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Forsaken (book 3) (The Charmer series)

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by Sanderson, Danielle

  BY Danielle Sanderson

  Kindle addition

  Self Published by: Danielle Sanderson

  Copyright © 2013 by Danielle Sanderson

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, media and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  This book is for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

  Chapter 1

  Tomorrow I will be bonded to my mate, my partner in destiny, and the most beautiful Werewolf created, Ruk.

  The last two weeks have flown by, and luckily we have had no visits from Demitri, the powerful Vampire that thinks he will soon own me. Nevertheless, I can't help but worry he will turn up one night to claim me. I haven't told Dallah, or the Brothers’ of my worry, I don't want them to fear for me. However, Ruk is a different story, I can see the anxiety in his eyes, feel how desperately he wants me to be safe, which is at his side.

  Den and I have been getting on well again, I know it has been hard for him to accept that Ruk and I are together, but he is doing his best, which I love him for.

  Sallack and Theo have come together and united their packs as one, there is still some way to go but they are all trying.

  Some of the men from Theo's pack have stirred up some trouble with the Brothers’, due to their flirty nature towards Dallah and me, but Ruk knows that I am his, and Julian knows that Dallah would never hurt him in that way, so our men are happy; it's the rest of the Brothers’ we worry about.

  In the two weeks since coming back from the Dark Coven, there has been many fights break loose, as well as tempers flare, but what else can you expect from dominant Werewolves.

  Tonight is girl’s night at the club, and my sort of hen do, which Dallah and Abbey arranged for me. I'm so excited for tonight; I know that it will be a night to remember.

  "What are you doing?" Dallah asks standing at the door way to my bedroom, dressed in a shimmer gold top, and jeans, her hair falling down her back elegantly.

  "Just thinking," I tell her with a grin

  "About?" She asks gently while taking a seat beside me on my bed.

  "Just about the last two weeks, and tonight."

  "I know you have told everyone you're excited, but there is something else, what is it you're not telling me?"

  "Hey, nothing's wrong, I promise. I would tell you Dallah, but honest I'm good."

  "Right let’s get down and have some lunch with the guys before they come and collect us," she says with a laugh.

  "Ok, come on then, I‘m ready" I tell her whilst getting up from the bed and straightening my dress.

  Walking into the kitchen I'm met by the very suspicious looking Brothers’, Parrise, Sallack, Dom, Mickey, Den, Angus, Julian and Theo, as they watch me grinning like idiots as if they share a secret.

  "What are you guys up to?" I ask them, but direct my eyes to Mickey as he is the known trouble maker.

  "Why do you always look at me?" He asks in a sounding hurt and feigning a look of innocent disbelief.

  Raising me eyebrows at him, he can’t help but grin before kissing my cheek and joining the others at the table.

  Ruk isn't at the table with the others, which I notice straight away, wondering where he is I look to Sallack and ask,

  "Where's Ruk?"

  "He'll be here in a sec," Sallack tells me with a smile.

  "Cool. Did you make all this Dom, it looks amazing?" I ask while looking at the mountains of delicious food before me with hungry eyes.

  "Yeah, tuck in," he reply’s with a wink.

  "Thanks I will. So what are you guys doing tonight?"

  "Bit of hunting, then probable have a few beers," Julian tells me shrugging his shoulders as if nothing interesting happening, which I see through straight away.

  "Pha, yeah right, you're as bad as Dallah at lying. I Know you’re planning a Bucks night, just please don't do anything bad to him, as I want him in one piece for our mating."

  As we are to be mated to one another on the full moon tomorrow evening, we will be all celebrating tonight, Ruk with the Brothers’ and me with Dallah, Abbey and the girls from the pack.

  "Bad like what?" Angus asks with a raised brow.

  "Oh no you don't, I am not giving you any ideas," I tell him with a snort.

  Angus and Parrise have been able to day walk for two weeks now, and every time I see them in the sun it still takes my breath away. I don't think they realise they do it, but they go into this little trance when they think no one is watching. It's as if they are thanking god for the gift, and really taking the time to appreciate what they have longed for.

  "Have you spoken with Thomas?" I ask Sallack with a sweet smile.

  "Uhh, yeah. Are you sure you want him there?"

  "For the hundredth time yes, if it wasn't for him we might not even be here. He is a good man and you know it."

  "Yeah alright." He rolls his eyes making me snort a laugh.

  Thomas is now the new leader of the dark coven since his cousin Richards demise, at Dallah and my hands. It makes him leader to some of the most evil men and woman, but he himself is a good man, and Ruk and I want him to be there at our mating, we feel we owe him a lot.

  Walking out onto the porch, a smile spreads over my face at the thought of how my life has changed so magically from the sad and lonely life I had back in England. I now feel like I am living rather than just existing, and that my life means something to people who love me. I have always had Den with me through my life back in England, and we both thought that we only ever needed each other; we were wrong, we have never been so happy to be accepted so willingly into a family and pack life.

  "Baby?" Ruks rough sexy voice fills my ears like music.

  Spinning on my heel with a gleeful grin, I jump up on him and kiss him with passion that boils in my core.

  "Where have you been, I have missed you?" I tell him once he has placed me gently to my feet.

  "I had to sort out a few things. What you doing out here?"

  Ruk's mesmerising eyes search mine, and his arm laces around my waist to pull my body to his.

  "Just taking it all in."

  "Yeah, you happy?"

  "So happy, I wish it were tonight already," I tell him with a kiss to the lips.

  "I know I'm still trying to take in the fact that the most special woman in the world has chosen me, I'll never let you down baby, ever." He tells me with a nod of his head.

  “I know that," I tell him with my most convincing smile.

  I know that Ruk will always be the best he can for me, but hidden deeply inside of my heart are the doubts that he will one day hurt me, and I don't think I would survive it this time. But I suppose that’s a natural fear to feel when you give your whole heart over to someone you love so completely.

  I was so sure Sallack was the one, until he betrayed me with Mary, leaving me broken. Then Parrise, commanded to attack and drain me dry, under the control of his sire, Demitri. Begging him to fight against the thrall he was under but failing miserably, leaving me almost lifeless, then deserting me when I needed him most. Nevertheless, I love Ruk more then I have any other man, more than possible to love another, and I'm scared someone will make him hurt me, or that he will r
ealise that I am not as perfect as he has grown to see me as.

  I know that I sound paranoid, but I can't shake the feeling, I hope that once we are mated I will realise that he is here forever, to love me unconditionally.

  "I'll show you tomorrow baby, I'll show you what you really mean to me," he tells me sincerely making my heart skip a beat and a smile form on my lips.

  "I'm gunna miss you tonight Ruk."

  "I know, but it will be the last night of our life that we’ll ever be apart."

  "Umm sounds good," I tell him with a sensual smile which he mirrors.

  "You are something else, you know that right. You will be the death of me baby."

  "I was just thinking the same, come on let's go up?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him.

  "I can't, I got a few more things to sort out, I only come back to see how you are," he tells me regretfully.

  "Ok. Be good tonight and I'll see you tomorrow. I love you Ruk."

  "I love you baby, so fucking much. Kiss me," he tells me with a lustful tone.

  Not wasting another moment I tiptoe up to him and press my lips to his gently but with longing. As our tongues caress, his big warm hands grip on my butt and lifts me up to straddle him. Tugging my fingers through his velvety hair I pull him in closer, deepening the kiss.

  Breaking the heated kiss off, I smile at him when I see the state he is in.

  "You two really should get a room!" Dallah tells us jokingly as she stands at the door frame with a smirk on her beautiful face.

  "She's right," I tell him teasing with the same smirk.

  "You two are terrible. Right, I'm going. Sallack!" He shouts making Dallah and me jump, “sorry," he tells us with a laugh.

  "What?" Sallack asks walking past Dallah.

  "We gotta go."

  "K,” is his reply.

  "Wow, men of many words hu?" I joke.

  "I'll see you soon, be careful, I love you baby."

  "Love you."

  Dallah comes to my side as we watch them jump in the truck and drive away from the house. I really want to know what Ruk is up to; he has been a bit shady the last few days.

  "Hey I need to go into town, you fancy coming?" I ask Dallah with a raised brow.

  "What are you going for? Everything is set for the mating tomorrow."

  "Yeah I know. I need to pick something up for Ruk, and get to the bank."

  "Oh, what is it?" She asks excitedly.

  "You’ll see. Come on let's get going," I tell her before running back inside to get my purse and car keys.

  Since coming home from the Dark Coven I have tried to not use my powers, I can't risk someone noticing that I am different. If for some reason I have to use my powers, and I’m seen, I will have to tell them that I am a Witch, and hope they believe me. Werewolves know what you are by looking in your eyes, and Vampires by taking in your scent, so I can tell a Werewolf I have contacts in, and a Vampire should only smell Ruk on me, so I should be ok. Nevertheless, that problem will only come to the surface if I make it so, and I don't want that. There’s not much a Dark Warrior wouldn’t do to possess a Charmer, and I couldn’t bare to be ripped away from my life with Ruk.

  "What the..."

  "What," Dallah asks me with a look of confusion

  Standing at the cash point in town, I'm looking at my bank balance, which is telling me I have over 5 million pounds!!!

  "Oh wow, let's go shopping,"

  "Dallah, this isn't my money! The bank has made a huge mistake!" I screech while taking my card from the machine and practically running into the bank.

  "Excuse me, someone has put money into my bank by mistake, can you sort it out please," I ask the woman behind the glass in a rush.

  She looks at me with a frown before looking at Dallah’s cheerful expression; rolling her eyes she takes my card and my ID.

  Watching her closely, while she chews her gum, her eyebrows shoot up and her eyes lock with mine, hers full of disbelief, and mine with panic.

  "The money's yours," she tells me in a bored tone and slips me back my ID and bank card.

  "No it's not" I slide it back a little too eagerly.

  "Hon, this money is yours, I can't go into detail but it’s yours alright. Is there anything else I can help you with Miss Carter?" She tells me full of attitude.

  "Yeah, tell me who the hell would give me so much money!" I tell her in the same tone she gave me.

  "Like I said, I can't go into detail."

  "Who give her the money?" Parrise’s gentle voice coaxes from behind me.

  Turning to look at him, I soon stop in my tracks when the woman speaks in a calm tone.

  "Mr Eric Valentine transferred the money over from a savings account he had in her name."

  "Thank you" he tells her in the same tone, he then takes my card and ID and walks out of the bank, quickly followed by Dallah and me.

  "What are you doing here, in there?" I ask pointing back at the bank.

  "You're welcome," he tells me with a smirk.


  "Checking you was ok. So what are you going to do with the money?"

  "Nothing, I don't want my father’s money, I don't need it," I tell them both in an irate tone.

  "It's already yours, how can you give it back. You need it Zara." Dallah tells me gently.

  "I do not need that much money, really who needs 5 million? I will sort out my own shit, I always have," I tell her and start to walk away.

  "You are having money trouble?" Parrise asks in a sorrowful tone.

  Whipping my head around, my eyebrows pull into a frown.

  "No, I don't need it, I earn my money! I don't want to talk about it anymore, I have things to do."

  "If you don't want his help, then let me help you?" He tells me gently.

  "I appreciate that Parrise, but I don't need it. I'm fine. Please let's drop it now?"

  "Does Ruk know you're having money trouble?" He asks then soon regrets when Dallah takes hold of his wrist to stop him from speaking.

  "This is my problem, no one else's, I will get my own money like I always have. If you mention this to Ruk I will never forgive you, both of you." I tell them strongly and head back to my car.

  "She's stubborn, but it’s something she feels she has to do alone'" I hear Dallah tell Parrise.

  Jumping in the car soon followed by them both, we drive home in silence.

  My money worry problems have been building up rapidly, with me out of work for such a long time. I didn't go to work for two months after the 'situation' with Sallack, then going to the Dark Coven for two weeks. I'm in trouble, but I will get myself out, I always have. I'm in three months of rent dept, bills, and bits and bobs, however, when Ruk and I are mated I will get straight back to work, and get another job, and then hopefully I will be up to date with my bills within a month. I definitely do not need 5 million pounds, or any other sympathy money.

  Dallah has already tried smuggling money into my bank, which she soon regretted. I understand that my friends want to help me, but I don't need it, and there is no way I will tell Ruk.

  Walking back into my house, Den is sitting at the table on the laptop.

  "Hey, where is everyone?"

  "Alright babe. They have gone to check on the pack. Where you been?"

  "Cool. Just went into town. Can I talk to...?” A knock at the door interrupts me, "it’s open" I shout out.

  "Hey sexy, I've missed you," Candy says as she walks over to Den and throws herself in his lap, kissing him passionately.

  "Good god!"

  "Jealous?" She spits nastily.

  "Yeah that must be it," I tell her sarcastically with an eye roll, "right I'm going to get ready for tonight, see you in a bit Den?"

  "No, you wanted to talk to me, sit down. Candy, give us a Minute, He tells her firmly.

  "No it's fine; I'll speak to you later. Bye candy'" I tell her with a smirk.

  "Whatever," she replies in a huff, which makes me laugh.

  Candy and I
have never got on, and it has only got worse since she decided to practically move in.

  "I don't know why you let her talk to me like that!" I overhear Candy tell him as I’m walking upstairs.

  "Like what, you’re the one who starts the shit. Try being nice candy, is that really so hard?!" He tells her back.

  Stopping on the steps I turn to see Den walk out of the kitchen and through the front door, stopping when he can feel my eyes on him.

  Smiling at him, he returns it with a stunning smile, making my heart swell.

  I don't fantasies about Den anymore since being with Ruk, and I don't want him, but there is just something about him, always has been, always will be special to me. Nevertheless, Ruk and I will be mated tomorrow, the man I choose with my heart, and would again every time.

  Sitting on the stairs and looking at the door with a blank expression, Parrise and Dallah walk in through the door and spot me.

  "You ok sweetie?"

  "Candy's in the kitchen," I tell them simply.

  They both sigh then look at each other with wicked grins.

  "You two are so bad together, real evil, we should separate you both. Den will be pissed if you mess with her again."

  "We won’t do anything, jeez Zara, have a little faith," Dallah replies with a twinkle in her eye.

  Last time those two were left alone with candy, they had her pack her bags leave the country, until Den found out and made them bring her back, and make her forget what happened.

  No one likes, or trusts Candy, so she doesn’t know what we are. Den knows that no one likes her, but he asked us to just try with her, so we are trying our best, some more than others, but she really makes it hard for us to like her when she is such a bitch.

  "I'll be upstairs, play nice," I tell them with a laugh, knowing that they won't.

  "Always," Dallah replies before giving Parrise a nod of her head and both entering the kitchen.

  Lying on my bed I let my mind go blank, and concentrate on the steady beat of my heart. Before I know it I'm standing before my mother with a smile covering my face, walking up to her I wrap my arms around her and let her wonderful presence seep into my heart.


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