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Page 20

by Charlene Raddon

  "Come on. Hurry." Jared smacked Old Glory on the rump again.

  Barclay turned to face his antagonist.

  "Damn you, Givens," Dirk yelled, spotting them. "I'll kill you if it's the last thing I do."

  Panic welled up inside Cynara as she realized what a perfect target she made sitting on top of Old Glory. But she couldn't think about that now. She was terrified for Barclay.

  "Barclay?" Dirk yelled. "This first bullet is for you."

  "I'm waiting," Barclay said, widening his stance.

  No. Cynara had to do something. She couldn't watch Barclay die. Remembering how Old Glory hated being jabbed in the side, she told Jared to take the babies.

  "What?" He stared at her.

  "Just do it," she ordered.

  Jared plucked Connor and Gage from their basket, then Vella.

  Barclay and Dirk had squared off on the street, both ready to draw their guns.

  The moment Cynara no longer had to worry about the babies, she drove her boot heels into the mule's belly again and again. Braying angrily, the mule burst into a run—straight at Dirk.

  The outlaw saw them coming. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Dirk leaped aside.

  From up the street, Barclay came at a run, gun drawn.

  Cynara turned the mule and kicked Dirk again, hoping to knock him down. He grabbed at her. Recognizing his intent, she dodged and struck out with her boot, striking him in the chest as hard as she could. With an "Ooof," he pinwheeled his arms, fighting to maintain his balance. Cynara kicked again, but he was already tumbling backward onto the dirt and dung road.

  Suddenly, Barclay was there, snatching Dirk to his feet. "You rotten son of a garbage rat, I ought to kill you for the misery you've put my woman and babies through."

  "Your woman?" Dirk shot back at him.

  "That's right." He punched the man in the mouth, blood splattering them both.

  Cynara gasped, seeing his pain in his eyes. His face paled. She wanted to call out to him to stop fighting but knew that would only increase his risk. To see him fighting like this tore at her heart, terrified he’d reopen his wound.

  Dirk tried to belt him in the stomach, but Barclay dodged the blow and gave him an uppercut to the jaw.

  Jared appeared behind Dirk, his arms loaded with infants. "Cynara, take the babies."

  She leaned over and took Vella, placing her in a basket. "Put the boys in the other carrier."

  He settled Gage and Connor into the well-padded sack before spinning around to help his brother. "Can I get in on this?" he asked, landing a blow to Dirk's jaw.

  Barclay fell back, rubbing at his sore shoulder, and Cynara urged Old Glory over to him. "Barclay, you're hurt."

  "I'm okay. Don't worry about me, just get the babies out of the way."

  She guided the mule over to where the horses waited, hating the violence she witnessed, yet thankful for Jared and Barclay’s presence.

  Dirk dodged Jared's right cross and punched him in the stomach. In the space of a heartbeat, he drew his six-gun and aimed it at Barclay's chest.

  Cynara screamed.

  Barclay's hand flew so fast, she barely saw it. One second he stood there vulnerable and unarmed. The next instant, his Smith & Wesson was in his hand. He fired. Dirk's bullet zinged past, but Barclay's found its target.

  Dirk grabbed his chest and let out a cry of agony. "Damn you," he said and fell.

  Jared kicked Dirk's gun away and made sure the man stayed down.

  "Am I too late to get into this game?" a voice said from the shadows.

  Barclay, Jared and Cynara swiveled that direction.

  "Who's there?" Barclay asked.

  A stocky, older man stepped out into the scant moonlight, a hat on his head and his hand on the butt of a Colt in his holster. On his chest he wore a marshal's badge.

  "Marshal, we looked for you at your office." Barclay strode over to him, hand extended. "I'm Barclay Givens and the man with me is my brother, Jared. We own the High Mountain Ranch outside of Cutthroat."

  "Nice to meet you. I'm Marshal Lincoln." He fished through his pockets, finally coming up with a yellow piece of paper. "Marshal Vining wired me about you. Said to tell you Beau confessed to trying to shoot you from the field by your road and Vining needs to know if you want him charged." He handed the wire to Barclay. "Now, I understand. You’re here to find a kidnapper?"

  While Barclay read the message, Jared jabbed at Dirk’s boots with his toe. "That’s right. He took the babies and Cynara here." He slipped an arm loosely around her.

  "My woman," Dirk mumbled.

  His? Cynara shook her head. Why had he said that?

  "No," Barclay said. "My woman."

  Jared let go of her, grinning, and she wished she could kiss him right then.

  The marshal walked over and looked down on the outlaw. "Good shot. An inch closer to the heart, and he'd be dead."

  "Before the kidnapping, he'd been rustling our cattle."

  "He's part of the Grossman gang," Cynara put in.

  "They're lying, Marshal," Dirk pleaded.

  "Sorry, young man. I have a poster on you, so I know they’re speaking straight." Marshal Lincoln bent and picked up the six-gun Dirk had dropped. "There's a whole list of charges against you, from robbery to attempted murder. What do you say to that?"

  "It's all lies," he muttered.

  Lincoln turned to Barclay. "Been watching for this piece of dung, as you adequately described him. Thanks for helping me catch him."

  Jared hauled Dirk to his feet, and Lincoln shoved him in the direction of the jail.

  Barclay led the mule carrying Cynara and the babies, following the marshal to his office, knowing the lawman would have questions. At least one of the babies was squalling like a banshee. Probably two. Maybe three. So much noise made it difficult to tell.

  "I need to nurse them," Cynara told Barclay.

  "We'll find a place for you in the jail."

  At the marshal's office, Barclay helped Cynara dismount, ignoring the pain in his shoulder. "Jared, can you help her take the babies inside?"

  "Sure." Jared took the halter from Cynara and placed it around his own neck.

  Lincoln peeked inside the pack-bags. "Are these Triplets?"

  "Yes," Cynara said. "Aren’t they adorable?"

  "Sure are. Congratulations." The marshal grinned.

  "Oh, no!" Flustered, Cynara flapped her hands. "They’re not mine. I wish they were, but they’re not."

  "Well, I’m sure you’ll get your share of little ones like these."

  The marshal then shoved Dirk into a cell and locked the door. Moaning with pain, the outlaw plopped down on the cot and glared at them all. "Quit carrying on, Shindler. I sent for the doctor."

  "I'll get you for this." Dirk’s threat was directed at Barclay.

  "It'll take a while," the marshal said. "If I guess right, you're going to be in prison, maybe long enough for these cute tykes to grow up."

  "He claims the babies' grandparents live in the house where he held us," Cynara said, a baby at her breast beneath a blanket.

  "Oh?" Marshal Lincoln said. "That would be Henry Styles and his wife. They're out of the country right now, and I've been keeping an eye on the place. Any grandchildren they might have would have to come from their daughter, Jessamine."

  "He kept going on about someone named Minnie and how he was going to 'fix her good'," Cynara said.

  "Minnie’s the mother of the triplets, all right," Barclay said.

  Lincoln’s eyes lit up. "Interesting. The girl's father is an influential man in this county. Mayor, bank owner and friend of the governor." He passed out cigars to the men. "Sorry I don't have anything for you, ma'am, unless you'd like coffee or water."

  "That's all right. But I do need somewhere private to nurse the rest of the babies."

  "They sound hungry all right."

  "This has been a horrible experience for them," she said. "It's no way to start life."

  "Well, you
can use that second cell to take care of them." Lincoln opened the door to the room with the cells. "There's a wall in between so it's private."

  "Thank you, sir." She went in and shut the barred door behind her.

  "That's some gal you've got there," the marshal said. "She's smart and has more spunk than most women, the way she drove her mule at Shindler and used her boots on the rascal. She your wife, Barclay?"

  "If I have my way, she will be soon," Barclay answered.

  "Tell me more about how Jessamine Styles came to have these babies." Marshal Lincoln poured cups of coffee. "And what you’re doing with them."

  "Long story, Marshal." Barclay smiled. "The girl gave birth to them in our home, then ran off without taking them with her. We have no idea where she is now."

  "Was she married?" the marshal asked.

  "No, the gang had held her captive for almost a year."

  Lincoln shook his head sadly. "Poor girl. Her parents took her to some fancy finishing school in Italy. Reckon she'll be there a few years. Do the Styles know they have grandchildren?"

  "Not unless Minnie told them, which I doubt. She didn't want the babies. If her parents want to put in a claim, they'll have to hurry. I aim to marry Cynara and adopt them."

  "You and Cynara?" The surprise on Jared’s face turned into pleasure. "Fantastic, brother." They shook hands.

  "To tell the truth," Lincoln said, "I don't think the grandparents will be a problem. Styles isn't the sort of man who'd want it known that his daughter gave birth to some outlaw's bastard child. Or children, in this case."

  "I hope you're right," Barclay said.

  "Wait a minute," Jared said. "You planning to adopt Little Gage too? 'Cause, far as I'm concerned, he belongs to me."

  Barclay laughed. "We'll have to straighten that out with the judge when the time comes but not tonight."

  Chapter Eighteen

  C ynara cradled the baby in her arms while it suckled at her breast. "You are such a sweetheart, Vella. Look at that adorable face." Bending her head, she kissed Vella's head. In return, the baby grabbed a handful of her hair. Laughing, Cynara pulled free of the tiny girl's grip.

  The door opened and Barclay called, "You decent? Can I come in?"

  "Yes, please do. I'm almost finished."

  His gaze went from her face to the blanket thrown over her shoulder and back again. "Every time I see you like this, it makes my heart jump."

  "Why? Does it bother you?"

  He chuckled. "No, not at all. I don't know. It does something funny to my insides. I think it's because you make such a beautiful picture like that."

  "I'm not beautiful, Barclay. I'm a mess. I haven't had much sleep since Dirk grabbed me, nor have I bathed or even combed my hair. I feel dirty."

  "You don't look dirty, and you are beautiful to me." He sat on a stool beside the cot and took her free hand. "Have you thought of what I asked you before all this happened?"

  She blanched and his heart sank. "About a marriage of convenience to give the babies a home?"

  "Yes, but…" He shoved a hank of hair from his face, kissed the back of her hand and cleared his throat. "That's not really what I want anymore."

  "Oh." She grew even paler and glanced away. Moisture glistened in her eyes. Barclay swallowed hard. She'd misunderstood and thought he didn't want her.

  "No, Cynara, it isn't that. I want to marry you. What I want is a real marriage. I want you at my side when I go to sleep and when I wake up in the morning. I want to grow old with you and to see my babies grow inside your tummy." He swallowed again, afraid to go on. "Do you think you could live with that?"

  She kept her head down, looking at the baby.

  "If you don't want a permanent marriage, we can still do the convenience thing, marry and have it annulled later after I'm able to adopt the triplets. I promise I won't touch you if you don't want it."

  At last, she met his gaze, her eyes moist. "No, Barclay, that's not what I want either. I'm not sure if I'm in love with you, although I suspect it’s true, but I do love you, if that makes any sense. You're a good man who I admire and respect, and I'd be proud to be your wife. I'm willing to make it a real marriage if that's what you want."

  "If it's what I want?" He laughed and dropped to his knees in front of her. "Oh, Cynara, I never wanted anything more in my life. If you don't come to love me as I do you, it's okay. I have enough for both of us, and I know we can be happy together. Will you marry me?"

  She gave him a big smile, even though tears rained down her cheeks. "Yes, Barclay. Yes, I will marry you. And I want to adopt the babies."

  He threw his arms around her, baby and all, and rained kisses on her face, licking away her tears. "You've made me very happy already. Thank you for accepting me."

  Cynara laid a hand against his cheek. "Thank you for wanting me. I truly didn't expect to ever feel as I do now. I didn't believe I could love another man. But you're so special, Barclay. You're unlike any man I've ever known. I’ve come to admire you a very great deal. I love your scruples and how your mind works."

  Finished nursing, Vella squirmed. Cynara whirled her finger and when he turned around, she refastened her bodice. "Here, you can take Vella, if you will."

  "Gladly." He lifted her up and held her in front of him. "How are you, little lady? You've had quite an adventure to start out your life. Are you going to be okay?"

  She stared at him with big blue eyes. Grinning, he kissed her forehead, put her to his shoulder and patted her back. "Are you done nursing?" he asked Cynara.

  "Yes. They need to be changed and washed, but I can't do that here."

  He grinned. "How would you like to get a hotel room so you can have a bath and a good night's sleep? Or would you prefer to head home?"

  "The hotel, if it's all right. A bath and sleep sound wonderful."

  "Then we'll do it." He stood. "I'll get Jared on it. I don't want to leave you for a second."

  "Are we going to…" She blushed and averted her face.

  "What?" he said.

  "Are we getting married here? Tonight?"

  Still holding Vella, he bent and kissed Cynara. "That would be beyond my dreams, but I'm afraid it would upset my mother not to be there."

  "Of course, your mother would be disappointed. How thoughtless of me. Chase and your ranch hands would want to be there too. Forgive me."

  "Nothing to forgive, my sweet. Just tell me how you feel about marrying soon."

  "I-I’m nervous, but I think it’s best to start this marriage off right, as a real union." She bowed her head, her cheeks flushed. "Physical and emotional."

  A knock came on the door, and Jared stuck his head in. "We celebrating tonight?"

  "We sure are." Barclay held out a hand. "Congratulate me, Jared. Cynara just consented to become my wife."

  "Whoo-hoo!" he bellowed. "That's fantastic news. Can't tell you how happy I am to have you for a sister-in-law, Cynara."

  "Thank you, Jared. I feel the same about you."

  "So, big brother, what shall we do to celebrate?" Jared picked up Gage and made faces at the baby trying to win a smile.

  "We thought we'd like to get a room at the hotel." Barclay looked at Cynara. "Two rooms, actually. One for us to share and one for Cynara."

  "Too bad you can't marry before we leave," Jared said, winking.

  "You're right about that." Disappointment filled Barclay's voice. "But I can't let Ma down."

  "Well," Jared said. "You could marry here. I'd be willing to head for High Mountain afterward and give you some privacy. Then, when you get home, you can have a second ceremony for the sake of Ma and the town."

  Barclay looked at Cynara. "What do you want to do, darling? I'll be happy either way."

  She gave him a doubtful look. "Liar."

  "You're right." He chuckled. "I'd much prefer to marry you today."

  "It would seem silly to have two ceremonies," she said after a minute, then motioned for him to come closer and whispered, "But I'd be more comfo
rtable having our wedding night here away from everyone. A second wedding at home would give me a chance to make a special dress. I didn't have one with Ward. We could have a reception for neighbors and townsfolk too."

  He handed Vella to Jared and pulled her against him in a gentle hug. "You don't know how happy you've just made me."

  Releasing her, he turned to his brother. "Thanks for the suggestion, Jared. Looks like I’m getting married tonight."

  "Good. Am I your best man?" Jared asked, a baby in each arm.

  "You bet you are. Who else would I ask?"

  Jared nodded. "Then allow me to arrange for the ceremony and a room at the hotel while you two go have some supper."

  "How good of you." Cynara went on tiptoes and kissed his cheek. She took the babies from him and laid them on the bed.

  Jared opened the door. "I'll find you at the hotel when I'm done."

  "That would be nice, brother," Barclay said. "Thank you."

  "Try to finish in time to join us for supper, Jared," Cynara said.

  "I will. It's a special day," Jared said and went out.

  As they left, passing the other cell, Dirk snarled something nasty that Cynara was glad she didn't understand. Barclay stepped menacingly toward the cell, until Jared yanked him into the marshal's office. "No fighting today, Barc."

  When Marshal Vining heard about the coming nuptials, he congratulated them. "By the way," he said, holding out what looked to Barclay like a bank draft. "Here is the reward money on Dirk. Three-hundred dollars."

  Barclay almost whooped with joy. This would cover the bank payment he'd been worrying about—except that Jared deserved half.

  "We'll get this cashed at the bank, Jared, and I'll give you half. You earned it."

  "No." Jared held up a hand palm out. "Use that for the bank payment so we can stop fretting over it."

  "How did you know I was worried about the payment?" Barclay asked.

  Jared grinned. "I was in the bank the other day and John Little told me to remind you it was due. Besides, you're always grumpy when you have money on your mind."

  It surprised Barclay that Little John would say anything to Jared. It was his loan, not Jared's, even though the brothers had to agree to it and sign the papers. Perhaps John hadn't understood. He'd meant well, though. Barclay knew that. "Thank you, brother. I'll pay you back."


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