With the MacKay blood coursing through her veins, I trust that ye will accept her as my wife, yer Lady, and the mother of the future Laird MacKay. Any babe that she produces will honor Duncan MacKay with his name.”

  Loud cheers echoed off the stone walls as everyone raised their glasses. As they toasted, Cora turned her head to watch Edward’s face. There was a mix of anger and pity. “You testify that Seth killed his father?” he asked quietly.


  “Did he act al

  Cora hesitated. Edward was now her king by birth, and she felt sure that she shouldn’t lie to him. As she opened her mouth, Alec saved her from any answer.

  “Yer Majesty, it would be a great honor if ye sanctioned my marriage.”

  “I believe I sanctioned a marriage between Cora Isles and Innes Campbell. I have half a mind to demand that ye dissolve this farce here and now.”

  “’Tis a love match,” Alec said as he put his arms around her. “And we had no idea of any betrothal when we fell in love.”

  “I will not be made a fool,” the King declared quietly. “If I should later discover that ye are lying to me and this is not a love match, the consequences will be dire. I can strip ye of yer title whenever I want, Sinclair. Doonae doubt that.”

  Cora swallowed hard. Edward knew that they weren’t really in love, and yet he was insisting that they continue this charade. What was the point? Was he simply trying to save face if and when Innes Campbell approached him?

  Suddenly, Edward smiled and clapped Alec on the shoulder. “Congratulations. Connor will be pleased to hear that ye’ve finally settled down, although, between the two of ye, I’m not sure which one has broken more hearts. My dear Lady Sinclair, I have no doubt that ye want to spend this day with yer husband, but I’m afraid that I’ll be leaving at first light tomorrow, and there are still some things that we need to discuss.”

  “Of course.” Cora nodded her head. “Take as long as ye need.”

  “Doonae fear my dear, I will do nothing to interfere with yer wedding night.”

  As the King winked at her, her heart sank. Her wedding night? That had been the farthest thing from her mind, but she felt the heat of Alec’s gaze on her and knew there was no way around it. Tonight, she would lose yet another part of herself.


  It was amazing for Cora to watch how the rest of the clan interacted with her now. Those that had previously scorned her were now acting as though they were old friends, and her previous friends were keeping their distance. It broke her heart, and she vowed that she would find a way to make it right. She had lied to all of them to protect those she loved, but she had come to love her friends as well, and now they were baffled and hurting.

  Despite how some felt about Alec, everyone acted as though any marriage should be celebrated, and they did it with great gusto. There was dancing, singing, laughter, and drinking. When was the last time Cora had seen such joy anywhere? And it was all for her.

  At the center of attention, she sat in her chair at the end of the table and tried to look relaxed. It hadn’t escaped her notice that King Edward’s attention was trained on her or that Alec was also watching her like a hawk.

  She didn’t know what it was like to be in love, and now she had to act the part.

  “Come dance with me!” Jamie declared heartily and pulled her out of her seat before she could say no. Before he could get her too far across the floor, a hand grabbed her around the waist and pulled her up against a hard body.

  Alec. His warmth spread through her, and she flushed at the knowledge that she could already recognize him without turning around. “I believe the first dance belongs to me,” he said a little too possessively. “Off with ye.”

  Shooing Jamie away, he tugged her with the other dancers before he effortlessly picked her up and spun her.

  “Oh!” Breathless, she gripped his large shoulders as they danced. Her heart fluttered as she tried to keep up with him, but this type of dancing was so different from what she was used to. In England, it was proper with contained emotions, but here, the steps and laughter were large and expressive. Joy spread through her even as she tried to focus and concentrate. She’d always loved music and dancing.

  “Smile,” he murmured in her ear. “Ye are dancing with the man that ye love.”

  Immediately, the euphoria slipped away with the reminder that every smile he gave her, every touch of her body, was all for an act. Whatever chance she and Alec had of having a real relationship, or even having a friendship, had slipped away at the knowledge of her lies, and that hurt her more than she wanted to admit.

  Finally, at the end of the song, the crowd cheered, and Alec slipped his hand around her waist. Afraid he was going to ask her for another dance when the instruments started up again, she forced a smile. “I think I need a moment to breathe.”

  With a frown, he released her, and she made her way out of the great hall and to the great entrance of the keep. Sounds from the doors told her that the village was celebrating just as enthusiastically outside as they were inside.

  Was there nowhere she could hide?

  “Lady Cora,” the King said behind her.

  Swearing inwardly in a way that her family would not approve of, she turned and dipped into a curtsy. “Your Majesty.”

  “Will ye come walk with me in the courtyard? I could use a little sunshine.”

  Grateful for at least some air, she took his arm and led him to the small courtyard. “I appreciate you accepting my hasty marriage to Alec,” she began softly. “I had not realized—”

  “Careful,” Edward interrupted. “Lying to me is an offense that I will not be able to forgive.”

  Immediately, she clamped her mouth shut. She walked a thin line. He expected them to display the face of true lovers in public, but he also knew the truth even if he wasn’t allowed to admit it. “What can you tell me of my father?”

  At that, he smiled softly. “Duncan was a good man. Even with the mistakes he made, he was a good husband—despite his indiscretion—a good father, and a good laird. I respected him a great deal.”

  “A good father?” she echoed with just a hint of disdain. A father who had ignored her and raised a man who would be a monster.

  Edward sighed heavily. “Ye are thinking of Seth. I know ye witnessed and experienced horrors at his hand. How a man could grow up to be so different from his father, I will never know.”

  “You allowed him to take over the clan after my father’s death,” she said hesitantly. She couldn’t go around accusing him of being a bad king, but she had to know why. She couldn’t wrap her head around Scottish politics.

  “We place a great deal of emphasis on bloodlines as does the English,” he reminded her. “I had heard rumors of Seth’s true nature, enough to allow the rule to fall to Innes if he were to marry ye, but when Duncan died, and ye had supposedly died, I had no evidence to deny Seth his heritage. When I saw what he had done to this clan, I acted as quickly as I could.”

  “The Sinclairs. Why them?”

  “The Sinclairs’ father was a good friend of mine, and I have been pleased to see that Connor and Alec are just as strong and honest as he was. Connor has made an excellent laird, and I believed that Alec will as well.”

  “But Innes?”

  “Aye, he was displeased with my decision, but in the six months that Seth abused his own people, Innes did nothing to bring their plight to my attention. So I passed the title to Alec, and now that he has Duncan’s blood to support him, I believe he’ll find his rule much smoother here.”

  Cora stopped their slow walk to take a minute to study the older man. “Despite everything that you know now, would you still have upheld your decree and forced me to marry Innes?”

  “Aye,” he said without batting an eye. “I rarely go back on my word, and I will be most unhappy if this marriage does not work out.”

  A shiver crawled up her spine, and she swallowed hard. The warning was still there. He would still uphold his decree if she gave him reason to.

  “Ye had family in England. Ye didnae want to invite them to the celebrations?” he asked mildly.

  Tears threatened to well up in her eyes, and she blinked them away. “They thought me dead. It is easier for them to continue thinking so.”

  Edward studied her for a few minutes before he sighed. “Scotland can be harsh for someone not used to our climates and temperaments. Ye might find it difficult to acclimate if ye are not surrounded by pe
ople that ye love.”

  She stared at him coldly. “I was chained to a wall and brutalized for six months. I imagine that being the mistress of a keep will be far easier for me to manage in comparison.”

  With a strange smile on his face, he bowed his head. “Forgive me, Lady Cora. Ye may be delicate looking, but ye have the spine of yer father. I believe that Alec has finally found himself the perfect wife.”

  Before she could answer, shouts exploded from the great hall, and they had nothing to do with the festivities.

  “We should return,” he said. “It seems as if the Campbells are here to offer their congratulations.”


  Alec was furious that Innes had come unannounced with a dozen armed men, but he wasn’t surprised. It only served to prove what he’d already feared.

  There was a traitor on his lands. Someone was feeding information to Innes.

  After receiving word of his arrival, Alec allowed Innes and his men into the keep. If he decided to draw blood in the presence of the King, it would be on his head. Alec lost nothing by letting him in.

  “Campbell,” he greeted softly. The music had died down as soon as Campbell stalked in, and when his men drew their weapons, his own stood, even in their drunken stupor, and armed themselves while they awaited orders. “Are ye here to congratulate me?”

  “Ye bastard!” Innes hissed. “Ye dare take what is rightfully mine? I demand that ye drop this folly before ye sully my woman!”

  Sully his woman. So Cora was a virgin. Remembering his own accusations, his gut tightened. Of course Cora wasn’t Innes’s lover. If Innes had known who Cora was, he simply would have married her. So why did he feel like there was something going on between Innes and Cora that he didn’t understand?

  Before Alec could answer, the crowd parted as Edward and Cora entered the hall. With wide eyes and a pale pallor, she looked absolutely terrified, while Edward didn’t seem at all surprised.


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