Passion, Power, and Privilege (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Passion, Power, and Privilege (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 9

by Cara Addison

  Kate smiled, but inwardly cringed at the memory of the fake shotgun her father held when he greeted her dates at the door when she was in high school. As the DA, he couldn’t pull out a real shotgun, but most young men were too scared to take a second glance.

  * * * *

  Kate spent most weekday mornings at the club, determined to keep up with Bradley, the fitness buff. Her efforts were paying off. Her balance had improved and her body was improving in tone and strength. One spring morning, as she finished her workout before heading to yoga class, another idea to support her plan for a smart city began to blossom in her mind. Ninety minutes later, on her drive home, she was inspired by the idea and was eager to get home and research her suspicions. Kate called city hall and informed her PA that she’d be working from home, should anyone need to reach her. She walked in the door, dropped her bag in the laundry room, and proceeded directly to her office.

  Kate pulled out a writing pad and began her online search for the documents that contained the information she sought. She pulled out a number of city documents and studies and began poring through them. As she came across relevant data, she circled and highlighted, making notes about pertinent information to support her case.

  After a time, the room darkened and looking up, Kate realized that she’d been working for hours. It was already five o’clock, and her stomach growled, signaling that she had missed lunch. Kate made a few final notes, and then tidied her desk before heading to the shower, notepad in hand.

  As the hot, steamy water crashed over her, she mentally reviewed the information she had uncovered. A strategy began to take shape in her mind. She stepped out of the shower, and after wrapping in a towel, she scribbled an outline of her thoughts on the writing pad. She leisurely applied makeup and styled her hair, stopping occasionally to add details. She was heading to the kitchen to prepare dinner when the doorbell chimed.

  Not expecting anyone, she quickly checked her hair and makeup in the mirror before approaching the front entrance. She was surprised and more than a little delighted to discover that Brad was standing on her doorstep. Kate opened the door to find him in jeans and a leather coat. She motioned him in the door, and instantly recognized the takeout bag from her favorite Thai restaurant. The aroma of food greeted her, and she realized that she was much hungrier than she thought. As Brad leaned in to kiss her, his delicious scent replaced the aroma of food, and she instantly knew that she was hungry for more than just dinner.

  How is it that he can always smell so delightful? she wondered to herself.

  They leisurely enjoyed their meal, as they shared with each other the concerns of the day. Bradley’s human resource department was experiencing some significant challenges with a string of harassment claims, and he was concerned about the stress his son Seth was experiencing. Kate offered as much legal advice as she could without being familiar with the details of the file, while offering a listening ear and moral support.

  “Can Seth call you sometime? I’d feel better if he had access to some legal counsel.”

  “Of course…but have him call my personal number. Separation of church and state, and all.”

  Kate was intrigued that he was opening up his family to her, and looked forward to talking further with his eldest son. She stood up to store the unfinished food in the fridge. Brad gathered the empty containers together, and followed her into the kitchen. Wiping off the kitchen island, she felt his hard body snuggled up behind her, nestling her in his long, sturdy arms. She melted, feeling his warmth surround her. He pulled back her hair and, bending down, tenderly kissed her neck. A shiver ran through her body. Urged by her response, he placed his soft lips to her skin. She slowly exhaled, absorbing each sensation.

  His hands moved beneath her shirt. He skillfully edged his hands up her body as he explored. With one hand, he pulled her shirt over her head and discarded it on the counter as his other hand brushed against the sheer fabric her bra. Unhurriedly, he kissed and nibbled his way to the soft hollow between her shoulders. A moan escaped her lips. As his hot breath mixed with warm kisses, her need for him increased. He released the clasp of her bra with his lips and his hands slipped forward to cup each breast. He kneaded and squeezed, sending ripples of delight through her. She tried to turn around, wanting desperately to kiss him, but he had her firmly pinned against the cold granite. Unbuttoning her jeans, he slipped them down over one hip and then the other. She could feel his breathing intensify as he urgently pulled her panties from her. As the garment fell to the floor, he spun her around, urgently kissing her. She could feel the heat from his body.

  Kate tugged his shirt up and over his head, immediately wanting to feel his flesh against her. His body was crushed against hers.

  “Take me to your bedroom,” he pleaded in a husky voice.

  As they entered the room, he playfully asked, “Protection?” rubbing his hands together, mimicking her from their first night together.

  She opened the drawer to the bedside table, revealing an ample assortment of supplies. “What’s your pleasure, sir?” she inquired.

  Stirring the pile with one finger, he looked up at her quizzically. “They’re new. I took the liberty of replenishing my own supply,” she justified, with a smile.

  He reached into the drawer, and placed a small package next to the pillow.

  Kate pulled him into bed, kissing and tasting him as her hands explored his body. He swiftly rolled her over, watching her as he licked a nipple while caressing her with his other hand. She writhed as his tongue darted across her skin. As he pulled and twisted with his fingers, he slowly began kissing his way down her torso. As he kissed her navel and began to move further, she stiffened. “I want to taste you, Kate,” he pleaded with wanting eyes. He unfurled her legs, shifting to kiss his way from her knee, up her thigh, toward her aching pussy. “Help me,” he begged, guiding her hand down to part her engorged lips. Without even touching her, his warm breath brought out exquisite pleasure. As his tongue deftly brushed against her clit, she moaned. As he skillfully and delicately circled his tongue, she pulled a pillow over her face to stifle a scream. He slipped two fingers inside her pussy, exploring with a delectable swirling movement. She was filled with a rich, deep pleasure as he explored, and she writhed and moaned at his touch.

  His tongue delicately increased pressure, spinning then pressing and then whirling again. Within moments, a wave of pleasure unleashed, pulsating through her body, releasing the tension that had mounted. As he kissed his way back up her belly, she lifted the pillow and peeked down at him, still clutching the edge of the pillow in her teeth. Pleased with his efforts, a playfully wicked smile crossed his face.

  He leaned on one elbow, and without looking her in the eye, queried, “Should it concern me,” he paused has he ran his hand across her abdomen, “that in the weeks that we’ve been together, you haven’t had a period?”

  Kate ran her hands through his hair and laughed lightly.

  He looked up at her with cloudy eyes.

  “Do you want the short version or long version of the story?” she asked with a cute smile.

  “Short, I guess,” he answered hesitantly.

  “I don’t have a period anymore.”

  He looked at her quizzically. “You’re forty-two and you’ve gone already through menopause?” he asked.

  “No.” she laughed. “Not at all.”

  He was puzzled.

  She elaborated. “A period is a pesky, painful nuisance, and mine was causing significant inconvenience,” she explained. “So, once it became obvious that I wasn’t having children, I had a procedure to eliminate any future periods.”

  He looked at her, and squirmed uncomfortably.

  “The result,” she concluded, “is natural hormones, without the pesky interruption of a recurring period.”

  He digested this information and leaned in to kiss her.

  “So,” he responded, nuzzling her neck, “this means I can have you whenever I want?”

  “Win-win,” she replied, accepting his warm kiss.

  He pulled back, and slowly asked, “Does this mean you can’t get pregnant anymore?”

  She exhaled slowly, not knowing if he wanted the answer to be positive or negative.

  “It’s highly unlikely.”

  “So, the latex?” he questioned, pointing to the infamous black basket, “isn’t necessary?”

  His question was making her a little uncomfortable. She searched for the appropriate words before answering. “It’s not necessary for birth control purposes,” she replied gently, “but…” She didn’t finish her sentence.

  “Ahhh,” he said, suddenly getting her point. “You’re concerned about more than just birth control?”

  “Not concerned,” she replied cautiously. “I’m careful. Sensible. Responsible.”

  Knowing how her marriage had ended, he carefully asked, “Should I be concerned?” He was trying not to offend her.

  “I went through a barrage of tests after I discovered Dwayne’s indiscretions,” she replied. Kate hadn’t slept with Dwayne in years but, not knowing for certain if he had been unfaithful throughout their marriage, decided to err on the side of caution. She realized that the stressful upheaval in her life was still able to produce such emotional pain. “All of the tests were negative,” she explained. “And, of course, I haven’t been with anyone else since,” she finished softly.

  She knew he could see the agony in her eyes. The sting of how Dwayne betrayed her, coupled with the loneliness of an empty marriage.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered, “I didn’t mean to drag up the past.”

  She sucked in a deep breath, pushing those thoughts from her mind. “It’s okay,” she said feigning a smile. “It’s in the past where it belongs.”

  He smiled and kissed her before continuing, “Do you want me to get tested?”

  Kate had no idea of his sexual history, but assumed that a man this desirable had sown a few wild oats. “That”—she smiled—“is entirely up to you.”

  * * * *

  They saw each other most days at the country club, but even on days that they didn’t see each other, Bradley would check in via text. I was just thinking of you. How is your day going?

  Busy. Another committee meeting. It’s amazing how in government, meetings are an acceptable alternative to work.

  Another late night?


  What would you prefer to be doing?


  The playful banter would often carry her through tedious meetings.

  * * * *

  Late one morning, Kate stopped by Bradley’s office with a soup and salad, hoping to share a quick lunch together. As she pulled into the visitor parking area, she was surprised to see a number of electric vehicles all parked by the front entrance. She entered the main doors as the security staff all scrambled to greet her. “Welcome, Madam Mayor,” one officer gushed.

  “Oh, thank you. But I’m not here as the mayor. I was hoping that Brad might be available for lunch,” Kate responded.

  “Mr. Taylor?” the officer asked, a little surprised. “Let me see if he’s available.”

  Kate looked around the spacious lobby as the call was placed, “Yes, I have Ms. Callahan here to see Mr. Taylor.” Kate waited patiently. “Yes, the mayor,” she heard the officer respond. “Wonderful, I’ll let her know.” The guard hung up the phone. “He’ll be right down to see you, Ms. Callahan.”

  It was just a minute before he arrived in the lobby. “What a lovely surprise, Kate.” He leaned in to kiss her as the guards looked on, quickly realizing this was a social call, not a professional one. “Your timing is perfect. I was just about to get on the elevator to head out for lunch.” He looked outside. “It looks too cool to sit outside. Let’s go up to my office.”

  As they approached the bank of elevators, Kate questioned, “Why are there so many electric vehicles in the parking lot?”

  He looked out the window to see what she was pointing to. “Oh. They’re very popular here. Those are just a few of the cars that are plugged in right now. I’ve had to install EV posts for employees that need to charge the battery while they’re here at work. There are probably another dozen electric cars in the employee parking area.” As the elevator doors closed, he leaned in for a long kiss before pressing the button to the top floor. “I’m so glad you stopped by.”

  “Why are they charging their cars at work?”

  “Some people live in apartments and they don’t have access to a charging station,” he explained. “Others”—he laughed—“forget to plug them in when they get home. I guess it takes some getting used to.”

  “You’ve given me a brilliant idea.” She smiled and slipped in a quick kiss before the doors opened.

  He escorted her through the tastefully decorated executive suites before ushering her into the corner office. “What a view,” she whispered as she took in the panoramic view of the city.

  “Honestly,” he replied, taking her in his arms with a kiss, “I’d rather stay at home and enjoy the view of you in my bed.” He looked over her shoulder, and noticed a dozen staff staring at them through the glass walls of the office. “Hmmm. Now I know that I should have insisted on installing blinds. I’ll look into that,” he whispered, delivering another series of kisses.

  They sat at his desk, enjoying a quick lunch while Kate shared her newly inspired idea to support drivers of electric vehicles. “I’ve got some work ahead of me. If there are this many drivers of electric vehicles at this one building, there must be dozens more. I’ll have to find out how popular this type of vehicle has become.”

  “I think they’re quite popular,” he confirmed, “they’re especially popular with the Y Generation. I’d say they are disproportionately popular with people working in the high-tech industry.”

  “My target demographic.” Kate smiled. “I doubt there is one charging station anywhere else in the city.” She smiled eagerly. “We’ll have to fix that.”

  Before returning to the office, Kate took a quick drive around the city, mentally marking where EV charging posts should be located. As she pulled to a stop in the downtown core, she noticed a man talking on a pay phone. She smiled to herself, wondering when the last time was that she had seen someone use the rundown and neglected stalls that scattered the city. As the light turned green, she smiled. A brilliant thought crossed her mind. She went straight to city hall and placed a call to Daniel, the Director of Engineering. “Do you have an infrastructure map that includes the location of pay phones in the city?”

  “I’m sure we have something here. What are you looking for?”

  “If you could locate that map and bring it to my office, I’d appreciate it. I’ll show you when you get here.” As she hung up the phone, she thought back to the comic book hero, who for decades had used telephone booths as a change station to transform from Clark Kent into Superman. She wondered when in the short time since that character was created, that the booths had become obsolete.

  Within the hour, Daniel delivered the map to her office. “I’ve made a copy for you, Ms. Callahan. What are you looking for?”

  She rolled out the large map across her desk. It confirmed her suspicions. “These lines here are electrical supply, aren’t they?” she asked, running her finger along the blue lines that ran underground.


  She looked at the legend. “And these are the telephone booths?” she inquired, pointing to the dots scattered across the map.

  “They are. But what do we care about some derelict phone booths?”

  “We care, because we’re a smart city…not an obsolete city,” she answered excitedly, tapping the map. “We’re going to transition some of these into Electric Vehicle charging stations for e-cars, e-scooters, and e-bikes.” She stood and smiled, watching Daniel as the notion slowly sunk in. “Let’s make this happen.”

  “I’ll put a team on it right away, Ms. Callahan,” he answered with a

  * * * *

  That Sunday, as was the weekly tradition for as long as she could remember, Kate arrived at her father’s home in the mid-morning to prepare a roast beef dinner. Her father greeted her at the door, helping her carry the grocery bags to the kitchen. Together they chopped vegetables, placing them in the roasting pan before sliding the grand meal into the oven to roast. At noon, the doorbell rang, signaling Bradley’s arrival. She felt strangely nervous, her mind flashing back to her teenage experiences. Her anxiety washed away as a casually dressed Bradley smoothly entered the home, and slipped easily into conversation with her father. From the kitchen, she could overhear them talking about business, politics, and current events as she gathered the finished roast, potatoes, vegetables, and salad together. “We’ll be ready in ten minutes,” she announced from the kitchen.

  Kate heard her father say, “Come pick out a bottle of wine with me, Brad,” as they walked to the wine cellar. They returned moments later, having selected a full-bodied, dry Bordeaux that her father corked and decanted. They gathered in the dining room at half past twelve where they spent an hour leisurely enjoying both the food and the conversation.

  They retired to the sitting room with coffee and dessert. Setting down his empty plate, her father commented, “Nigel tells me that your first wife died in a skiing accident, Bradley.” On the hot seat, he shifted uncomfortably, glancing at Kate to determine if she was learning this information for the first time. She tilted her head to one side, clearly unaware that there had been two Mrs. Taylors. Not wanting to give her father the satisfaction of knowing that he had done more thorough research than she had, she sat quiet, waiting for the response.

  “That’s correct,” he responded, crossing one long leg over the other, his body language clearly displaying his discomfort with the direction the conversation was going.

  “How long were you married?”

  “Less than a year.” The pain was evident in his eyes as he continued, mostly for Kate’s benefit. “We were away on a spring vacation in Vermont. The conditions were perfect, but Liz caught the edge of her ski on a mogul. She fell hard.” He continued, his voice wavering slightly. “She was rushed to the hospital, but had suffered a significant head injury. There was nothing that could be done.” His voice trailed off.


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