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Forsaken (book 3) (The Charmer series)

Page 16

by Sanderson, Danielle

I don't look at him, I can't. But I look at the two sisters, and just before I speak with anger for their cruelty, we are standing in a dimly lit room, surrounded by men, fierce looking warriors. Then a boy is pushed into the circle, he must be 12 maybe 14.

  "Where is she?!" A man speaks, its Richards grandfather.

  "Speak boy!" He screams fiercely, making the boy flinch.

  But the young Richard stays quiet, speaks not a word, let's fall not a single tear.

  The man steps forward and whips him across the back, the sound of it hitting his skin makes my stomach drop.

  "Stop!" I scream at the sisters but they ignore me as the next memory comes quickly.

  Richard removes his hand from mine, but I snatch it back and hold it tightly.

  Sitting in a bright warm room is a beautiful woman in a stunning gown.

  "Richard," she calls, and unlike her outside appearance, her tone is harsh and cruel.

  Walking into the room is Richard at what I'd say is the age of 15 or 16.

  "Yes Mother," he asks gently.

  "You have been dreaming of a girl?" she states in disgust.

  "Yes, she is a beautiful woman, beauty so..."

  Slapping him hard across the face, she pulls him down to the floor so that he is on his knees before her.

  "No son! No one will ever truly love you, women will pretend to love you because you’re the Prince, they will deceive and destroy you! Love no other, trust no one, prey on the weak and know thy enemy!"

  And heartbreakingly he repeats the words, loud and with conviction, like he really believes the words that will become his mantra throughout his life.

  The next scenes that play out are those of the words he had drilled into his mind and heart at a young age.

  Standing back at the sister’s creepy house, Richard pulls his hand from mine, rage plastered on his face.

  "Your tricks did nothing; now listen to Zara so that we can leave you in peace."

  "It made you both sad," the sister with one eye says sarcastically.

  "No it made us angry!" I answer for the both of us.

  "Good! I will give you the potion if you give us a small gift in return?" She smiles grimly.

  "Gift?" I ask watching them closely.

  “Yes nothing important, just a small vial of your blood.”

  "What? My blood, why would you want that?" I ask in disgust.

  Richard steps close to my back and laces an arm around my waist.

  "You ask for too much," He tells them.

  “Surly a small price to pay to send a demon back to the depths of hell and save your love from mating and becoming one with Lucifer’s servant.

  “A Demon! Richard did you know Mary’s a Demon.” I question him, fearful of his answer.

  “I feared as much as Lucifer doesn’t release a soul unless he has a purpose for them, and hers is to weaken you through your love of Ruk, in hopes of one day possessing your very soul. I should have seen it sooner.” He shakes his head in thought.

  “My father trusts you, but how can I, knowing you had that suspicion but kept it to yourself all this time? God what should I do! It’s just a little blood for Ruk’s freedom.”

  “That’s it my girl, very wise, Sister bring a vial.” The grey haired Witch beckons me to sit, but I refuse needing to remain standing encase something goes wrong. As the sisters whisper to each other in the corner, I get a really bad feeling.

  Walking towards me with a dagger at the ready, I began to shake with fear, but I keep telling myself that this is for Ruk.

  The one eyed sister takes my hand, places it in a bowl as the grey haired sister approach’s with the blade. I try to withdraw my hand, but the other sister has it in a vice like grip.

  “Stop!” Richard yells out, but it was too late, they have begun chanting and the air grows thick in the room.

  I struggle to breath, trying desperately to pull my hand free. Richard begins a chant of his own, and the sister about to draw blood struggles with the dagger as it turn away from me and aims at her scraggy throat.

  While the attention is off me, I grab the nearby candle and throw the hot wax into the witches face, hitting her in her one remaining eye. Blinded and screaming, she relinquished her hold on me and I ran into Richard’s arms. The candle that had fallen after I threw it at the sister has rolled, catching the edged of the curtain and now rapidly going up in flames.

  “Deals off,” I shout with relief.

  Their chant becomes louder and louder sounding like a high pitched scream.

  "We need to go now!" Richard calls to me over their chanting, and the sounds of the house creaking, and the fire spitting violently.

  "NO!" As soon as the word is released from my heart, everything stills, the sisters stop chanting and stand tall, whilst Richard’s grip tightens.

  Holding hands the sisters start to whisper, and from the ground comes a swirling yellow thread of fire, entwining up my legs, holding me in position,

  "Blood in your eyes, and hurt in your heart. Set this flame, burning in desire. Smouldering eyes scorch the eyes of the blackened. Twist in beauty and taste the fires of hell. Shall never you feel love. Pour in her soul make it dark, for never will she be looked upon with desiring eyes. Turn to sin, turn to sin. Charmer it is done!"

  Before I can take in what they have just done, I'm dragged by the waist and taken from the house.

  The last thing I see as the door creaks shut is the sister’s evil smiles, pure hatred in their eyes.

  Ripping myself out of Richards’s arms, I turn to him in complete shock.

  "They cursed me? They did, didn't they?!"

  "They are stronger and wiser than you. We need to get back and work out how to reverse the curse!" He states angrily.

  This is not my fault; they are sick, vile women, if you could call them that.

  "I'll reverse the spell, and hit them with one so horrid they will come begging to me for release!" Richard tells me, as he tries to drag me to safety.

  But I’m having none of it and letting my anger take over my rational side, I take off, running at their door like a bull seeing red. I will not live with this curse and they will never have my blood! I don’t know what it was, but I had a terrible feeling about the exchange, it wasn’t right.

  The next thing I know, I’m in my bedroom back at my father house.

  Richard flops onto my bed, letting out a huge sigh of relief. Till I start ranting at him in asking him why the hell did he bring us back.

  Lifting his head and looks at me closely.

  "It didn't work, you look fine to me," he says as if trying to comfort me, well in his own way.

  "They cursed my soul, my heart, and the hearts of the blackened hearts! Take me back now!"

  "No Zara," he says simply.


  "NO! Sit down and think about what you are asking me to do! They will hit you with more than a curse if you return. You cannot take them on Zara, they are too strong."

  "Fuck that! Why are you so frightened of two old ladies! I can do it, I know that I can."

  "You can't," he sighs.

  "I can!" I tell him wholeheartedly. "I just need a hair from each of their heads."

  "Ha! You can't be serious!" He say’s laughing at me, angering me further.

  "Never have I been so serious in my life. I will do this without you Richard, but I will work faster and have a better chance with your help.

  "It will not work, It‘s far too dangerous to go back." he says coolly before resting his head back on the bed.

  Maybe he is right but I can’t give up that easily.

  When Richard leaves, I search the house for candle, finding one in the kitchen drawer I run up to my bedroom at my father’s house. Followed by spending hours, upon hours thinking of the right words to use in my curse, the way I should feel them, to speak them as a Charmer.

  Lying down on my bed, I close my eyes and clear my mind best I can considering what thoughts I have been
having since seeing them vile women.

  Breathing steadily, I feel the pull, and ever so gently, my whole being is filled with sweet love, sunshine and a fulfilment of bliss.


  "Daughter, what have you done? You have been cursed?!"

  "I went to the sisters of..."

  "Why would you go there?" She holds me by my arms and watches me closely for the truth.

  "I needed their help, I needed a potion."

  "Why is there fear in your heart, I know it's not from the curse, tell me?" She asks gently.

  "They wanted my blood in return for the potion, I couldn’t do it, I could give it to them,” I tell her feeling sorrowful.

  "Good, thank God Zara! Never and I mean never give your blood to another, any essence of you. They would have had power over you, me, even your father.”

  “WHAT!!! Shit! How could I have not known better! Im so sorry.”

  “No, you did the right thing. This life is new to you, there was no way of you knowing. You are doing this all for Ruk, for the love in your gentle heart,” she smiles at me beautifully. However, I still feel like a fucking moron!

  "Zara, listen to me carefully," she nods, “You need to hit them back with a curse. Only, you are yet to have the power to take such a spell on alone. Take the Prince with you, tell Dallah, she will be at you side, we both know. Go tonight, and hurry,” she says passionately, then sighs and a small smile forms on her lips, “One day, you will stand alone, fight an army if bought to you, but right now you are learning the ways of a Charmer. I love you daughter, stay strong.”

  "I understand. I love you mum," I tell her softly as my body falls to earth with a bang.

  "What was that?" Richard asks, shaking my shoulders, his fingers pressing down.

  "I had to see my mum," I tell him simply.


  "She is an Angel." I smirk at the utter shock plastered on his face.

  "How can that be?"

  "Well, it's a long story, so I'll tell you the short. Then we have to collect Dallah, she has to be there."

  Chapter 15

  Running up the stairs, I call out Dallah's name.

  With all that has gone on, I have broke my connection with Dallah and Angus, I said I wouldn't, but I didn’t want her fearing for me and have her coming to my rescue, not when I have been dealing with such people as Lucifer, and those Witch’s.

  As soon as I will my heart to reconnect to mine, her feelings come flooding in, not to mention her destination.

  "The bar! Let's go," I tell Richard anxiously and grab hold of Richards arm, transporting us both.

  "Don't do that again," Richard tells me, wiping my hand print of his arm.

  Rolling my eyes at him, I jump when Dallah holds me in her arms lovingly, before holding me at arm’s length with disappointment in her beautiful eyes.

  "Where have you been?! We need to stick together! Don't leave me out Zara, I can help," she cries.

  "I'm sorry. I had to do something alone." I tell her with anxiety cursing through my veins.

  Watching me closely, she hold my face in her hands, closes her eyes, only to open them moments later, tears welling in her eyes.

  "Let's go!" She almost screams after looking into my heart and seeing what has happened, most importantly the curse that holds me.

  "Zara! You are going nowhere without me!" Angus yells from across the bar, walking to me in huge strides, hurt in his wonderful eyes.

  "You can't come, I can't explain, you need..."

  "I said I'm coming!" He tells me strongly, leaving me to have no other choice then to nod my head yes.

  "Zara, can I speak to you?" Ruk's gentle voice calls from behind my back.

  Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes to the image of the man I love and turn to him.

  "I need to speak with you, something's going on, tell me what?" He asks, sounding like my Ruk.

  "It's too late," I tell him through gritted teeth, and misty vision.

  "Is it? Is it too late?" He asks sounding confused and hurt.

  Holding my hands out to Dallah and Angus, Richard places his hand on the small of my back.

  Looking at Ruk, I shake my head no, through a broken heart,

  "But you need to speak to me, I keep dreaming of you?"

  I don't reply, I have to put my own feelings aside.

  Standing in the middle of a frosty field, I look on at Dallah, Angus and Richard.


  “You’re not getting in trouble without me,” he winks.

  Looking down at his hand, which is entwined with Dallah’s, I sigh sadly.

  I was hoping Dallah would help me, but Angus insisted on coming, and Sallack sneakily came also. I’m grateful they care, but I can’t promise them safety.

  "The Witches of Baker Hill have cursed me. I need to return the curse and hit them hard! But I need your help, I cannot do it alone?"

  "What do we do?" Angus asks bravely.

  "Help me to curse their souls. When I have removed my curse, I will curse them. I need you to push the curse to them."

  "Let’s do it!" Dallah speaks with rage in her heart.

  "Thank you" I tell her with my head held high.

  "Always at your side sweet," Angus states wholeheartedly.

  “Let’s do this then!” Sallack barks, ready for war.

  “Richard? You will still help?” I ask him gently, hoping for the best.

  "Why do you speak to him gently?" Dallas asks, her tone laced with annoyance.

  “Im just speaking,” I frown at her and look to Richard for his answer, which he gives with a nod of his head. Thank god for that, I was worried he would change his mind.

  "We ready?" I ask them and ignore Dallah’s suspicious look.

  "Ready," Angus speaks.

  "Ready," says Dallah.

  “Ready,” Sallack states.

  Again Richard nods his head.

  "Good. We need to get into their home, take a strand of hair from each of their heads, then get back quickly. We can do it, I know we can. They are strong, powerful, I have no delusions. However, we are smarter, and as a whole, we have great strength."

  "I'll take Zara with me; we will go to the Witch with the one eye. Sallack, wait here, it will only take the four of us, and your stench may wake them. Move quickly, quietly. If they wake, wish for Lucifer himself to drag you to hell."

  "Richard!" I hiss.

  "Fine. If she is hurt, I will call for him to drag you back!" Dallah insists.

  “You ok with this Sallack? He is right; it will only take four of us.”

  “Yeah, be careful,” he nods his head to us, telling us we will succeed.

  "Angus?" I ask calmly.

  Receiving a stunning smile in return, my eyes automatically light up, pushing my love to him for keeping his promise of always being here for me, whatever that takes, he sends it back tenfold.

  Looking back to Richard, with a nod of my head, indicating I'm ready, he looks to Angus then to me with a light frown, but soon shakes it off.

  Holding my breath, I lean down upon the one eyed monster, lift her blanket from her head, and feel the shivers down my spine of pure revolt. Her face is twisted, her breath deadly, and her skin looking like worn leather.

  Ever so carefully, I hold onto a single strand of hair in my still fingers, before I pluck it, I need to know Angus has the hair of the other Witch in his own fingers.

  Dallah and Richard will be transporting us out as soon as we have accomplished our task.

  Looking to Angus through the dim light of the candle, he nods his head ever so gently. Mouthing the words, one, two, three, to him, we both tug on the hair on the count of three.

  Both sisters’ heads spring up and let out a ghastly scream, but luckily before they can react further, we are gone from their house.

  "Dallah, can you place a barrier around us so that no one can enter!" I call out in a rush.

  Nodding her head, we all feel the air thin around our b
acks as the shield is put in place

  “I can’t see much Zara,” Dallah speaks.

  Angus can see in the dark, being a Vampire and Sallack also has extremely good vision at night being a Werewolf. However, that leaves Richard, Dallah and myself a little blind.

  “We can’t use a flame; it will alert the Witches to our whereabouts. Angus and I will be your eyes,” Sallack explains whilst taking hold of our wrists.

  We can see a little from the moon, but we do need more light.

  Closing my eyes, I hold out my hand and ask for light to show me the way, not just any light, but a pure light, one to not be seen by evil.

  “Look, here,” I smile to them as a blue flame sits in my palm, shining brightly against our faces.

  “Oh wow!” Dallah almost sings, her excitement at my use of power showing in her eyes.

  “Angus, you have the hair?”

  “Yes sweet, here,” He passes me the strand of hair very carefully.

  Getting down on my knees I carefully push the flame from my hand onto the earth and wait a moment to make sure it shines for us all to see.

  Pulling a small leather bag from my pocket, I place the two stands of hair inside before placing it beside the flame.

  Looking over everyone to see them ready, I frown at Richard when I see him looking in a different direction.

  Stepping up to him I whisper, “Can you see it?” meaning the light.

  “No, but carry on,” he tells me with a light frown.

  Watching his eyes dart around at our small movement I take gently and cautiously take his face in my hands.

  Tiptoeing, I tilt his head down to meet my eyes. Letting the Charmer I am take me completely, my eyes burn a bright purple and my body feels alive.

  “See the light, you can see it if you open yourself to it Richard,” I whisper to him, my voice calming and gentle, sounding a little like my mother’s.

  Turning his head away from me, I pull him back so that his eyes once again meet mine.

  “This is no trick Richard, just see the light.”

  Our eyes locked, his gaze suddenly falls to the flame on the floor. His face relaxes as he takes in the beauty of the flame, and letting go of him, we both see that we were being watched very carefully.


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