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Mistletoe Magic (A Holiday Romance Novel Book 2)

Page 7

by Amanda Siegrist

  She read him loud and clear. From now on, she wouldn’t be as nice. He wanted to act that way with her without an explanation to his actions, then fine. She tended to let people run all over her. Her mother. Her brother. Bonzo, on occasion, but he did it because he worried about her. She was done letting Officer Crowl do it.

  And no more kissing.

  “Theresa, what a surprise?” Lynn’s brows puckered as she boxed up a batch of cookies from the front display case for Mrs. Miner. “Are you okay?”

  Plastering a smile, she nodded. “I was driving by and saw how busy you are. Thought I’d offer my help. You shouldn’t make such delicious baked goods, especially around Christmas time.”

  Lynn laughed with her and tossed her head toward the swinging door that led to the kitchen of the bakery. “There’s an extra apron hanging on the pegs to the left. I would love some help.”

  The smile in her eyes didn’t mask the concern. Lynn wanted to know what was going on, and eventually Theresa might tell her. But right now, she just wanted to work this frustration out. Going home to work on her jewelry, while it would be good to get ahead of the orders she had, didn’t sound appealing. She didn’t want to be alone.

  Pushing open the door, she smiled at Gabby, who was standing at a counter bagging loafs of cinnamon swirl bread. Oh, man, did Lynn make the best cinnamon swirl bread. Her mouth started to water at the sight of the deliciousness staring her in the face and the wondrous scents drifting to her nose.

  “Hi, Theresa.”

  She grabbed an apron hanging not far from her. “Hi, Gabby. I thought I’d help out some. Excited for Christmas?”

  Her eyes beamed wide with happiness. “Oh, yes. All of my kids are coming home for Christmas. Gregory insists that they all come over to his house, and I’m sure I’ll give in. I just don’t want to intrude on Elliot and Lynn.”

  “I’m sure they don’t mind. And I imagine Gregory is already going nuts with presents.”

  Gabby laughed with delight. “You know it.”

  The last time she experienced a Christmas filled with presents galore and family filling the house, almost overcrowding the place, was when she was younger, before her dad really started to drink. His family and her mother’s side used to visit all the time, especially around the holidays. The house boomed with laughter and joy, presents piled high under the tree, and all the food they cooked and baked left the counters with no room for anything. She missed those days. The last few years she had a quiet dinner with her mom, and if she was lucky, her brother. Her dad didn’t come around anymore. Heck, she didn’t even know where he was. Maybe living in St. Cloud.

  This year would be one of the loneliest Christmases by far. Her mother met someone a few months ago. His family was from Ireland. She left last week for a month long vacation with his family. Like the free-spirited woman she could be, she left without much of a goodbye, or an offer to come join her for Christmas. She probably would’ve declined because her boyfriend was a little odd, and she didn’t want to spend the holidays with people she didn’t know. But an offer would’ve been nice.

  Heck, maybe she would’ve said yes. Ireland sounded like a great place to visit.

  Theresa tied the apron around her waist and internally debated whether she should help Gabby or go out by Lynn when the door swung open.

  “Hi, Chief Duncan.” Theresa smiled at him as she patted the front of her apron, suddenly nervous and very self-conscious. Which was silly. Just because Chief Duncan was Officer Crowl’s boss didn’t mean he knew she kissed him.

  “Hey, Theresa.” He smiled. “Lynn mentioned you just got here. I thought I’d lend a hand as well. Why don’t you head out by Lynn and I’ll tackle whatever Gabby needs me to do back here.” He threw a special smile to Gabby. “My dad’s out front. He wants to go shopping for a few more gifts. He mentioned you might want to tag along with him and Laura.”

  Gabby chuckled as she started to untie her apron. “That silly man has no control. I better make sure he doesn’t buy the entire store.”

  Chief Duncan laughed. “You know him. There’s no stopping him sometimes.”

  Gabby patted his shoulder in a motherly gesture and then left.

  An awkward silence drifted between them.

  “Are you okay, Theresa?”

  She nodded, afraid if she said anything, the wrong words would come out. Something crazy like, “Why does Officer Crowl like me one moment, then hate me in the next?” That would be the dumbest thing she could possibly say. She really wanted to know, though.

  Before he could say anything else, she slipped out the doors to the front. Lynn put her to work immediately refilling the display cases and helping the customers as they steadily stopped in for the delicious baked goods Lynn created with a magic touch.

  Two hours later, sweat trickled down her back and her armpits were wet with the energy she exerted running back and forth from counter to counter. But, thankfully, the rush was over.

  Leaning against the counter, she swiped a lock of hair out of her eyes and blew out a breath. “Is it like this every day? Because, seriously, you should hire someone to help you.”

  “I’ve thought about it. I could probably afford to hire one person, and it would give me more time at home. I feel like I’m always working. When I’m not here, Elliot is. He’s such a sweetheart. Even Gabby helps me out so much.”

  Theresa smiled at the joy on Lynn’s face. Why couldn’t she have something like her? A beautiful relationship with a man who did the most wonderful things for her just because he wanted to. She couldn’t imagine Officer Crowl showing up to her home to help her string beads. Ha! She couldn’t even imagine him dropping by just for a visit.

  “I appreciate the help.” Lynn leaned against the counter as she pierced a friendly but hard glare at her. “Now tell me what’s bugging you. You walked in here with the saddest look I’ve ever seen from you. Is everything okay?”

  Untying her apron, she nodded. “I wanted to say thank you for sending so much work my way. I can’t believe how many jewelry orders I have before Christmas. I’m just not used to all this work. I’m a little tired.”

  “And here you are, helping me out. I—”

  “No! I wanted to help. Don’t feel bad.” Theresa set the apron on the counter near where Lynn was resting. The look on Lynn’s face portrayed she didn’t believe a word she said. “I love making jewelry.” She shrugged, looking away. “I guess I just didn’t want to go home to an empty house.” She glanced back at Lynn. “I don’t want to talk about it, if that’s okay.”

  “Of course it’s okay. I didn’t mean to pry.” Lynn stood straighter and grabbed a hug before she could protest. “I know what it’s like to need a friend. I just want you to know I’ll be here for you whenever you’re ready to talk about it.”

  “Thanks, Lynn.”

  “Oh…uh…I’ll just…yeah.”

  Lynn chuckled at Elliot’s retreating back as he went through the swinging doors without another word, then she moved away from her. “He’s so adorable when he gets tongue-tied. Laura asked him the other day about boys acting a certain way and he blushed like a big red light bulb, stuttering over his words.”

  “You found a great guy.” Theresa chuckled to ease the awkwardness floating between them. Unless she was the only one feeling it. “I should probably go home and get some of those orders done.”

  “Thanks again for your help.”

  Theresa smiled as she walked out. Time to drop off her brother’s car and go home to an empty house. None of that sounded like fun.

  But a nice bubble bath sounded like a great plan. And a glass of wine.

  That’s what she’d do. Screw making jewelry. She needed one night to herself just relaxing. To get her mind off a man who didn’t merit an ounce of her thoughts. Not with the way he continued to treat her. Hot then cold. She couldn’t take it anymore. She wouldn’t.

  If she saw Officer Crowl again, she would give him a piece of her mind.

Or completely ignore him. She wasn’t sure she’d have enough bravery to call him out on his bullshit.


  “Hey, mister. Go home. It shouldn’t be too busy now.”

  Elliot wrapped her into his warm embrace, kissing her soundly on the lips. It felt like years since he kissed her when in reality it was only a few hours ago. Every time he kissed her, it was like coming home. It just felt right.

  “Everything okay with Theresa? She seemed out of it or something.”

  Lynn chuckled as she rested her head against his chest. “Or something.”


  Looking up, she brushed her lips against his. “It’s girl stuff. I don’t want to bore you with it.”

  “In other words, you don’t want to tell me.”

  “I do, but…I don’t want to make it awkward for you or anything.”

  Elliot tensed as his brows rose. “Theresa has a thing…”

  Her laughter echoed off the walls. “No, silly, that’s not what I meant, although who wouldn’t want a thing for you. Too bad you’re all mine.”

  “Yes, you are.” He suddenly picked her up, her legs wrapping around his waist, and started walking until her butt hit the edge of the counter. “You know what the smell of your delicious cookies do to me.”

  “Elliot, we’re in my bakery. Don’t be naughty.” She giggled as he started to nibble on her neck in playful delight.

  He kissed her tenderly on the lips, then cocked a brow. “So. Tell me what could be awkward.”

  Lynn debated with herself for about half a second, then decided she would never want him to keep secrets from her so she wouldn’t start now either.

  “I’m pretty sure Theresa likes Officer Crowl and…I could be wrong, but I think he likes her, too.”

  The smile on his face dipped. “Aiden…well…he hasn’t been the same since his fiancé died. I like him, but I’m not sure he’d be a good fit for Theresa. She has enough problems with her brother. Not to mention, Aiden arrested him.”

  “She’s the one who called the cops. Her brother hit him. That wasn’t Aiden’s fault.”

  “True.” He rubbed his face, then pulled her tighter into his body. “Is there something brewing in that beautiful mind of yours?”

  “Not really. I just want everybody to be happy, especially around Christmas time.”

  Elliot kissed the top of her head. “I know you do, sweetheart. Maybe Santa will do what he did for us.”

  “Maybe,” she whispered.

  Chapter 7

  Theresa wished on a lucky star, even though she couldn’t see any in the broad daylight, that her brother would answer the door. Not Dusty.

  Figures she wouldn’t get lucky twice in one day.

  The door swung open to Dusty’s ugly face, his eyes glassy and red. The strong smell of alcohol drifted her way. Although, she had a feeling it was a permanent odor that never left.

  “Is my brother here?”

  Dusty slumped against the doorframe, a wily grin appearing. “Just you and me, babe.”

  Her hand tightened around the car keys that were fisted in her jacket pocket. She had the strange urge to stab him in the eye, especially when he spoke to her in such a slimy tone.

  “Just let him know I stopped by.”

  James could come get his car from her house. Not only did she not want to be in the same vicinity as Dusty, she didn’t trust him enough to hand over the car keys. She turned around to leave.

  “Whoa! What’s the hurry?” Dusty reached out so quickly to grab her arm that she jerked against his chest. He took that opportunity to snake an arm around her and press her closer. “You smell like a cupcake.”

  “Let me go.” She shivered with disgust as his face dipped closer, his hot breath fanning across her neck.

  “Stay for a drink, darling.”

  He never understood the word no. But he’d understand this very clearly.

  Her hand swung out of her pocket, the car key between her fingers, and slammed it down into his thigh. He screamed in pain and shoved her away.

  She had no time to steady herself and fell down hard, her cheek grazing the cold cement sidewalk.

  “You bitch!” Dusty hobbled before snatching the keys in front of him that had fallen from her hands. “You’re damn lucky this shit didn’t go through my jeans.”

  Even though her face hurt like hell, as did her knees that also landed hard, she scrambled to her feet and backed away. “No, Dusty, you’re lucky I went easy on you. Don’t ever touch me again. I don’t think my brother would like to hear about it.”

  He laughed. The sound sent tiny tremors down her spine. “That dumbass doesn’t scare me.”

  She started to slowly back up. “Well, I can also tell Officer Crowl.” She never would, too embarrassed to even think about his grimy hands on her, but the look in Dusty’s eyes said the thought scared him.

  The vile sneer on his face made her want to run, but she held her ground, refusing to show him any fear. “Go home, Theresa. Be very careful. You never know what might happen.”

  She didn’t respond to that, because honestly, what could she say? She knew a threat when she heard one. If she said anything to Officer Crowl, Dusty would do something to her. She had no doubt about that. Well, it was a good thing she never intended to tell him.

  As calmly as she could make it appear, she turned around and walked away. She could only hope Dusty gave James the car keys back without an issue. Because she had no intention of ever returning to that house. Not even if James called her.

  By the time she made it home, the cold had numbed her to the bone. Although, part of that was from Dusty’s filthy hands on her. The disgust filled her from head to toe. She locked her door, double-checking it was secure, then all but ran to her laundry room where she removed her clothes and tossed them into the washing machine. Pouring in some detergent, she started a load without adding any other clothes. She just didn’t care. Removing the evidence of his touch was all that mattered.

  Walking calmly, yet the nerves running rampant through her veins, she hopped into the shower, turning the water as hot as it could go. For a few minutes, she just let the spray cleanse her. The warmth soothed her weary bones, soaking deep inside until the water started to scald her. Maybe it was a little too hot.

  She found a better temperature and lathered herself up, washing every spot on her body. By the time she finished, she was as red as a tomato. Wrapping her big, fluffy white robe around her body, she tied the knot and cleared the mirror of steam with her hand.

  “Damn.” Leaning closer, she tenderly rubbed a finger down the small, ugly bruise that had started to form on her cheek. The pain wasn’t intense when she pressed lightly on it, but it ached. She hit the ground hard for the second time that day, but she didn’t think she cracked any bones. She figured she would’ve felt more pain if that were the case.

  Well, she could only hope the bruise faded to nothing by Monday, which was highly unlikely, or she’d be caking on the makeup. She did fall, but Bonzo wasn’t likely to believe any story she could probably concoct. He’d want to know why she fell. Lying wasn’t a good forte of hers.

  And Officer Crowl. What would he think?

  Ha! Would he even care?

  As she walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of wine, she told herself he would care. As a cop only. His look of concern today when she fell in front of his house hadn’t been fake. Then he told her to leave.

  Yeah, it would be in her best interest if she removed the evidence of any bruise to avoid any questions. She didn’t feel like making up a story, or providing the real reason.

  Grabbing the unopened box of wine from the pantry, she poured herself a full glass to the rim. She was in for a long night. Snagging the box in her left hand, she carried her glass in her right as she made her way to the living room. The box of wine took residence on her coffee table next to the open box of her jewelry supplies, then she plugged in her Christmas tree.

  Sinking into
the couch, she turned on some joyous music and let the spirit of the holiday fill her up. Something beautiful and magical to get her mind off of every horrible thing that happened today.


  Before he could think about what he was doing, he raised his hand and knocked. He talked himself out of this at least a hundred times as he drove over to her house. Maybe more like two hundred times. His mind refused to shut off. Theresa was all he thought about his entire shift. Which is probably why the drunken idiot he had to arrest for disorderly conduct at Tucker’s Bar & Grill managed to throw a fist at him. He avoided getting hit, because the dude was drunk and had lousy aim, but if his mind hadn’t wandered, he would’ve never even had the opportunity to attempt anything.

  Why wasn’t Theresa answering her door?

  He glanced at his wristwatch. “Because you’re a dumbshit. She’s probably asleep.” His shift ended at ten o’clock, then he went home and changed before driving the long way to her house trying to talk himself out of coming. It just hit eleven o’clock. Of course, she was in bed. I want to join her.

  Thoughts like that weren’t going to get him anywhere. Turning around, his heart skipped a beat when he heard the swoosh of the door.

  “Officer Crowl?” Her voice trembled. “Did something happen to my brother?”

  He turned toward her and almost staggered back from the worry in her eyes. God, what an idiot. Why did he think they had a moment? She thought he was knocking on her door so late at night because something might’ve happened to her brother. Here he was putting worry in her mind for no reason at all.

  “I’m not here because of him.” His eyes glanced down at his clothes. He had on a thick winter jacket, jeans visible with a pair of black and white tennis shoes. His state of wardrobe should’ve been clue enough he wasn’t knocking on her door because of her brother.


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