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Tales of the Djinn_The City of Endless Night

Page 17

by Emma Holly

  His lust-addled mental translator took a moment to catch up. When it did, he writhed again. That humans had these systems intrigued him. “Maybe,” he answered breathlessly.

  Connor’s stare seemed to probe deep into his mind. “Your safe word is ‘lilac,’ like Georgie’s eyes. Say it any time you want to stop or pause.”

  “I don’t want to be spanked,” he blurted.

  Connor tilted his head. “Oh,” he said a sharp breath later. “You heard me do that to Georgie in the bath.”

  Iksander flushed, struggling against the charge the memory gave him.

  “Spanking is for women,” he said firmly.

  “Oh boy.” Georgie snorted and laughed simultaneously. “Now you’re making my palm itch.” Both the men looked at her, wide-eyed. “Well, he is. Never mind. We can save that for later.”

  “Later!” the sultan objected.

  Georgie smiled as angelically as Connor.

  “I’m releasing your hands,” Connor warned. “So I can peel off your tunic.”

  Iksander could have gotten away if he’d wanted to. Instead, he let Connor disrobe his upper half. He also let the angel’s big hands rove over the flesh he’d bared. Connor’s palms were warmer than a woman’s. His skin was smooth, the bone and muscle beneath it hard. It occurred to him that Georgie knew his touch very well, that these hands had cruised just as admiringly over her breasts and other curves.

  That realization almost shook him from his passivity. A sound he didn’t think was a protest broke in his throat.

  “Easy,” Connor said softly. “You don’t have to fight me to enjoy this.”

  Iksander forced his arms to relax, to hang loose against the wall. He didn’t think the iron buried in it accounted for his weakness. Connor’s thumbs fanned his pectorals, his blue eyes lighting with approval, his soft breath coming more shallowly. The sultan could hear Georgie breathing too. She was very close to them.

  God, that did crazy things to him.

  “Remove his trousers,” Connor said without turning. “I want him naked now.”

  Iksander braced, but it didn’t help. Georgie’s touch on top of the angel’s wrecked what control he had. The simple fact that she knelt beside him made him throb violently. He moaned as she dragged his pants down his legs, as she kissed his hip and nuzzled the hollow there.

  Her lips brushed up his side as she came to her feet again.

  Taken together, the pair made him tremble from head to toe.

  “So hard,” she murmured, reaching between him and her lover. She trailed a light caress up the strut of his erection, then circled him with thumb and fingers beneath the head. “So thick . . .”

  At that, she squeezed him. Her hand’s brief contraction was tight enough to make him jump. Air gusted from his lungs. The tip of his cock felt cold, pre-come having welled from it. Georgie went up on tiptoe, the soft swell of her bosom pressing him as she did.

  “Do you like having your cock sucked?” she whispered near his ear.

  Her soft pink lips mesmerized him. He couldn’t look away from them. “What man doesn’t?”

  His whisper had come out harsh, and she smiled at the rasping sound. “Connor could do it, but there’d be a learning curve. You are his first male lover. On the other hand, he’s very good at going down on me. Perhaps the skill would transfer.”

  His blood thickened and grew hot as he pictured Connor doing that to her. He tried to focus. She was asking who he wanted to pleasure him this way.

  “Do you enjoy doing it?” he asked.

  Her tongue slid around her upper lip. “When I like someone, I do.” She glanced at his shuddering rod and then up again. “Not to mention when their cock is this damn pretty.”

  Was he pretty? Despite his passivity, he felt brutal.

  “I might need him to hold my hips. So I don’t lose control.”

  Georgie nuzzled his shoulder. “I’m pretty sure he’d be up for that.”

  She turned her head toward the angel, some message he couldn’t see passing between the pair. Whatever it was caused Connor to chuckle.

  “All right,” he said and dropped his trousers too.

  Though Iksander had seen naked males before, those circumstances were different. In this one, his eyes felt magnetized. His gaze slid slowly, inexorably down the man’s body, from his warrior shoulders to the crescent of his navel. Connor’s every muscle was distinct, every bone and hollow an invitation to linger.

  Despite the angel’s all-over beauty, nothing could have kept Iksander’s attention above his waist. Once it descended, he fought a gasp. He knew Connor’s build was solid but not that his genitals were this impressive. His crown was rounder than Iksander’s, its taut skin a different heated shade of pink. Was he too big? The sultan was aware of some of the ways men took men. Would Connor’s size preclude those activities? His rear passage prickled, the reaction part intrigue and part alarm. Probably he shouldn’t worry. He’d never seen the angel be anything but careful of others.

  “He’s pretty too,” he observed cautiously.

  Very much as she’d done to him, Georgie drew her fingers up Connor’s cock. His blood thrummed inside it, his weighty shaft appearing to thicken at her touch. She had such pretty hands, slender but practical. He liked watching them on Connor, but the sight made him imagine—and want—them on himself again. He squirmed with longing, teeth sinking into his lip. Only she was dressed now—a simple tunic tucked into the buckled leather pants she’d brought from the human realm. If it hadn’t been for her luscious hips and thighs shaping them, they’d have seemed masculine.

  Creator help him for being driven crazy by that dichotomy.

  “Would you—” His voice was rough. He swallowed and tried again. “Would you leave your trousers on for now? I like you in black leather.”

  She laughed. “I like me in black leather too. Shall I take off my shirt?”

  “Oh yes.”

  She wasn’t shy—not at the moment, anyway. She stripped the garment over her head and unhooked her human bra. His breath caught as she leaned forward to slide it off. Her short hair left everything on view: her slender neck, her graceful collarbones and arms. Her breasts were a revelation, round and high and tipped with nipples so tight and rosy his mouth watered.

  Her slow, sly grin said she’d noticed his reaction.

  Hard male hands closed around his hips. While he’d been distracted by Georgie’s show, Connor had stepped behind him, moving between him and the strength-sapping wall. The angel dropped his mouth to the crook of Iksander’s neck, his teeth nipping him gently. Waves of heat rolled off his powerful body.

  “Do you want me to pull you closer? Do you want to feel me against you?”

  “Yes,” he gasped and Connor’s lips curved on his shoulder.

  Connor pulled him back, his long, strong arms wrapping him. Thrills chased along Iksander’s skin. Connor wasn’t satisfied to simply hold his hips. His muscular hold was like being bound. The front of the angel’s body pressed fully, tightly along his back. Iksander felt every inch of it . . . most especially his spectacular cock.

  That rigid length lay up the tense cleavage of his ass. Hot and long, it pounded, the skin like satin but slightly damp.

  As a bead of sweat trickled down the sultan’s spine, he realized either of them could be causing the dampness.

  “That’s a lovely picture,” Georgie observed. She stroked Connor’s hugging arms, riffling their dark gold hair. Connor shivered behind him. With a smile like a cream-fed cat, Georgie used the angel’s corded forearms for balance as she knelt on the floor.

  Her simple change in position made the sultan’s cock leap higher.

  She laughed softly. “I guess you like having a woman on her knees in front of you.”

  “The honor does not pall,” he admitted.

  Connor draped his chin around Iksander’s shoulder to get a better view. He must have enjoyed it. His hips rocked closer and began to rub gently.

t take this the wrong way,” Georgie teased, “but you bite your lip like a girl.”

  “I’ve seen you bite yours,” Iksander countered breathlessly. “If the sight does to you what it does to me, I can live with that description.”

  She rolled her lips together but didn’t control her grin. Her hands slid up his thighs and stopped at his hips. She was so close her breath fluttered on his erection.

  “Okay,” she said. “Let’s see what little old me can do with this bad boy.”

  She bent to him, her mouth surrounding the head and pushing down the shaft.

  His mind tried to recite a prayer in three languages at once. His cock was in paradise, a million nerves firing with delight. Her tongue was wet, her cheeks slick cushions. He knew he was in trouble even before she swallowed him to the halfway point. When she reached it, she gripped his base firmly with her hand. This was her limit, he guessed. He was glad she protected it. Then her thumb pressed his scrotum lower. The skin of his cock stretched tight, the sensation unfamiliar but delicious.

  His muscles coiled. He didn’t need more delicious. He was in heaven now. He thought he was anyway. As it happened, Georgie hadn’t shown him how rapturous she could make this act.

  Her incredible upward suck dragged a moan from him. He supposed the sound was louder than she expected. She pulled off and lifted her face to him.

  “You okay?”

  “Oh yes,” he breathed. “I forgot how good you are at bringing a man pleasure.”

  “You forgot?”

  “The other you did this. Before Luna changed the timeline.”

  Her brow creased in confusion. “You and the alternate me had sex?”

  “Not exactly. We shared an intense hand job. On the table in your kitchen.”

  “I knew something happened between you two,” Connor interjected as if happy to be proved right.

  Georgie blinked, possibly at both of them. “I don’t know what to say. Sorry I didn’t remember?”

  Iksander’s smile felt as if it warmed his entire being. He didn’t realize how long he’d wanted to bury his hands in her eccentric hair until he surrendered to the urge. Georgie didn’t tense as he cupped her face, just continued to gaze at him. Keeping her trust seemed the most important thing in the world.

  “You never have to tell me you’re sorry, Georgie. I’m grateful to have known both versions of your amazing self. All I ask now—if you’d be kind enough to indulge me—is that you proceed carefully. My copied body is more sensitive than my original. I’d like to enjoy this bliss for more than two seconds.”

  “Your copied body. I guess I forgot that too. It’s strange to think of your statue sitting somewhere in your city.”

  “It’s strange for me as well, and I’m djinn. You weren’t born believing in magic.” He stroked her cheeks, enthralled by the feel of her soft flushed skin.

  “Okay. I’ll, um, go slowly. And be gentler?”

  “Not too gentle. I like . . . being controlled. I like—“ He decided to be honest. They were breaking boundaries already. What was one more? “I like a hint of pain. You could grip me here.” He demonstrated with his fingers. “If I get too close, that would help me to back off. The other you did something like that the first time. By accident, I suspect. You explained you weren’t experienced, but I liked it very much.”

  He was babbling, but she laughed. “In that case, I’ll do my best to make you like it again.”

  Their discussion hadn’t calmed his arousal. He moaned as loudly as before when she returned her mouth to him. Surer of herself, this time she didn’t stop. She bobbed, and pulled, and stimulated his sexual nerves to the bursting point. Connor’s arms wrapped tighter, which shortened his breath more. Before he could decide if he wanted to go or stop, Georgie pinched his raphe like he’d showed her to.

  “God,” he burst out, shuddering as his body fought to go over but couldn’t.

  She waited . . . five seconds, ten . . . for his struggle to settle.

  Then she bent to him again.

  He groaned at the sensation of her swallowing him. Her mouth was soft now, wet, melting, with just enough cling to feel. Her thumb rubbed gently at his base, her second hand cradling his balls. Everything she touched was tingling, was swelling with pressure and sensitivity. Though he tried to relax, to last and savor, within minutes he teetered back on the brink. Connor pinched his nipple and twisted.

  That tweaked his kinks so well a spurt nearly escaped him.

  He ground his teeth and fought the climax back, wondering if it would be greedy to ask Georgie to pause again. He wanted more of this, no matter if it killed him.

  Maybe she knew. She pulled back and looked at him. Her lilac eyes were dark, her pupils expanded with desire. Without a word, she rose. Neither he nor Connor found their voice. They watched, rapt, as her hands went to the waist of her trousers, undoing the metal button there. When she unzipped, they twitched in unison. Down her long legs she slid the black leather. As she dropped it, the side buckles clinked. She was beautiful in the nude, a huntress-nymph with her smooth muscles and true red hair. Her mons might have been the sweetest he’d ever seen. The tender mound was less than a handful and yet seemed born for a man to cup.

  He understood why Connor would have learned to pleasure it.

  “You’re a gift from God,” he said sincerely.

  Her smile was a glimmer, her gaze dropping to his desperately pulsing cock. When her tongue wet her upper lip, his penis jerked as if she’d licked it. The lifting of her dark red lashes revealed a matching storm inside her.

  “I want to finish you,” she confessed. “I just can’t decide how I want it to happen.” She slid her fingertips down her centerline, until she surrounded the very flesh his hand had had been hungering for. “I love having you at my mercy, but I’m aching to feel you here, pumping inside of me.”

  He knew she could have both. His cock inside her mouth. Connor’s inside her sex. Probably that would be the well-mannered option to suggest . . .

  “She’s offering you a choice,” Connor said as he hesitated. “You’ve never had her. You’ll only have one first time. If I were you, I’d ask for I crave most.”

  “I rather doubt that,” he said with a humorous cough.

  “Do you?” The angel’s hips undulated, his hardness rolling so graphically up Iksander’s ass that he had to gasp for air. “I might crave different things from you, but evidence suggests I’m able to get my way.”

  Iksander craned his head at him. “You’d really be happy watching me take her?”

  “Not just watching. If penetration is what you want, you’ll probably need my help. I doubt you’ll find human-type protection in a djinn jail bathroom.”

  “Ooh,” Georgie said, her hands flying to her mouth. “I forgot about that.”

  She made him laugh—and stirred other emotions too. All her layers appealed to him. Her mischief. Her courage. She was kind and silly and quite possibly the sexiest woman he’d ever met. Her sensual openness flattened him, but so did the parts of her that were insecure. Half the time he didn’t remember she was human. She was just Georgie, just her, inside and out. The back of his eyes pricked.

  “They’re both you,” he blurted.


  “Both the Georgies I met. At heart, they’re you.” He pulled in and blew out a breath. “I want to join our bodies. I want us to connect.”

  She searched his expression, her own puzzled but soft. She might not completely understand what he meant. She did, however, comprehend it was important.

  She touched his jaw as light as a butterfly. “That’s what I want then too. You pouring out this passion inside of me.” Her fingertips trailed down his center the same way they’d trailed down hers. Her hand bumped over Connor’s embracing hold, petted Iksander’s pubic curls, and slid up his aching shaft. At his tip, her thumb massaged back and forth. The buzz of pleasure that inspired nearly undid him. “How do djinn prevent conception?”

  He sho
ok his head to clear it. “Spell their seed to smoke. Or purchase a charm pre-made. Sometimes it’s hard to get the timing right in the heat of the moment.”

  Her gaze shifted to Connor’s with her eyebrows up in question.

  “I was going to connect my energy to his,” he said. “I could . . . maybe ‘purify’ his semen is the word. He couldn’t make you pregnant. Or harm you in any way. He wouldn’t have to do anything but enjoy making love to you.”

  “Your magic is subtle enough for that?” Iksander asked.

  “Please. I’m Mr. Subtle,” Connor said, proving he and Georgie had silliness in common. “I should warn you, it’s an intimate connection. I would share somewhat in your sensations.”

  “Would you—“

  “—read your mind? No more than my instincts already allow me to guess at.”

  Iksander rolled his eyes but wasn’t put off. “All right. I believe I’d appreciate the help.”

  Connor released his hold on him. Though Iksander missed his warmth, he liked being free to move. He reached for Georgie, skimming hands up her sides and pulling her to him. Her arms circled him, her head tilting for his kiss. They tumbled into that sweetness together, mouth to mouth, naked skin pressed to naked skin.

  Her sounds of pleasure dizzied him.

  “Here,” she urged, tugging him toward the nearest bunk. “Now.”

  They tumbled onto that as well. The bed was narrow, the blanket rough but clean. He lay above her, balanced on his forearms. Her bare legs slipped tantalizingly up his sides. Connor’s hand gently clasped his calf.

  “I need to hold you here a moment,” the angel said.

  The place he held tingled strongly as their energy connected. Connor had a lot of juice. Iksander wasn’t sure he could have held him off. Not trying, he closed his eyes and relaxed. His aura was abruptly larger, as if sunshine were lighting it. He felt stiller but also more energized. Given Connor’s nature, he supposed this made sense. He wasn’t prepared for his desire expanding at the same time. It did, though, with an enthusiasm that broke him into a sweat. The effect didn’t stop when Connor let go. Iksander ached to take Georgie enough for two.

  “Oh boy,” he said, stealing her human expression.


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