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Escape from Dolphin Street

Page 6

by David Sharp

  What kind of lawless place is this?

  Time seemed to slow and the punks were momentarily forgotten. Jason’s eyes returned to the skinhead on the corner. Liev’s lip curled into a smile as he folded his arms. Knappy was now at his leader’s side. The both of them enjoyed the strange show from their vantage point. Jason could not help staring. Liev excited him; or rather the danger of him was stimulating. Knappy was fascinating although there was no disturbing sexual charge as with Liev. Jason looked from the tight jeans to the smoldering eyes and his jaw noticeably dropped. Eyes back to Knappy, the thought turned to disgust as he watched the heavier set punk lick his rows of lip rings and reach into the fold of his trench coat revealing a small stun gun. The electricity passed in blue arcing voltage, crackling as Knappy switched the gun on and off as he edged closer. Jason was mesmerized.

  Syd chanted, “Cut and flush,” moving the shank from hand to hand.

  Hex, holding Kelly tight, stomped her feet causing Tanya to jump.

  “Please, stop,” Kelly said in a similar voice to the one Jason had heard on the phone.

  Hex sadistically laughed. “Why would I do that?”

  Tanya offered up a couple of dollars. “Here take it.”

  “It’s too late for that, darkie.” Hex sidestepped, holding on to her squirming hostage and predicting Tanya’s next move.

  “Cut and flush,” Syd continued her chant in a dark whisper.

  Knappy approached softly, incomprehensible at first then growing louder in timber with each step on the dirty pavement. “…coming here from suburbia – think they know it all….”

  The stun gun clacked on in a blue spark capturing everyone’s attention.

  “…think they are better than us….”

  Knappy’s finger depressed the trigger stopping the blue then he clacked it on again. “…need a little education on the way things are…”

  Clack, a-clack, the stun gun snapped out more voltage.

  “…is in order here.”

  The blue electricity arced out in three long clacks. The smell of the charge was pungent.

  Kelly was almost in tears. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Because you are weak,” Hex said while she manhandled Kelly like a rag doll.

  “Jason, get somebody,” Tanya said exasperated and truly scared.

  Jason was frozen, could not move a muscle, and felt as though he were in a dream. He could not look away from Liev as Liev stared back in a taunting manner daring him to do something, anything. Jason watched as the punk moved a hand across the front of his jeans lightly fingering his bulge and mouthing words that were instantly recognizable.

  “Your ass is mine.” Liev was in control.

  Time seemed slower. Jason wanted to move, but could not. Why am I stuck? Do I need something, like a knife, to hide behind to be strong?

  A black and white police cruiser pulled into the parking lot of the Taco Shack breaking the tension like a board in the surf.

  Liev spoke up loudly breaking the spell. “Knappy, Hex, Syd out of here. The pigs have rolled up.”

  Knappy stealthily holstered the stun gun and walked past them to the street. Instantly he blended into the crowd. Hex let go of Kelly and smiled a freakishly fake smile.

  Syd stowed her shank and grabbed Hex’s arm, her eyes darting to the police and back she said, “We’ll play later.”

  The doors of the police cruiser opened.

  Hex kissed Syd on the lips. “Let’s get out of here, baby.”

  The night denizens moved about the Taco Shack, the show being over they went about their business. Jason had been so in the moment that he did not notice the unnatural stillness until it was gone. Hex and Syd wandered away in the opposite direction from where Knappy had vanished. They too were gone in an instant. Last to leave was Liev, he smiled and blew a disturbing kiss to Jason before putting his hands in his tight pockets and strolling off in a third direction. Jason was mad at himself for watching Liev’s backside, aware the punk was commando from the contours of his jeans.

  Why does he turn me on? Jason wondered what was wrong with him to have such thoughts.

  Tanya silently went to Kelly’s side and held her. The shock wearing thin, Kelly broke down and cried. The young militant police officers surveyed the two darkly as they approached.

  The surreal, dreamlike, scene had ended and Jason exhaled. He could not believe he had been so tense. In fact, he had been holding his breath the whole time. Able to move again, he grabbed the tray of leftovers and trashed it in a nearby garbage can. He caught the scrutiny of one of the cops and thought of saying something. Seeing the cops expressions, he knew to them it did not matter.

  They are no different than the jock bullies I know so well. Except for one major exception, these bullies have badges and a guns.

  Tanya embraced Kelly harder, patting her back while the officers passed.

  The first officer nudged his partner and said under his breath, “Fucking dykes everywhere.”

  “Thank God we will be off this beat soon,” the other whispered back.

  Kelly sniffled trying to stop the tears that flowed like a leaky faucet. Tanya comforted her oblivious to the slight from the cops.

  Jason interrupted softly, “We need to go and find a safe place.”

  I hope there is such a place out here on the streets.

  Bad Boy Adam


  The trio of Jason, Kelly, and Tanya moved in a pack. Back down the way they had come, along Westheimer Street, they toted their belongings. Jason was on his skateboard enjoying the sound of the tires on the pavement, something to soothe him after the encounter. Assorted street people seemed to be staring at them from the shadows in a malicious manner. Jason skated fast weaving the nose of the board with ease. Passing by, he noticed that Kelly was visibly shaken.

  Kelly stuttered, “We shouldn’t have come here.”

  “I’m here, it’ll be alright,” Tanya said.

  Jason turned his board around to speak. “We should go back, somewhere with people around.”

  “Where, Jason? Where the hell, do you want us to go? We have been walking out here all day,” Tanya said seemingly back to her usual self.

  “I’ll figure it out, dammit.” Jason twisted and pumped his foot on the concrete racing ahead, careful not to go too far.

  Kelly said in a tired, faraway, voice, “I just want to sit down.”

  Jason spun the board back again, skating in another circle, and watched them from up the street. A rock popped out from one of his tires and skipped on the concrete into the night. Kelly and Tanya subconsciously walked closer together. Sighing, he shook his head and circled back again. Thoughts raced in his mind preoccupying his senses. The gang of punks had vanished into the night, but they had to be somewhere.

  Hell, they are probably watching us now.

  A warning signaled in Jason’s chest. It felt like a hollow hurt deep within. He knew it was a bad idea to go somewhere off the strip. And there was no way he was going to sit down on the curb like he feared his friends would do at any moment. He was about to speak up about his anxiety when he heard the catcall whistle again. It was the same one he had heard when they had entered the Montrose. That one was from a young scruffy hustler.

  Is he following us or is it someone else?

  Jason stopped skating and kicked his board to his hand to listen. A car passed followed by silence. The girls kept walking. Jason let them pass him and watched the shady sides of the street. He flinched when the whistle eerily rang out again much closer. Kelly and Tanya stopped, so he knew they had heard it too. Preoccupied with the source of the sound, Jason almost jumped out of his skin at the rumble of an engine. He turned, the fear fading, and smiled with relief. Adam had pulled up beside them in the 1968 Mustang, the same tan muscle car he last saw John and him driving away from the park in suburbia.

  Adam leaned a muscled arm out the driver’s side window exuding heat in a shirt with the sleeves ripped off. “Ge
t in,” he demanded.

  “Where are you going?” Jason stepped up to the car.

  “Does it matter?” Adam casts a spell with his hazel cat-like eyes.

  “No, I guess not.” Jason turned to his friends with a ‘what do you think’ look and puppy dog eyes.

  Kelly took him by surprise and spoke up. “No, we should find a place on our own.”

  “Where, honey?” Tanya crossed her arms apparently not liking where they were or Adam.

  Kelly shrugged strangely, still reeling from their encounter at the Taco Shack.

  “We can’t stay out here.” Tanya’s eyes made it clear that the street was the worse choice.

  “I don’t know, I guess,” Kelly tittered.

  “Let’s go with Adam already.” Jason wanted nothing more than to get in the car at that moment. It is safe with him.

  “Hurry up and get in. I know a place.” Adam seemed in control; although his eyes betrayed him as he looked around to see if anyone else was watching.

  Jason took a last look for the whistler. Seeing no one, he quickly rounded to the passenger side. Once there, he opened the door, pulled up the leather seat, and motioned for the girls to get in. Tanya led Kelly around and carefully pushed her into the back of the Mustang. Jason clicked the seat back barely missing Tanya’s leg. She gave him a dirty look which he happily ignored. He set his skateboard on the floor by his feet and turned his full attention to Adam. There was so much he wanted to say.

  God, if only we were alone. Then maybe, I could get that kiss or something else.

  Adam, looked at Jason sideways, and clicked on the radio. The music was soft, setting a backdrop of melancholy Joy Division’s Love will Tear Us Apart to the drive. Adam checked the mirror and drove away from the mysterious whistler leaving the stranger somewhere out there in the night. Almost immediately, he cut the wheel taking the Mustang off the strip to the different feel of the neighborhood.

  “Where are we going?” Jason asked again just to talk.

  “I know a place where we can crash. It’s not far. Trust me.” Adam winked and eyed the mirror to see if the girls were looking.

  Jason grinned and said, “Alright, I’m game.”

  “That you are,” Adam said monotone.

  Jason wondered what he meant and pondered it. Is he or isn’t he? Adam is driving me crazy.

  The Mustang cruised deeper into the subdivision. The houses were older, some were rundown, others only partially repaired. It was unlike suburbia in every way. Time had left its mark as the history was there with the grime. The night teemed with the occasionally sorted after dark life. Other lost souls checked out the car as it passed with untrusting eyes.

  Adam turned a sharp corner knocking the girls into each other’s lap in the backseat. Jason gripped the dash, a smile widening with the thrill. Stealthily, he pulled the Mustang into a quiet spot behind a dilapidated apartment complex that was boarded up. “This is the place I was talking about.”

  Tanya was perplexed. “A parking lot?”

  “Nobody will mess with us here.” Adam let the car idle.

  “It will be fine. He knows his way around.” Jason wanted to mark his approval in Adam’s eyes.

  Tanya turned the conversation to the point. “How did you find us?”

  Kelly’s eyes widened. “Yeah, it is sort of random that you drove up the way you did.”

  Adam watched them in the mirror, not turning around. “I was cruising down the strip and saw y’all get into a scene at the Taco Shack. You know, you shouldn’t be out here at night.”

  “You saw us?” Jason was surprised. He had been so excited to see Adam that he had not thought of how convenient it was.

  “The three of you aren’t hard to miss out here.”

  “I guess so.” Jason was uncertain.

  “Thanks for picking us up, but maybe we should stay somewhere else,” Kelly said.

  Tanya grabbed Kelly’s shoulder subtly reeling her back. “Come on, Kelly, I’m tired too and at least we can get some sleep.”

  “I don’t like…, Kelly whispered in Tanya’s ear.

  “No, listen…,” Tanya whispered back.

  “Till morning then,” Kelly said giving in.

  “Trust me, this is better.” Tanya dug into her bag finding some long sleeved shirts to use as makeshift blankets.

  Jason moved his skateboard with his foot and tried to relax. I’m glad that is settled, although it would be so much better to be alone with him. “Thanks for helping us out, Adam.” Jason wanted to know more, but was not sure how to proceed.

  “No problem.” Adam adjusted his crotch, shifting in the seat to get more comfortable.

  Jason could not control his eyes and looked Adam over. Liking the attention, Adam raised his eyebrows and leaned back clicking off the ignition. The hum of crickets and night birds filled the dead air. Jason swallowed then leaned back himself trying to look as cool. He was too self-conscious to manage it, a fallen rebel in his own mind.

  “This is John’s car.” Tanya touched the Mustang’s interior delicately with her fingers trailing across the underside of the fuzzy roof. “Where is he?”

  At the unexpected question, Adam swallowed and shifted back upright in his seat. “CJ got himself into some trouble.”

  “Don’t call him that,” Tanya sternly said.

  Kelly interrupted, “Why? I thought you were mad at him.”

  “I am, but I don’t hate him.” Tanya seemed conflicted.

  Jason wondered if she would really have the abortion. He sensed her weak interior for the second time that day; the first was on the train trellis. All of her tough words are a cover.

  Kelly sighed from the backseat. “John is always in some kind of trouble.”

  “Yeah, but this is his car.” Tanya let her hand drop.

  Jason sensed the danger in the air, magnetic he could almost taste it. “What did John do?”

  Adam bit his lower lip and said, “We were tripping and John… well John just opened his dumb mouth again.”

  Images from the newspaper clippings crossed Jason’s mind. John was not in any of the pictures, but Liev is a dealer and John has a habit. “You know who those punks are, the ones we had a run in with back there at the Taco Shack,” Jason stated knowing there was no question about it.

  “Wait a minute, you know them. Those freaks are crazy.” Kelly was tense and ready to leave again.

  “Yeah, those punks attacked us,” Tanya said. She was too tired and worn out to follow the hints, from Kelly’s roving eyes, to get out of the car.

  Adam said, “Hear me out. This is a different world out here. It is a lot smaller than it seems. You have to make alliances, not enemies.”

  “There was also a guy in a trench coat with a stun gun mumbling a bunch of crazy shit.” Tanya had her hand on the door handle just in case Kelly was right.

  “And a skinhead with a teardrop tattoo.” Jason was not ready to mention the bathroom encounter with Liev, but he did want to hear what Adam had to say.

  “Liev and Syd weren’t always that messed up, not like they are now. People change out here.”

  How does Adam fit in with the gang? None of it makes much sense, or I just don’t want it to.

  Jason nodded to the girls in the back to stay put. More so to Kelly, even though she looked sleepy like she was going to pass out soon. He turned back to face Adam, feeling strong in the moment. “Tell us what happened with John and these punks y’all hang out with.”

  “It’s a long story,” Adam said in a defeated way.

  “We have all night, in this car.” Jason was ready to be transported to Adam’s world to be a part of the outlaws, the ones from the cutouts, by the osmosis of the story.

  Adam thought about it as he scanned all of their faces. He stopped on Jason’s with a second of hesitation and gripped the steering wheel tightly. “Alright, I will tell how it went down. John and I were in this house on Dolphin Street partying with the gang: the punks that roughed you up a
re Hex and Syd, then there’s Liev, who’s not really a skinhead by the way, and Knappy in his long coat. Oh, and a big quiet guy called Hound.”

  Adam's Tale

  Adam sat on a filthy couch in a flophouse. It was an abandoned home where street punks could crash or party. The gloom was slightly abated by candlelight from overly snubbed, long burned, candles. They did not match in color or size and were lit all along the worn floor in no discernable order. Next to Adam sat John sporting his bruises and scrapes from the rake. Across, on another dirty sofa were Hex and Syd.

  All four of them faced each other as they reached out and grabbed a blotter of acid from Knappy’s upright palm. Adam was excited. No matter how long he had been on the streets it was a thrill to trip. He felt as if the room spun around in anticipation of the escape. Amidst the flophouse debris sitting on the ragged couches, each of them returned their hand to their mouth to let the trip begin.

  John spoke up ruining the moment with his insecurity, “So are we cool now?”

  Knappy glared at John barely tolerating him. Automatically, he reached inside his coat and left his hand there unseen. “Cool enough for me to let you stay… mofo… after the other day.”

  John seemed happy like a dog about to get a treat. “You won’t regret it, Knappy.”

  “How fast will it hit?” Adam only wanted to get on with it.

  “I can’t believe….” Knappy laughed slowly at first and said, “You’ll know, little guy, when it hits.” The laughter became maniacal.

  “Right on.” Adam leaned back watching the motley crew.

  “I taste metal.” Hex stuck out her tongue.

  Syd smiled at Hex, leaned to her and they touched tongues. “Me too, it’s like licking tin foil. This is fierce!”

  Knappy pulled his hand out of his coat brandishing a short sword with admiration. “Look at this metal.”

  Adam licked his gums. “It tastes like pennies.”

  Hex opened her eyes wide. “So, is that what they are paying you with now?”

  Adam could not think of a witty comeback, so he smiled and said, “Fuck off.”

  John was oblivious to the mood in the room, or rather in general to all subtle and not so subtle hints regarding his presence, and opened his mouth. “Why do they call you Syd?”


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