Book Read Free


Page 9

by Nicole Reed

  “Are you hungry? I need to start trying to figure dinner out.”

  “I have a list of all the local restaurants that deliver in the kitchen drawer. They have my credit card on file, so please feel free to order what you want. Where ever you order, just tell them it’s for me, and they know what to bring. Just add yours.”

  “Eat out much?” I ask sarcastically.

  “Bachelor, remember,” he answers.

  Nodding, I go to stand when I realize I don’t even know what his favorite food is. If you would have asked me before today, I would have said it was pizza. That’s what I saw him eat the most of in college, but it could have been just more accessible.

  Looking down at him, I ask, “What is your favorite food?”

  Grinning back up at me, he answers, “I’m a meat and potatoes guy. I love a juicy rare steak.”

  “Me too. I love red meat. I tried to go vegan, but it didn’t work out that great for me.”

  “What happened?”

  “My stomach growled every single time I saw a cow on television. It became terribly embarrassing.”

  Letting out a low laugh, he replies, “You’re kidding. Right?”

  “Wish I was.” Smiling back at him, I walk into the kitchen to the sound of his laughter.

  Grabbing the menus, I flip through them until I find a steak house and order our dinner. Opening the refrigerator, I glance to see what I can actually cook for tomorrow and lay out some chicken to bake. By the time the food is delivered, Dray is deep asleep, so I eat by myself. Once he is awake and eating, I take my shower and ready myself for bed. I told him to call me if he needed any help, daring him to break our verbal contract so I can get out of here, but he didn’t. Checking on him before I go to bed, he’s fast asleep again, in his bed this time. Watching him breathe from the doorway, I decide not to wake him up. I silently ponder what must have happened to Dray to cause him to act like he did today? For that matter, what has happened to me and how do I get off this crazy train?

  The next week flies by as I plan for the end of the world. Not really, but by the way that Dray is acting, I would say that Jesus is near, and that you need to tuck your head between your legs and kiss your butt goodbye. I’ve decided that whatever it was that happened to asshole Dray works for me and that, by the grace of our dear Lord, this new sweet-as-sugar Dray is here to stay. He’s kind and considerate and really funny. Who knew?

  We both have so much in common it’s scary. Thanks to Netflix, I’ve introduced him to my favorite television show, Friday Night Lights. We are watching the first season together. Platonically, we lie side by side in his bed every night, discussing the ins and outs of the show. We both also love gory scary movies and hate mysteries of any kind. He loves the same peanut M&M’s along with hating anything with coconut in it. Oh, and we both order supreme pizza and pick the green peppers off instead of just ordering without. It adds flavor.

  Music is the only thing we definitely disagree on. He enjoys old school R&B and rap, but abhors any country. I’m trying to change that, but it doesn’t seem to be going in my favor. He will listen with a pained look on his face and then swear I’m trying to kill him. He likes Carrie Underwood, so at least there is hope.

  So far, everything has been on the up and up. Dray hasn’t tried anything, and I’ve kept my libido under wraps, which admitting to only myself, is hard. And it’s progressively getting worse. Every time I find something else I like about him, it’s like this pressure starts building. We played checkers yesterday, and he could have easily cheated and won, but he was honorable, and damn it, if that didn’t turn me on. I need to get out of the house today.

  “Dray, I’m going to visit my aunt,” I say walking into the kitchen where he is eating lunch. Looking up he nods. At the last minute, I turn and something inside makes me ask, “Want to come along? I’m sure she would love to see you.” Leaning against the doorjamb, I see the surprise appear across his face.

  “Sure. Just give me a second to grab some shoes,” he says while standing and washing his plate out in the sink.

  For him to walk out of the room, he has to walk through the same doorway that I’m standing in. Not moving, for some insane reason, I feel him slip past me. Brushing up against my sensitive body, he moves slowly by. Our eyes lock the entire time, but he makes no move to disturb our agreement. After he leaves, I stand there, calming my mind and body for a second.

  “I can do this,” I chant to myself. It’s Dray for crying out loud. That’s the problem though. Which Dray am I with?

  Hearing him walk back into the foyer, I grab Jonsie to take with us and out we go. Driving to my aunt’s turns out to be an adventure in itself. Trying to broaden his musical horizon, I let him listen to some new indie and alternative bands that I’ve found and like. The Neighbourhood, seems to be one we both agree on.

  Once we reach Aunt Leigh’s, he offers to take Jonsie for a walk while I go and greet her. Her nurse lets me in and ushers me into the kitchen where the smell of homemade cornbread fills the air.

  “Yummy,” I state as I walk in.

  She stands behind the counter canning pepper jelly. Walking over to her, I lean down to kiss her cheek and turn so she can return the kisses.

  “You know, your great-grandmother first taught me our secret family recipe for pepper jelly when I was fifteen. I never planned on ever cooking any, but here I am, cooking and canning. From fashion diva to fifty’s housewife. You really never know where life will take you, Kylie.”

  “Well, I never knew there is a secret family recipe.”

  Looking up, surprised, she states, “No, I guess your Dad wouldn’t have known it.”

  “I guess this means you now have to teach me,” I reply. Coming around, I open a drawer and reach in for an apron. “Where do I start?” Turning away, she is unable to hide the tears in her eyes before I see them.

  “Well, let me start from the beginning and teach you. Remember, this is a secret so it can only be passed down to family. You have to swear to it, my mammie made me.”

  Crossing my heart, I look at her and say, “Swear.”

  “Okay, start with...”

  I’m not sure what time it is until I glance up at the clock and realize that an hour has passed. Aunt Leigh walked me through the whole canning process and the family recipe. She gave me an entire round of cornbread and a jar of the pepper jelly we made. Something inside told me that it meant so much for her to be able pass that tradition down, and it honestly meant so much to me too.

  “What smells so good?” Drays voice drifts over the kitchen, again awakening my body to my utter dismay. Jeez, not in my aunts kitchen. Really, Kylie?

  “Dray, what are you doing here? Come give your Aunt Leigh a hug.” My aunt rushes around the counter to hug him. She’s always had a soft spot for Dray. “Did you come with Kylie?”

  “Yes ma’am. I figured you ladies could use some time alone, so Jonsie and I had us a long walk along the lake. I do believe some fresh air and a quick nap did me some good.”

  Reaching to grab each of his cheeks, she brings him down to give him a loud kiss on the lips. She pulls back, smiling and asks, “So when are you going to make an honest woman out of my niece, now that you knocked her up?”

  I see the blood rush out of Dray’s face. It’s pretty comical until I realize that I haven’t told Dray about what happened. He probably hasn’t talked to anyone other than his agent since the accident. He turns towards me, and slowly, his gaze zeros in on my stomach. Oh no. Here we go again. His face fills with rage, but I see him control it to the point of shutting his eyes tightly. When he finally opens them, the fun camaraderie that shown minutes before is gone, and an almost sadness penetrates through.

  “Oh, dear. He doesn’t know, does he, child?” my aunt turns to me and asks.

  “Whose is it, Kylie.” The anger in his voice belies the calm facade.

  “Yours.” I state honestly.

  “Mother-fu...,” he starts to say, but
changes his mind when he looks at Aunt Leigh.

  My Aunt and I look at each other and die laughing. Is he for real?

  The louder and longer we laugh, the more agitated I see Dray become. He’s about two seconds from losing it, when I decide he’s had enough.

  “I freaked when I got to the hospital, and I couldn’t find out any information on you. I thought you were worse off than they were stating, so when I saw the doctor imparting seemingly important news about you, I spoke up that I am your family. When asked, I said we were engaged. The doctor and your coach looked skeptical, so I continued to announce that I was your future baby’s mama. Unfortunately, your teammates are worse than a bunch of old gossiping biddies, and of course, before I could set the story straight, all of Atlanta knew.”

  “There are already wagers on boy or girl and the date. Kylie here tipped the world on its axis with that news, and it still hasn’t stopped tilting,” my aunt supplies.

  “You did that for me? Risk the social media having a field day at your expense, not to mention your privacy?” He questions me with a look of shock on his face.

  “Of course. You had me terrified, and no matter how much of an ass you were to me in the past, we are still like family,” I jokingly reply but stop smiling at the look on his face. Longing. Respect. Turning towards Aunt Leigh for answers, I see her looking from him to me.

  “I need to take my medicine. I’ll be back shortly, you two,” Aunt Leigh replies as she hurriedly moves out of the room.

  Not wanting to be alone when Dray is acting weird like he is, I start to exit but find myself trapped against the kitchen counter by his body. Lifting my hands to his chest, I freeze in place. I can feel his breath, warm against my cheek. His heart, beating in his chest, hammers against my hands.

  “Say it again. Please?” he quietly asks. My eyes fly to his in question.

  “Say what?” I’m confused. I try and think back to what I just said to him.

  “You called me family. Did you mean that?”

  Clenching his shirt tightly in my palms, I look into his eyes and state the truth, “Majorly dysfunctional, but yes, you’ve always been part of my family.”

  “Release me from our agreement, Kylie,” he commands.

  “I can’t.” My heart cracks just a little because part of me wants to. Okay, a large part of me longs to.

  “Trent,” he states, never questioning. His eyes bore deeply into me.

  The truth in his eyes and the sound of his voice break my heart the rest of the way. I want to ask him what about Trent, but something inside of me tells me not to.

  “Then back away because I don’t want to,” he says, emphasizing each word.

  “I need to go check on my aunt.” Releasing his shirt, I look down, unable to bare the burn of his stare. Ducking under his arms, I free myself and walk out of the kitchen. Never looking back.

  My heart hurts and tears threaten behind my eyes. I’m going to have to get Dray to a specialist. Not that I want the old asshole back, but this new Dray is starting to scare me. Invasion Of The Body Snatchers and all that or maybe Men In Black. Either way, I can’t handle this.

  Walking into Aunt Leigh’s room, I sit down next to her on the bed. At first, neither one of us breathes a word, letting the silence say all that we can’t.

  “Do you know what you are doing, Kylie?”

  “Not a clue.”

  “I didn’t think so. Just be careful. Life sometimes has a way of opening your eyes when you least expect it or want it to. So keep them wide open at all times.” Patting my leg, she goes to stand, and I help her.

  “Do you think it’s bad that I’ve considered...,” chewing on my lip, I try to continue, “well, that I’ve thought about being with Dray. Short-term only,” I hurry to explain.

  “No, I’m surprised it’s took you this long to consider it.” She chuckles at my expression. “Oh, come on, Kylie. Sometimes sexual tension encompasses many different forms. Maybe you thought he was harassing you when, all this time, he was standoffish because you wanted to be with Trent. Maybe it was more along the lines of, ‘I can’t flirt with her because she is my buddy’s, so I’ll be aggravating’.”

  “Oh, hell no. No way. That is just too kindergarten.” I shake my head over that thought.

  “It may be immature, but bless him. He is just a man. Think it over.” Patting my cheek this time, she walks away.

  I hear her greet Dray again and offer to cook him a meal, to which he agrees. So, let me just admit this to myself: Dray may have feelings for me. Maybe they are feelings of lust. He couldn’t express them because of Trent, and he knew how I felt about Trent. So… he acts like a total asshole? He’s a man, so yeah, maybe. Wow, I never thought of that.

  Walking down the hallway, I listen to Aunt Leigh giving Dray the complete gossip of what is being said around town. I hear Dray’s laughter over something she says, and for the first time, I hear how light it is. How genuine. How real. Listening to Aunt Leigh laugh along with him also lifts my heart. She knows about his past; she has heard me whine enough over his insensitive remarks. She’s never responded negatively about Trent or Dray. She is my hero, always has been. I’ve respected her judgment of character, and she has respected Dray. She always would look at him and say that adversity makes us stronger. It definitely has made him who he is today.

  “So what are we having?” I stroll in asking.

  “What does the prego want?” Dray asks snidely as he cuts up some green tomatoes. Aunt Leigh snickers softly.

  Looking over at Dray, I reply, “Really?” His response is silence in the form of an even bigger smile. Shaking my head, I join in on their conversation, forgetting everything and enjoying the moment.

  Later that night, as we both lay propped in Dray’s bed, we watch the ending of the second season of Friday Night Lights. Grabbing a handful of buttery popcorn, I look over at Dray and giggle at how engrossed he has become in the show. Tossing a couple of pieces at his face finally breaks his concentration. Glancing over at me, he pops the wayward kernels in his mouth as I say, “Didn’t I tell you this show was awesome?”

  “I will concede to you knowing your superior television shows.”

  “I think you should just bow down to all my superior skills, especially in knowing great music,” I say to him as I roll onto my back, staring up at the ceiling.

  “Wait, I told you that I can bear to listen to that Shelton guy. Take that as a win and quit subjecting me to that torture.” He laughs and awkwardly sings with a country twang, “Going to live on the road in my home with four wheels and date my cousin.”

  I retaliate by punching him the shoulder, “Country music may be sung by rednecks, but not hillbillies. That’s who dates their cousins, idiot.”

  “Same difference,” he replies while laughing.

  “Oh, so are you saying your music is of a higher quality? Most R&B deals with let’s get it on.”

  “Uh, exactly, Kylie.” He winks at me.

  Shaking my head, I lean up saying, “I’m going to bed.”

  “Kylie,” my name rolls off his tongue, stopping me. “Stay. You fell asleep last night while watching the show. It felt...okay.” He looks down, almost embarrassed at his admission.

  Dray doesn’t like anyone in his bed longer than it takes to shag them. This morning, when I awoke beside him with me on top of the covers, it was my first thought. Weirdly, it seems that he didn’t mind me staying.

  “Just as friends,” he adds.

  I know something momentous is happening here. Not just for us, but for him. Some small ray of light is piercing the scar of his harsh upbringing right before my eyes.

  “Sure. I guess I can deal with your bed shaking from your gross snoring for one more night.”

  “Hey, I don’t snore.”

  Laughing, I look dead at him and tell a small lie, “Yes, you saw some logs, dude.”

  He rolls over to where he’s almost on top of me and yells, “Take it back! I do not snore.” H
is hands tickle my sides, causing me to twist and turn to get away. “Take it back, and I’ll quit, Kylie.”

  Gasping for air, I squeal for him to stop. God, I hate being ticklish. “Payback’s a bitch, Dray. You better let me go!” I command to no avail. Finally, he rolls back to his side and grabs a handful of popcorn, stuffing it between his lips.

  “You better quit lying little girl or I’m going to get you,” he states with a mouthful.

  “Whatever. Watch your television show,” I reply, grinning at him and how happy he is.

  Smiling to myself, I have to admit that it’s not only him. This last week, the shop has run itself with my great staff, which is what I wanted. Madison kept her ragging to a minimum when she brought Dray a basket of fruit the other day. It shocked him and me both. He was even pleasant to her, which she swore also meant that Armageddon was imminent, but it didn’t last long because he was back to aggravating her seconds later. Aunt Leigh cooked us dinner and looked, if not healthy, happy. With everything seemingly all right in my world for now, I close my eyes and let the T.V. in the background lure me to sleep.


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