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The Oh Oh Ohhhhhh Christmas

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by Rena Ballard

  The Oh Oh Ohhhhhh Christmas


  Rena Ballard

  Kindle Edition

  All Rights Reserved

  Copyright © 2012 by Rena Ballard

  Table of Contents

  Copyright - The Oh Oh Ohhhhhh Christmas. 3

  About Author. 4

  The Oh Oh Ohhhhhh Christmas. 5

  Bonus Section, Get More Erotica to Read For Free!. 17

  More Recommended Erotic Stories. 18

  Copyright - The Oh Oh Ohhhhhh Christmas

  <<< WARNING >>>

  This is a work of erotic fiction and contains graphic depictions of sex, which may offend some audiences. This book is meant for MATURE AUDIENCES AGED OF 18 OR OLDER (or whatever the local laws are in your area).

  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author and all incidents are pure invention.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only and may not be re-sold or given away to other people. All rights reserved, except may be used for the purpose of review.

  About Author

  Hey readers,

  I love to write sex stories and I write them all the time. If you want romantic girly sexy stories then this is the right place!

  I write male to female consensual stories where my priorities are the build up of more character development to make them more meaningful; oh, and of course it has sex!

  If you would like to see more of my naughty works then please keep stopping by!

  - Rena Ballard


  The Oh OhOhhhhhh Christmas

  Allison frosted her famously delicious Christmas sugar cookies in her parents’ small kitchen while reflecting on how she met David, her boyfriend of three years.

  She gazed out the window and remembered that it was a night like this with the snow dusting everything in sight. Killer, Allison’s rambunctious cat, could not be found. Allison called and called out for her four-legged friend. Finally, she heard a faint meow coming from the alley. There, Allison found her poor Killer lying in the street with snow covering his frail body. Thinking fast, Allison raced Killer to the nearest emergency vet. She burst through the sliding door, hoping the emergency shelter was still open, and stopped dead in her tracks. David was the veterinarian working that Christmas Eve. Her heart skipped a beat when she gazed into his piercing dark blue eyes surrounded by long eyelashes and messy black hair framing his face. He was wearing a white cardigan jacket, blue scrub pants, and a stethoscope around his neck. Killer reminded her that he was in need of attention by mercifully meowing.

  Allison stumbled towards David with weak Killer in her arms. Her tearful, green, pleading eyes never left his. She held Killer up to David and burst into tears saying, “Killer got hit by a car!”

  Used to exotic names for beloved pets, David gently took Killer from her arms and took him to the back to take x-rays. Two other workers on staff that night calmly wrote down Allison’s general information and asked her a few questions about Killer. There was no one else in the building that Christmas Eve besides Allison, the dreamy veterinarian, and his two co-workers.

  Allison sat quietly in the vacant waiting room for what felt like an eternity. The waiting room was decorated with a constant ticking clock, sterile linoleum, and fifteen plastic chairs that surrounded her. Tears were still streaming down her cheeks. She thought of the first time she found Killer at her doorstep, determined to rule her roost. She was smitten with that kitten.

  She felt a warm hand on her shoulder and looked up to see the hand was attached to David with a look of concern on his face. Tears started to swell up again for Allison and she was worried to hear the worst news possible. David smiled, pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket, and wiped her tears away while informing her of Killer’s condition. Killer would recover. He explained cats were flexible and had massive coatings of fur that protected them from danger. The combination of the flexibility and the thick fur prevented Killer from serious harm. Allison relaxed after listening to the good news and David guided her to the backroom to get Killer.

  Allison was intimidated by David’s gorgeousness. Unfortunately, she was too shy to flirt and was still worried about Killer. What kind of cat mother would Allison be if she flirted with a man while Killer was lying on the table, recovering from his injuries? Killer needed her and he should come first. Killer was her baby.

  David opened the door for Allison and she walked through the door spotting Killer curled up sleeping in a ball on the veterinarian table. Allison walked over to Killer and lightly stroked his back. Killer began purring and opened his sleepy eyes looking up at her.

  David came behind Allison and in a ludicrous voice said, “That’s a real beautiful pussy you got there.”

  Allison looked up at him shockingly. Slowly, a rosy scarlet color spread over her cheeks and she turned her head away, embarrassingly.

  David smiled and said with a wink, “I was talking about Killer.”

  Allison nervously laughed.

  David instructed Allison to keep a close eye on Killer for a couple of days while the feline recovered. She assured him that she would be home with him all through the holidays. He explained Killer would be sore with a few bruises and advised Allison to get him a comfy cat bed to sleep on. David suggested pillows for him to lie on during the day while fully recovering. David also said he gave Killer some analgesics to help him heal and get through the night.

  After Allison paid the vet bill, she and David walked out to her car with Killer. David continued reassuring her Killer would be fine. Allison thanked David for all his help and was grateful to take her precious feline home to a relaxing apartment. She asked Killer what he thought of the doctor, but was only answered with a few twitches here and there. Giving up on dating advice from her cat, she retired to bed with Killer beside her.

  Christmas morning, Allison was paying close attention to Killer, as he enjoyed it, when there was a knock on the door. When she opened the door, to her surprise, there was David in all handsomeness. He had stopped by to see how she and Killer were doing. He had a small bag of cat treats in his left hand and a red rose in his right. He took a step towards Allison and held out the gorgeous red rose. “A beautiful rose for a beautiful lady,” he said charmingly.

  Allison rolled her eyes and skeptically replied, “Does that line work on all the ladies?”

  He smiled showing perfectly straight white teeth and confidently replied, “Only the gorgeous ones.”

  Allison laughed and happily accepted his gifts. She took the rose first and smelled it’s lovely sweet scent. David’s unwavering eyes never left Allison’s face as she joyfully smelled the rose. David held out his gentle yet firm hand to give Allison the cat treats. Her warm and intriguing pine colored eyes met his as she slowly reached out for the catnip. She could feel her cheeks turning bright red when her hand touched his. Their skin touched for a split second. His hand felt so warm and smooth against her cold, soft skin. She collected the catnip from him and a tingly sensation was imprinted on the webbing of her hand where their skin touched.

  Allison blushingly turned her head away from David to avoid eye contact and placed the catnip on the floor inside, next to her door. She embarrassedly stared at the floor for a moment. When she found the courage to stare David in the face again, she invited him in for some coffee and homemade sugar cookies. David graciously accepted.

  An hour turned into hours, a day into days, and a week into weeks; David and Allison became inseparable. Allison enjoyed every year out of the three years they h
ad been together.

  Allison was lost in thought when, suddenly, someone grabbed her waist from behind. She jumped and yelped. Turning quickly, she saw David’s charming smile.

  “David, you scared me,” Allison said while pushing him away.

  She admired David’s attractiveness. He was so sexy dressed in his red buttoned up shirt with his Santa Claus hat on. David fit the typical profile of the tall, dark, and handsome man. He was six feet two inches in height and had an athletic body. She took a deep breath, enjoying the sexy smell of David’s cologne.

  David continued staring at Allison with his captivating smile. Allison watched David’s eyes skim over her face and body. His eyes looked into her tropical forest green eyes, circled her clear porcelain complexion, and observed her long red wavy hair tied neatly in a ponytail. His eyes drifted down her neck to her collarbone and looked at her chest. His gaze rested on her breasts. A little bit of cleavage showed from her behind her apron. She was wearing a low cut green Christmas apron that had a picture of Rudolph the red nose reindeer on it. The apron had a loop that hooked around Allison’s neck and reached her knees. The apron showed off her womanly hourglass figure. Under the apron, Allison was wearing a slim fitting Christmas camisole. The camisole was dark green with lace garnishing the edges. She loved this camisole because it had a black silhouette of Santa Claus with his reindeer riding off into the sky. The camisole was simple yet Christmassy. David’s eyes wandered down to her curvy hips. She wore sexy dark blue jeans that flaunted her bottom.

  Allison smiled and blushed. She turned her back to David and focused on frosting her cookies. She could feel David’s eyes on her, devouring her.

  “I have ten more sugar cookies to frost and then we can watch The Nightmare Before Christmas with everyone in the living room,” she told David.

  David was silent for a moment and said, “I have never seen The Nightmare Before Christmas.”

  Allison was shocked. The Nightmare Before Christmas was a famous movie. She had forgotten David grew up as an orphan. He had no parents or siblings. Allison and her family was the closest clan he ever had.

  Allison could hear the faint voice of Uncle Bill reading The Nightmare Before Christmas. Every year, Uncle Bill read the story and Allison’s family watched the movie after Uncle Bill finished reading. Allison usually finished frosting her cookies halfway through the movie; however, she was an hour ahead this year. She was getting better and quicker at making her cookies.

  “Well, then you are in for a real treat,” Allison told David.

  David gazed over Allison’s cookies, grabbed a frosted one, and took a huge bite out of it.

  “David,” Allison scolded, “that’s for dessert!”

  “This is just my appetizer to my main course,” he replied with a wicked grin while dabbing the cookie’s frosting on Allison’s cheek and then licking it off her.

  Allison shrieked and grabbed her frosting knife trying to smear frosting on David’s nose. David smoothly avoided the knife, grabbed Allison’s wrist, and pulled her into him. Then, he gently pushed Allison against the counter and continued tonguing the frosting off her cheek.

  While David continued caressing her, Allison’s free hand plunged into the bowl of frosting and smothered David’s head with sweet deliciousness. His Santa Claus hat was knocked to the floor.

  “You did not just do that,” David shockingly replied. Allison burst out laughing.

  David grabbed a handful of frosting and smeared Allison’s chest with it. Allison shrieked while laughing. David started kissing Allison while pulling her into his arms. His body felt so warm, solid, inviting, and safe. Allison forgot about her Christmas cookies and gave into David. She put one of her arms around David’s back and the other hand played with his gooey hair. She gently pulled on his inch long, shiny, and thick hair.

  David began kissing her cheek and nibbling her neck. Allison was in a trance of pleasure. A small quiet groan of delight escaped her mouth. David continued slowly kissing Allison’s neck moving towards the frosting on her chest. He began licking the frosting off her chest while easily untying her Rudolph apron. He used his surgical fingers to unknot the apron and let it fall to the floor. Allison’s hidden curves were revealed as he pulled her camisole under her breasts. The top of the camisole scrunched up under her breasts and the camisole’s straps gently stretched over her shoulders. David could see Allison’s sexy black-laced bra. He pressed her breasts together and buried his face in them while taking a deep breath, smelling her womanly scent.

  David pushed the bowl of frosting aside and effortlessly lifted Allison onto the countertop. She sat with her back against the wall next to the cabinet. Her thighs were spread and David stood between them. He towered over her by two feet. Her breasts were now the perfect height for him to play with. He buried his face in them again.

  In the back of her mind, Allison was worried about one of her family members walking through the swinging kitchen door. However, the “Nightmare Before Christmas” movie had just started so everyone was preoccupied with the film. She and David had about forty minutes of alone time before anyone would walk into the kitchen. David felt so good and Allison’s body did not fight him.

  David slid one of Allison’s bra straps down her shoulder and started nibbling on her neck. Allison softly moaned with pleasure. He slowly kissed his way down to her collarbone while holding onto her hips. Allison gently grasped David’s head in her hands and started massaging his hair. Allison’s body ached for him. She wanted David; she needed him.

  David began teasing Allison by running his fingers up and down her bosom near her breasts while avoiding her nipples. Her nipples were hardening with every stroke he made. David slid one finger under Allison’s bra and lightly brushed her nipple. Allison let out a huge gasp of enjoyment and smiled. She closed her eyes and rested her head against the wall while

  David kissed and sucked on her breasts. Her nipples were so hard. Allison was pleasantly surprised when his hand reached inside her camisole and unhooked her bra. David remembered her black lacy bra unhooked from the front instead of the back. Most traditional bras unhooked from behind. Allison’s breasts fell out of her bra and her nipples were exposed to the cold air. The camisole still supported her breasts. David sucked on her right nipple and then her left. He blew on them to get them even harder. Allison grabbed his hair and forced him down to kiss her. He massaged her breasts with his gentle hands while kissing her.

  Allison was out of breath and desired him. She wanted David to touch her down there. As if David read her mind, he began unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans. He used his right index finger to circulate her nipple and calmly slid his finger down the line of her belly towards her passionate area. He skimmed her yearning womanhood and began massaging her thighs. Allison let out a groan of disappointment and enjoyment. David smiled and gradually moved his hands to Allison’s hips. His hands rubbed against Allison’s trimmed hairs and his index finger circled her apex. He gently massaged her tender spot while sucking on her nipples. Allison breathed out a sound of ecstasy. She spread her legs more so David could have better access to her sex.

  Allison’s hidden muscles yearned for David to enter her. She wanted to feel his manhood inside her. David continued playing and teasing Allison’s cliterous. She shuddered with ecstasy. The pressure continued to build and build as David played with her.

  “You are so beautiful,” David murmured as his free hand caressed her firm stomach. He was staring into her face, but her vision blurred from the intense pleasure.

  “Don’t stop,” Allison pleaded breathlessly. She was on the verge of exploding. Both her hands tightly gripped the edge of the counter. Oh God, she was going to come.

  David stopped right when she was about to orgasm. Allison stared at him dazedly. He was looking at her.

  “You’re mom asked if you were done with the kitchen,” David replied.

  “Allison,” she heard her mother shouting, “are you about done with the k
itchen? Your aunts and I need to get started on Christmas dinner.”

  Allison quickly jumped off the counter, hooked her bra together, fixed her camisole, and zipped her pants up. She hurriedly walked towards the swinging door, opened it, peeked through it and said, “Yes mom, I’m done in here. It’s all yours.”


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