Book Read Free


Page 16

by Nikki Wild

  “You were amazing tonight,” I whispered. “It was like watching a movie.”

  He breathed gently on my collar bone.

  “Your skin is so soft.”

  He traced the line of my jaw with the tips of his fingers.

  The vision of him dominating in the cage made it hard to believe it was the same person, sitting next to me now, touching me so gently.

  Meeting him half way, I found his lips with mine. He kissed me sweetly.

  “I want you to touch me,” I whispered.

  I guided his hand to my knee, just inches away from the curve of my mound.

  “I need you.”

  His abs rippled as he slowly peeled his shirt off.

  “Are you sore baby?”

  He only smiled.

  I placed the backs of my hands against his bare shoulders, then allowed them to move down the length of his biceps.

  “Lean back,” he directed. “Recline your seat.”

  I did as I was told, letting my knees fall away from each other.

  He reached one hand under my dress and slowly pulled my panties down to my knees.

  “I don’t know if I’ve ever seen such a beautiful night,” I said.

  “Watch the stars.”

  Luke turned me in my seat to face him. My eyes went skyward. A star shot across the sky.

  His hungry mouth covered my trembling slickness. The initial shudders that went through my body were almost too much. The strong grip he had on my hips kept me from squirming out of reach.

  He made little circles on my clit with his tongue. I was swelling with lust.

  “Luke that’s so good.”

  With his hands under my butt, he moved me up and down in rhythm with his mouth.

  He slipped one hand between my legs, sliding a finger gently inside.

  “That’s good baby.”

  His drew in and out of me with long strokes of his finger while he continued to work my clit with his tongue.

  “Is it the best?”

  “Oh God, yes. It’s the best.”

  I was ready for him.

  “Pull that dress up over your head. You won’t get many chances to be naked under a sky like this.”

  The light fabric came off of me with only slightly more than a tug. After I tossed it away he reached his hand behind me and undid my bra.

  “That’s better,” he whispered.

  “Your turn,” I said, seductively.

  Perched on the top of the seat, he let the warm breeze wash over him. When he stood to unbuckle his belt, I decided I couldn’t wait a second longer.

  With nimble fingers, I pulled apart the metal clasp. It came away easily, allowing me to yank it through the belt loops and off of his waist.

  He let me take care of his jeans, too. The inside of my forearm brushed the length of his substantial member.

  Another shiver of pleasure went through me when I curled my fingers over the top of his jeans and found them snugly tucked against his warm flesh.

  Luke bent forward, using his thumbs to push my elbows toward the floor. When his pants finally dropped his tool sprang forth.

  I took him in my mouth but he didn’t let me stay there long. By the way his cock seemed to struggle and pulse against the firm pressure, I knew he was eager to be inside of me.

  “Take me.”

  He picked me up by the waist so I could maneuver my legs around him. We were nose-to-nose as we sat down together on the top of the seat. I braced myself with my heels against the back seat so I could take him in at my own pace.

  With two fingers at the base, he guided himself to my pussy. The wet folds of my body dripped only centimeters from his tip.

  I gently lowered myself on to him, at first taking only his head. I let my hips work from there. I moved my body slowly. I went back and forth, but barely. The tip of his cock was less than an inch into my body. I played with him mercilessly.

  His left hand flailed outside of the car, grabbing at air until it finally found purchase on the door handle. He wasn’t trying to let himself out, he just needed something to grab on to that would help him stay steady beneath my teasing.

  “Let me have it,” he growled.

  I dropped even further onto his shaft. Half way down I had to ease back for my own safety. His girth filled me all the way. My warm, wet walls hugged him tightly.

  Luke started to thrust into me from the bottom position. I held tight to his neck and was careful to mind my position until I was ready for all of him.

  Our sounds of passion rolled across the barren desert floor.

  I pushed my breasts together and leaned toward his mouth.

  His lips pressed firmly into place on my nipple. I enjoyed the way he sucked so hungrily at me.

  “You don’t have to go slow anymore,” I whispered.

  A car blew by us on the highway. I couldn’t tell if it was the passing breeze that pushed me off balance or if it was him pulling me, but I came down hard on his cock.

  I yelped from the sudden insertion.

  “Are you good?”

  “I’m perfect. Put me on my back.”

  Luke swapped positions with me while simultaneously lowering his own seat to a reclined position. The leather stuck to my bare skin.

  We adjusted ourselves so that he could fit between my legs.

  I guided him in this time. My hand trembled when I held his tool. There was so much power in him.

  This time he slid in much easier.

  A relieved grunt escaped his lips.

  “You’re so tight.”

  My fingers weaved together behind the back of his head as I pulled him closer.

  “Do you really love me?” I asked.

  “More than anything in the world.”

  He started to push harder.

  My legs could only spread so far in the close confines of the car.

  “Fuck me!”

  “Tell me how bad you want to come.”

  “Fuck me hard!”

  The car horn made a short honk when he temporarily used his hand to brace himself against the steering wheel.

  “Tell me!”

  “You’re gonna make me… you’re gonna make me…”

  He was right on my spot.

  “I could fuck you all night.”

  “Come with me Luke. Finish inside me.”

  The orgasm ran through me like a knife through butter. Luke pumped into me at a feverish, steady pace. Within seconds he came, too.

  Hot passion shot into me.

  Another jolt of pleasure hit like a sonic boom. One massive burst followed by a tingling warmth.

  Luke rolled to his side and pulled me on to mine. We laid there each feeling the other’s panting breath on our bare skin… staring into each other’s eyes.

  “That first night,” he said.

  I tried to read his face.

  “That first night in your apartment. Do you remember?”

  “Of course.”

  “That’s when I knew.”

  “Me too,” I said quietly.

  We fell asleep like that. On the side of the road in the middle of the desert with nothing covering us but the moon and the stars and the sky. When the sun came up we would figure out the next step in our lives. But for now all we had to do was sleep. Sleep and be together.



  I was living in a whirlwind of joy. Days swept into nights and our little impromptu road trip carried us the slow way back across the country. We avoided the freeways and big cities wherever we could, avoiding media attention and shacking up in every cozy and hilarious little honeymoon suite along the way.

  The last one was a motel with a big cheesy looking heart shaped tub that came right out of the seventies, and it was absolutely perfect!

  By the time we finally made it back to Atlas Luke’s promoter had left about six thousand messages on his phone, and Kaitlyn was going nuts because the tabloids had gotten their hands on half a dozen pictures fro
m our wedding.

  So much for Elvis being trustworthy…

  Splitting up for the afternoon was just about the hardest thing I’d ever done. Luke had a couple of post-fight interviews to handle, and I needed to go home to pack my things.

  Stepping back into my little apartment for the last time almost made me want to cry. Not because I was sad to leave this place… But because I couldn’t believe the direction my life had taken.

  I decided to pack light.

  Out with the old, in with the new. I pulled my suitcase out of the closet and started to fill it with things I couldn’t leave behind. Pictures… My college degree… And a small selection of clothes. I smiled to myself as I pulled one of my best tailored professional work skirts and a blouse from the closet. Luke seemed to enjoy seeing me all dressed up. I pulled out a lace bra and panty set to go with them. Maybe I’d surprise him tonight…

  I was pulled from my little daydream when my phone rang.

  “Couldn’t live without me for half an hour?” I asked, laughing.

  Luke’s voice wrapped around me as he spoke. “I just wanted to say I miss you.”

  “Well than maybe you should turn the car around and help me break in this old bed one last time,” I replied.

  I could hear the squealing of tires over the line.


  “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  “I was just kidding… You need to get those interviews done!” I protested.

  “You’re starting to sound like a concerned housewife,” Luke replied. I could almost see the smile on his face.

  I was going to hit him with some kind of smartass comeback, but a sharp knocking on the door pulled me out of the moment.

  “Hang on a second Luke, I think Kaitlyn is here to give me hell for disappearing… I’ll be right back.”

  With the door rattling against its hinges, I dropped the phone onto the bed and ran out to the living room. I couldn’t wait to show Kaitlyn the ring Luke had given me. I pulled the door open with a great big smile on my face, and was hit with the thick sent of cheap tobacco.

  I stumbled backward from the door as the Rick stepped through, his crooked grin showing off a set of yellowed teeth. Every part of me wanted to scream, but the sound caught in my throat as I saw someone else coming through the door.

  “Kevin!” I finally managed to shout, scrambling away toward the bedroom. “STAY AWAY FROM ME!”

  “It was supposed to be me, you heartless bitch,” Kevin said, his face twitching with anger. My eyes traveled down to the gun in his hand and I screamed as Rick took a few steps and dragged me off the floor.

  “I was supposed to save you. I was supposed to be the fucking one who pulled you out of that fucking alley, not some meathead piece of shit.”

  I tried to shout again as Rick’s hand clamped down over my mouth.

  “And now you marry this asshole? You think I’d just let you do that?” Kevin said, closing the distance between us. “I hope you know this is all your fault… You took this man to have and fucking hold… Till death do you part…”



  Adrenaline rolled through me like a river as I pulled the Maserati through another tight turn. The engine screamed in protest and the suspension bucked against the crown of the road.

  The faint scream has come through the car’s speakers and hit me like a brick. Chills ran through my spine and I’d pinned the accelerator to the floor. I didn’t even have to hear his name to know who had come knocking.


  That little piece of shit from her office was going to find out exactly what happens to a man that comes between me and something I want.

  Horns blared as I swung into oncoming traffic, dodging a truck and kicking out the tail end of the car as I launched down the side-street that would lead me to her. The world was crashing down around me and nothing mattered outside of reaching my destination.

  “What the fuck?” I said to myself as her place came into view. Just outside, my eyes locked on the old weather beaten buick sitting under the yellow haze of a streetlight.

  The car from the alley.

  I didn’t understand and I didn’t need to. My body flexed and raged as I slammed on the brakes, throwing the door open without even taking the time to put it in park. My legs pumped against the asphalt as I made my way up to her open door.

  Bria’s voice came sharply from the opening. “Please Kevin! Don’t do this!”

  I was a wrecking ball. I was death and destruction. I threw myself straight through the opening and flew past the plants lining the entrance. My fighters instincts were carrying me as I hit the living room running, but Kevin wasn’t the one standing in my way. All I could see was the asshole I’d pulled off Bria the night my whole world changed.


  Bria’s eyes went wide as I ploughed a fist into the big man, tearing him away and swinging him straight to the ground. Bria stumbled to the side screaming as I brought a knee down against his exposed arm, the bones breaking like twigs. Every ounce of training I’d ever received was being put to use as I pummeled his face into sweet fucking oblivion. I was so set on my task that I almost didn’t notice the searing pain that flashed in my thigh, or the explosion that rocked my eardrums.

  I turned my head in shock and saw Bria lunge forward. Rolling off the filthy man on the floor I could see the blood pouring from my leg before I could even recognize what had happened. I swept my eyes back up to see Bria struggling with her ex-boyfriend. Another explosion hit my ears and I was showered in bits of popcorn ceiling.

  He has a gun…

  Bria was outmatched but she fought like a tiger. Time seemed to stand still as she clawed at Kevin’s face and fought to keep his gun hand pointed away from me. Pain wracked my body as I forced myself to my feet. Another bullet lodged itself into the wall, missing me by inches.

  I was on the move again, all focus on the gun as I reached out and gripped the barrel, twisting it from his grasp. Bria was a woman possessed, flailing against Kevin even as I pulled her away. With one hard swing, I brought the butt of the gun up against Kevin’s head and sent him tumbling to the floor.

  I could hear Bria shouting something as I followed Kevin down, my knee buckling beneath me. A feeling of helplessness rolled out from my core as I rolled over, looking up at her beautiful eyes, and then everything went black.




  My eyes burned as I blinked, trying to get my bearings. I had to stop Kevin… I had to save Bria…

  “Take it easy,” a man’s voice said quietly.

  I tried to move, but I could feel the thick straps holding my wrists. I opened my eyes again, squinting against the light as I screamed, pulling at the ties that bound me.

  “Luke… Please. I’m here. It’s okay.”

  I knew that voice. It was the voice of an angel… My angel.

  I turned my head, forcing my eyes open and focusing on the figure bathed in light from the window.



  She moved toward me, the lines of her face coming clear as she pulled in close, throwing her arm across my chest.

  “I thought I lost you,” she whispered, close enough that I could feel her breath against my cheek.

  “You’re in the hospital, Luke,” the man’s voice said, cutting off our moment. I rolled my head and stared quietly at the man in the white coat. “The bullet severed your femoral artery. It was a clean cut, and you’re lucky to be alive.”

  I lifted my head off the pillow, looking down across the hospital gown toward my legs as a feeling of dread rolled through me.

  “My leg…”

  I could see the bandages wound tight around my thigh, just above where my knee would have been… If it wasn’t missing… Along with the rest of my leg.

  “What happened to my leg!”

  “The damage was too extensive. We had no c
hoice…” The doctor replied. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, Luke,” Bria whispered. “You saved me.”



  I like running when it’s dark…

  My legs pumped, muscle burning and crying for relief.

  Here comes the climb…

  I hit the thirty-degree angle, my heart racing as I drove myself hard against the cool evening breeze.

  The last six months had gone by so quickly. Kevin’s trial was almost over and it was obvious that he was going to prison for a very long time.

  And Rick had fared even worse… Turns out my captor from the Alley was on probation for assault and battery. Kevin had helped him beat a harder sentence, and he’d drawn him into his twisted plan as a means of repayment.

  Rick was going to jail for life.

  “Speed up,” Luke shouted, coming up alongside. I glanced down at the long curved piece of carbon fibre that bounced against the road with every long stride he took. He gave me a smile as he pushed harder, pulling a few steps into the lead.

  “Speak for yourself,” I shouted, pouring out every ounce of energy as my feet wheeled beneath me.

  Luke’s recovery had been difficult, but he had the best trainers in the world to help him along the way… And the insurance payout was larger than anything he’d made fighting. I stayed by his side as we moved from pool exercises to his first few steps on a brand new prosthetic leg, but just being able to walk wasn’t enough for Luke.

  He wanted to run.

  This was it… The mile and a half mark. The crest of the hill wasn’t far now. I could hear Luke’s heavy footfalls behind me, but I wasn’t going to slow down. The adrenaline had hit, and I ran even faster.

  The custom carbon fiber blade cost more than any car I’d ever owned, and Luke was almost as proud of it as he was of his real leg. It would take more practice and hard work, but soon he would be running just as fast as he ever had.

  We plateaued the hill and came to a stop. I breathed deep, looking out over the city below us. Our city…


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