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Page 27

by Nikki Wild

“You realize that my name has been sullied, don’t you?” my father growled menacingly over the phone. “You’ve made me a laughing stock with your disgusting lust for your own sister!”

  “We’re not even related!” I shot back, my face reddening as Gwen began to stir beside me. I could only imagine what she must be thinking as she realized what was on the television.

  “It doesn’t matter you fool! They know her mother is my wife, and that is scandal enough!” He screeched.

  “Scandals fade out,” I said. “And what in the hell do I care? I’ve been in the middle of more than a few. This will blow over like the others, and once it has, Gwen and I will continue on as we like.”

  “You truly think the press will leave you alone just because you stop being interesting? Or that you’d ever see yourself appointed duke after what you’ve done? You’ve ruined any chance you ever had of taking my place in Parliament. You stupid child, you’ve ruined everything you touch, like you always have.”

  “I don’t need your damn title,” I snarled back at him. “I don’t need anything from you, least of all your place in that outdated shithole.”

  My father let out that cruel, heartless laugh of his that I hated more than anything else.

  “You think I’ll stop with just the title?” he asked, unable to contain his cold mirth. “I’m going to ruin you, boy. Everything you’ve enjoyed of your privilege as my son will be taken from you by the end of business today. The trust fund, the respect. All of it.”

  “You can’t do that,” I said. “It’s not yours to take from me I—”

  “Oh, on the contrary,” he interrupted. “Your trust fund specifically stipulates that it go to my son. And, by the end of business today, I’ll have had the paper work to disown you filed with the courts. You’ll have no claim to a single pound of that fund… a fund that my new baby boy will gladly inherit when he comes of age.”

  “You disgusting old bastard,” I hissed. “You piece of shit.”

  My father laughed again, this time more uproariously than I’d ever heard it. It was the sound of his victory. Without the trust fund I was destitute and homeless. He’d won.

  “Goodbye Tristan, and good riddance.”

  He hung the phone up with a click and I threw mine across the room with a clattering crash. My heart was hammering from my anger, the back of my neck hot with it as I stared at the muted news caster saying something about the entire affair. I didn’t have to turn the sound on to know she was making some kind of horrible joke.

  Good riddance to you, too, I thought, leaning back against the headboard as I watched them show the same few photos again and again across the screen. Maybe this will be for the best. I took a deep, calming breath and tried to collect my thoughts. There was an upside to all of this, and I just had to find it.

  Now that I was no longer a member of my father’s family or even a member of the aristocracy I was more than free to live my life as I saw fit. I’d already told Gwen that I cared nothing for the title so long as I had her and I had meant every word of that. The more that I began to think about it the better all of this was working out for me.

  I would be able to be with my sister, given now that I wasn’t bound to my father’s family by the same legal binding that would have made me refer to her mother as my own in any capacity. In fact the simple thought of not having to worry about hiding anymore filled me with a joy I hadn’t felt since I was much younger. The thought of walking out with Gwendolyn in public made my heart soar to new heights. We didn’t have to sneak or hide any longer. We didn’t have to pretend that our love for one another was anything other than what it truly was.

  It was Gwendolyn’s gasp that brought me back to reality from my thoughts. I turned over to find her staring at the television, her eyes wide with shock as she saw the two of us kissing on screen. Her face was pale as a sheet.

  “I suppose they were going to find out sooner or later…” I said, trying to perhaps break her from her shock. “And… now that my father is disowning me we can finally be together. We don't have to hide anymore, Gwennie.”

  She turned to look at me, her face incredulous and her eyebrows raised.

  “Do you honestly think what just happened was a good thing?” she asked, her voice tense.

  “Well, yes,” I said, a laugh breaking from my lips. “We don’t have to hide anymore! We can be together out in the open and no one can—”

  “What have you done?” she whispered, looking at me in horror. “You ruined everything that I’d built for myself… and I let you!”

  Gwen backed away from me in the bed, tears streaming down her face, a sight I hoped never to be the reason for. My chest felt cold and I was suddenly aware of just how vulnerable I felt with my clothes off.

  “What have you done?”


  Chapter 17

  “Leave,” I said, fighting back the torrent of tears threatening to soak my face. “Just get out, Tristan.”

  “But this is for the best!” he said, trying to make me see some brighter side of my life being ruined. How could my reputation being dragged through the mud possibly be a good thing?

  “You really have no idea what you’ve done, have you?” I asked, laughing incredulously. “How could you not understand that you’ve ruined everything that I’ve made for myself?”

  “It’s just words!” he cried, as though that would make it all better. “It doesn’t mean anything!”

  “It means something to me!” I shouted, my face burning red with anger. “My reputation is everything in my business! And now I have a scandal over my head! How are my clients going to trust my discretion when I sleep with my own client! Let alone the fact that you’re my stepbrother!”

  Tristan frowned, though the confusion on his face somehow told me that he still didn’t completely understand. How dense could one person be? I wondered.

  “I want you to leave, now,” I said, my voice trembling with and effort not to start sobbing right in front of him. I wouldn’t give him the privilege of seeing me weak. “You’ve caused more than enough damage already.”

  “But Gwen, I—”

  “Get out!” I screamed, picking up the nearest thing I had and throwing it at him—which happened to be my phone. He was more than lucky that I wasn’t trying to hit him. “You’re just like they always said that you were. Your father way right, all you ever do is ruin everything you put your hands on! I never should have agreed to help you, I should have known better than to think you wouldn’t find some way to make this into another one of your media circuses.”

  He staggered back out of my bed, once again hurrying to pick up his clothes and put them on before I lobbed another projectile at him, one that wouldn’t miss.

  “Go!” I shouted at him again, my voice breaking.

  Tristan didn’t say a word as he picked up the rest of his things and left. It wasn’t until I heard the front door close that I allowed myself to cry.

  How could he be so stupid? I asked myself. How could I?

  How would they trust a woman who can’t keep her hands off of her own stepbrother?

  I want to slap him as hard as I could, make him pay for the way he could just drag someone down into the mud and not once bat an eye. He had the privilege of being born into a life of money and power—a life of wealth that he never had to lift a finger for. I was never so lucky as that. I had to put my blood, sweat, and tears into building my business from the meager little thing that it was from my days at the university. My entire life was in that business, and he had taken a flame to it all.

  I needed to do damage control.

  I dug around in the bed where I’d thrown my phone, surprised not to have even one call from Tina to warn me. Either she was swamped with handling the fallout or something was terribly wrong. I dialed her up and waited for the phone to ring.

  She answered after the first one, and I could already tell she was fighting not to panic.

  “Marm,” she said, “you�
��ve seen the news?”

  “Tell me how bad it is,” I said, bracing myself for what I knew would be bad news.

  “I’ve had clients calling me all morning to cancel their services with you, marm,” she said, and I could feel the worry in her voice, not just for her job, but for the company she’d help me run for the past few years. Both our hearts were in this business and I knew Tina hated to see this just as much as I did. “I’m sorry, but I’m not sure how well we’re going to weather this.”

  I sighed, trying not to cry over the phone as I did my best to come up with some sort of plan.

  “I’ll need to make a statement—a message to our clients apologizing for bringing them into the spotlight. At this rate they’ll all be investigated to find out whether they were slept with as well. By the time the day is over they’ll be trying to make it sound like I’ve been running some sort of escort service.”

  “I’ll prepare something within the hour, marm,” Tina said dutifully.

  “Thank you, Tina,” I said. “I’m not sure what I’d do without you.”

  “You’ll not see me abandon you, marm, that I can promise.”

  After I hung up the phone I descended into a mess of tears.


  Chapter 18

  The music pulsed through me, the bass thrumming in my ears as I watched the countless men and women on the dance floor grinding and pressing into one another to the rhythm. I hated clubs

  I need somewhere that I could drown myself in enough alcohol to kill an elephant all while having the excuse to ignore anyone who decided that they knew who I was. I wanted to be surrounded by people, while at the same time be alone with my thoughts.

  I sat there as the world moved around me in a constant motion, while I felt like I alone stood still, watching everything pass me by, changing and evolving while I stay the only constant. I laughed at myself, and at how every single word that Gwen had said about me was true—I would never change, and that I had done everything within my power to make her life a living Hell all for my own selfish needs and desires.

  She had every right to hate me for what I’d done, for who I was and would always be. I was a burden, an embarrassment, and if that was who I was meant to be, then why hide from it? If life wanted me to play the Fool then who was I to deny it? The best thing that I could do for Gwen was to stay out of her way—to disappear and never show my face anywhere near her again. I’d hurt her enough, and I was more than willing to put an end to all of it right then and there if it meant sparing her another minute of the pain I had caused.

  I looked up from my drink to find my eyes draw toward a woman only a few seats over from me at the club’s bar, her eyes half-opened in a sultry stare that I couldn’t deny was utterly enchanting. She smiled at me, her full lips turning up at the corners like a cat that was about to eat the pet canary.

  “All alone tonight?” she asked, sliding over into the seat next to me and shouting about the noise. “Sort of shocking for a guy as gorgeous as you are.”

  “I had something of a breakup,” I said, my gaze drawn to the plunging neckline of her dress. “I thought I could come here to get over what happened.”

  She laughed in a way that made my spine tingle.

  “The only way to get over a lover is to take another, darling,” she cooed in my ear. “And I’m more than available for a gorgeous thing like you tonight.”

  Why not? I thought, wondering whether it even mattered at this point if I could ever win Gwendolyn back. What was the point of staying true to her if no matter what I did I’d always be a plague on her life? Maybe it’s better if I try my best to forget these last few days ever happened.

  “You think you’ve got what it takes to make me forget?” I asked, trying my best to sound coy, though no matter how much I wanted to I couldn’t stop thinking about Gwen. I’d never fallen so hard for any woman in my life, and now that I lost her it was hard to let her go. “She was the best I’d ever had.”

  “I’m better,” the mysterious vixen purred in my ear. I felt the soft touch of her hand sliding over the leg of my slacks and up my thigh until she caressed the bulge of my cock. “Trust me, I’m all you’ll be thinking about tonight.”

  I should have wanted her. I should have done what I would have normally done and used that woman to make me forget, to devour her in bed to feed my own need for something to fill the holes in my life. But the more she came onto me the more I kept thinking about how disappointed Gwendolyn would be. She would hate me for betraying her, for being the man I told her that I would never be again. Despite what she said I knew that I couldn’t be that person again. I had to prove them all wrong.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, gently pushing the woman’s hand away from me. “But I just can’t do that.”

  “Suit yourself,” she said, shrugging her graceful shoulders as she slid off the bar stool and strutted out onto the dancefloor. I watched her go, feeling that she took something of my old self with her. The old me would have taken her into some VIP room and bent her over for my own pleasure. But that wasn’t me, not anymore.

  I have to make this right, I thought, setting my drink down on the bar as I stood up. I can’t let her think that I ruined everything.

  I slipped a fifty-pound note under my glass and headed out the door, pulling my cellphone out of my pocket as I searched for the number of the news station that had covered the scandal when it first made the air. I was going to make things right, even if it ruined my own life in the process. I swore to myself that I wouldn’t be the man that my father and stepmother thought that I was, and I wasn’t about to stand by and let Gwen think that I was that kind of man either.

  “Hello,” I said as the phone stopped ringing. “My name is Tristan Wolfe—yes, the very same. I’d like to offer you an exclusive interview about the story you released concerning my stepsister and I. Yes, I can be available as early as tomorrow morning.”


  Chapter 19

  I couldn’t bring myself to go into the office, not with the threat of a crowd of jeering men snapping pictures with their phones crowding around the doors to the building. There had already been vandalism on the front door, a spray painted sign declaring me a slut and a harlot. It was too much for me to handle, too much for anyone to handle. I just wanted to hide somewhere and not come out until the world completely forgot my name or that I’d been stupid enough to fuck my own stepbrother.

  Clients had left in droves after the news story broke, even some former clients coming out of the woodwork to claim that I’d slept with them as well! I couldn’t believe the nerve of some people, or the desperate need some have to be in the spotlight. If it were up to me I’d never grace the newscasts ever again. I just wanted to disappear.

  Tina had honestly stepped up more than I had ever imagined possible, even giving a statement on my behalf in regard to the scandal, brief as it was and denying any and all claims that I had slept with any of my other clients. I could have kissed that woman if it wouldn’t have turned into another scandal all on its own. With the evidence of my affair with Tristan, it was best to not deny what was already proven, but that hardly meant I had to give them all the details. Thankfully I made sure that I had minimal contact with the press—or my mother for that matter.

  For the last few days my mother had tried to call me, trying my number again and again to mock me or try to tell me just how disappointed she was to have a slut for a daughter. Her last message had been particularly venomous, especially the parts where she declared that she wouldn’t even bother to disown me, since my own inheritance was already set to be given to my soon-to-be baby brother. I didn’t care. I didn’t care about any of it. All I wanted was to be left alone by the rest of the world to try and salvage what was left of the life I had built.

  All that I had left was my business, and I was determined to take whatever was left after this disaster and build it back, better than ever. I could only hope that I at least had some of my clients lef

  “With us this morning we have Tristan Wolfe, son of Lord Wolfe who recently made headlines after it was discovered that he had been having a rather sordid affair with his own sister,” came a voice from my TV. I’d almost forgotten that I’d had the damned thing on, and it was only Tristan’s name that had brought my attention back to it.

  For a moment I froze, time seeming to slow around me as I turned my head to gaze in shock at the television screen.

  What is hell is he doing? I thought, turning my attention back toward the screen.

  “Good morning,” Tristan said, dressed in a sharp looking blazer, with a conflicted look on his gorgeous face.

  He ruined everything for you, I reminded myself, but the fluttering in my heart was a hard feeling to ignore. I wanted so badly to simply hate him with every fiber of my being.

  “Mr. Wolfe,” the interviewer began, “tell us how all of this began.”

  “Well,” he said, “it started when we were in our teens actually, though as it was this time, the flirtation was mostly one-sided.”

  “Your stepsister did not return your advances?” the woman asked.

  “Not at all,” he said. “She refused me several times up until the point when I left to begin my first tour of duty.”

  “You might consider this unrequited love then?”

  “Perhaps on my end,” Tristan said. “I am sad to say that I employed a great deal of manipulation on my part in order to get my stepsister into the position we were caught in. A lot of promises I had little intention of keeping”

  “Is there something that you’d like to say to your sister if she’s watching this?” the woman asked.

  “I’d like to tell her that I’m sorry for dragging her into this, and that I take responsibility for putting her in such a terrible situation. I took advantage of her drunkenness and did things that I should not take any pride in.”


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