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Gaspar the Gaucho: A Story of the Gran Chaco

Page 6

by Mayne Reid



  Could the hunter-naturalist but know what has really occurred in theTovas tribe, and the nature of the party now approaching, he would notstay an instant longer on the banks of that branch stream; instead,hasten back home with his child fast as their animals could carry them,and once at the estancia, make all haste to get away from it, takingevery member of his family along with him. But he has no idea thatanything has happened hostile to him or his, nor does he as yet see thetroop of travellers, whose merry voices are making the woods ring aroundthem: for, on the moment of his first hearing them, they were at a gooddistance, and are some considerable time before coming in sight. Atfirst, he had no thought of retreating, nor making any effort to placehimself and his child in concealment. And for two reasons: one, becauseever since taking up his abode in the Chaco, under the protection ofNaraguana, he has enjoyed perfect security, as also the consciousness ofit. Therefore, why should he be alarmed now? As a second reason forhis not feeling so, an encounter with men, in the mood of those to whomhe is listening, could hardly be deemed dangerous. It may be but theTovas chief and his people, on return to the town they had abandoned;and, in all likelihood, it is they. So, for a time, thinks he.

  But, again, it may not be; and if any other Indians--if a band ofAnguite, or Guaycurus, both at enmity with the Tovas--then would they bealso enemies to him, and his position one of great peril. And now oncemore reflecting on the sudden, as unexplained, disappearance of thelatter from their old place of residence--to say the least, a matter ofmuch mystery--bethinking himself, also, that he is quite _twenty_ milesfrom his estancia, and for any chances of retreat, or shifts for safety,worse off than if he were alone, he at length, and very naturally, feelsan apprehension stealing over him. Indeed, not stealing, nor comingupon him slowly, but fast gathering, and in full force. At all events,as he knows nothing of who or what the people approaching may be, it isan encounter that should, if possible, be avoided. Prudence socounsels, and it is but a question how this can best be done. Will theyturn heads round, and go galloping back? Or ride in among the bushes,and there remain under cover till the Indians have passed? If theseshould prove to be Tovas, they could discover themselves and join them;if not, then take the chances of travelling behind them, and gettingback home unobserved.

  The former course he is most inclined to; but glancing up the bank, forhe is still on the water's edge, he sees that the sloping path he haddescended, and by which he must return, is exposed to view from theopposite side of the stream, to a distance of some two hundred yards.To reach the summit of the slope, and get under cover of the treescrowning it, would take some time. True, only a minute or two; but thatmay be more than he can spare, since the voices seem now very near, andthose he would shun must show themselves almost immediately. And to beseen retreating would serve no good purpose; instead, do him a damage,by challenging the hostility of the Indians, if they be not Tovas. Evenso, were he alone, well-horsed as he believes himself to be--and inreality is--he would risk the attempt, and, like enough, reach hisestancia in safety. But encumbered with Francesca on her diminutivesteed, he knows they would have no chance in a chase across the _pampa_,with the red Centaurs pursuing. Therefore, not for an instant, or onlyone, entertains he thought of flight. In a second he sees it would notavail them, and decides on the other alternative--concealment. He hasalready made a hasty inspection of the ground near by, and sees,commencing at no great distance off, and running along the water's edge,a grove of _sumac_ trees which, with their parasites and other plantstwining around their stems and branches, form a complete labyrinth ofleaves. The very shelter he is in search of; and heading his horsetowards it, at the same time telling Francesca to follow, he rides in bythe first opening that offers. Fortunately he has struck upon a _tapir_path, which makes it easier for them to pass through the underwood, andthey are soon, with their horses, well screened from view. Perhaps,better would it have been for them had they continued on, without makingany stop, though not certain this, for it might have been all one in theend. As it is, still in doubt, half under the belief that he may beretreating from an imaginary danger--running away from friends insteadof foes--as soon as well within the thicket, Halberger reins up again,at a point where he commands a view of the ford as it enters on theopposite side of the stream. A little glade gives room for the twoanimals to stand side by side, and drawing Francesca's pony close up tohis saddle-flap, he cautions her to keep it there steadily, as also tobe silent herself. The girl needs not such admonition. No simple childshe, accustomed only to the safe ways of cities and civilised life; butone knowing a great deal of that which is savage; and young though sheis, having experienced trials, vicissitudes and dangers. That there isdanger impending over them now, or the possibility of it, she is quiteas conscious as her father, and equally observant of caution; therefore,she holds her pony well in hand, patting it on the neck to keep itquiet.

  They have not long to stay before seeing what they half expected tosee--a party of Indians. Just as they have got well fixed in place,with some leafy branches in front forming a screen over their faces, atthe same time giving them an aperture to peep through, the duskycavalcade shows its foremost files issuing out from the bushes on theopposite side of the stream. Though still distant--at least, a quarterof a mile--both father and daughter can perceive that they are Indians;mounted, as a matter of course, for they could not and did not, expectso see such afoot in the Chaco. But Francesca's eyes are sharpersighted than those of her father, and at the first glance she makes outmore--not only that it is a party of Indians, but these of the Tovastribe. The feathered _manta_ of the young chief, with its bright gaudysheen, has caught her eye, and she knows whose shoulders it should becovering.

  "Yes, father," she says, in whisper, as soon as sighting it. "They arethe Tovas! See yonder! one of the two leading--that's Aguara."

  "Oh! then, we've nothing to fear," rejoins her father, with a feeling ofrelief. "So, Francesca, we may as well ride back out and meet them. Isuppose it is, as I've been conjecturing; the tribe is returning to itsold quarters. I wonder where they've been, and why so long away. Butwe shall now learn all about it. And we'll have their company with us,as far as their _talderia_; possibly all the way home, as, like enough,Naraguana will come on with us to the estancia. In either case--ha!what's that. As I live, a white man riding alongside Aguara! Who can_he_ be?"

  Up to this, Halberger has neither touched his horse nor stirred a step;no more she, both keeping to the spot they had chosen for observation.And both now alike eagerly scan the face of the man, supposed to bewhite.

  Again the eyes of the child, or her instincts, are keener and quickerthan those of the parent; or, at all events, she is the first to speak,announcing a recognition.

  "Oh, papa!" she exclaims, still in whispers, "it's that horrid man whoused to come to our house at Assuncion--him mamma so much disliked--theSenor Rufino."

  "Hish!" mutters the father, interrupting both with speech and gesture;then adds, "keep tight hold of the reins; don't let the pony budge aninch!"

  Well may he thus caution, for what he now sees is that he has goodreason to fear; a man he knows to be his bitter enemy--one who, duringthe years of his residence in Paraguay, had repeatedly been the cause oftrouble to him, and done many acts of injury and insult--the last andlatest offered to his young wife. For it was Rufino Valdez who had beenemployed by the Dictator previously to approach her on his behalf.

  And now Ludwig Halberger beholds the base villain in company with theTovas Indians--his own friends, as he had every reason to suppose them--riding side by side with the son of their chief! What can it mean?

  Halberger's first thought is that Valdez may be their prisoner; for he,of course, knows of the hostility existing between them and theParaguayans, and remembers that, in his last interview with Naraguana,the aged cacique was bitter as ever against the Paraguayan people. Butno; there is not the
slightest sign of the white man being guarded,bound, or escorted. Instead, he is riding unconstrained, side by sidewith the young Tovas chief, evidently in amicable relations--the twoengaged in a conversation to all appearance of the most confidentialkind!

  Again Halberger asks, speaking within himself, what it can mean? andagain reflecting endeavours to fathom the mystery: for so that strangejuxtaposition appears to him. Can it be that the interrupted treaty ofpeace has been renewed, and friendship re-established between Naraguanaand the Paraguayan Dictator? Even now, Valdez may be on a visit to theTovas tribe on that very errand--a commissioner to arrange new terms ofintercourse and amity? It certainly appears as if something of the kindhad occurred. And what the Prussian now sees, taken in connection withthe abandonment of the village alike matter of mystery--leads him tomore than half-suspect there has. For again comes up the question, whyshould the Tovas chief have gone off without giving him warning? Sosuddenly, and not a word! Surely does it seem as if there has beenfriendship betrayed, and Naraguana's protection withdrawn. If so, itwill go hard with him, Halberger; for well knows he, that in such atreaty there would be little chance of his being made an object ofspecial amnesty. Instead, one of its essential claims would sure be,the surrendering up himself and his family. But would Naraguana be sobase? No; he cannot believe it, and this is why he is as much surprisedas puzzled at seeing Valdez when he now sees him.

  In any case things have a forbidding look, and the man's presence therebodes no good to him. More like the greatest evil; for it may be deathitself. Even while sitting upon his horse, with these reflectionsrunning through his mind--which they do, not as related, but with therapidity of thought itself--he feels a presentiment of that very thing.Nay, something more than a presentiment, something worse--almost thecertainty that his life is near its end! For as the complete Indiancohort files forth from among the bushes, and he takes note of how it iscomposed--above all observing the very friendly relations between Valdezand the young chief--he knows it must affect himself to the full dangerof his life. Vividly remembers he the enmity of Francia's _familiar_,too deep and dire to have been given up or forgotten. He remembers,too, of Valdez being noted as a skilled _rastrero_, or guide--hisreputed profession. Against such a one the step he has taken to concealhimself is little likely to serve him. Are not the tracks of his horse,with those of the pony, imprinted in the soft mud by the water's edgewhere they had halted? These will not be passed over by the Indians, orValdez, without being seen and considered. Quite recent too! They mustbe observed, and as sure will they be followed up to where he and hischild are in hiding. A pity he has not continued along the _tapir_path, still further and far away! Alas! too late now; the delay may befatal.

  In a very agony of apprehension thus reflecting, Ludwig Halberger withshoulders stooped over his saddle-bow and head bent in among thebranches, watches the Indian cavalcade approaching the stream's bank;the nearer it comes, the more certain he that himself and his child arein deadliest danger.


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