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Dancing With the Devil in the City of God: Rio De Janeiro on the Brink

Page 33

by Juliana Barbassa

  death rate for young men in, 24n4

  natural beauty of, 8, 147–48

  population growth in, 149

  Barra Golden Green, 148

  Barraqueiros, 4

  Barreto, Leidemar, 100–101

  Batan, 242

  Batista, Eike, 99, 239–43

  Batista, Olin, 240

  Batista, Thor, 240

  Beaches, 149. See also specific beaches

  Beagle (ship), 128

  Beco das Sardinhas, 178

  Belgium, 271

  Belo Horizonte, 272

  Beltrame, José Mariano, 33–41, 43–46

  Alemão raid and, 59, 66, 69

  background of, 33

  press conference called by, 44

  on reclaiming territory from gangs, 33–40

  reforms instituted by, 260

  Vila Cruzeiro raid and, 45–46

  Bira (taxi driver), 46–47, 48, 49, 112–13, 114

  Birth control, 180–81

  Bishop, Elizabeth, 127n1

  Bittar, Jorge, 205–6, 223

  BlackRock, 241

  Blanchette, Thaddeus, 171–73, 177–80

  Blatter, Joseph (“Sepp”), xviii

  Blocos, 164

  Bocas, 57

  Bocas de fumo, 22

  Bolinhos de bacalhau, 73

  Bolsa Família, 78, 101, 181

  Bonaparte, Napoleon, 5

  BOPE, 27, 40, 46, 49, 261

  Bossa nova, 3

  Botafogo, 38, 147, 211

  Botafogo Bay/Cove, 127, 128–29

  Botafogo Mamutes, 263

  BP, 237

  Brasília, 7, 211

  Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism, 231

  Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, 152

  Buarque, Chico, 165

  Bullet train, 258–59

  Burchett, Wilfred G., 18n2

  Bureaucracy, 87–91, 243

  Bus driver stoppage, 266

  Bus fare hike, 231, 257

  Bush, George W., 70, 74, 75

  Businesses, 91–95

  Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system, 149–50

  Cable television, 102

  Cabral, Sérgio, 32–33

  Batista and, 241

  decreased approval ratings, 234

  the economy and, 80–81

  favela removal program and, 211, 213, 215–16

  gay rights and, 185

  Vila Cruzeiro raid and, 45, 46

  Cachaça, 52, 112

  Caimans. See Jacarés

  Cajú, 245–46, 248

  Cajú Beach, 248

  Câmara de Vereadores, 131

  Cameroon, 273–74

  Camila (intern), 150, 157–58, 160

  Candelária Cathedral, 264

  Cândido Mendes Penal Institute, 15–19, 23

  Cantagalo, 216n2

  Carbonic gas, 121

  Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, 74, 77, 243

  Carioca Living. See Morar Carioca

  Carioca River. See Rio Carioca


  affability of, 89–90

  beach culture influence on, 130

  crime-induced restrictions on, 21, 30

  defined, xxi

  environmental awareness and, 117, 123–25

  networking in, 84

  origin of term, 130

  resilience of, 115

  sexual attitudes of, 167

  vigilantism in, 264–65

  Carioca Tannery, 21

  Carnaval, 86, 93, 113, 164–66, 168, 181, 241, 259, 281

  Carnaval Without Prejudice campaign, 185

  Cartórios, 89

  Carvalho, Marcos, 190–91

  Castro, Jane di, 184

  Castro, Kátia, 97–98

  Catacumba, 208–9, 214–15, 224

  Catadores, 119–23

  Catanduvas Federal Penitentiary, 34

  Catholicism, 180, 185, 276

  Caveiras, 27

  Caveirões, 46, 261

  Ceará, 98

  Cell phones, 102, 133

  Centaurus, 172, 176

  Cerro Corá, 139–40

  César, Júlio, 274, 275, 277

  C40 Cities, 202

  Chapéu Mangueira, 23

  Chatuba, 52

  Chevron, 237

  Chile, 271, 272, 274–75

  Chimarrão, 45

  China, 235

  Brazilian exports to, xxi, 77

  oil production in, 238

  Olympic Games in, xv

  CHISAM, 207–9

  Christ the Redeemer (statue). See Cristo

  Cidade de Deus, 209, 219

  Cidade maravilhosa, 116, 208

  “Cidade Maravilhosa” (unofficial anthem), xviii

  Cidade partida, 21, 215

  City of God. See Cidade de Deus

  Civil Police, 40n3

  Clara (author’s niece), 67

  CNOOC, 238

  CNPC, 238

  Coaracy, Vivaldo, 169, 170

  Cocaine, 22–23

  Colombia, 271, 275–76

  Comando Vermelho. See Red Command

  Complexo do Alemão. See Alemão

  Computers, 102

  Comunidade, 215

  Condomínios, 8, 147, 159, 220, 223

  Confederations Cup, 232, 243, 269

  Confeitaria Colombo, 170

  Congress, 77

  Constitution, 85, 184n1, 188, 204

  Construction, 145–63, 201

  environmental impact of disregarded, 153–54

  for Olympics, 152, 153–56, 158

  for Pan-American Games, 151–53

  spot compliance checks on, 159

  water pollution and, 158–60

  Convivência, 169–70

  Copacabana, 2, 24, 116, 191, 267

  Olympic competitions in, 149

  prostitution in, 170, 176

  real estate prices in, 84

  World Cup and, 272–73

  Copacabana Beach, xiv, xviii, xix, 124

  Corcovado Mountain, 48, 132

  Corrêa, Luiz Fernando, 36

  Corruption, 26, 33, 76–77, 176, 232

  Cosigners (rental contract), 88

  Cosme Velho, 136

  Cosmos, 203, 204

  Costa Rica, 271

  Coufal, Gilberto, 208

  Crack cocaine, 9, 204

  Credit cards, 79, 100, 102

  Crime, 262–65. See also Gangs; Police; Violence

  decrease in, 260

  rise in, 8–10

  vigilante justice for, 264–65

  Cris (prostitute), 175

  Cristo (statue), 3, 30, 38, 48, 50, 75, 84, 116, 119, 128, 131, 132, 135, 170, 232, 277, 282

  Croatia, 267, 269–71, 275

  Cruz, Alexandre, 245–49

  Currency, 7, 72, 74, 233

  Curtume Carioca, 21

  Custo Brasil, 91

  Cyanobacteria, 134, 159

  Darlington, Shasta, xix

  Darwin, Charles, 128, 132, 135, 142

  David, Jacques-Louis, 120

  Davida (prostitutes’ rights organization), 171, 178

  Death of Marat, The (David), 120

  Dedo de Deus, 104

  Democracy, xvii, 7, 243

  Demonstrations. See Protests

  Deodoro, 149

  Deutsche Bank, 224n1

  Devil’s Cauldron. See Cândido Mendes Penal Institute

  Dia, O, 209

  Diego (“Mr. M.”; Red Command member), 51–52, 57, 60–66 />
  origin of nickname, 61

  post-gang life of, 262–63

  shooting of, 63

  slide into gang life, 61–63

  surrender to police, 65–66

  Dirceu, José, 77

  Divorce, 181

  Dois Irmãos peaks, 4, 90, 116

  Dolphins, 142

  Domestic violence, 182

  Dona Nilza, 51–52, 57, 60–62, 64–66, 263

  Donos do morro, 25, 39, 63, 262

  Drug trafficking, 8–9, 15, 22–23, 26, 45. See also Gangs

  Duarte, Marco Aurélio, 26

  Duarte, Maria Luíza, 26

  Duarte, Mário Sérgio, 29, 40, 44

  Alemão raid and, 59–60, 68

  police misconduct and, 260–61

  relationship with Red Command, 25–28

  Vila Cruzeiro raid and, 45

  Duarte, Viviane, 26

  Eco-barriers, 143

  Economist, The, xiv, 75, 232

  Economy, 72–86

  austerity measures, 74

  collapse of, 7–8, 244

  consumption and, 74, 79–80

  cost of living and, 72–73

  energy policy mismanagement and, 235–36

  favelas affected by, 95–103

  foreign investment and, xxi, 74–75, 81, 82

  GDP, 78–79, 81, 91, 242

  global, xv-­xvi

  government intervention in, 7, 238–39

  growth of, xxi-xxii, 74–75, 77–83

  slowdown in, 232, 234, 238–39, 242–44, 257–58

  Education, 85, 102, 234, 235, 238, 243–44


  access to, 133

  price of, 257

  Eletrobras, 239

  Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 172

  Emperor’s bathhouse, 248–49

  Employment, 79, 214, 232

  Engenhão, 149, 151–52

  Environment, 116–29, 258, 259. See also Construction; Water pollution

  air pollution, 125–26

  fines for offenses, 124–25, 159

  public attitudes toward, 117, 123–25

  waste management and, 117–23

  E.On, 241

  Escadinha (drug kingpin), 9

  Estádio Municipal/Estádio Jornalista Mário Filho. See Maracanã Stadium

  Estádio Olímpico João Havelange. See Engenhão

  Estado de S. Paulo, 222

  Eternit tanks, 96

  ExxonMobil, 237, 241

  Family Purse. See Bolsa Família

  Favela-Bairro, 209

  Favela removal program, 199–218, 258. See also Vila Autódromo

  alternative to proposed, 209

  compensation for residents, 203

  historical perspective on, 206–10

  impact on residents, 203

  official justifications for, 202, 206, 209

  resettlement of residents, 203, 208, 209, 213–14

  resistance among residents, 204, 210–13, 214–15

  for Vila do Pan, 152n1, 222

  Favelas. See also Favela removal program

  attitudes toward police in, 69–70

  conditions in, 21

  crime in, 8–9

  economic changes in, 95–103

  first recognized, 207

  number of in Rio, 201

  population growth in, 201, 207

  real estate values in, 95–96, 201, 209, 214

  stigma attached to, 208

  tenuous existence of, 207

  Favela to Neighborhood, 209

  Federal Highway Police, 46

  Federal Police, 33, 36

  Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), xviii, 232, 252, 254, 255, 256, 267, 269

  Felipe (AP photographer), 49, 106–7, 109, 113–14

  Ferreira, Seu, 65

  Fertility rate, 180

  FIFA. See Fédération Internationale de Football Association

  Fitch, 74

  Flamengo (club), 255

  Flamengo (neighborhood), 136, 138, 147, 242

  gang activity in, 13

  Olympic competitions in, 149

  pollution in, 126–29, 134

  Flamengo Beach, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 133, 136

  Flora (AP employee), 49

  Fluminense, 130

  Fluminense swallowtail butterfly, 155

  Fogueteiros, 22, 64

  Fome Zero, 78

  Foreign investment, xxi, 74–75, 81, 82

  Forests, clear-cutting of, 117, 132

  Formula 1 race track, 219, 220

  Fortaleza, 266

  France, 238

  Freitas, Ricardo, 145–46, 150–51, 153–54, 156–57, 160–63

  Futebol. See Soccer

  Futebol arte, 250–51, 276, 279

  Gadhafi, Muammar, 6

  Gambiarras, 257

  Gangs, 262–63. See also Red Command

  reclaiming territory from, 37–41

  UPP bases attacked by, 262

  “war” against, 28–29, 36, 48

  Gated communities, 6, 8, 83, 147, 217

  Gay pride parade, 168, 188

  Gays. See LGBT population

  GDP, 78–79, 81, 91, 242

  Gender relations. See Women

  General Electric, 241

  Genoino, José, 77

  Gentrification, 201, 258


  tax burden in, 91

  World Cup and, 276–79, 280, 281

  Getúlio Vargas State Hospital, 35–36, 50, 63

  “Girl from Ipanema” (song), 3

  Glauco, Wesley, 35

  Globo (studio), 167

  Globo, O (newspaper), 12, 20, 29, 48

  Golf course (Olympic), 154–56, 163, 222

  Gondola systems, 216n2, 262

  Grael, Axel, 144

  Grael, Lars, 144

  Grael, Martine, 144

  Grael, Torben, 144

  Gramacho, 118–23, 143

  Grant, Oscar, 53–54

  Grota, 35

  Growth Acceleration Program, 243

  Grupo Gay da Bahia, 184, 186n2

  Guajajara, 210

  Guanabara Bay, 2, 106, 116, 126, 130, 143, 244

  Darwin’s stop in, 128

  pollution of, 118, 119, 144, 259

  Guanabara Palace, 32, 45

  Guarani, 210

  Guararapes, 136, 138, 139, 140, 142

  Guerrilla Warfare (Guevara), 18n2

  Guevara, Ernesto Che, 18n2

  Guimarães, Altair, 219–20, 223

  Havaianas, 3

  Health care, 85, 188, 234, 235, 238

  Health Ministry, 187

  Help! (discothèque), 171, 172, 173, 179

  Hepatitis A, 160

  Herrera, Miguel, 271

  Hidden costs of living, 85, 91

  History of Portuguese America (Rocha Pita), 141

  Homophobia, 165, 167, 168, 169, 184

  Hosts of Cosme Velho. See Anfitriões do Cosme Velho

  Hotel Glória, 241, 242

  Hotel Paris, 171, 172, 178

  Housing market, 74, 75, 80. See also Apartments

  Housing projects, 208, 209, 214, 222–23, 224

  Howard, Tim, 271

  Humaitá, 147

  Human rights organizations, 36

  Hunger, 103

  Hussein, Saddam, 5

  Hyperinflation, 74

  IAB, 221

  IBM, 241

  IHS, 238

  Ilha Grande, 15, 106. See also Cândido Mendes Penal Institute

ation, 92–94

  Inalva (Vila Autódromo resident), 225

  India, 91

  Indian Museum, 211

  Indigenous people, 210–14

  INEA, 133

  Inequality, 201

  Inflation, 74, 77, 232, 238–39, 257

  Inhaúma, 244–49

  Institute of Brazilian Architects, 215, 216

  Instituto de Segurança Pública, 40

  Instituto Jacaré, 150

  Instituto Pereira Passos, 149

  Instituto Trata Brasil, 135

  Inter-American Development Bank, 81, 202

  Interest rates, 79, 80, 236, 257

  International Finance Corporation, 91

  International Monetary Fund, xiv

  International Olympic Committee (IOC), xv, xvii, xviii, xix, 126, 154, 205, 221

  Ipanema, 24, 85–86, 116, 241

  businesses in, 91

  described, 2–4

  Olympic competitions in, 148

  real estate prices in, 83, 84, 201

  Iran, 5

  Iraq, 5–6, 46, 47, 70

  Itanhangá, 154n2

  Jacarepaguá, 12, 146, 149, 158

  Jacarepaguá lagoon, 219, 220, 228

  Jacarés, 145–47, 150, 155, 160–63

  capture-inflicted injuries in, 156–57

  description of, 145

  skewed sex distribution in, 161–62

  Jackson, Michael, 38n2, 97

  Japan, xiv, xv, xvi, xvii-xviii, 244

  Jardim Botânico, 147

  Jeitinho, 89, 251, 276, 282

  João V, Dom (king), 140

  João VI, Dom (emperor), 246

  Joaquim de Queiroz, 67

  Jobim, Tom, 2–3, 87, 116

  Jogo bonito, 279

  Jogo de cintura, 76, 251

  Jornal do Brasil, 23, 208

  Josiane (favela resident), 69

  Justice Tribunal, 183, 190

  Kaczmarkiewicz, Leonard (“Alemão”), 22

  Kaingangue, 210

  Kazakhstan, 235

  Keys, Alicia, 95

  Kidnappings, 8

  Korea, xv

  Kuwait, 5, 6

  Lacerda, Carlos, 207

  Lagoa, 3, 219, 228

  Lanchonete, 92

  Landfills, 117–23

  Lapa, 2, 191, 192, 195, 196, 197, 201

  Laranjeiras, 136

  Largo do Boticário, 137

  Largo do Coqueiro, 63

  Lea T. (travesti), 191–92

  Leblon, 2, 24, 91, 135, 208

  Lee, Spike, 38n2

  Lei de Segurança Nacional, 17

  Leite, Gabriela, 178

  Leopoldina, Princess, 211

  Leper colony, 214

  Levy, Joaquim, 81

  LGBT population, 183–98

  government defense of rights, 184–85

  homophobia toward, 165, 167, 168, 169, 184

  marriage in, 183–84, 185, 189–90

  tourism and, 165–68

  violence against, 168, 169, 184, 185–86

  Libra auction, 235, 236–39

  Libya, 6, 235

  Linha Amarela, 22


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