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Crushing Misery

Page 11

by Kinsey Taylor

  “It’s over there.” She points in the direction of the dresser, and I follow her over glancing down at the picture. She has painted a picture of what looks to be a family. Wow, for being almost three, she can paint exceptionally well.

  “Do you like it, Corbee?”

  “I love it, baby! You did an amazing job.”

  “Fhank you. Dhere’s you, me and Mommy.”

  “You painted me?” I say in surprise.

  “I did.”

  I pick her up and feel an emotion creep up on me that I’m not used to. I’m happy and full of pride and start to get a little emotional, but I try to hide it with a yawn.

  “You sleepy, Corbee?”

  “I am, my little beauty. All this training I’ve been doing is catching up to me.”

  “You can take a nap on me and Mommy’s bed.”

  Kennedy comes in, walks over, and nudges me in my ribs.

  “Thank you, baby, but I bet it’s about time to eat. Am I right, Mommy?” I say looking down at her beautiful face.

  “Yes, it is. You mean you don’t want to take a nap on my bed, Corbin?” Kennedy teases. She wiggles her eyebrow up and down. Placing Ashlynn down on her feet, I watch as she skips out of the room. I turn to Kennedy and lift her up. She squeals.

  “Put me down, Corbin. You can see my ass.”

  While putting her down, I glance into the mirror to get a shot of her ass out on display and fuck it is a glorious sight to see. Her pink lace boy shorts hug her ass just right showing it perfectly, giving me a view of a little ass cheek in the process. Boy, I’m hard as a rock, and this dress is going to be my undoing. Pulling her dress down, she smacks me in the chest and turns away, walking fast. Not before I grab her into my arms.

  “Nice pink panties there, Boss.”

  “Damn it! I knew you saw in the mirror.” She laughs.

  “Sorry, babe. I looked away only to look right into the mirror. You won’t hear me complaining. That shit was fucking hot.”

  Turning around, she looks up at me in surprise. “Really?” she questions.

  “Yeah, really, Boss! Why are you questioning it? Look!”

  I point down to the evidence, my erection straining against the front of my slacks.

  “You make my balls ache and my body begs for yours.”

  She laughs looking up at me.

  “Oh.” Is the only word that leaves that pretty little mouth of hers, it feels like hours have passed and time stands still as we stare into one another’s eyes. I reach down placing my hand against her cheek and moving forward I plant a soft kiss on her lips savoring every moment. She opens for me, and I slide my tongue along hers moaning into her mouth. Pulling away I look down trying to gauge her reaction as her hand comes up to her mouth and a smile breaks across her face.

  “Wow,” she whispers.

  Janice comes in, “Time to eat, kids.”

  We never break eye contact; we stand there reveling in the moment. Placing her hand in mine, Kennedy walks us towards her bedroom door.


  I can’t stop thinking about the kiss the other night. If kissing her sparks this kind of reaction what will being balls deep inside her do? I have never experienced a kiss so deep, leaving me so hungry. It monopolizes all of me, suffocates me, and yet I never wanted it to end. Kennedy’s reaction, when her hand came up to brush her lips and the smile on her face, tells me everything I’m wishing for, but the wow that came afterward confirmed it for me. I know she felt it, too.

  I’m evading her text messages today. I feel something for her, but I need time to figure out if this is something I want to pursue. I have to know for certain because I won’t be hurting only her if I screw this up. There is also Ashlynn to consider. They have been through enough in the short amount of time I have known them, and I’m sure not going to add to their chaos. I want to take away every last bit of fear and heartache and replace it with nothing but happiness. I’m still not sure if I’m ready to take the leap of faith and start up a relationship. It’s a constant war with myself.

  I have another fight in Denver this weekend, and I need to get the points on the board before the big tournament starts. Stressing about leaving is a new experience for me, and it’s beginning to weigh on my mind. Ever since Kennedy and I started getting closer, spending more time together as friends, the more time I spend away is becoming harder for me to handle. The minute I’m back in town, I’ll make sure to make plans with her.

  I am running myself ragged with concern, and Coach is starting to comment on my performance and focus in the cage. My uneasy feelings and anxiety are affecting my ability to sleep. I decide hiring a bodyguard to keep an eye on the girls will help take some of the burden off me. Samuel Forbes comes with all the bells and whistles with the highest recommendation from my close friend, Maven. He runs security for me during my travels and fights.

  I head into Maven’s office to meet Samuel and to finalize the contract.

  “Hey, man, it’s good to see you again,” Maven says.

  “You, too, man. How’s it going?”

  “It’s going as usual… always busy and chaotic in this line of business,” he jokes.

  “Yeah, no doubt.”

  A tall, huge, muscular man enters the room; this must be Samuel. The guy is massive, and I’m not a small guy.

  “This is Samuel Forbes.”

  “Nice to meet you. Corbin Nash.”

  “It’s a huge honor to meet you, sir. Glad I can be of service.”

  “So, Corbin, why don’t we go over specifics as to what exactly you’re wanting, other than the obvious, in detail,” Maven says.

  “Alright, so basically my girl’s soon to be ex-husband, Troy Anderson, has attacked her twice now, and I refuse to allow it to happen a third time. I want complete safety for her and her daughter, Ashlynn. Here, I brought several photographs of them.” I hand them over to him. “I’m not sure how Kennedy will react knowing someone’s watching after her. Do anything and everything in your power to keep them safe while I’m away.”

  “That, I can do. Is she not to know I’m detailing her?” he questions.

  “She knows I have security, but no, I don’t want to frighten her or Ashlynn. They have been through enough.” Looking over the paperwork, I make sure everything is in order and sign it.

  “Alright man, I think we have everything covered,” I say.

  “Pleasure, as always, working with you, Nash.”

  “You too, man. See you again when I get back. Jones and his goons on my security detail this time around?”

  “You know it, man. They’re the best.”

  Turning towards Samuel, I say, “Good to meet you, Samuel. Please keep these ladies safe.” I extend my hand to shake his.

  “It’s a real honor, sir, to be working for you, and I will do everything in my power to keep them safe, sir.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  A month passes, and the icy chill of winter is fresh in the air. Mom and Dad left for the weekend to go on a short trip to visit my Aunt Nathalie in Tucson, Arizona before Christmas, and Ashlynn’s birthday is upon us. I have to work, so Justeen, Jagger, and Paige are here to help pick up the slack in my absence in caring for Ashlynn. Corbin even gives me his grueling schedule, making sure I know exactly when he can help out, and he sternly says not to hesitate in calling if I find myself in a pickle. All I can think about these days is his pickle and what I want him to do with it.

  We had just finished dinner, and I’m almost done loading the dishes. Ashlynn is lying on the couch, watching a fairy movie. I’m placing the last dish on the drying rack when something catches my eye outside. It is a little windy, so I brush it off assuming it is a branch swaying in the wind. I walk over to the back door to lock it, and that’s when I see the movement again. I gasp when I realize someone is outside near the shed. It looks like a large figure.

  “Ashlynn, go upstairs in Mommy’s room now.”

  “But Momm-”

  “Ashlynn, honey, do it now,” I say sternly.

  That’s when the man comes into my field of vision. Realization hits me hard when he starts towards the house. The outside light clicks on. He stops to stare at me with a repulsive, evil smirk. I watch as Troy picks up the metal lawn chair and throws it at the back door, and that’s when I turn and race up the stairs like my hair is on fire. Pushing Ashlynn inside, I slam our bedroom door and lock it. Ashlynn looks over at me upset.

  “Honey, I don’t want to scare you, but your dad is outside in the backyard. Where is my phone?”

  That’s when I hear Troy call out from downstairs.

  “Kennedy, I know you’re in here. Come out, come out, wherever you are, you worthless bitch!” he taunts.

  He bangs on the walls as he walks up the stairs to our door; I try to focus and think what to do. Finding my phone, I open it to Corbin’s name and hit speed dial. It goes straight to voicemail.

  “No, No, No!! Damn it,” I scream out.

  I then dial 9-1-1.

  “9-1-1 Operator. What’s your emergency?”

  “My husband has broken into my parents’ house, and my daughter and I are locked inside my room. I have a restraining order out against him. Please, help us.”

  “Try and stay calm, ma’am. What’s your name?”

  “Kennedy Anderson. My address is 2953 Leahy Lane. Please, hurry.”

  I hang up and hope they will get here quickly.

  Handing the phone to Ashlynn, I push her into the closet, and that’s when the thought hits me. The back comes off of the closet and goes straight into Jagger’s old bedroom.

  “Open the door, bitch! I’m going to break it down. I know you’re in there.”

  He keeps up his assault on the door, and that’s when Ashlynn starts to cry.

  “Ashlynn, I need you to be brave, baby girl. I need to you keep hitting this button to call Corbin, okay? If Corbin answers, I want you to tell him Mommy needs help. You are going to go through Uncle Jagger’s closet, like I showed you when we were playing hide n’ seek, remember? Run down the stairs and out the front door to Miss Virginia’s house next-door, okay? Do you understand what I’m saying?” She nods yes in response.

  “Bang, scream, and do anything you can to get her to open up the door for you. Alright?”

  “Otay I wreary scared, Mommy.”

  “I know you are, and I’m so sorry, baby. You can do this; I know you can. Please, hurry, when I tell you to go.”

  “Okay, Troy, you win,” I yell out.

  “I always win, bitch. When are you going to learn?”

  While pulling the back off our closet, I can hear him banging on the door, so I know he’s right where I want him.

  “Okay, baby, go!”

  “Troy, please stop!”

  I move to open the door so he will not see Ashlynn, but it flies towards me off its hinges. I push and try to run backwards back inside the room to give Ashlynn a shot at actually making it next door.

  “It’s about time I finally give you the punishment you deserve,” he says then starts laughing. “I saw you the other night with him at the club. I knew you couldn’t be trusted and were a lying cheating whore. What is it, Kennedy? The muscles, success, or the sex?” Stepping closer to me, he says, “You like the cat and mouse game alright? I saw you run away from him after he hit that dude who was touching you. You sure got on his bike and rode off with him, didn’t you, you fucking slut.”

  I try keeping my cool so that I can keep a clear head.

  “Fuck you, Troy!” I turn pushing hard trying to get away. He grabs me by my hair, and I yelp in response.

  “Let go of me!” I scream.

  “Or what? You’re going to hurt me? Call your boy toy and have him do it for you?”

  He pushes me forward, but I catch myself before smashing into the wall. Spinning around, I lunge at him, kick him in the groin and watch him fall to the ground in pain. I jump over him, but he reaches up and grabs my leg bringing me down smashing against the carpet.

  “Where do you think you’re going, bitch? You still belong to me, divorce or not.”

  I roll over kicking him in the face with the heel of my foot while I move towards the stairs. I lean forward in hopes my body weight will have me sliding down the stairs away from him. Hearing Corbin’s voice is music to my ears.


  “Corbin, please help me!” I cry out.

  That’s when I feel the cold metal against the back of my head, the pressure of the barrel as the chamber slides into place. The nightmare playing before me makes my skin crawl.

  “Stop! Don’t take another step, asshole, or Kennedy here is going to be visiting your friend Landry. That’s right ‘Core Crusher’ I did some digging into your past and found out some interesting facts about you. Now this is how this is going to go…”

  The sounds of sirens are coming from every angle around us.

  “Fuck! Hurry, get up and move!”

  I stand up and start to step down the stairs on shaky legs towards Corbin. We lock eyes, and I can see the panic in his. Reaching the bottom step, Troy smashes the gun against my head, and I fall forward hitting the ground face first. Corbin cries out, and his arms reach out towards me, muffling sounds, and then nothing… silence.


  Opening my eyes, I’m disoriented. I blink staring around in disbelief, and I’m once again in the hospital. I try sitting up, and I look down at a sleeping Corbin. He’s hunched over my hospital bed, resting his head on his hands that are holding mine. When I try to remove my hand, Corbin jerks awake, and I pull my hand away and bring it to my lap. The look that shoots across Corbin’s face is earth shattering, laced with so much pain. I don’t want to be touched. I want to be entirely alone so no one can hurt me.

  “Can you give us a minute?” he says to the nurse who just walked into the room, his voice rough with sleep.

  “Yes, of course. But it can’t be for very long. I’ll let the doctor know she is awake.”

  “Thank you,” he says.

  I watch as she heads out of the room.

  “We need to stop meeting like this, Boss. I’m starting to think you like having me at your beck and call.”

  I sit here staring back at him as flashes of what has occurred come back to me. I could have been killed; he could have been killed, and Ashlynn’s life would have forever changed.

  “Ashlynn! Where’s Ashlynn? Is she okay?” I look around frantic.

  “Yes, she’s fine.”

  “Why are you here, Corbin? You should be back at the center training for your fight. It’s too close to your fight for you to be here taking care of me.”

  “That can wait. My girl needs me, and that’s much more important.”

  “You need to go. I don’t need to add to the list of things I screw up for you. Please, go. I’ll be okay on my own. I have my family to protect me, and I’m not your girl.”

  As the words leave my lips, pain consumes me, and I turn away from him folding my arms over myself protectively. I hope he takes the hint and walks away.

  “I know what you’re doing, and it’s not going to work. I’m not leaving you.”

  “I’ve caused enough chaos and damage. I’m not going to bring anyone else down with me, especially you. I want to be alone.” The tears start pouring out of me. He stands and pulls me into his arms.

  “I’m not leaving you, Kennedy. Not going to happen, sweetheart. What I’m about to tell you is going to piss you off, but please know I had you and Ashlynn to consider when I made this decision. Troy must have been keeping an eye on you. I hired a man named Samuel Forbes to detail you and Ashlynn’s every move. I was only trying to protect you guys, but Troy found out, and knocked Samuel out, and came after you.”

  I stop crying and look up in surprise and shock. I grab onto his shirt pulling him to me. He holds me as I start to bawl into his chest soaking the front of his shirt.

  “He hurt someone else? When will this ever end

  When I finally calm down, I have to get something out that was weighing heavily on my mind.

  “I can’t take the chance of bringing you down with me, Corbin. If something were to happen to you, I-I know I wouldn’t survive it. You and Ashlynn are everything to me; you’re the constant that brings me any kind of happiness, and if I lost that, I’m not sure I could go on. The world without you in it isn’t a place I want to live. Can you understand that?”

  “Kennedy, everything you’re feeling, I feel exactly the same, and for the first time in my life I have something to look forward to each day. I’ve felt a loss so deep; I still haven’t recovered from it. I want us conquer and crush our misery together. I don’t know what this pull between us is, but I need you in my life; I want you in my life, and I have never needed or wanted any woman like I want you. Please, stay with me? Please, don’t say no this time. All I’m trying to do is protect you and Ashlynn. Having you at the house with me is my way to know you’ll both be safe. That will ease my fear and strengthen my focus knowing you are both out of harm’s way.”

  “Alright, Corbin. I’ll do it. With everything that has happened with Troy, he’s proven to be a loose canon. Is Samuel okay? Did Troy hurt him badly?”

  “He has a concussion, but he’s okay. He’s going to be watching you, and there will be a couple of men following you from now on.”

  I watch him as I take in his words. His expression seems mixed but then changes into one of satisfaction.

  “You’re not going to fight me on this?”

  “No. Wait, do you want me to?”

  “No, of course not. I thought for sure you would. Thank you. This is the best news.”

  “I’ll try it. I think it’s the best way to keep us safe. The idea of going back to my parents’ place is too overwhelming right now. It has me on edge just thinking about it. I wouldn’t feel safe there if I’m being truthful.” He engulfs me in a tight embrace, and I wince in pain.

  “Ouch, you’re hurting me, Corbin,” I whimper.


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