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Too Bad... I Couldn't Resist: Too Bad Series Book 1

Page 4

by Emma Vikes

  The molten fire that had begun spreading within me was making it impossible for me to maintain focus.

  “I’m cumming,” I whispered, completely lost in the throes of passion.

  “I’m cumming as well,” he grunted as he continued to thrust furiously.

  Suddenly my eyes went white as the walls of my vagina clenched and my body rocked from the orgasm that took a hold of me. A scream escaped my lips and was muffled by Howard’s hands. I bit his hand, sending him over the edge as well as I felt him tense and begin to spurt warm liquid into me. Both of us had climaxed together and our bodies convulsed in unison from the ecstasy that enveloped us, as our juices mixed together.

  Finally we collapsed on the table, completely spent.

  Chapter 9


  I was the first to recover.

  My eyes opened slowly as the objects around me began to take shape. I was lying on my back and something was leaning on top of me with my legs wrapped around it.


  Howard’s head was on my stomach as he bunched over me on the table. We had just engaged in a mind blowing sex session that I wouldn’t have envisaged happening in a million years. My eyes looked the length and breadth of the office; from the books on the shelf to the plaques on the wall. This was Howard’s office, a fact that had been lost on me when I’d first been dragged in here.

  We’d just had sex in his office.

  My body tingled with excitement and residual sexual energy. I wanted to wake him up but loved the feel of him clamped between my legs, as well as the sight of his hair when I looked down. I smiled and laid my head back down on the desk. No need to let the moment end just yet.

  ‘Who would have thought?’

  My eyes closed as I drifted back to moments ago when he’d driven me to the crest and pushed me over.

  Suddenly a knock sounded on the door. Both our heads came up instantly. There was a brief pause before the scramble began to get ourselves dressed.

  “Professor Jones?” a female voice said from beyond the door.

  Howard’s head came up at the voice. He turned to look at me before putting a finger over his mouth to signal for me to be silent.

  The knock sounded again and this time it was followed by a gentle twisting of the door knob. I almost fainted as I saw the door knob rotate in its place. I was already done adjusting my gear, but Howard was still in the process of belting his trouser and straightening his shirt.

  The knob rotated back to position as the door failed to open.

  I turned to look at Howard and saw him holding up a key for me to see. He had sensed my fear of being discovered and pulled the key from his pocket to show me there was nothing to worry about as long as we stayed silent. His forefinger moved to his lips again as he signaled that silence was very important at this point.

  “Professor Jones?” The voice sounded again.

  After what seemed like an eternity, we heard the footsteps of the interloper walking away from the door to Howard’s office. We both stayed in place moments after waiting to be completely in the clear.

  Finally, Howard exhaled, causing me to look at him once more. He returned to the task of belting his trousers and making sure his shirt was tucked in properly.

  The silence began to weigh heavy on me. We had just had sex, and minutes ago had escaped discovery. Yet he’d remained silent and hadn’t said a word.

  “So, what now, Howard?” I finally said.

  He remained silent as he finished dressing and turned around to face me. After I had adjusted my pants, I sat back on the table so he was in front of me. He stared at me but remained silent.

  “Say something, professor,” I said, stressing the professor title at my frustration with his silence.

  “I don’t know,” he finally responded.

  “What do you mean you don’t know? You have a plan don’t you?” I asked.

  “Well the plan is to get out of this office without being seen. After that is accomplished, I can think of what next to do,” Howard answered.

  My mouth dropped open at his response.

  “What?” he asked when he noticed the expression on my face.

  “That’s it? What next to do? I’m just a booty call to you?” I could hear my voice beginning to rise.

  “I didn’t say that,” Howard responded, rubbing at his temples.

  “So what are you saying then? Because all I’m hearing is you trying to get rid of me, like this didn’t just happen.” I said ‘this’, referring to the sex and gesturing over the table I was sitting on.


  “No, tell me Howard. What are you saying?” I continued, my voice too high for comfort.


  “I want to know Mr. Professor. What happens now?”


  “Don’t Susan me,” I shrieked. “Is that it? I’m a booty call to you now? You trying to get rid of me? Why the fuck, Howard, are you trying to do that?” I finished.

  “Because this would be the end me!” Howard snapped finally, sending ripples of shock down my spine.

  His words hung in the air, boring a hole in my chest.

  ‘This would be the end me?’ I replayed his words in my head.

  He exhaled and rubbed his temple with his hands again.

  “Susan,” he said softly. “I’m not trying to get rid of you. I’m just trying to be careful.”

  He paused his explanation and came to sit beside me on the table and I almost leaned against him, wanting so desperately for him to hold me.

  “Susan I’m attracted to you, more than I have ever been attracted to anyone else before. I can’t explain it for the life of me, but ever since I saw you, I’ve not been able to get my mind off you. When you walked into my room that night, I almost risked it all by following you back to yours.”

  He paused again, this time turning to cup my face in his hands. His words softened my heart and made my eyes tear up.

  “You drive me crazy, Susan. The sparks I feel whenever we are in the same space is electrifying. I can’t deny it. But I’m a professor and you are a student. The university laws do not allow for a relationship to exist between us. Hell, if news got out of what had just happened between us, I’d lose my job and be disgraced in academic circles.”

  A tear slipped down my cheek as the implication of what he was saying dawned on me.

  “I want you Susan. With every fiber in my being. But I can’t have you. I’m sorry Susan but we simply can’t be together. Not now.”

  I removed my face from his hands and shut my eyes. He was right and yet the pain that was searing through me forced more tears through my shut eyes and down my cheeks. After much struggle I regained my composure and turned to face him, while wiping my tears.

  “Fuck you, Howard,” I said as I stood up from his table and walked towards the door.


  “Come open this door for me or I’ll scream and let the whole world know what just happened in here,” I threatened.

  Of course I couldn’t make good on my threat. Howard had simply said the truth and there was no way I could bring myself to hurt him. I just wanted him to feel some of the pain and fear I felt at being rejected and abandoned by him.

  At my threat, he sprung from the table and was immediately at my side.

  ‘Susan,” he said softly, his eyes betraying his fear for the first time.

  The tears threatened to begin flowing again as I realized he was truly vulnerable and scared of being discovered.

  “Just open the door for me. Howard. I need to go.”

  “Susan,” he said as he tried to reach for me.

  I stepped beyond his reach and folded my arms. I had struggled to regain my composure and couldn’t afford to break down again.

  “Howard please open the door. Please!” I said with as much strength as I could muster to keep from crying.

  He studied me for a bit and then proceeded to do as I had asked.

  I pulled the door knob and stole a glance into the hallway to see if there was anyone hanging around. The hallway was empty.

  I turned back to look at him one more time, a part of me willing him to pull me back into the office and hold me in his warm embrace.

  His lips began to form a word but I didn’t wait to hear it.

  I turned and fled.

  Chapter 10


  I sat alone in class, waiting for Professor Howard Jones to walk in and begin his lecture. This was the first time I was going to attend his class and I wasn’t looking forward to it. My bid to avoid his class had failed as the dean had decided any extra course work I took on wouldn’t be beneficial to me.

  As a result, I was forced into taking this class. My roommate who had been my support since I got on campus was absent. I was going to have to face this storm alone.

  I’d already missed the first class Howard had taught. I’d sat in the class waiting, just as I was doing now. Suddenly I’d gotten into a panic and fled before Howard had arrived. That class had been a day after our office encounter. I hadn’t been ready.

  Now a week after, I’d given myself enough of a pep talk to encourage myself to sit in class and listen to the lecture, in spite of the fact that he was the one teaching. I’d spied on him all week so that his appearance in class wouldn’t hit me by surprise, and now I considered myself ready.

  ‘The class is noisier today than last week,’ I wondered absentmindedly.

  There was definitely a lot more noise than the last time I’d sat in the class. I paid no mind as I brought my wrist up to check the time. As if on cue, Professor Howard Jones walked into the lecture hall and headed straight for the podium.

  He pulled the board into view, picked up a marker, and wrote something on the board.

  Turning to face the class, he greeted the students. “Morning.”

  There was a chorus of responses for which he acknowledged with a nod and began his lecture.

  I had kept my head down, struggling to focus on what he was saying and not on the sound of his voice. I’d kept my face down so as to avoid accidently making eye contact with him.

  Then I heard the whispers. They were in front and all around me; barely audible whispers but clearly perceptible to my ears as a result of my proximity to their source.

  “Oh my god! Just look at him.”

  “He’s so gorgeous.”

  “Look at his muscles. Sweet baby Jesus.”

  “What wouldn’t I give to have those arms wrapped around me?”

  “Lord knows I’d fuck his brains out if I get a chance.”

  My female course mates were ogling the professor, and it seemed to be every female that was present in class.

  A wave of jealousy passed through me as the whispers continued. It quickly turned into a quiet rage causing me to lift my head up and stare straight at Howard.

  He’d continued lecturing until he froze on noticing me. He bent his head as if consulting his notes for a brief moment before continuing with the lecture. I continued to stare intensely at him.

  I noticed it then.

  His eyes tried to avoid me as much as possible and in the instances that our eyes met, he struggled to maintain a straight expression.

  He was struggling to maintain his train of thought and this softened my heart and quieted my rage. He truly was uncomfortable in my presence.

  The ogling continued but without a resulting effect on me. He was a fine man after all; toast of the females and heartthrob of many. I exhaled and sat through the lecture, mentally blocking out the whispers of admiration. I’d been right. Any relationship between us was illegal by university rules and there was nothing I could do about it at the moment.

  Time flew by and suddenly the lecture was over.

  After the lecture, Howard couldn’t get out of the office fast enough. A number of girls had gone in pursuit of him, all pretending to have something they needed him to explain further.

  I’d stayed back for a bit, allowing the crowd of my course mates to empty out of the lecture hall. I wasn’t in the mood to be part of the crowd or the throng of girls currently in pursuit of the handsome professor.


  The greeting startled me out of my thoughts as I turned in shock. A fairly handsome young man, who was definitely one of my course mates, was staring at me and had a hand outstretched.

  “My name’s David.”

  “Hi David,” I said, returning his handshake.

  “Well, what’s your name?” he asked, still holding my hand.

  “Susan,” I responded curtly.

  “Don’t be frightened, Susan,” he responded with a nervous chuckle, finally releasing my hand. “I was sitting behind you during the lecture and noticed you weren’t taking down notes. I also noticed you weren’t around during the last lecture, so I figured you probably hadn’t caught up and was at a loss for what the professor was saying.”

  “Yes,” I lied. “That’s exactly what happened,” I concluded, forcing a smile.

  “Well I could relay to you what was taught at the last lecture if you want? I’m heading to the library now,” David offered.

  A quick calculation and I decided to accept his offer. I was supposed to study with Carol, my roommate, later on tonight, but I could as well let David bring me up to speed.

  “That would be really nice, David. Thank you very much,” I responded, officially accepting his offer.

  I packed my notes and made my way with my new tutor out of the lecture hall. On our way, we passed some female members of faculty, including the dean. The caucus were all engaged in hushed conversations and stifled laughter.

  David and I walked by briskly, but not before I had caught a whiff of their conversation. They too must have seen the entourage of girls following Professor Howard, which had sparked a conversation amongst them. When I paid closer attention as we passed, I was forced to smile. Their comments weren’t dissimilar from what I’d heard the girls in my class saying earlier.

  I continued my journey towards the library, striking up a random conversation with David.

  Chapter 11


  I made my way back to my office after standing a while in the library and making sure my erection had gone down. I’d watched Susan walk away and wondered how I’d let myself get entangled in such a mess.

  Yes, the attraction to her had been purely sexual in the beginning, but now, it was blossoming into something else, something that was growing beyond my control.

  I wasn’t expecting to see in her in class today and froze when our eyes met. With the look in her eyes, I could swear that she was moments away from blowing up and walking towards the podium, before snatching the stage from me and revealing our secret to everyone.

  When she’d left my office over a week ago, I’d known she was going to keep the secret in spite of her threat. The way she’d opened my office door and scanned the hallway carefully had told me her threat had just been that of a lady in pain. She was never going to see it through.

  But seeing her in the hall today, and with the rage that she’d directed at me, I wasn’t so sure anymore. I’d lost my train of thought briefly, having to do some quick thinking to mask my blunder before proceeding with the lecture.

  Gradually, as the lecture proceeded, her face softened and the rage disappeared. She had reverted to the sweet soft lady who’d captured my attention in the beginning.

  I needed to still be sure that she wouldn’t have a meltdown and blow the secret wide open. So I’d discharged the throng of girls that had inconvenienced me with their following and headed back to class.

  Just as I turned the corner, I’d seen her exit the class with another student, deep in conversation. The sound of her laughter had brought a sting to my heart.

  ‘Am I jealous?’ I’d asked myself.

  I’d decided I wasn’t before going ahead to follow them. Every time she laughed, however, the sting returned to my chest. I finally h
ad to admit that I was truly jealous that someone was making her laugh and that someone wasn’t me.

  I followed them out of the department, pretending to be engrossed in the book I was holding in my hands, when I passed the dean and some of my female colleagues. They tried to signal my attention to join them but I’d pretended not to see them.

  I had sexual encounters with some of them who were standing in that circle in the past and the last thing I wanted was for all of them to be together with me in the middle.

  I’d finally escaped the department building and continued trailing Susan. She and the other student had ended up in the library and walked to the study section where they’d proceeded to sit and start a tutoring session that lasted the better part of twenty minutes.

  I’d sat within earshot of their conversation all through, both impressed at the young man’s grasp of the lecture and Susan’s assimilation of what she was being taught. They’d continued on as I’d tried to remain inconspicuous, the textbook in front of me opened at a random page.

  Suddenly the tutor had run into a snag in his explanations, causing him to suggest Susan retrieve a text from the bookshelves to aid in her understanding. Coincidentally, it was the same text I had used to deliver my lecture; the same text I had used to escape my female colleagues; the same text that was currently open in front of me.

  Susan had stood up and was headed to the book section of the library. I’d recognized this as my chance to accost her and find the answer to my question of whether she was capable of holding down our secret.

  Knowing the library better than she did, I knew exactly where she was going to find the text on the shelves. I’d jetted off from my seat and went to wait for her at the end of the shelf were she’d get the text she was looking for. I saw her walk into the aisle, her concentration fully on the books in front of her.

  My head remained lowered as I began to approach her slowly. Finally, I reached her just as I noticed a smile spreading across her lips. I’d intended to walk in behind her and engage her subtly, but in a moment of blind jealousy, I’d reached out and spun her around. I was certain the smile was as a result of the boy she’d been sitting with and I couldn’t hold myself back.


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