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Forsaken (book 3) (The Charmer series)

Page 13

by Sanderson, Danielle

  Dressing in one of the beautiful long sleeved dresses that hang in the wardrobe and sorting my hair and make-up before I take a deep breath and exit my room, heading down stairs to face Richard.

  "Zara, I thought your father was teasing me. How exciting you will be staying here," the lovely Alfred speaks with a twinkle in his eye.

  "Yes, I will be staying here a few days, I look forward to getting to know you better," I tell him with a sweet smile.

  "Good, this is where you belong, but I won't go on, your father warned me," He winks, "come for breakfast. Your guest is quiet the Charmer," he states, and then snorts a laugh at the words he used.

  "Oh you met Richard," I ask with a laugh.

  "Yes, unfortunately," he rolls him eyes playfully before turning and walking into the large kitchen area, where Richard‘s sat eating breakfast.

  Joining him at the table, I give him a weak smile as I say hi.

  "You look better this morning."

  I have woken to a new day, I have to cat Demitri aside in my mind and concentrate on what is important to me and to those I care deeply for.

  "Um...thanks. Listen, I'm going to see the Brothers’ today at the bar, shall I meet you back here at say...7?"

  "No. I'll be going with you; we can come back together at say...4." He states

  "You’re being serious?"

  "Of course, I made a promise, I will stick to it. And if I remember correctly, you made the same promise to daddy," he says in a belittling tone.

  "Fine. Uhh, how will I explain this to them," I ask myself aloud.

  "Stop thinking about others, the day you do is the day you will feel free," he answers my own question.

  "I know you don't get it, but I care for these people, and they care for me. If you're coming too then I expect you to be on your best behaviour, or I'll tell daddy," I tell him sarcastically, getting a small smile from him.

  "Wow a smile, don't crack that lovely face will you," I joke.

  Winking at me and pursing his lips, I roll my eyes at him.

  Alfred brings over a pot of tea, blueberry muffins and a slice of toast, my favourite.

  "Wow, how did you know?" I ask with appreciation.

  "I know a few things," he smile down at me and looks at Richard with a curled lip before heading outside.

  As soon as he leaves us, I burst into laughter at the sight of Richards shocked face.

  "You make a good impression," I joke.

  "Um, looks that way. I have never heard you laugh," he says aloud, with a grin.

  "Well that's because you never gave me anything to laugh about." I say with a fake smile.

  "So what will you be doing today, winning back the dog? Ok, ok, I'm sorry just teasing." He say’s after seeing my angry face.

  "I will be visiting the Brothers’ but mainly Ruk, I need to see he is well."

  "Why bother," he asks with an attitude.

  "I bother because he would for me!" I tell him with a raised voice.

  "Whatever Zara, your life, ruin it how you wish," he says in a bored tone.

  "Could you not be a complete wanker for 10 minutes?"

  "Oh as you ask so nicely I will try."

  This is going to be extremely hard, being so close to such a man, never mind living with him for the sake of my father’s sanity.

  Nevertheless, in a strange way I am grateful for his being here, I haven't got to tell him lies, he know everything, and although I will never in a million years admit it, I do feel safe knowing he is here. I just hope he doesn't make me regret my promise to my father.

  I'm starting to see Richard a little differently, he is still dangerous and arrogant, but I see why he is a Prince, he has power, and knows how to use it.

  I'm not sure I trust him, but I hope to prove myself wrong. Nevertheless, this is all for Ruk, he may not know it, or ever find out, but I will keep strong in the hopes he will see through this lie and come back to us in time.

  "Why are you smiling to yourself, its creepy?" Richard asks with a raised brow.

  "Just a happy thought," I explain before putting sugar in my tea cup.

  "Don't hold on to tightly to it," he warns.

  "God Richard! Do you have to be so...such a..."


  "No. That isn't the word. Have you ever wanted to love, to be loved?" I ask him, wanting a truthful answer.

  "Don't be ridiculous," he laughs coldly.

  "You told me that you would be back for me, why would you say that?"

  "The foolish words of a dying man" he insists.

  "You said you wanted to feel warmth," I ask gently.

  "Stop it Zara, you can change the dogs with you charms, but don't try it on me. I am who I am, no one, not even you with your Charmer powers can change that!"

  "Fine, I'm sorry I asked."

  "Good, don't bring this up again, I have enough to deal with!"

  Looks like I touched a nerve. I just wanted to see a little of the Richard whom I got to see when on his death bed. Looking at him now, as he sits staring daggers at me, I am sorry for what I did to him, I always have been, but I feel like he really saw the light when he died, realised what he missed in life. One day, I secretly hope that he does find love and happiness. Never did I think I would think so, but deep down inside his blackened heart is a man that is frightened of love and friendship.

  I can still remember the look in his eyes as he sat scared on his knees when I went to bring him back, that is an image that will always haunt me and bring me shame for inflicting that upon him.

  Chapter 12

  Entering my house through the front door, I look back at Richard who’s standing so close that I feel his body heat, giving him a frown silently telling him to back off, followed by a sigh when he grins at me.

  "Anyone here?" I call out.

  "Where have you been!?" Dallah yells, as she runs down the steps to greet me, but stops dead in her tracks when she sees Richard standing at my side.

  "You!" She bellows and lifts her hands, conjuring a spell.

  "No! Dallah, it's ok. He is with me!" I tell her quickly, stopping her.

  "What the hell are you doing with him?" She asks in a disgusted tone.

  "Come in the kitchen and I will explain?" I ask her, gently holding my hand out for her to take.

  Slipping her hand into mine, she gives Richard a dirty look, before pulling me to the table. We both sit at the table whilst Richard stands against the sink acting bored.

  "I'm sorry I was away again, did my father come?"

  "He did." She says looking at Richard rather than me.

  "What did he say?"

  "Don't try it Zara. I want you to tell me what happened, start to finish," again she looks back at Richard with a curled lip.

  "Dallah, you have been with the dogs too long," Richard comments, and in return Dallah jumps up from the table and slaps him hand across the face.

  "Damn it Dallah!" I yell at her before standing in front of Richard.

  "Move!" She screams in rage.


  Breathing heavily, we look in to each other's eyes, calmly; I step up to her and lay my hands on her arms, keeping our eyes locked.

  "He isn't here to hurt anyone. My father wants him to stay at my side for reasons I cannot explain. I promise you that he isn't going to hurt me or you."

  "You have known to be wrong," she spits.

  "That's not fair Dallah. And as I said, this is my father’s doing, not mine. I respect his wishes," I tell her a little pissed off at her harsh words.

  "I'm sorry, it's just that...uh...I have been so scared, then you come back with him of all people, after what he did to us," she says, her eyes misting.

  "Coming from the woman who murdered me, to be with her lover!" Richard speaks angrily, stepping close to us.

  I put my hand on Richards’s chest to stop his movements.

  "You need to trust me. I need his help Dallah, I really do," I insist strongly.

  Richard's heartb
eat thunders against my hand, but as soon as I look at him he knocks my hand away and steps back to where he was.

  "Fine, but know this Richard, I will hunt and kill you and everyone in the Dark Coven if you hurt her, me or the Brothers’. I’m now able to use my power against you, and I'm itching to use it!"

  "Shut up Dallah, always the drama queen," he says sarcastically.

  "Please Richard?" I plead with him.

  Sighing, he walks out of the kitchen and up the stairs, leaving me to speak to Dallah alone.

  "There are things you don't know, but I promise to let you in if you can just put up with him for a few days?"

  "He isn't staying here!"

  "No, we will go back to my father’s house," I tell her and watch the shock play on her beautiful face.

  "This was another one of your father’s ideas?" She asks sceptically.

  "Yes, of course it was. Please, I have enough to contend with, I need you on my side?"

  "Always Zara." She replies with her hand on her heart.

  "Will you explain all this to Sallack and Den?"

  "I will. We can find out if the Brothers’ remember Richard, because they haven't remembered much of our true reality. I could really hit them you know," she sighs.

  "Oh I know. Thank you for understanding. When this is over, we will not see him again," I promise her.

  "I'm going to find them now, they need warning, well, calming down," she gives a weak laugh.

  "Ok. I'll meet you at Sallack bar in later."

  Pushing my bedroom door open, I’m surprised to see Richard sat on my bed holding my photo frame in his hands, studying the picture, he snorts a laugh, unaware of me being in the room watching him.

  Walking over to him, I snatch the frame from his hands to see what he found so funny about the photo.

  The photo was taken when I was 10 and Den 13, we are sat on the sofa with a blanket over our legs and popcorn in between us, smiling.

  "You grew up together," he asks turning from me.

  "Yes, we were adopted into the same family," I say as I smile at the memories of our younger days.

  "You look happy, nice change," he jokes.

  "We were young," is all I say, all I have to say.

  "Are we set?"

  "Yeah, just giving Dallah time to warn Den, Angus and Sallack of your being here for a while."

  "Fine. I'm getting bored, do you have any whiskey?"

  "We will be in a bar in half an hour, you can drink yourself to oblivion," I roll my eyes and place the photo frame back on my bed side cabinet.

  Walking nervously into Sallack's bar, I take a deep breath before looking around.

  I'm nervous about seeing Ruk and how he will act towards me, then there is the murderous Warlock behind me, what will they make of him.

  Catching Dallah’s attention, she looks worried as Den storms across the room in a steaming rage.

  Reaching us, he eyes fixed on me, pulling me to his chest, sniffing my hair and making sure I’m ok. I feel his wolf calm within him as he relaxes his hold. His attention and anger then focuses on Richard.

  "You mess this up and I'll mess your face, Warlock!"

  Richard laughs, ignoring Den’s threat as he heads to the bar.

  "Tell me your ok?" Den asks as he studies me closely.

  Removing his hands and taking a step back, I look him in the eye and answer him.

  "I'm ok, but I need you to trust me with this, I know Richard is hard work, but it's not for long. k?"

  "Ok babe. I trust you," he replies, giving me a heart warming smile.

  Smiling back, I turn away from him and join Richard at the bar.

  "Double vodka and coke please Abbey," I ask with a weak smile.

  "Ok Hun. Who's your handsome friend?" She asks gazing at Richard.

  "A friend of my dad’s. Hey, is Ruk here?" I ask her acting casual but really I'm a little anxious.

  "Yeah he's with Sallack. So Richard, do you live around here?"

  "No," he answers in a cutting manor.

  Abbey rushes away from the bar, heading to the tables to give them a wipe, but more likely to get away from Richard and his cold glare.

  "Do you have to be so rude?" I seethe.


  "Damn it Richard, you’re a twat!" I state, leaving him at the bar alone to stew as I head to Sallack's office.

  Standing outside the office door, I place my ear to the wood listening to the muffled voices inside.

  "I don't need your permission! I have finally found my mate, and I'm not letting her go!" Ruk raises his voice angrily.

  "I'm just asking you to postpone for a week or two," Sallack speaks.

  "No fucking way! What has got into you?"

  "I think your making a wrong choice."


  "Yeah you heard me!"

  "I have no other choice, she is my mate!"

  "Then you are a fool!" Sallack growls.

  "Are you jealous of us?"

  "Don't be stupid Ruk. Look I have things to do; I'll speak to you later."

  "I won't have you speak to Mary in the way you do Sallack."

  "I am your Alpha!"

  "Maybe not for long!"

  "You will leave us all for that whore!"

  This is when an almighty crash sounds through the door. Just as my hand goes to open the door, Richards hand comes forward and twists the knob, before giving me a gentle push into the room.

  Both in wolf form standing with their heckles raised are Sallack and Ruk. As their heads whip in our direction, Sallack growls fiercely at Richard as he glides forward.

  Richard’s arm comes around my waist and pulls me behind him before confronting the two wolves.

  "Do not growl at me dog!"

  Before my eyes can take in what has happened, I am lying beneath Richards’s large body, but even worse is that Sallack's wolf has his weight on Richard, his canines snapping close to his face. Unluckily for me I have their combined weight pressing hard against my chest preventing me from breathing.

  "Get...offff!" I screech from underneath them.

  Instantly Sallack shifts back to his human form and let's Richard stand.

  "What the fuck! You were suffocating the life out of me." I shout at both men whilst sitting up and holding my near crushed chest.

  "Who is this?" Ruk asks with attitude nodding his head in Richards’s direction.

  "Oh brilliant," Richard looks at me with a wicked grin. "I'm Richard, a friend of Zara's," he winks at Ruk mischievously.

  "Right. Sallack I'll speak with you later," Ruk announces, causing Richard to take a double look at him.

  "Wow, you are weak," Richard laughs.

  "You what?" Ruk says in confusion and anger.

  "Nothing. Go now," he dismisses him, and to my shock, Ruk shakes his head and walks out of the room, without even glancing my way.

  "You ok beautiful," Sallack asks full of concern, and taking me in his arms to comfort me.

  "I'm fine, get off me," I yell, stepping away from him.

  "You heard us talking then?"

  "No shit! How can he be so fucking deluded?" I ask in rage.

  I'm so angry at Ruk, I shouldn't be but I just can't help it, all I want to do is follow him and smack the stupidness from him!

  "He doesn't know,"

  "I know that. It's just that...uh...if Den could remember, you, Dallah, even Dom knows something is going on, but my mate? No not a fucking clue!" Throwing myself in Sallack's chair, I hold my hands over my face so that they can't see how terribly this is affecting me. I just want to die, I feel so betrayed.

  "Let's go," Richard tells me as he gently kicks my foot.

  Letting my hands fall, I take in a deep breath and stand with my held high.

  "Better? Let's find Mary," he states whilst nodding his head to the door.

  "You ok Zara?" Sallack speaks gently, full of sorrow.

  Nodding my head to him with a weak smile, he mirrors my expression before leading u
s from his office and into the bar.

  Sitting around a table in the bar is me, Richard, Sallack, Den, Dom, Julian, Dallah, Ruk, and Mary.

  No one is really speaking, I just watch Ruk, whilst Richards looks on cruelly at Mary.

  "So Zara, where you been?" Ruk asks me politely.

  "Here and there," I answer with no emotion.

  "Cool," he says in a bored tone and laces his arm around Mary's shoulder.

  Now I really want to kick his arse.

  "Calm down, your anger is showing," Dallah tells me telepathically.

  "Is it really?" I ask sarcastically, whilst gazing at the salt shaker on the table, as I can no longer look at them all cosy and in a loving embrace.

  Lifting the salt shaker from the table, only slightly, I look up at Mary, wink at her, which I receive a curled lip at, then, to my pleasure, the salt shaker smacks her in the face with great speed and power.

  "You bitch! I will fucking kill you!" She screams holding her nose.

  "Baby, you ok? What the fuck happened?" he looks at me.

  Is he fucking joking!

  Lifting the salt shaker from the table behind ours, it smashes into the back of his head. Holding his head, he looks at me, then to Dallah before he growls in anger.

  "Who did that?"

  Both shrugging our shoulders, Dallah gives me a sly wink.

  "He doesn't know Richard is a warlock then?" She asks me telepathically.

  "Looks like it," I reply, before we both look to Richard with a raised brow.

  Shaking his head no but grinning like an idiot, then relaxing back in his chair and watches on with enjoyment.

  I cannot believe he calls her baby, that is what he calls, called, me.

  "Well whoever it was needs to stop fucking around!" Ruk says with a growl whilst glaring at me.

  Looking at him in disgust, he quickly diverts his eyes back to Mary and runs his fingers down her cheek lovingly.

  "You wanna get going?" He asks her gently.

  "If I get more of last night," she winks at him, and they both snort a laugh.

  This is when my anger erupts, just as everyone stands to their feet, the room shakes violently, and my eyes burn the brilliant purple they are when my emotions are high. Slamming my hands down on the table in disgust, fighting the scream building within me, as hand lays over mine and gives a gentle squeeze. Looking to my left with my eyes brimming with tears, Richard nods his head to me, silently telling me to stop and calm down, his kind act shocking me, pulling me back from losing it big time.


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