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Ashley Crane Cozy Mystery Collection

Page 31

by Laurie Anne Marie

  As Sean drove, she chatted about what the detective had said and kept pivoting in the seat.

  “What’s up?” he asked.

  “I’m just keeping my eyes open.” She put her hand on Sean’s thigh in silent communion after his confession of love a while ago. He smiled at her.

  Everything looked normal. It was dark out, and the lampposts were shining on the calm streets. The little shops were closing. People were out walking their dogs, and school-age children were getting home from soccer or football practice. Nothing out of order. Another seemingly normal day in town under abnormal circumstances.

  She asked Sean to head up Elder Lane.

  “Out of our way,” he said.

  “I know, just need to check something,” she answered.

  She hadn’t been there for a while and had forgotten how pretty it was. The homes were much larger over here. Quite expensive homes. The street went up a small hill, and the houses seemed to get bigger as they climbed.

  A group of people was standing out in the cool evening air in a semi-circle with their dogs and talking. Ashley didn’t recognize any of them. She kept looking around as they drove up. She then called her parents.

  “Be there in about a half hour,” she said.

  “Don’t rush honey, dinner’s running late. I was busy with my decoupage group and your father just got home and has to wash all that fertilizer smell off him. Burt, get in the shower!” April exclaimed.

  “Darn it, woman, have to take my shoes off first!” Ashley’s dad yelled back.

  Ashley chuckled and hung up. “Let’s turn around now. I have to get that carrot dish made and feed the cats.”

  “Fine by me. Let’s eat,” Sean said, and turned around in a driveway and headed back down the hill.


  As they came around the bend, Ashley noticed Jason Steppe of Steppe’s Luxury Cars standing on a doorstep. He was kissing Janice Hartman. They embraced passionately. Even though it was dark outside, they stood under the porch light, and Ashley could see everything clearly.

  “Slow down and pull over,” she told Sean.

  “Why?” he asked

  “Just a minute, I want to take a look.”

  Janice got into her car and backed out of Steppe’s home. She drove slowly down the hill, waving as she went. Ashley turned her head to the side and told Sean to as well. They waited until she had driven a short distance, then followed behind.

  “What’s going on?” Sean asked.

  “That guy back there that was kissing the woman on the front porch is Jason Steppe, Bob Hartman’s biggest rival.”

  “I honestly didn’t get a good look at him,” Sean said.

  “That’s ok. I did. Remember he came to the party and confronted Hartman about whether he was going to retire or not?”

  “Yeah, but--”

  “And that was Janice Hartman with him.”

  “And?” Sean asked.

  “Maybe they planned the murder together.”

  “Why? Just because the old man was upset with her over Steppe?”

  “Not just that, because Hartman said he wasn’t going to retire, he was going to expand the business. Steppe had probably wanted to be the king of the hill for a long time, and that announcement was too much for him.”

  Janice made a left at the bottom of the hill and continued on Chester Street. It was the same direction they were going, so they kept driving. Ashley made a note of the color and make of her car but strained to see the license plate number.

  Suddenly, Janice made a quick right onto another street.

  “Ash, do we have to follow her? It’s too dark. We’re going to be late, and I’m famished,” Sean remarked.

  She sighed. “Ok, ok, let’s get back and get everything ready and go to dinner.”

  Ashley had some info on the car already, so she’d keep an eye out for it. Besides, now she knew where Jason Stepped lived. She’d have to go back and ask him some questions. Or meet him at his dealership where they’d be people around.

  When they got to Ashley’s apartment, the cats were ecstatic to see her since they were overdue for their wet food. No messes in the kitchen this time and Charlie looked quite proud of himself. Susie Q ran around jumping over things again.

  Sean fed the cats while Ashley hurriedly cut up the carrots and onions and mixed them with olive oil, a bit of salt, pepper and fennel. She’d pop them in her mom’s oven and roast them quickly before they ate.

  She turned the living room light on and handed Sean the pan of carrots. Charlie gave her a look that seemed to say, ‘I thought you were home for the night,’ and then sat on the couch to sulk. Susie Q scuttled around the living room in a mad dash; then Charlie streaked after her into Ashley’s bedroom. Susie came running out again.

  Then they heard a crash.

  “Oh no, Charlie knocked something over. Wait a minute.”

  She ran into the bedroom, and sure enough, Charlie had knocked over her lamp. Gratefully, it wasn’t broken. She bent over to pick it up and heard a whap, whap, whap sound under her bed. Charlie was batting something around.

  “Need help?” Sean asked.

  “No, just give me a minute,” she said.

  Ashley bent down to look under her bed and saw him spinning a small black stick on the floor. It was covered with bed dust balls. She pulled it away from her cat and saw it was a computer memory stick.

  Ashley turned it over in her hand and knew it wasn’t hers. How did it get there? And how long had it been there?

  She walked into the kitchen for a plastic bag and dropped it in.

  “Look what Detective Charlie found. It’s not mine. This goes to Thompson tomorrow.”

  Sean got quiet all of a sudden. “You can’t move out of here soon enough.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it. Let’s go to dinner.”


  Ashley and Sean drove in silence to her parents. Everything seemed dream-like. So much had happened in such a short time, and here she was, seemingly back at square one. She racked her brains about the killer. If it wasn’t Will, then who? Or was she wrong and Will had been coerced to do it, but with someone else pulling his strings? She had to figure out the answer soon. It was obvious she was being terrorized to prevent her from trying to crack the case. She was nervous, but she wasn’t going to stop snooping around.

  Ashley had already talked to Holly Harris, Noel White, and Will. Tomorrow she would find Mark Laughlin and Donna Hartman and ask them some questions. Even though Brad Hartman had tried to menace her, she would confront him too. There was also the question of Janice Hartman and Jason Steppe.

  The detective said that they’d both been thoroughly questioned. They’d left the party early. They had given alibis for each other as they were in his home together. Steppe also had a successful dealership. Maybe not on par with Hartman’s Autos, but good enough to afford him quite the lifestyle. Why would he risk that to murder Hartman? Just because he wanted to date his daughter? Or jealousy that his business wasn’t as big as Hartman’s?

  She was going to find out what she could, as soon as she could. Poor Will was sitting in a cell and due to go to prison soon. Ashley wasn’t going to allow that to happen.

  Sean broke her thoughts. “There’s a cop car following us.”

  “Oh, good. It’s supposed to be a new guy. The old one kept disappearing.”

  They pulled into her parent’s driveway, and Ashley waved at the policeman. He waved back and gave her a smile. She instantly felt better.


  April rushed to the door to greet them. “I’m so glad you’re here. Dinner is ready! We’re starving!”

  “Ok mom, just let me put these in the oven on high to roast. It will only take ten minutes,” Ashley said.

  “Put what in the oven? We’re ready to go,” Burt said, as he sat at the table.

  “The carrots, dad. It will only be a few minutes.”

  “Wait for carrots? No offense, but there’s a pot roast and mashe
d potatoes waiting.”

  Ashley ran into the kitchen and jacked up the oven. It was already hot from cooking the pot roast so it wouldn’t be long. She called out to her mom.

  “Mom? Anything you want me to bring out?”

  “Just yourself, dear. We’ll talk about our cruise while we're waiting for the carrots to be done.”

  Burt grumbled while April filled them in on all the details of the planning she had done. She told them about the side trips she had booked and how big the ship was and the towns it would dock at. April’s cheeks were flushed with excitement and Ashley poked her father’s foot under the table so he wouldn’t say anything to burst her mom’s bubble. Sean listened in intently and kept smiling at April.

  “Sounds like a fantastic trip Mrs. C. Can’t wait to see all the photos,” he said.

  “Oh, my goodness, I’m going to take plenty. That reminds me Burt, bring all the chargers and the automatic camera for a backup in case we lose our phones.”

  “Yes dear,” he said, compliantly. “Is dinner ready yet?”

  “I’m sure the carrots are done. Be right back,” Ashley replied.

  April passed around the pot roast and onions. Then she passed the plate of buttery mashed potatoes. Lastly, she passed a basket of cheese rolls to Sean. His eyes popped open wide.

  “Now son, make sure you leave some for me,” Burt said.

  Ashley returned from the kitchen. “Ta da! The carrots!”

  Everyone helped themselves to a spoonful.

  “Great Ash, the herbs taste wonderful in these,” Sean said.

  “Yes dear, and they’re done just right. Al dente,” April replied.

  “Except they need butter,” Burt mumbled, as he chewed.

  “Dad, I roasted them in olive oil. Mom says it’s better for your cholesterol.”

  April winked at her daughter. “That’s right, dear.”

  “That cruise buffet can’t come soon enough,” Burt grumbled. He reached for another cheese roll.

  After they had finished eating, Ashley sat down in the living room with her parents and told them everything about what had been going on. She said the detective thought the crash could have been from reckless driving, but Ashley didn’t think so. She was careful how she said it, but she didn’t spare any details. Her mom’s demeanor went from a giddy girl planning the cruise into nearly hysterical mother mode.

  Tears welled up in her eyes. “You mean you were in an accident today? And that it was because someone ran you off the road? Ashley, this is too much for me. Burt, we’re going to cancel the cruise! We’ll go on it later once all of this has been solved. I can’t leave our baby alone to go off gallivanting on a vacation!”

  Burt sighed. “Copy that.”

  He stared at his daughter with the saddest face ever. Ashley felt awful.

  “Mom, dad, Detective Thompson is working on everything very hard. I’m sure everything will be fine. Sean is staying with me, and I have a cop car following me. Please don’t cancel your cruise for me.”

  “Ashley, you and I both agreed that Will couldn’t have committed the murder, and your father agrees. That means the real murderer is still out there, and is following you, or is having you followed. Don’t tell me to go and try to have fun after hearing all of this!”

  April ran into the kitchen crying.

  “She’s right,” Burt said. “Will is a fool kid, but he didn’t murder Hartman. And we can’t leave with you possibly in danger. So that’s that. The cruise can wait.”

  “Ok, dad. I’m sorry. I’ll go talk to mom.”

  “Besides, think what our phone bill would be if we left. Your mom would spend more money calling back here to check on you than the whole cruise would cost.”

  He gave his daughter a feeble smile. Ashley hugged him.


  After calming down her mom, Ashley and Sean left for her apartment. The cop car followed behind and left once they were safely inside. Sean walked around from room to room to make sure there were no surprises this time and petted the cats.

  ‘”I know everything’s fine in here, cause Charlie was sleeping when we got in. If anything had happened, he would’ve been riled up,” Ashley said.

  “Guess so. He’s a smarty,” Sean replied.

  Charlie gave Sean a look as if to say, ‘you don’t know the half of it, man,’ then put his head back down next to a sleeping Susie.

  The night was chilly. The weather was changing. Ashley went to the linen closet and took out her autumn blanket and put it on the bed. She opened the bedroom window just a little bit to let in some of the fall air. She checked to make sure the screen was on tight and took a look out back towards the alley.

  Nice and quiet. Just the way it should be. Sean made sure the living room door and windows were locked tight, then walked to the bedroom and stood in the doorway smiling at her. She smiled back. He walked up and embraced her, and she leaned on his chest. She could feel his heart beating softly, and his arms tightened around her.

  “I love you too,” she said.

  “I know,” he answered.

  That night, everything between them was sweeter than ever before. He leaned in and kissed her head softly. She kissed his chest and exhaled. Neither of them talked. They didn’t need to. They had grown up together and had been talking for over thirty years, and they would keep talking for over thirty more. Now it was time just to go to sleep in each other arms and live and dream in the moment, and this particular moment was wonderful.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Sean was up before it was light outside. He leaned over and gave Ashley a kiss.

  “Have to get to the bakery. My assistant has been carrying the early morning load too much lately. Have to relieve him. Come by for breakfast,” Sean said.

  “Ok,” she replied, sleepily.

  Ashley rubbed her eyes. Five o’clock. She had lots to do, but she’d sleep another hour first. Charlie jumped on the bed and gave her a look that said ‘I can go for a walk now if you’re ready,’ and then hopped back down again to see Sean out.

  “Bye, Charlie. See ya later, buddy. Bye, Ash. Love you.”

  “Love you too,” she called, from the bedroom.

  She lay there smiling to herself about the night before. What a wonderful way to end a stressful day. She was so happy that Sean would be coming home again with her tonight. It felt so natural. Life was full of surprises, but how they came together was one of the nicest surprises of all.

  She tried to go back to sleep, but it was no use. She looked at the memory stick sitting on her bedside table in the bag and wondered what could possibly be on it. How had it gotten under her bed? She couldn’t wait to take it to Thompson and have it examined.

  Then she had to try and question a few more people from that fateful night. But first, she still had to check on her car in the body shop and get a rental car. Ashley sighed. So much to do! She hopped out of bed and took a quick shower.

  When she got out, Charlie was yowling at the door. She put his halter on and took him out for a quick walk. Only a few people were on the street with their dogs and she waved at them. She kept glancing around. Charlie could’ve walked for another half hour, but she had to get the day going. They turned and headed back. She unleashed Charlie and fed him and Susie Q, then got dressed.

  Ashley made coffee and sat at the kitchen table to look at her email. She had two emails from companies that wanted her to send her resume for catering. She smiled to herself. Hopefully, more of these would be coming soon, and she wouldn’t have to go back and work in a restaurant.

  It was so much nicer setting her hours and the variety of the jobs were interesting. Except when there was a murder, of course. She quickly answered the emails and sent them her resume, then wrote that she was very interested and would love to set up an appointment soon.

  She briefly thought about putting the memory stick in to see what was on it, then decided against it. Better to observe it with Detective Thompson on the police computer.
She put it in her purse, then called a taxi and waited on her landing for it.

  Ashley then called Thompson on his cell.

  “Nate, hi. How are you?” Ashley asked.

  “Tired. You’re up early,” Thompson replied.

  “Yeah, I couldn’t sleep. Listen, I have something to show you. When can I stop by today?”

  “How’s after lunch, around two?”

  “Perfect. See you then. Also, no need for the car following me today. I’m waiting for a taxi to take me to the body shop, and then will go to breakfast, and then run a few errands, then to see you. I’m fine.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, quiet night last night. Let’s wait until the evening, ok?”

  “Ok, see you later.”

  The taxi pulled up. She got in and told him where to go. Mary Gilden was just coming back from her early morning walk and waved.

  Ashley smiled and waved back. She’d have to have dinner with Mary before she moved. She wanted to keep her as a friend.

  As soon as they got to the body shop, Ashley checked in with the desk and told them she’d need a rental car for a few days. Then she waited for someone to speak to her about her car. Finally, a man walked up to her with a clipboard.

  “Miss Crane?” the man said.

  “Yes. Good morning,” Ashley replied.

  “Good morning. I wanted to let you know that your car will be here about a week. The back bumper damage wasn’t too severe, but the underbody needs a lot of work from hitting rocks and underbrush as it went down the hill. You’ll also need new tires. We also have to re-install the airbag that went off.”

  “Of course,” she said. “Thank you. I’ve ordered a rental car at the desk. How long it would take.”

  “Oh, it should be no more than twenty minutes. Please sign here and we’ll be in touch with your insurance company. If you don’t hear from us by Friday, give us a call.”


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