Passion, Power, and Privilege (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Passion, Power, and Privilege (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 10

by Cara Addison

  “I’m terribly sorry, Bradley. I wasn’t familiar with the details of your loss,” her father responded softly.

  “That’s okay, sir. It’s just not something I speak of often.”

  “And your second wife?”

  “Daddy!” Kate admonished offering an apologetic look to Brad.

  “It’s okay, Kate. Carolynn and I were married for almost twenty-five years. She passed on last June after a lengthy battle with cancer.”

  Kate quickly did the math in her head. Numbers weren’t adding up. She was certain that he had said that Seth was twenty-seven years old. Noticing the confused look on her face, he offered an I’ll-explain-later look.

  Kate excused herself to fetch the coffee pot for refills.

  When she returned, she filled the cups as her father asked, “Would you play for me, Kate?”

  She walked to the baby grand piano in the corner, and sat at the bench. From memory, she began playing Beethoven’s Für Elise, a song that he had written for a sweetheart. She could see her father lean his head back, closing his eyes, taking in the stirring emotions of the song. “Another please, Kate,” he requested as she finished Beethoven. Kate played Chopin and then Mozart before covering the keys, suspecting that her father had dozed off. She quietly retreated to the kitchen to load the dishwasher.

  “I had no idea you played.”

  “Since I was five.” She smiled. “I’m so sorry about the interrogation. Once a DA…always a DA.”

  “It’s okay,” he responded, gently kissing her hair. “I should have told you earlier. It just isn’t first date conversation material. And I know…there is so much more to explain.”

  “We can talk about it another time,” she responded, glancing at the sitting room. “He looks awfully pale. I hope he’s all right.”

  * * * *

  Laura called the following week, and they made arrangements to go for a walk through the park. They’d hardly seen each other since the election, and a visit was long overdue. As always, without skipping a beat, they were able to pick up right where they had left off.

  She looked tired and worn out as Kate gave her a warm embrace. “How is Gracie doing?”

  “Oh, much better, thank you for asking. By the time the Christmas holidays were over, she had spent so much time with friends and family that she hardly remembers what’s-his-name.”

  “Good. And how are you doing?”

  “David and I have decided to split up,” she said, matter-of-factly.

  Kate stopped dead in her tracks. “What did you say?”

  “We’re splitting up. Separation. Divorce. Done.”

  “What happened?” she asked, incredulously.

  “Oh, I don’t know. I guess it started at Christmas when I was explaining to Gracie that she would be just fine, and that there would be another wonderful guy out there that would love her and treat her with respect, and enjoy being with her…I guess I realized that I was asking her to hold out for something that I hadn’t attained myself.”

  Resuming their walk, Kate felt her pain and asked, “You’ve always been unhappy?”

  “No. The early years were great, but when the kids came along, David spent more and more time at the office or the country club, and I guess that over the years, I’ve become more and more of a single parent…and he’s just been there to occupy space and…of course provide a paycheck…but not much more.”

  Kate listened as she gathered her thoughts, not wanting to rush into the conversation with trite advice.

  “Add to it, that I see you so blissfully happy with Bradley Taylor…I just don’t want another decade to pass by, and waste the best years of my life on a man that isn’t fully in love with me.”

  Kate cringed. “Oh, Laura. I’m exceptionally lucky to have found Brad, but he is a rare breed. Comparing David to Bradley isn’t realistic. It’s apples and oranges. You’ve known David your entire life. I’m just getting to know Brad and it’s still fresh and new and exciting…”

  “And the sex?” Kate looked at her cautiously. “David hasn’t touched me in months.” Kate groaned, knowing exactly how lonely Laura felt.

  “I’m not going to lie. It’s splendid.”

  Kate heard Laura sigh and swear under her breath. “That’s what I thought. What is it that makes it so splendid?” she asked.

  “Well.” She thought about how to characterize her experience without fueling Laura’s optimism for a future mate. “First of all, we’re actually having sex, which is significantly better than not having sex.” She chuckled. “It’s the quality, it’s the quantity, it’s his capability, it’s the intensity, it’s everything that I’ve needed, and like you said…wish that I’d pursued a decade ago. I feel like I’m making up for years of less-than-mediocre sex with someone who had their attention focused on something other than me.”

  “You sound very happy. Do you love him?”

  Kate exhaled heavily. “That’s a big word, Laura. I am trying so hard not to fall madly in love with him.” She paused. “What happens next with you and David?”

  “I have an appointment to see my lawyer this afternoon. He moved out of the house on the weekend. Apparently he’s staying with a friend who split from his wife a few months ago. Bachelor pad. I can only imagine how filthy the place is.” She cringed.

  Kate felt an uneasy twinge in her stomach. “Do you think he’s seeing someone? I’m surprised he would give up the comforts of home so easily.”

  Laura paused. “I hadn’t really thought of that. I doubt it. There haven’t been any obvious signs of an affair.”

  “Well, I guess it’s a moot point. If you aren’t happy, it doesn’t really matter what he’s up to. How are the kids taking this?”

  “They’re upset and confused. It’s so hard to explain it to them, when I can’t really explain it to myself some days.”

  “Hang in there. The first days are the worst. Once David gets settled, life will make a little more sense to them.”

  “How is your dad?”

  Kate sighed heavily. “He’s had a setback. He looked so tired and pale last week that I insisted he go back to see his oncologist. The blood results came back yesterday. They’re adjusting his medication.” She forced a smiled.

  “Oh, Kate.” She wrapped her arm around her friend. “He’ll beat this. I know he will.”

  “I hope so. I can’t even let myself think about losing him.”

  * * * *

  Weekends were always busy with fundraisers, dinner parties, and community events. It was rare to have a Sunday without a social engagement on either of their calendars. Instead of a big Sunday dinner with her father, Kate delivered soup to him, spending an hour visiting before heading home to let him rest. She arrived at Bradley’s in the early afternoon, her father’s illness weighing heavily on her mind.

  “How is he?” Brad asked, wrapping his arms around her.

  “Tired, but his color looked much better today. He’s confident the medication is working.”

  Instead of planning a night out, they planned a night in. Bradley grilled the steaks to perfection while she put together a salad and pasta dish. Kate pulled out a robust red wine to accompany the beef. They sat at the kitchen island, casual and comfortable, not having to worry about the public’s watchful eye. After dinner, they retired to the media room, watching a movie. With a notepad permanently at her side, she scratched and scribbled ideas as they formulated in her mind and she was able to articulate them on paper. Part way through the movie she leaned back against the sofa and closed her eyes, visualizing the process that would shift Lowden into the future.

  “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown,” he whispered, softly kissing her forehead.

  Drawing her out of deep thought, Kate stretched, adding, “Ahh, stunningly handsome, and he can quote Shakespeare, too.”

  “That’s Shakespeare?”

  She laughed. “It is indeed. Act II from Henry IV.”

  “How do you know that?” he asked, amaze

  “It’s why the head lies uneasy,” she answered jokingly, tapping her skull. There was too much information trapped in there.

  “Seriously, what’s on your mind, pretty girl?” he asked, sitting next to her stroking her hair.

  “How old is Seth?”

  “Hmmm. I didn’t think that one slipped by. You did the math, didn’t you?”

  “I did. I thought you told me that Seth was twenty-seven years old, but you told my father that you were married to Carolynn for less than twenty-five years.” She paused. “Was Seth Liz’s son?”


  “He must have been so young.”

  There was intense pain in his eyes. “He was. Just a few weeks old.”

  “Why don’t you tell me what happened,” she said, sitting back and grabbing hold of his hand.

  He took a deep breath. “Liz and I met in University during our senior year. We were twenty-two. Within four months, she was pregnant.” He paused, reflecting on the decade. “In the seventies, if you got a girl pregnant…especially if she came from money, you married her. No discussion. So, we got married that summer. Seth was born in early January. We hadn’t taken a honeymoon, so we decided to take a long weekend getaway in the spring.”

  “Does Seth know?”

  “Of course. I’ve talked to him many times about his mother. Unfortunately, I knew her for such a short time, that I’m not that helpful at offering insight. Her parents still stay in touch with Seth, which helps.”

  “And you married Carolynn, when?”

  “About eighteen months later. As a new father, I struggled. I couldn’t juggle being a single father to a newborn with my career. Carolynn was the nanny that I hired to help take care of Seth. We gradually fell for each other, and she was already so attached to Seth…” He trailed off.

  “I had no idea.” They sat quietly together, alone in their thoughts. She squashed her feelings of jealousy for the two women he had loved before her.

  “Anything else bothering you?” he added after a while.

  “Nothing critical, just reflecting on some ideas for the city.” The plan was coming together nicely, and Kate wanted to make sure that she hadn’t left out important details, or overestimated the community’s desire to transition from what they had been, to what they needed to be.

  “You’re working too hard, Kate.” He paused, kissing her slowly. “You need to get away for a few days.”

  “I work hard because I made promises to the people who live in this city. I can’t let them down.” Even as she said it, she knew he was right. If thinking was work, then she did need a break. Kate was curious at what getaway he had in mind. “A getaway does sound wonderful.” She stretched, wiping the cobwebs from her mind. “In the meantime, I’ll settle for a naked vacation right here.” She patted the sofa cushions.

  Without hesitation, he playfully shifted his voice to mimic the public address of a roller coaster attendant. “Welcome to Taylor’s Thunder.” He smiled, slipping her shirt over her head. “Oncoming riders, please secure all loose items you’re carrying with you.” He slipped his own shirt off, continuing the instructions. “Enter the train, pull your shoulder harness securely down and fasten your seatbelt.” He slipped her pants down, kissing her exposed skin before continuing, his speech slowing, his Southern drawl creeping into the instructions. “Sit up, facing forward in an upright position with your head, back, and shoulders against the seat and hold on to your lover until the ride comes to a complete stop.” He kicked off his jeans, adding friskily, “Please keep legs and arms inside the train at all times. If you need assistance please notify an attendant. Thank you and enjoy your ride!”

  He laid her back onto the sofa, and tenderly kissed her, melting away the thoughts that had occupied her mind. His touch was warm and sensitive, drawing her in, wanting him more. He parted her legs, and easily slipped his cock into her warm, wet pussy. The pleasure was intense, growing stronger and stronger, until it reached a dizzying height. They crested the peak and plummeted together, in a deep earnest release.

  As they lay together, completely spent, he slowly resumed the public address, his voice barely a whisper. “Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed your ride. You may now unfasten your seatbelt, and exit to the left and walk carefully up the stairs to the awaiting bed. Thank you for riding Taylor’s Thunder and please enjoy the remainder of your stay here at the park.”

  She laughed heartily, amazed that he could rattle off such precise instructions. Completely relaxed and free from the thoughts of work, and smiling completely, followed him up the stairs to his bed.

  Kate awoke the next morning after a much-needed sleep, delighted to be in his arms. With an evening council meeting scheduled, she planned to work out at the club and then enjoy a manicure at the spa before heading to the office. Kate showered, then wrapped in a robe, walking to the kitchen to brew coffee, softly kissing a rather handsome man who was still sleeping soundly. She brewed a pot of coffee and reviewed the morning paper before returning with two coffee cups to get prepared for the day. The shower was running when she returned, and she stood, observing him through the glass doors. She was aroused, watching his long, lean, beautifully proportioned body. She lingered, remaining in the doorway as he stepped out to wrap in a towel. He jumped in surprise, suddenly realizing that she was in the room. Kate walked over, placing his steaming coffee on the vanity in front of him.

  “Sleep well?” she asked.

  “Beautifully,” he responded, leaning in for a sensuous kiss.


  “Hmmm,” she murmured. The soft white towel hung loosely enough on his hips for her to get a tantalizing look at the beautifully sculpted area where his abs met his pelvis. The sight tempted her like a perfectly wrapped present on Christmas morning. As he ran his fingers through his thick head of hair, she reached out and tugged the bath sheet away, instantly stirring him. She kissed his lips and then his neck, making her way to her destination. “Good morning,” she whispered as she greeted his semi-hard cock with a lick.

  “Holy shit,” he gasped as she took him into her mouth. “Kate, I need to get dr–dr–ressed,” he stammered through the pleasure.

  She paused, looking up at him. “You want me to stop?” she asked naughtily, as she licked and kissed his beautiful dick. The look on his face was her answer as he ran his fingers through her hair, gently urging her head back to her luscious task. She slipped her lips back over his cock. Her movements were swift and fluid, bringing him closer to the edge of fulfillment. She took him deep into her mouth, his moans fueling her desire to indulge him. As pleasure overtook him, his hips swayed to meet her, plunging his cock deeper. He instinctively tugged her hair in his tight grasp in a full-body spasm as hot cum filled her mouth.

  “As you were.” She smiled, standing and walking from the room to select her outfit to wear to the country club.

  After a vigorous workout, Kate spent a relaxing morning at the spa, spoiling herself with a manicure and invigorating massage. Alone with her thoughts, she returned home to dress for the office.

  At noon, she received a text.

  Are you at the office?

  No, I’m at home.

  The response was immediate. Wait there…and get naked…I’ll be there in five minutes.

  She was surprised, and more than a little curious. She decided to indulge him, and slipped out of her clothes, loosely wrapping in a sheer black kimono. She was in the living room when he arrived at the door.

  “It’s open,” she called out.

  Seeing him through the glass door, she was surprised to see that he was in jeans and a shirt, rather than a suit. He burst through the door, walking swiftly across the floor toward her.

  “I’ve been hard for two hours,” he said breathlessly, kissing her. “Where have you been?”

  Flashing her perfectly manicured hands, she responded, “The spa,” willingly accepting his hungry kisses. “Two hours? Wait, you didn’t take a little blue pill, did

  “No.” He laughed into her neck. “Better! I picked these up this morning.” He pulled a series of papers from his back pocket, handing them to her as he slipped off her robe. He pulled his shirt over his head and wriggled out of his jeans and briefs while she scanned the documents. Her eyes twinkled and she broke into a beaming grin, reading the results of the swabs and blood work he had undergone. “Negative!” he bragged. “No. More. Latex.”

  He was indeed very hard as he pushed her against the back of the sofa and whispered, “I’ll make love to you tonight, but right now, I really, really need to fuck you.” Her eyelids snapped open, never having heard him use the f-word. She kissed him hungrily before he pulled her across the room to the spacious pillow-filled chair-and-a-half. He pushed her down as he kneeled on the area rug. He quickly and urgently pulled her hips to the edge of the chair, plunging his naked shaft into her pussy. The expression on his face was exquisite.

  “Damn girl,” he purred, “I almost forgot how wonderful this feels.” Enjoying an entirely new range of sensations, he watched her breasts bounce in time to his increasingly powerful thrusts. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him deeper. Their skin slapped together as his pace increased. She’d forgotten how delightfully noisy, wet, and messy sex could be. Within moments, she was arching her back, sailing over the edge in full orgasm. His breathing changed as he thrust hard against her pussy, releasing his wetness into her. He slumped to the floor.

  “Go upstairs and shower,” she said, rising from the chair. “I’ll bring you your clothes. I have to get to the office.”

  Later that day, she received her daily check-in from Brad.

  I’m headed to the country club. Golfing.

  Lucky you. I’m meeting with the Director of Engineering this afternoon. Play a hole for me…preferably the 19th.


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