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Page 16

by Jamie Magee

  You think we’ll need them for Mars? I thought.

  I think that whatever we did with our rings is causing us to see past where we’re at, which could be good or bad. Right now, we need to figure out why Preston is hiding Libby and Allie, he thought before glancing at Marc. “Will you follow Brady for me? I’ll be right behind you with Libby.”

  Marc nodded, then took Stella’s hand and led her to the front door. Landen went to find his coat, and I walked to the back porch, determined to get some kind of reassurance from Preston and Libby.

  When they saw me take a seat on the back steps, they ran to my side. I reached my arms around them and pulled them to me, then looked down at Preston. “So I thought Libby was sad because I was going to be in Esterious, but I guess she was sad because you were coming?”

  He nodded. “It’s OK, though, right Libby?”

  Libby smiled up at me.

  “Why do we have to go now? Can you tell me what’s gonna happen?” I asked casually.

  “It’s safe now,” Preston said innocently.

  “Safe everywhere?”

  “In the string. We have to go before it’s not,” he answered.

  “Are the storms coming back?” I asked.

  Preston didn’t answer me. I just stared into his beautiful, innocent blue eyes and tried to understand how someone so young could see and know so much.

  “So...I heard that when we were in the trial of Mercury, you met some new people - two girls,” I said to Preston.

  His young eyes smiled wisely as he reached for my hand. In that instant, I was standing in the field to the left of my house and saw two girls racing up the hill toward my home. They halted; something gave them a reason not to walk further. I saw Preston approach them, and behind them I could see why they’d stopped. My house was surrounded by cars and people. Landen was on the balcony, looking into the distance. August was consoling him. I knew that at that moment, my body was lying in our bed but my soul was trapped in Evelyn: I was in Drake’s arms. Preston called one of the girl’s names – Charlie. She was the only one I could see clearly. The glaring sun had shadowed the other girl with her. Charlie was young, my age, and her hair was long and dark - just as dark as her eyes. She was small, barely five feet, and not even a hundred pounds.

  I watched as Preston used his childlike charm on them, confusing her by knowing her name. I heard the urgency in her plea; she was eagerly trying to find a safe haven for the one she loved. She never said that, but I felt the familiar emotion in Preston’s memory. It seemed this girl and I shared the same determination to help the helpless, to do that at the side of the ones we loved.

  She was looking for Austin or any traveler to come for them. Preston took her hand. As she stared into his eyes, her soul was moved from Chara and thrust into Esterious. I watched her confusion as she witnessed Donalt, with Drake at his side, give a speech to the members of Delen; though the memory was old, the hatred I had for Donalt was fresh. When the vision was over, Charlie questioned why Preston was here and not in Esterious. Preston took her hand once more and showed her an image that took my breath away.

  Drake and Preston were in a room in the palace, dressing for formal night. I recognized the suit Drake had on: it was the one he wore on the night of the blue moon. Drake told Preston that if something went wrong that night, for him to find me and make sure I took him to Chara. Preston promised him that Marc would carry him home. The innocent prediction Preston made that night told Drake that I wouldn’t come to him, that I’d refuse him. The pain in his eyes brought tears to mine.

  When that image was over, Charlie looked at Preston and asked about us, if I would be OK. Preston promised Charlie that I would be. Just before Charlie’s soul left Chara, Preston reached for her wrist. There, she had a mirror image of the tattoo that both Olivia and I had: an ankh with a star in the loop. Hers was fresh, though, still red and swollen. Preston traced the mark, healing it instantly. My shock and fear brought me back to the reality I was in: sitting on my back porch, looking into Preston’s eyes.

  “Preston...should I go now? Does Charlie need me to save her?” I couldn’t figure out why my tattoo kept showing up on other girls, why Olivia and this girl now had it.

  He looked at me like I was insane. “Charlie is a savior, like you; she doesn’t need to be saved.”

  “I need to be saved, protected, Preston. I don’t want that girl to be afraid.”

  “She’s not anymore. That moment of fear passed.”

  “Has another one come?” I asked, not finding reassurance in his words.

  “Charlie is the mirror image of you; her battles are endless, but so is her perseverance.”

  “Who are the others? Are they all girls?”

  He shook his head no once. “Three girls, four boys.”

  “Monroe,” Libby said as she grinned.

  “You know them?” I asked her.

  “Not yet,” she said, smiling at me.

  “How did you show her Esterious? How does that seeing thing work? Her soul must have moved three or four times through those images,” I asked, looking back at Preston.

  “When you touch someone, you show them your memories, the reason you own those emotions. Charlie can do that without touching anyone. She can look at someone, ask a question, and see the answer.”

  “She feels emotions?” I asked as alarm came through me. Could she be the one I was looking for – the one for Drake?

  Both Libby and Preston laughed at the same time, shaking their heads. “No,” Preston finally said. “She isn’t the one that feels emotions like you.” Preston squeezed my hand, and instantly I was pulled into another memory. I saw Charlie in the arms of a stunningly attractive young man. His eyes were emerald green, laced in black, and his hair was dark and slightly long. He carried the image of a free creative spirit. Around them, I saw stage amps, guitars, and drums. He was standing behind her, playing the guitar she had around her as his hypnotic voice sang quietly into her ear. I could feel an undeniable passion and love – almost an addiction - between these two; there was no way this girl could love another. She was my mirror image, fighting for the damned that were dead, fighting to keep that stunning boy at her side. I only hoped she was faring better than I was, that there wasn’t another boy distracting her from her purpose. I hoped she didn’t have a Drake like I did.

  “Alright then,” I muttered. “I suppose you’d tell me if I needed to go there, when I needed to go there.”

  They both nodded.

  Landen came out the back door at the same time my mom and dad pulled up.

  Did he say anything? Landen thought.

  Yeah. There are seven people that Austin needs us to meet.”


  Apparently not. I guess they’re safe and we’re were right.

  Landen furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to understand the connection these people had to us. He reached for Libby’s hand, then we climbed into the back of my Dad’s Jeep.

  “Did Rose go, too?” I asked, wondering where she was.

  “She said she wanted to stay here, to help in Esterious. Ashten already left with Aubrey. She didn’t want to be away from Allie,” my mom answered.

  My dad pulled up alongside Ashten, Marc, and Brady’s Jeep.

  The walk to Pelhan’s was really fast. The string was so calm, it just felt like you were passing through a tunnel. The stillness seemed to make my mother less uneasy about not being able to see. We let Preston and Libby walk but made sure they stayed in-between me and Landen.

  Just before my green passages of Infante came into view, I felt something; it felt like I was being watched, almost shadowed. I looked over my shoulder, almost expecting to see Drake, but no one was there. I reached for Libby’s hand and started to walk faster, then all of a sudden I felt someone push me to the side, almost knocking me into the wall of the string. I shielded my energy around myself and Libby, and my panic caused Landen to instinctively put his shield of energy around all of us.<
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  “Walk a bit faster, Jason,” Landen said in the calmest tone he could manage.

  My father tightened his arm around my mother and began to walk briskly toward the yellow sparkles that led to Pelhan’s world. Normally, we gradually step into this world - but this time we charged through the gate.

  Pelhan was at the gate, all by himself. In the distance, I could see Marc, Stella, and Brady coming toward us.

  My father nodded at Pelhan, then looked at us. “What happened?”

  “It felt like someone was in there with us,” I said, looking up at Landen.

  He looked at me curiously, and I knew then he didn’t feel it the way I did.

  “Welcome back, Grace - and Libby, we’re pleased to have you here again,” Pelhan said calmly.

  Landen sighed. “Preston said to bring Libby and Allie. I’m not sure if the others are coming or not.”

  “Everyone who feels they should be here is welcome,” Pelhan assured, smiling at all of us.

  “Any advice?” Landen asked, tilting his head and smiling slightly at Pelhan.

  “You seem to be doing well,” Pelhan praised, glancing at Landen’s ring.

  “Wise choice?” Landen asked.

  “Very,” Pelhan answered.

  My mother and father looked nervously back and forth between Pelhan and Landen, unsure of what they were talking about.

  Marc, Brady, and Stella reached us. “Are we ready?” Marc asked, reaching for Preston’s hand.

  Before Preston took his hand, he hugged Libby. My mom hugged my dad, then me and Landen at the same time.

  “Safe travels,” Pelhan said, taking Libby’s hand and nodding to the rest of us before turning to leave.

  My father walked beside Stella and Marc in the lead; Brady lingered near us.

  “I wish you would have called before you left,” Landen said to Brady.

  “Sorry. I was just in a rush; I knew Marc would get to you, or you’d feel my intent.”

  Landen nodded, knowing he would have done the same thing if he were Brady. As we came closer to Infante, I tensed, ready to defend myself against whatever I felt before.

  “Are you OK?” Landen said, stopping and nodding for Brady to go on.

  “I just felt something before...did you not feel it?” I asked.

  He shook his head no. “Now do you see why I don’t want you to go into other dimensions? I don’t want to lead whatever this is to a place that can’t defend itself.”

  I sighed and knew that one way or another those people that Austin spoke of would find us. I only feared not knowing if they needed us – or if we needed them. I pulled Landen to walk faster. Right before the passages of Esterious came into view, I felt someone watching me again; I could feel them behind me. I tried to ignore the feeling, thinking it was enjoying scaring me.

  A few steps further, I felt a push against my back so strong that I stumbled forward. As anger came through every part of me, I turned around and forced the most powerful blow of energy I could at the nothing that was chasing me. As it collided, I saw the outline of the evil angel that I’d faced already. He smiled as he vanished.

  “Willow!” Landen yelled.

  He pulled me close to him and put a shield of his energy around us. I walked backwards as he pulled me forward. I swear I saw his energy move as a force collided with it, but Landen acted as if he couldn’t feel a thing.

  Landen pulled me into the passage that led into the palace, then turned and looked at me.

  “What was that about?! You could have really hurt someone if there was anyone behind us.”

  “What are you talking about? Did you not see that demon?”

  I didn’t see or feel anything at all, he thought as his eyes rushed over my angry expression and dread dominated his emotions.

  Well, I did - and I showed him that I’m over it.

  Willow, this is why I wanted you to sleep; you’re just tired, and you’re starting to see things that aren’t real.

  I’m not crazy. I felt him push, and I retaliated.

  He let out a deep breath. I know you believe that, but I promise you, there was nothing there. He would’ve attacked me, or at least shown himself.

  Whatever. I know what I saw, I thought, walking away.

  I wasn’t going to argue with him or try to prove my point. I knew that demon was clever enough to hide himself from Landen if he wanted to and that making me look insane would be easy enough. Landen didn’t try to stop me or stress that I needed rest. He stayed a few feet behind me, giving me my space.

  In the study, Drake and Chrispin were sitting on the couches and Perodine was at the table with Alamos, looking over the scrolls, working in silence. The others were scattered throughout the palace.

  I’m gonna go find Brady and August. I think I feel them near the looking glass, and I wanna make sure it’s OK, Landen thought as he kissed the side of my temple before passing by me. He nodded at Chrispin as he returned Drake’s placid stare, then held up one finger to Perodine as she glanced up at him. She nodded, then looked down again at her work.

  Drake was carefully looking over me with a concerned gaze. I shook my head, warning him not to push me. I sat on the table in front of him and Chrispin.

  “Nice coat,” Chrispin said, smiling slightly.

  I smiled to tell him thank you before I slid my arms out. “Where’s Olivia?” I asked.

  “She went to talk to Dane; she saw him in the courtyard. She can’t figure out what that song is and wanted to ask him if he remembered anything like it. She said it was his style.”

  “Is it really heavy?” I asked, knowing that was the kind of music Dane liked.

  “I’m sure it’s demonic,” Drake said shortly.

  My eyes shot to him, and he smiled slightly, enhancing every one of his perfect features. Sometimes I thought he enjoyed making me mad.

  “I doubt it,” I said under my breath, knowing that whatever song it was, it was important. In fact, I wanted to talk to Olivia. I was almost sure this Charlie girl could help find this song; hell, for all I knew, she created it, and Olivia’s mom was trying to make sure we found these people.

  I looked back at Chrispin, trying to judge which memory he had of my fight with Olivia.

  “When did you guys get here?” I asked him.

  “A few hours ago. We stayed at Olivia’s aunt’s last night and listened to song after song.”

  “Did you get any rest?” I asked.

  He tilted his head and smiled slightly. “Did you?”

  I looked down and avoided answering his question.

  “That means no,” Drake said, leaning forward to reach for my hands. “Is that why you’re so on edge?” he asked as his fingertips traced my hand, sending his numbing sensation through me. I closed my eyes for a second, then blocked how good it felt and opened them to glare at him. His smile grew. “I think so...I think I like it,” he said, leaning back again.

  “I heard you lost your temper,” Chrispin said. “I’ll be honest with you: we were trying to get you to do that in Chara, but I guess Dane deserved it more than Olivia did.”

  “Who’s been informing you?” I asked, trying to keep the sharp edge out of my tone, though I was relieved he didn’t remember me fighting with Olivia.

  Chrispin glanced to his side at Drake and grinned slightly.

  “Well, at least you two are bonding,” I muttered, taking a deep breath before standing to go to Perodine. I heard them laugh quietly and felt Chrispin growing closer to his brother; I guess that was a good thing, even though it was at my expense.

  Perodine looked up as I reached the table, as did Alamos. “You look nice,” she said.

  “Thanks,” I said, trying to look as confident as my mother had managed to make me feel. “Did you know we took Allie and Libby to Pelhan?”

  She nodded.

  “What about Preston?” Alamos asked.

  “He’s here; that way, I think” I said, nodding toward the doorway. I felt him with Marc and S
tella; it almost felt like they were outside.

  Alamos didn’t say anything, but I could see a fear and confusion in his expression. He nodded, then closed the book he was reading and went to find Preston.

  “Did I say something?” I asked Perodine.

  She smiled slightly. “He’s had a tough few days. He’s trying to figure out who’s against Drake and who isn’t, and he’s confused and frustrated about the number of times that time has been frozen. He’s had me check his math over and over - but honestly, he doesn’t completely trust me.”

  “What does he think they’re gonna do?”

  Perodine walked to the window and reached her arm back for me to come with her. She pointed to an area of the city where the workers hadn’t managed to build the wall around.

  “In that direction, about a half-mile past the last building, you can see the harbor. It’s how we used to get and ship supplies. They planned to close that part in last, knowing they could defend themselves if the ‘demented’ tried to leave that way. There’s a small island maybe five miles from that point; it’s where all of the major ceremonies are held – and where I was joined with Donalt.”

  “Really?” I asked, focusing my eyes. I’d just imagined some kind of a royal wedding here.

  She nodded. “There with the court, here with the world. Alamos said that three large ships docked there last night and that he was sure that aboard was every traitor that exists.”

  “In one spot? That makes it easy,” I said as a sly smile came across my face.

  “Nothing is easy, child,” she said quietly as she looked over me. “That island has a lot of energy in it – dark energy; it’s nothing to toy with. Alamos said that they’ve been teaching followers to use their energy, to see energy, and that there’s no way for any of you to go there without being noticed.”

  I looked over my shoulder at Drake and Chrispin, who were talking quietly on the couch, then looked back at her. “So what do we do – let them have their little ritual on the wrong day and laugh when it doesn’t work? Wouldn’t Drake have to be there?”

  “He does. It’s custom for the ruler to be there at the moment of the winter solstice. This is Drake’s first time in that role, and Alamos thinks they’re going to try and prove that he isn’t worthy to rule, that if he can’t prove that he has your heart - or will have it - that he’ll die, and his rule will end before it ever officially begins.”


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