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Terms of a Texas Marriage

Page 5

by Lauren Canan

  Consequently, Alec Morreston had been introduced as the long lost love she’d met while at college. Family concerns had taken him away but now he was back in her life and neither wanted to wait a second longer to marry. Shea could tell Alec had fought not to laugh when she’d told him the plan, but he’d agreed to it. And why not? He wouldn’t be around to explain if this whole thing blew up in her face. She hoped she’d make it through this night without being sick.

  “Do you, Shea Elizabeth Hardin, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband...?”

  As she reluctantly, obligingly recited her promise to love, honor and obey the irritating man, she glanced once in his direction and couldn’t mistake the pursing of his lips as he fought to suppress a wicked smile from spreading across his face. She gritted her teeth as she shoved the gold wedding band onto his finger, not daring to look at him again. She wasn’t near the actress she needed to be to pull off a convincing smile.

  “By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The Reverend Schultz smiled at her before turning to Alec. “You may kiss your bride.”

  Reality became surreal as she looked at Alec, this stranger, who was now legally her husband. She had only seconds to comprehend the full impact of what she’d done before he pulled her into his arms and raised her face to meet his.

  “Too late for any regrets, Mrs. Morreston,” he whispered, as if reading her mind. He lowered his head and his mouth covered hers.

  Like a bolt of electric current, something exploded within, causing her senses to whirl and the room to spin. She grabbed the lapels of his suit in an effort to steady herself.

  With practiced skill, he parted her lips and his tongue entered the deeper recesses of her mouth. His hand cupped the back of her head, holding her to him, as he filled her mouth with his raw, male flavor. Despite her resolve to remain impervious to this man and unaffected by his touch, she found herself responding to the sensuous temptations he offered.

  Her hand left his shoulder to touch the texture of his face, letting her fingertips glide along the strong line of his jaw until finally coming to rest at the point where his mouth joined with hers.

  Then he withdrew from her and she couldn’t deny a slight feeling of disappointment. With his thumb, he gently wiped the moisture from her lips as he studied her expression. A frown drew his dark brows together and he searched her face as if seeking an answer to a silent question. Had he been as affected by the kiss as she had?

  Then a slow, sexy grin spread across his features and a knowing gleam flashed in the golden depths of his eyes before he stepped to her side to receive the offers of congratulations from the small group of people who stood smiling around them. She inhaled deeply, frustrated at her own momentary weakness.

  Somehow, she managed to be pleasant as she introduced her new husband to her closest friends and neighbors, all the while praying they would never find out what was at stake beneath the façade of this marriage. The last thing she needed was concerned neighbors who feared for their own livelihood distracting her from her primary objective of getting rid of the man.

  The photographer Leona had arranged through the local newspaper began to position them for their wedding photos. Someone made an off-color comment about the wedding night. Everyone joined in the banter and laughter abounded, but it only served to drive home the depravity of her situation.

  A chill settled over her. What kind of man was Alec Morreston? Would he be understanding of her feelings or completely insensitive? She couldn’t stop her eyes from straying to this man who potentially held the future of the ranch, as well as her own well-being, in his hands.

  * * *

  Alec glanced at his new bride. Immediately he noted the anxiety that was obvious in every delicate feature of her face, and he didn’t have to be hit over the head to know the cause. His laughter faded as he recognized the depth of her apprehension. She was frightened.

  Of him.

  The fact should have made him happy. It was the first step toward making her leave. Such quick success should be sweet. So why did he feel sickened by her fear?

  Their eyes met. The glistening blue of hers held him transfixed. Somewhere a light flashed, the brilliance challenging the intensity of the moment, capturing it forever.

  Then, she seemed to gather her reserves and in a barely perceived movement, she straightened her shoulders and raised her chin. The near panic and vulnerability he’d caught a glimpse of moments before were now replaced with a look of pride and stubborn determination. With sudden insight, Alec knew that while he’d often admired beauty in other women, never had he appreciated their character or inner strength.

  “Good one,” he heard someone say. “Now if you’ll both turn this way...and let’s see some smiles!”

  With the speed and brilliance of the camera’s flash, Alec knew he was in trouble. He swallowed hard. While admittedly attracted to her, he’d previously ignored the sparks that ignited between them whenever their eyes found each other. He’d told himself he looked at all women the way he looked at Shea Harden. He’d just never noticed before.

  He’d lied to himself.

  He’d never been smitten by any woman. Whatever he’d felt for Sondra in the beginning was not even close to this. And the soft blush on Shea’s face when she’d caught him staring told him the attraction was not one-sided.

  There was definitely something between them. Like a force field of pure energy, it surrounded them. The air crackled every time they got close to each other. Where this put him in the overall scheme of things, he wasn’t sure. He knew an affair would only complicate matters, but the temptation to throw caution to the wind was overwhelming.

  * * *

  As Shea closed the front door behind the last of the departing guests, she realized that for a few crazy minutes she’d actually forgotten about Alec. Reaching over to pick up a wineglass left on a nearby table, she took several steps toward the kitchen before she noticed him.

  Leaning against the newel post at the foot of the stairs with his arms crossed casually in front of him, he had discarded his tie and unbuttoned his white dress shirt at the neck. The long sleeves were rolled up midarm and Shea noticed a gold watch nestled amid the sprinkling of dark hair on his tanned wrist. She also caught the dull gleam of the gold wedding band. The color drained from her face.

  She clenched and unclenched her hands around the stemware as something close to panic settled into every inch of her body. She raised her chin in an effort to appear nonchalant as she crossed the room and entered the kitchen. Alec followed. Stepping up behind her, he reached around and removed the wineglass from the death grip she had on it, placing it on the counter next to the sink. The shrill ring of the telephone was a welcome intrusion. She hurried across the room and grabbed it on the second ring.

  “I hear you’ve been looking for me,” said a male voice. “It’s about time!”

  “David?” No. No. No. This could not be happening. Not now.

  “Who else?” His voice was as jovial as she remembered. “How the hell are you, Shea?”

  “I...I’m good. It’s so good to hear your voice.” Understatement. Exclamation mark.

  “Right back at ya, Doc.” The nickname he’d always used while she studied to be a veterinarian caused her heart to swell. She could sense him grinning. “So, I got a call from Marcy Allen. She said you’ve been trying to reach me. What can I do?”

  Marry me, she wanted to scream. She closed her eyes as the irony washed over her. Why couldn’t he have called yesterday? Or even this morning.

  “Ah. Well...actually it’s nothing. I mean, the problem has been resolved.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Shea chanced a look in Alec’s direction. Was that a smirk on his face?

  “Yeah. I’m sure.” At least as far as David was concerned. It was
just after midnight and the bizarre marriage to Alec Morreston was in full swing. Her problem was just beginning.

  They spoke for a few more minutes, then with a promise to keep in touch, they said goodbye. And just like that, the positive energy holding the tension at bay seemed to evaporate from the room.

  “Old boyfriend?” Alec asked quietly.

  She nodded.

  “Gee. That’s too bad. One day too late.” He didn’t sound a bit sorry as she crossed the room, returning to the sink, not certain what her next move should be. Alec followed and slowly slid his arms around her waist. His face rubbed against her hair, the heat from his body warm against her back.

  “I like your friends that were here tonight,” he murmured near her ear. His breath was hot against her neck. In such close proximity, his deep voice caused tingling sensations to dance over her skin. Shea clung to the edge of the counter for support.

  She tried to remain calm. “They are good people.”

  “It was nice of them to come on such short notice.”

  “Yes. Leona...called most of them.”

  He stepped away and she heard the clink of ice. Glancing over her shoulder, she watched as Alec pulled a partially consumed bottle of champagne from its silver canister. Holding two crystal flutes easily in one hand, he poured the champagne with the other.

  “To what shall we toast?” he asked as he handed her one of the glasses. “A long and satisfying marriage?”

  She eyed him coolly. “How about to integrity?”

  He pursed his lips as if to contain a devilish grin, then tipped his head and touched his fluted glass to hers. She downed the full contents, desperately needing the champagne’s calming effect. She rarely drank alcohol, never champagne, and she wasn’t prepared for the sensation. Her eyes clouded with tears and she couldn’t stop the choking cough.

  Still, the night that lay ahead made her hold the empty glass out to Alec. She ignored the knowing smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he obligingly refilled it to the brim.

  If it were within her power to disappear in a puff of smoke, she’d have done it. For one fleeting second the land didn’t seem that important. Then the moment passed and she knew she’d see this thing through.


  “It’s been a long day,” he said when she set her empty glass on the table.

  “Yes.” She readily agreed, some hope suddenly flaring in her chest.

  “I suggest you show me our room.”

  Alec ignored any traces of panic that must have been apparent in her face and, without waiting for an answer, reached for her hand. His was large and warm, his grip firm and solid as he led her out of the kitchen and toward the stairs, turning off the lights as he went.

  Lifting the long skirt of the gown with her free hand to ensure she didn’t step on the hem, she followed him up the stairs. At the top of the staircase, he paused, silently indicating she should precede him into a bedroom. She walked down the hall, her head held high.

  At the door to her room, she stopped. I can’t do this. She felt light-headed. She could almost hear the chaotic beating of her heart as it pounded against her ribs.

  Reaching around her, Alec turned the knob and effortlessly pushed open the door. She hesitated, swallowing back the vile taste of fear that rose in her throat. She could feel the warmth of his body against her back and the soft caress of his breath on her ear seconds before he kissed the sensitive area just below. Wild sensations tore through her. She spun around to face him, her hands braced against the muscled wall of his chest as she tried to keep him at arm’s length.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked, tilting his head in mock innocence. “Wedding night jitters?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “No. It’s just that...well, we...we don’t know each other. I mean...” She took a step back from him, placing her just inside the bedroom.

  “I think I know a way we can remedy that problem.” He began to unbutton his shirt. With his other hand, he reached out and flipped off the bedroom light leaving only the soft beams of moonlight that streamed through the window to challenge the darkness that now surrounded them. In the dim glow, he watched her, his gaze focused on her lips.

  Shea slowly backed away but Alec advanced toward her, matching her step for step. With the last button released, his shirt fell open to reveal the muscular wall of his chest. She hadn’t realized he was so powerfully built; so solid. Definitely not the body of a man who sat behind a desk every day.

  “You surprise me, Mrs. Morreston. I had expected you to come down the stairs wearing boots and jeans. Instead, you walked into the room in that gown.” The deep, velvety texture of his voice made her shiver. “If that was for my benefit, to ensure I knew what a beautiful and desirable woman I was about to marry, you can rest assured, it worked.”

  “ was my mother’s.”

  “It’s very nice. Very elegant.” He continued to advance toward her. “But now it’s time to take it off.”


  “No?” He mocked her. “Why, Mrs. Morreston, are you saying you intend to deny your husband on our wedding night?”

  “I...I just think we need time to—”

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart,” he cut in. “We have all night, and I certainly intend to take my time.”


  “No? Might I remind you, Mrs. Morreston, you’re now a very wealthy woman. You played a good hand and put me in a position of having to marry you in order to keep my own land. Almost diabolical when you think about it. But all the benefits don’t swing in one direction. It’s now my turn to see what I get in exchange for giving up my freedom.”


  “There’s that word again.” Alec didn’t bother concealing his devious smile. “Are you saying you want to have our marriage annulled and give up so soon? I honestly believed your resolve to keep this place, no matter what, would last longer than the wedding night.”

  “And I hoped, as a gentleman, you would afford me an opportunity to get to know you before...before...”

  “Who ever said I was a gentleman?” Shea could see the faint white of his teeth as he smiled in the darkness. “I’ve held up my end of this bargain, Mrs. Morreston. Now, I believe, it’s your turn.”

  “Stop calling me that!” she snapped through gritted teeth as her inner turmoil exploded to the surface. This only succeeded in causing a bigger grin to spread across his face.

  “But that’s who you are, Mrs. Morreston.” His fingers reached out and touched the tiny pearl buttons at the neckline of her dress. “It was your decision, remember?”

  “Only to prevent you from taking my ranch.”

  “It was your decision.”

  Shea swallowed back the alarm that threatened to engulf her. He was right. He had warned her. And she had agreed freely.

  Reaching for one of her hands, he began to unbutton the seam that ran from her wrist to her elbow, letting the satiny material fall away from her arm. Then, without a word, he moved to the other sleeve.

  That completed, in a gentle but firm action, he turned her around and began to unfasten the back of the satin-and-lace gown. His hands moved slowly, methodically down the dress, releasing button after tiny button.

  She caught their reflection in the mirror on the closet door. The moonlight highlighted the silver-blond strands of her hair and softened the panicked features of her face. Alec’s large, dark silhouette loomed behind her, his head bowed as he worked at his task. All traces of his earlier amusement were gone, replaced by a look of serious intent.

  Standing practically nude before a strange man was not an experience she’d ever anticipated. The gown provided a frail armor, a subtle safeguard. In a few precious minutes, her lace panties and the white hosiery would be the only pieces of armor that remained.
r />   Their eyes met in the mirror for countless seconds before he bent his head and placed his lips against the sensitive area beneath her ear. Her heart kicked into double time as Alec emitted a low growl, which sent electric sensations racing down her spine.

  She spun around in an effort to break the contact. Rather than reach for her again, he removed his shirt, tossed it aside and began unbuckling his belt. The muscles of his shoulders and arms rippled in the moon’s glow, the significant pectorals making him seem even bigger than he’d looked with his clothes on.

  Taking another step back from him, her legs bumped against the bed. Her pulse tripled. Frantically her eyes searched the room, hoping to detect any means of escape from this reprehensible situation.

  Before she could voice any more objections or seize on a reason to try to postpone the inevitable, Alec reached out to her. His hands cupped her face, compelling her to meet his gaze as he took the final step, closing the short distance between them.

  Shea clenched her hands into tight fists at her sides, determined to resist this forceful male. In the pale light, she saw his eyes focus on her lips seconds before his mouth came down over hers hard, masterfully firm in its possession. His hands left her face as his heavy arms encircled her body like bands of steel. His sheer strength and size, coupled with the passion of the embrace, rocked her senses and snatched the very breath from her lungs. She was way out of her depth. A feeling of near hysteria enveloped her mind. With a small cry, she tore her mouth from his. He allowed her to pull back but kept her close, his large hands resting on her shoulders.

  “I can’t...I can’t do this.” Her fingers gripped his. “I know you said...I know I agreed that...but I...please...don’t—”

  “Shh.” A frown drew his dark brows together. He had to see the frantic, almost terrified expression that must be on her face, mirroring the fear churning inside. “It’s all right, Shea. I’m not going to hurt you,” he murmured as his thumbs caressed the side of her face. “Just kiss me. That’s all you have to do.”

  Shea scarcely had time to nod her agreement before his mouth once again claimed hers. This time he moved slowly, sensuously, with an easy gentleness that immediately began to tear down the walls of her resistance. His tongue licked and teased her lips, moistening them, as if readying her for a more intense joining.


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