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Hot CEO: An Enemies to Lovers Romance

Page 30

by Charlize Starr

  “I have my stepmom and my dad. There're friends. I’ve been okay, for the most part,” I assured him as I walked towards him.

  “Now I’m here, and I am never leaving you two.” His voice was confident, and I tilted my head.

  “You’re not out of football, Justin.”

  “We’ll be together no matter what happens. Here, there or anywhere you want. I am happy with you,” Justin bent his head down and pressed a kiss to my lips. My body instantly reacted, well-aware that my hormones were going to get what they desperately needed. “Let’s go.”

  He drove my car home and peppered me with questions as I tried my best to answer them. Pregnancy brain made it difficult to remember all of the details that he wanted to hear though I tried my best. Justin hung on every word I said with a look of amazement on his face, and he parked the car when we arrived at my new condo. “Nice place.”

  “It’s cute. There're two rooms, so I’ll be all set when she gets here.” I watched him unlock the door and enter with a long look at the living room. “My folks are close by.”

  “Good. That’s good.” He said as I dropped my purse on the table and stepped towards him as need throbbed between my legs.

  “There’s something about pregnancy that you need to know,” my voice was low, and he stared at me as I slipped my arms around his neck.

  “What’s that?”

  “I’ve never been so horny.” A look of anger crossed his face, and I shook my head before I gave him a soft kiss. “I haven’t been with anybody. I can’t feel anything for anyone like I do for you. Now that you’re here, I am going to jump you like a teenage girl, though.”

  He kissed me hard and our teeth crashed together as we worked out our passion and started making out against the wall. It was everything that I remembered and more, and Justin stroked my hair before he lowered his hand to my ass and tried to lift me. “Baby, I’m heavy. You’re not carrying me with one arm.”

  “Fine. Where’s your bedroom?” I laughed and showed him before I went to use the bathroom again. I stared into the mirror and hoped that I looked good since I wasn’t feeling very sexy as a pregnant woman. I pushed the insecurity aside and undressed out of my work clothes before I freshened up.

  I found a dress that I sometimes wore alone to sleep in that accented my curves and displayed my expanding cleavage. It wasn’t sexy lingerie by any means, but I thought Justin would enjoy it. It was a dark plum and clingy to my body, and it hung to my mid-thighs. I left off any underwear and ran my fingers through my hair before I walked into the bedroom. Justin was sitting on the bed wearing his jeans unbuttoned, and I took him in with a hungry gaze. He was gorgeous, and I knew that he was all mine. He looked at me and his eyes darkened before he looked down my body with the gaze of a starving man. “Fuck me. You’re stunning.”

  “I’ve grown,” I teased him as I cupped my breasts and his mouth hung open.

  “I noticed that first,” Justin stood up and walked over to me as he took me in. He cupped my face to kiss me, and I got lost in it before he slid his hand down to take mine. “I’m limited for a while.”

  “I don’t care. You’re here.” We made our way to the bed, and he lay on his back as I removed his jeans and bent over him to taste his hard cock. I’d missed my chance before, and he sucked his breath in as I slid up and down his shaft.

  “Jesus, Jen. That feels so fucking good.” I moved faster, and he was stopping me before too long as his hand crept between my legs. “I am coming inside of you tonight, every time. I’ve missed your sweet pussy.” His finger found my needy clit, and I moved against his hand as I felt the pressure in my body building. I knew that it wouldn’t take much, and he found a rhythm that had me crying out his name within a few moments as I got the orgasm that I’d been craving for months. “Oh, God. I love how you come for me.” I nodded weakly and looked into his eyes as a moan escaped my lips. “Take that off. I want to see you.”

  I shimmied the nightgown over my head, and Justin slipped his hand up to cup my round breast with the extended nipple. “Holy shit. They’re beautiful.” I smiled and moved over his body as he stared into my eyes. “I can’t wait to fuck you properly.”

  “Plenty of time for that,” I assured him as I leaned over his face and he took one if my nipples into his mouth. He sucked and nibbled as I rode his cock that was pressed under my wet center and felt him harden. “I think I can work some magic this way.”

  “I wanted to see you riding me. There were going to be so many more times, Jen.” His eyes filled with emotion as I nodded and remembered the day that I left him. “I’ve never felt that broken before about anything except for sports. I was used to not caring for people too much, but I fell for you so fast.”

  I lifted up and felt his head prodding my entrance before I slid over him and moaned. He filled me so completely, and Justin let out a sigh before he started to suck on my other nipple. Our lovemaking was different this time, but I was willing to get him anyway that I could before I was able to take care of him again, to heal him.

  We made love like that twice before we lay and talked about everything naked in bed. There were so many words that needed to be said and so many emotions that had to be freed so we could move into something new. I felt so good as we laughed and even cried while we worked out everything that had gone wrong.

  After that, I used ice on his injury and rubbed the rest of his body before he felt the need to give me another glorious release. He fed me before too long, assuring me that the baby needed food and even started planning a menu for me. It was ridiculous, and I loved him all the more for it.

  The next day, I took him to meet Dad and Rosie, and we explained the situation. I could tell that Dad knew his reputation by the way his eyes flashed at the name, but we talked to him. He could see that Justin loved the baby and me and intended to stick around. We ended up going out to dinner where Justin had them laughing with some football stories. I knew how much he missed it, but he seemed content here. He got to meet my team, and they all took on their protective stance and pissed him off until they felt like he was the real deal.

  Justin couldn't believe that none of them had hit on me as blatantly as he did when I was his therapist. I just laughed, because nobody could ever be like Justin McLeod.

  He stayed with me in Boston until he went back to his doctor at home. I managed to get away that weekend, and we both cried when they suggested surgery, which he agreed to.

  Justin was healed up by the time Melody Claire McLeod was born and we both cried right along with her as she was born. My parents were there; Coach Michaels showed up, and even some of Justin’s closest friends were waiting outside to see her. Everyone embraced the new Justin, and I fell more in love with him every day.

  He was going back to football, and I easily agreed to join him back in Philadelphia as his fiancée and a stay at home mother to our daughter this time. We were going to get married soon and start our new life in full, and I couldn’t wait. I was so glad that we got our second chance.



  Daddy's Billionaire Friend


  I know it‘s taboo and wrong.

  But I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.

  He‘s daddy’s business partner and best friend, for Christ’s sake. He’s much too old for me.

  But I’m a virgin. My body craves him like breath or water.

  I should save myself for someone that I have a future with. But I need to come.

  And when he shows his dominant side, he has me.

  But what will he say when I tell him what we’ve made? A baby!

  Chapter One - Alyssa

  I looked outside at the sun shining and clicked the button to buy plane tickets. I’m going to see Dad for Christmas. I’d been living in San Diego for about a year now following graduation, working at a great graphic design office. I could’ve easily gotten a similar job back in New York, but I’d been desperate to get out of there.
When I saw this job opening in California, it was just too good to resist. It was a great opportunity for me, though I felt bad being away after Mom’s car accident.

  Perhaps her death was why I wanted to leave. Losing her three years ago had devastated Dad and me. I had been so much closer to Mom than to Dad and I just wanted to get away from all of the memories. Moving here and looking at the beach in La Jolla every day from my apartment had been the perfect change.

  It was Christmas though, and time for my annual visit.

  I stood and stretched, arching my back and looked out of my window. Everything was beautiful here, including the people and there were times that I didn’t feel like I fit in. I wasn’t skinny and blonde like the girls on the beaches and in the shopping malls. I took after my mother, with thick curves. I had caramel colored curls that framed my face and Dad’s big brown eyes. I didn’t stand out here at all apart from being a reliable worker at my firm, which I was proud of. I wanted to go home and make Dad feel proud of me as well. He might appreciate my work ethic since he was always such a hard worker, spending more time at his law firm than at home. Once Mom died, he put in several more hours per week and was rarely home.

  It was no wonder that I accepted this job. I hated being by myself in the big house, where everything reminded me of Mom.

  I had a couple of weeks left before I had to leave for the holiday. I spent most of my time at the office. It was one of my favorite places, motivating me to do better in life. The thought of going home and celebrating another Christmas without Mom was daunting, even though my aunts, uncles, cousins, and some of my friends would be there.

  I’d find a way through it, though. Maybe I’d find a connection with Dad again.

  I dug into the back of my closet the night before my flight. I hadn’t worn winter clothes for a year now, and it felt weird to fold the sweaters and jeans before I tucked them into my suitcase. I chose a pair of yoga pants for the flight with a button up flannel that I could slip off if I got too hot. I went through security and sat down. I enjoyed a coffee while I waited to board and watched everyone coming and going. I loved watching people.

  Once I was seated in coach, I waited until we were in the air before I pulled out my Kindle to pass the time. I knew that I would doze off at some point, but the coffee was still keeping my eyes open. I was reading a saucy story about the handsome alpha male and the shy girl. The torrid descriptions made me shift in my seat, realizing that I’d never had any of this in my life. Sure, there were a few guys in high school and college that I’d fooled around with, but it was all casual and never with this kind of heat. I wondered what it would be like to be with such a dominant man for a moment and my thighs clenched. I laughed softly to myself and realized that life really wasn’t like in the books and movies, at least not mine.

  I did fall asleep for a while, cramped and bored in the small space, waking up a few times when kids were crying. Sleeping passed the time even if it was interrupted and restless. Once we landed, I was groggy, but I could hardly wait to get out and walk again. I knew that Dad would send a car for me since he trusted his driver Charles a lot more than he did any cabbie. I walked to the baggage claim to pick up my dark green suitcase and walked out of the front doors to see a black town car with a familiar man standing by the back door. “Charles,” I greeted him. He smiled and hugged me. I’d known him for years since Dad was never a fan of driving himself. In the city, it was a chaos of traffic and pedestrians and only for the brave.

  I always wondered why Mom insisted on driving her blue Tahoe all over the place. Perhaps it was a little bit of me-time, something that ended on the Long Island Expressway one afternoon when she was returning from lunch with friends. Dad had become stricter from that day on, insisting that Charles drives me everywhere.

  When I moved to San Diego, I insisted on driving my silver Range Rover all the way to California because I’d need it there. Dad was livid about it, but I was eighteen, and he couldn’t stop me, even though I knew it broke his heart. Losing the love of his life had been life-altering for him, and I felt sorry for him, but I couldn’t let fear dominate my own life. Mom’s accident had just been the result of horrible timing combined with a bad driver, something that could happen to anybody. Mom had never lived in fear. She loved her life, even if it had been too short.

  Charles got me settled in the back of the car before he headed to Dad’s house, making me smile when I saw a bag of cookies from my favorite bakery as well as a tall cup of coffee. Sometimes, I realized that Dad’s staff members were more like family to me than Dad was. They were also warmer towards me. “Thank you,” I said to Charles while breaking off a piece of the soft chocolate chip cookie.

  “Not a problem,” Charles said back to me as I leaned back and smiled. I could do this.

  Chapter Two - Alyssa

  Charles parked in the driveway, and I glanced out of the window to see the classic brick house, spacious and beautiful. I never understood why they had built an eight thousand square foot home when they had just one child, but Mom was still able to make every single room homey and warm. It amazed me. Charles got my door and suitcase, and I looked at his wrinkled face and twinkling blue eyes. I knew he was paid well, but I sometimes felt sorry for him having to always be there at Dad’s every beck and call.

  We walked into the house, and while Charles headed to my room with the bags, I walked to the kitchen to greet Sherry, our chef. She took over when Mom passed away. Cooking had been another thing that Mom loved to do. Sherry was sweet enough to use Mom’s recipes often, though I don’t think that Dad had ever noticed it as much as I had.

  “Hi, sweetie,” Sherry turned from the stove to greet me with a smile. She was a pretty brunette in her late fifties.

  “Hey there. How are things around here?” I asked her.

  “Well, I feel like I cook for a ghost most of the time. Your father is always working, as usual. I look forward to your company,” Sherry told me and shook her head. “How long are you home for?”

  “Two weeks,” I replied as she nodded and walked over to give me a hug.

  “We’ll make it special,” she said. I took a seat at the long breakfast bar that overlooked the kitchen. “I’m making beef stew with barley for dinner tonight since I think your father’s partner is coming over this evening. It’s for business purposes, but the man does need to eat.”

  Nathan Moore was Dad’s partner and a handsome man in his late forties. I’d always had a secret crush on him, but he was married for most of the time I’d known him. But even if he hadn’t been married, Nathan was so much older than I was that it was crazy to think of him as a potential lover.

  “Yeah, Dad doesn’t eat enough,” I agreed after a moment and smiled. “Beef stew sounds good.”

  I helped Sherry with the Christmas tree. Her husband had gotten it set up near the front window and she wanted me to decorate it. We ended up doing it together while I told her the same stories about the ornaments that I had every year since she’d come here. Some of the ornaments Mom had bought during her travels, others she had bought as part of a new theme that she would try every few years. I loved to mix them up and add in the ones that Grandma gave me every year for Christmas before she passed away.

  Decorating the tree took all afternoon, and I went up to my room to change into some black slacks and a purple cashmere sweater for dinner. Dad didn’t appreciate yoga pants being worn when company was over. I didn’t either, knowing how much they accented my full figure.

  I helped Sherry set the table for dinner and everything was ready when we heard the garage door. I looked up with a smile when Dad led Nathan inside, talking about a court case as could be expected. He saw me and smiled briefly before he went into his office to put his briefcase away. Nathan leaned against the kitchen counter, and I felt his eyes roving over me while I looked at the floor and blushed, plagued by my earlier thoughts. “It looks like California is treating you well, Alyssa.”

  I looked at him, apprecia
ting his smooth face and intense blue eyes. My word, Nathan was working out these days. I could see his muscles bulging under his white shirt. His tie was hanging loose. He was more relaxed than Dad in some ways, but I sensed a deep strength inside of him as I smiled. “Yes, it’s a great firm and La Jolla is lovely.”

  “Indeed, it is. I have a sister living over there that I visit frequently. Maybe next time we can have dinner together,” Nathan suggested, and I nodded as our eyes locked for a second. I felt heat pass through my veins and licked my lips as I grabbed onto the counter behind me.

  “That would be wonderful,” I told him as Dad came back into the kitchen and Sherry started ladling the soup into big bowls for everyone. She’d made a hearty salad to go with it as well as thick, crusty bread. I sat across from Nathan and next to Dad. They talked about a new case that sounded complicated. I felt out of place. I took small bites of the soup and let my gaze rest on Nathan from time to time. His tie was gone now, and he seemed to relax a little while he ate and sipped the wine that was poured for dinner. Dad’s was still on as if he was still at work.

  I thought about Mom and how different she was from Dad while my eyes grazed over Nathan. Seeing his left-hand bare made my heart pound in my chest. He was single now? Not that it mattered of course, but when his eyes met mine with intensity for just a second I almost believed that it did. I focused on my food that was delicious, taking faster bites of the soup and tearing the bread apart to dip it into the bowl. There was something in this room now, and I didn’t know what to do with it. I glanced at Dad to see if he was picking up on it, but he was so wrapped up in the conversation that he didn’t even feel my gaze.


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