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Ashley Crane Cozy Mystery Collection

Page 15

by Laurie Anne Marie

  “And most likely Nash could be pulling his strings. Along with the others. Making dupes of them all. After all, drugs are big money. Got to protect his investment.”

  Ashley kept pacing around the room.

  “Yep. Sure looks that way.”

  All of a sudden she stopped dead in her tracks.

  “Detective, do you have the ramekin?”

  “The what?”

  “The ramekin? The little plastic thing that looks like a tiny cupcake holder that Mrs. Norris gave you when my apartment was broken into. She said the tall, skinny guy who ran down the stairs dropped it,” Ashley said.

  “Oh yeah. That thing. I can barely pronounce it.”

  “Can I see it?” Ashley asked.

  “Sure.” Thompson got up and went to his cabinet and pulled out the small utensil which was inside a plastic bag. Ashley turned it over looking at it for a minute and then handed it back to Thompson.

  “Have you tested it?” Ashley asked.

  “Not really. Honestly, just thought it was an insignificant item that dropped. I can’t remember that lady as being so sure it came from the guy who broke into your place anyway.”

  “Actually, she said she was pretty sure. Didn’t you say you found Chris #2, aka Jackson coming out of a warehouse that makes kitchen supplies when you busted him for drugs?”

  He arched an eyebrow at her. “Yeah, and?”

  “Well, maybe you should test this for drug residue. I’m not sure because I don’t take drugs, but maybe whoever who broke into my apartment used this little cup to measure them. I’m pretty sure he sure wasn’t baking with it.”

  “Great deduction. Glad you found that particular thought to pull out of your head,” he said.

  Then he gave her a really big wink. Seriously? But she was already over it. It was good to just work with the detective and find out who the murderer or murderers really were and get this case solved. Her safety, her family’s safety and anyone else in town were still at risk.

  Ashley’s mind snapped back around. She furrowed her brow.

  “It’s a good deduction you suspect Nash is making drugs. And that some of the guys at the restaurant are into them too. That explains a lot of the craziness going on with those nut jobs. Now we have to figure out how the women are involved.”

  Thompson snapped his fingers.

  “Maybe they were on drugs too. Things aren’t what they used to be. Drugs are everywhere, even in a small town like Comfortville.”

  “Maybe. Or maybe they were all just fighting over who was sleeping with Darren.”

  Detective Thomson laughed.

  “Aren’t you stereotyping your own gender? A catfight over Darren? Saw him a few times, the guy wasn’t even that good looking.”

  It was Ashley’s turn to laugh. “You sound jealous.”

  “Naw, just observant.”

  “Uh, yeah, ok then. Are we ready to continue?” Ashley wondered if he’d notice the irony of her repeating back his own question.

  “While we continue to investigate Nash and Chris Durst and Jackson, you let me know if you hear anything else about Julia Short or any of the other servers,” Thompson said.

  “I told you, it will be hard to get info if I can’t go to work,” Ashley replied.

  “You might see them around town; it’s not a big city Ashley.” He arched his eyebrow at her again.

  “Maybe. Or maybe not. But I can snoop at the bakery on Julia Short. Maybe I’ll catch her with her new beau that my mom’s friend spotted her with.”

  “That would be nice. But even more important, remember Jose. I have a hunch he will try to contact you. Call me immediately if he does,” Thompson said.

  As if on cue, Ashley’s phone rang. She didn’t recognize the number, but Detective Thompson signaled her to pick up. It was Jose.

  “Ashley, are you coming into work today? I need talking to you soon please,” Jose said.

  “Oh hi Jose, no I’m not on the schedule for today. I’ll be in tomorrow,” Ashley fudged. “Are you at work now?”

  “No, I’m not there, I’m going later. I’m sorry, I need talking with you soon, I…” his voice trailed off.

  Then the phone went dead.

  “What is it?” Thompson asked.

  “He’s in trouble. He said he really wanted to talk to me and then started to tell me something; then the line went dead,” Ashley explained.

  “I’ll get some guys on it ASAP. They can take a ride to where he lives, then that warehouse.”

  “Please hurry. Jose is a good guy. I don’t want anything to happen to him.” Ashley said.

  “Got it.” Thompson picked up his phone.

  “And you’re forgetting something. If I can’t go into work, don’t you think Nash will get suspicious about that? Won’t he wonder what I’m up to with the timing of this all?”

  “Say you’re really sick. We can figure out something later.”

  He dialed some cops to go look for Jose.

  “Ok, bye. I’m heading to the bakery to look for Julia Short,” Ashley said.

  “No you’re not. You’re going home. You’re sick, remember?”

  “Oh right. No, I mean not right. I can’t be sick. I have too much snooping to do. I’ll tell Nash a family member is ill.”

  “Whatever. Just make it sound convincing. We can’t afford to have him get suspicious. And go home!” Thompson said.

  Ashley gave him a big grin and a wave, but he was already barking orders into the phone.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Ashley got into her car and headed for the bakery.

  “Please let Julia Short be there,” she thought. If she couldn’t go back to work at the restaurant, she needed some more info, and she needed it fast.

  Just then her phone rang. It was Nash.

  “Ashley, I know it’s your day off, but we need extra help this evening. Could you be here at 4 p.m., please?”

  “Uh, I’m sorry, but I need to take care of my dad. He’s not feeling well. I was going to call you later about that,” Ashley said.

  “Sorry to hear it. Is there anyone else who could take care of him today? We’re short and really need you,” Nash replied.

  “Actually, no I have to be home. My mom is really upset, and I need to help. I was going to call and tell you that I may not be back in for a while until he gets better.”

  There was a long pause on the phone.

  “You’re not coming back for a while? What am I supposed to do? You’re the main cook in the kitchen.”

  “I know, but I can’t do anything about it. Sorry, but I have to take care of my dad.”

  “I can’t guarantee your job then. I need a head cook; you know that.”

  “I know. If you need to get someone else, I understand. But I have to take care of my family,” Ashley explained.

  “Good luck,” Nash said curtly, then hung up the phone.

  Wow. Nash never seemed to be sorry about anything or anybody, but his reaction was especially harsh.

  She fell badly for a moment making up the family illness story, but the truth was her dad had a weak heart and was on medication. Not to mention recent events hadn’t helped that.

  Then again, she knew Nash’s reaction was not just about being shorthanded in the kitchen. It also had to do with the fact that she wouldn’t be at work late again where he could menace her. Since it was likely that he might be behind everything that had been happening to her and her family, Thompson was totally right about not allowing her to go back to work again.

  Ashley’s phone rang again. This time it was her friend Lara.

  “Hey, I’ve been meaning to call you. Lot’s to talk about, but on my way to Babycakes. Give me a call later?” Ashley said.

  “Actually, I’ll be seeing you later tonight at your house. Your mom called and said she wants me there for a big talk or something. What’s it about? Thought you could give me a head’s up on it,” Lara answered.

  “Whaa…oh wait. She did mention th
at she wanted me to have a talk tonight with her and dad. I don’t know why she wants you there. Probably just for a fun get together. She’s been cooking up a storm since I’ve been home. Glad you’re coming. We can catch up.”

  “Ok, good. Is everything alright Ash?” Lara asked.

  “Well, yes and no. But let’s talk tonight. See you.”

  “Wait, got to tell you something quickly,” Lara said.

  “Ok. Shoot.”

  “Until I know this sure uncertainty, I’ll entertain the offered fallacy,” Lara quoted.

  Ashley laughed. “That’s from ‘The Comedy of Errors.’ Did you look that up?”

  “Of course. Hope it fits for tonight. This should be interesting,” Lara replied.

  “Gotta go, we can thank Shakespeare again for summing it up.”

  Ashley heard Lara laughing as she hung up.


  As she started to park her car near Babycakes, she saw Julia Short leaving the bakery. Ashley sat there with the car idling and decided to see where she was going. Julia got into her car and pulled out heading north on the street. Ashley decided to follow her. She had a floppy sun hat on the back seat and decided to put it on to mask her face somewhat.

  “Detective Thompson wouldn’t approve of this, but let me just check this out,” Ashley thought.

  Julia took a left at Cedar Street and headed out to the highway that ran north out of town. Ashley kept a safe distance, letting cars get in front of her while she kept an eye on Julia’s sedan. After about twenty minutes, Julia took the exit that led to an industrial area. Ashley pulled off too. Julia quickly made a series of turns, and Ashley lost her.

  Ashley pulled over and looked around.

  “Could this be where the kitchen supply warehouse is? Did Detective Thompson ever tell me the name of it?” Ashley wondered.

  She drove slowly around several turns hoping that Julia’s car wouldn’t come around the corner and spot her. After passing a few large buildings, she saw a faded green warehouse.

  It was called Goody’s Kitchen Supplies. Parked on the side of the building was Julia’s car. Ashley quickly went around another corner and parked out of sight. Then she got out of her car and slowly walked towards the building, shadowing herself whenever she could. At the back of the warehouse a small rear door was opened near the loading dock. Julia was standing there. And leaning in to give her a kiss was Nash.

  Ashley froze. Her mind started to race trying to put everything together. Nash put his arm around Julia and led her to her car, then kissed her again. Julia handed a large manila packet to him before driving off. She turned her car down the street in Ashley’s direction.

  Ashley couldn’t get to her car as it would’ve meant running towards Julia’s direction, so she scrambled around another corner, then realized she was on an even wider street that looked like a main drive between the buildings. She desperately looked for something to hide behind.

  She saw a dumpster and tried to get behind it, but there was hardly any room. She pushed with all her strength and barely wriggled in behind it. Just then she heard a car passing by in front of her. She crouched holding her breath until the noise passed, then slowly poked her head out. She saw Julia’s car disappearing in the distance.

  But Nash could come by at any moment now too.

  Ashley panicked. “I can’t wait. I have to get in my car.”

  She tiptoed back in the direction she had come from, then bolted over to the small street where her car was. She crouched as low as she could while she drove off, looking in the rear view mirror for Nash.

  “How do people find their way out of these industrial parks?” Ashley thought.

  She hoped she was going in the right direction away from Goody’s Kitchen Supplies, but the whole place was like a maze. Finally, she saw the road leading to the exit for the highway and booted it.


  The second she was on the highway back to town, she called Thompson. Her hand was trembling so much it was hard to dial.

  “Nate Thompson,” Ashley shouted into the phone.

  There was a pause.

  “Is this an emergency?” a voice replied.

  “Yes!” Ashley screeched.

  “Thompson here,” the detective said.

  “Nathaniel, I was just out at the industrial park and saw Julia Short kissing Nash!”

  “Wait, what? What were you doing there?”

  “I was getting ready to park at the bakery and saw her getting into her car, so I decided to follow her, and she drove out on the highway and took an exit that went to an industrial park with lots of warehouses, and I saw a place called Goody’s Kitchen Supplies and there she was kissing Nash. Or he was kissing her, whatever. So that’s the drug place right? And Julia’s lover is Nash.”

  “That’s the place, but you shouldn’t have gone there, it’s too dangerous. I distinctly remember telling you to go home. Did they see you?” Thompson asked.

  “No, I parked on a side street and hid,” Ashley explained.

  “Good,” he said. “But that was insane of you to follow her there. Don’t you ever go there again, do you hear me?”

  “I won’t. I promise. I just had to see where she was going,” she said. “And the good news is, we know Julia is with Nash.”

  “I’ve got bad news. Jose is missing,” Thompson said.

  “What?” Ashley gasped.

  “We went to work to question him, but he hadn’t shown up. We went to his house; he’s not there. We asked a few of his neighbors; no one’s seen him in the last two days.”

  “Oh no. I feel so guilty now.”

  “Why? It’s not your fault.”

  “But he was trying to tell me he was in trouble. I should’ve done something,” Ashley reasoned.

  “You couldn’t. Nash was all over you, remember? Let’s just hope Jose doesn’t turn up dead.”

  Ashley shivered. Jose was gone.

  “Oh please, don’t let anything happen to him,” Ashley thought.

  “Now the big question: is Julia Short into the drug ring with Nash as well? Did you see her load anything into her car?” Detective Thompson asked.

  “No, but they could’ve done that before I got there. I did see her hand a big manila packet to Nash. It looked like papers.”

  “Ok. We’ll put a tail on her now too.”

  “I’ll see what she’s up to in the bakery,” Ashley said.

  “But only observe. No more traipsing after her. If she’s involved with Nash, it’s too dangerous. Got it?” Thompson replied.


  “But nothing. We’re still working together. I still want you to talk to me if you happen to see or hear anything, but don’t take any action. Things are too hot now.”

  “Ok,” Ashley sighed.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Ashley drove home thinking about what she had seen that day and thought about how quickly things were coming together. Nash, Julia Short, the two Chris’s, and now poor Jose. Drugs were a terrible thing. So many people affected. And could Darren have been involved too? And did he pay with his life?”

  “I can’t wait to get home and eat,” she thought.

  The minute she walked in the front door, she was knocked over by delicious smells wafting through the house. She smiled as she headed for the kitchen.

  As soon as she turned the corner, she stopped dead in her tracks. Her mom and dad were there, and so was Lara, who she knew was coming over tonight, but Sean as well. And all the women from her mom’s decoupage group.

  “What is going…?” Ashley started to say.

  “Hi honey!” April beamed at her.

  Sean smiled at her too. “Hey there Ash.”

  Betsy from the decoupage group chimed in. “We’re so happy to see you!”

  “Copy that,” Burt said.

  “I’m happy to see you too, but I didn’t know that all of you would be here,” Ashley stammered.

  “Well dear, I thought we should have a Pow Wo
w tonight and get to the bottom of things. It takes a village as they say, so here we all are,” April said.

  “Uh, ok,” Ashley replied.

  She caught Sean grinning at her, and Lara gave her a quick look.

  “So let’s all go into the living room while dinner is finishing up and we can have a chat,” April said.

  Ashley’s mom gestured everyone to sit down and set down a tray of appetizers.

  “Deviled eggs, one of your favorites honey,” April continued.

  “Oh yeah, they are,” Ashley said, as she grabbed an egg. She glanced around at everyone staring at her.

  “Burt, you should start,” April said.

  “Well, your mother and I have been talking, and we both agree that you can’t go back to work until the real killer or killers are caught. It’s too dangerous,” he said.

  “I know dad. You’re right. Detective Thompson already ordered me not to go back as well,” Ashley said.

  “You see dear? Now that’s smart. I knew that detective was more than just a hunk,” April declared.

  Burt had a shocked look on his face. “You thought he was a hunk?”

  “I’m sure she just meant in a general kind of way,” Betsy said. The other ladies from the decoupage group nodded in agreement.

  “Of course,” Lara said. She was trying not to laugh.

  “He’s no big shakes,” Burt grumbled.

  “Naw, he’s not,” Sean chimed in.

  “Now here’s the real smart guy,” Burt said, pointing to Sean.

  “Uh, thanks dad for your endorsement of Sean, but could we get back to why you and mom called everyone over tonight?”

  “Well, now that we’ve settled that you won’t be going back into work, the ladies from the group want to offer you all their theories on who killed Darren Short. We are not just about crafting you know,” April insisted.

  “Well, to make you all feel good, I just found out today that Julia Short does have a lover, just like you thought,” Ashley said.


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