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Boomer's Fall

Page 15

by Robin Leigh Miller

  A gentle song-like laugh drifted through her head.

  You think it’s funny that I could end up with a broken heart? she scolded her guide.

  It is amusing that you would think it possible. Do not look for trouble where there is none.

  Sam crossed her arms over her chest and scowled out the window. She’d look for trouble if she wanted to. It was her life after all. She let herself stew for a few moments then began to think about the wise advice she’d been given. As usual her guide was right. She was making more out of the situation than was necessary. She and Mark communicated well. When she felt the time was right she’d bring the subject up.

  The soft scent of freesia drifted through the stale taxi air. It was her guide’s way of letting her know she wasn’t alone and everything would be fine. Sam smiled to herself.

  Thank you.

  The scent grew stronger then faded away.

  When she reached the airport her plane was waiting for her. It only took about forty-five minutes to take off, fly and land back at W&S. When she disembarked Mark was waiting for her. He pulled her into his arms, kissed her hard and deeply and then hugged her.

  “I missed you damn it,” he said softly.

  “I was only gone one night.”

  “I don’t care. I still missed you.”

  “I missed you too,” she said pleased.

  As they walked toward the barracks she pressed her body close to his. “Now tell me what’s so important I had to leave a man behind.”

  Mark stopped walking, turned toward her with a serious look and said. “A certain someone hasn’t been honest with us. We may have a problem.”

  * * * * *

  Boomer was stretched out on his bed wearing a more masculine pair of pajama bottoms his brother had bought him. He’d even brought a pair of jeans, a couple of shirts and some cologne. He still hadn’t seen Hannah yet and was beginning to wonder if he would.

  “Mr. Campbell.”

  Boomer looked up to see the doctor walk through the door.

  “I have the results of your CAT scan.”

  “Good news I hope.”

  “Everything looks fine.”

  “Then I can get out of here today?”

  “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that. Your bandages need changing twice a day. You can’t lift anything over ten pounds and you’re bound to still be weak from the blood loss. I’d prefer if someone was around to keep an eye on you.”

  “I can do that.”

  Hannah stood in the doorway twisting her fingers and biting her lower lip. Today she was wearing a pair of tight black jeans, high-heeled boots and a cream colored tight sweater that hugged her perfectly round breasts. The thick material curved over her rib cage and lay nice and flat across her stomach. Boomer took a deep, painful breath and prayed the doctor didn’t notice the growing bulge under his flannel pants.

  “He can stay with me,” she said walking into the room. “I’ll make sure he behaves. You show me what to do with the bandages and I’ll change them.”

  Boomer looked past the doctor and focused on the gorgeous, tall woman who had a hold on him. He couldn’t explain why she captivated him. He just knew he’d never been taken by a woman like this before. In his mind it was happening in a way that couldn’t be ignored.

  “He’ll need to eat high-protein meals at least three to four times a day and at the first sign of change in his wound I want him back here,” the doctor told her.

  “No problem. I can handle that.”

  “Well Mr. Campbell it sounds as though you’re leaving us. I’ll get the nurse to bring your paperwork around, give you a few instruction sheets and you’ll be free to go.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’d like to, with your permission of course, use some of your records and x-rays in my thesis I’m working on.”

  Boomer shrugged. “Sure.”

  “There’s a paper I need you to sign releasing that information to me. I’ll have the nurse bring that in as well.”

  Boomer and the doctor shook hands. Once Doctor Bender was gone he sat quietly in his bed waiting for Hannah to speak first. When she simply stood there, continuously twisting her fingers he rose from the bed and walked to her. With her boots on she stood almost eye to eye with him, her thick, shiny hair beckoning to him to run his fingers through it.

  “Thank you.”

  “You don’t need to thank me. Sam called this morning and said she was leaving. I wasn’t sure how long your brother was staying so I figured I could pitch in and help out. It’s the least I can do for you after what you did for Raya.”

  His quick temper flared. Her crossed signals were beginning to frustrate him. “Don’t put yourself out,” he snapped. “Especially out of some twisted sense of payback. I’ll check into a hotel or go home.”

  When he turned to walk away from her she reached out and touched his bare muscular back. “I’m sorry, Ben, I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “Hell you didn’t.” His low vibrating voice shook the room. “I’m not interested in your gratitude.” He turned back. “I’m interested in you and your daughter. If that bothers you then walk away now. I don’t play games with people.”

  Her emotions washed across her face. He silently named them, guilt, embarrassment, anger, confusion and finally acceptance.

  “Okay I want to help you because I’m interested too,” she whispered.

  “Make sure you mean it, Hannah. No gratuitous niceties. I’m a very perceptive person and I’ll see right through it. Don’t play with me.”

  “I won’t,” she said with a smile. “I guess I’m just out of practice and not sure how to handle a genuinely nice guy.”

  “Just be yourself that’s all I ask.”

  “I’ll do my best. You might have to cut me some slack every once in a while.”

  Boomer smiled. “I can do that.”

  “Good. Now you better get dressed. I’ll go to the nurse’s station and see if they have a bag we can put your stuff in.”

  Hannah stepped out into the hallway and pressed her back against the wall.

  “What the hell have I done?” He was right about one thing, he was perceptive and it probably wouldn’t take long for him to see through her charade.

  To make matters worse she liked the man, truly liked him. Dear God when he stood in front of her with his muscular bare chest just inches away it was all she could do to keep herself from reaching out and running her hands all over that flesh-covered hardness. Oh and the way those flannel pants hung off his hips revealing light brown hair that disappeared under the waistband was intoxicating.

  She banged her head back against the wall. It wasn’t just his sexy body that had her intrigued. His personality was just as fascinating. This was a man who knew what he wanted and wasn’t afraid to go after it. She respected that, yet there didn’t seem to be a cruel bone in his body—not that she’d seen anyway. Of course time would tell.

  God this was a dangerous game she was playing but for Raya’s sake it needed to be done. She almost lost her daughter yesterday she wouldn’t allow it to happen again. Ben would understand that in the end. He’d have to.

  She was lost in thought when Mike approached. She jumped when he reached out and tapped her on the shoulder. His smile was warm and friendly, much like his brother’s.

  “Hi Mike,” she signed.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes. Ben’s getting dressed. They’re letting him go today.”

  “Really? He’s well enough?”

  “Seems so. He’s going to stay with me for a few days. The doctor thinks he needs to be supervised and he needs his bandages changed twice a day.”

  “I see,” Mike signed with a smirk. “You sure you’re up for that?”

  “You met my daughter. I think I can handle it,” she replied.

  Mike laughed. “I guess you can. I’ll just go in and have a word with him.”

  Hannah watched him disappear through the door and
sighed. They were such nice people, maybe she should rethink her plan. Then Raya’s terrified little face flashed through her mind. It had to be done.

  Boomer gingerly pulled his shirt on as Mike entered the room. The look on his brother’s face told him he was in for some ribbing. He’d probably run into Hannah in the hall and heard the news. No matter, he was up for it.

  “You saved me a phone call,” Boomer signed.

  “What’s up?”

  It was just like Mike to play dumb. Better get it all out and over with. “I’m getting out today and Hannah has offered to look after me for a few days. So I’ll be staying with her.”

  “Wow moving in with her already?” he signed trying to hide a smile. “I had no idea you were such a stud.”

  “Very funny,” Boomer said and then shot him an obscene gesture.

  “I’m sorry,” he signed chuckling. “If this is what you want I’m behind you.”

  Boomer sat on the edge of his bed and smiled. “She heard the doctor explaining what I needed and she offered her place and her assistance. I saw it as an opportunity to get to know them better that’s all.”

  “I get it,” Mike signed as he sat next to his brother. “Just watch yourself.”

  “I’m a big boy. I don’t need any lectures about how to handle a woman.”

  “That’s not what I meant, Ben. You tend to fall hard when you do fall. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  Boomer looked away embarrassed. Mike was right as usual. When he took the plunge he did it heart and soul. It was a fact he wasn’t proud of.

  “I’ll take it slowly, I promise.”

  Mike patted him on the back. “What did the doctor say?”

  “He said I’m healing fine but I need to be watched so I don’t do too much.”

  “Sounds like he’s got your number.”

  Boomer chuckled. “Yeah I suppose he does. I’m sorry Walt dragged you out here for nothing.”

  “It wasn’t nothing. I want to know when you’re hurt, Ben. Don’t ever try to hide an incident from me.”

  “I won’t. I’ll call Walt and have him send the plane to take you home.”

  Mike stood. “Not necessary, I’ll catch a flight back on a commercial airline.”

  “Then let me pay for the ticket.”

  “Nope.” Mike gently hugged him. “Keep in touch and let me know how you’re doing and when you’re going home.”

  “Okay I will.”

  The two hugged once more before Mike turned and left the room leaving Boomer alone once more. His mind wandered back to Mike’s comment about falling hard and getting hurt and vowed he would take it slowly and easily. Besides, she needed it slowly as well.

  “Here’s a bag to put your things in.” Hanna said strolling into the room. “Is everything all right, you look funny.”

  Boomer turned away and finished buttoning his shirt. “I’m fine. Would it be okay if we stopped off in the gift shop downstairs? I need to pick up a toothbrush and some other things.”

  “Why don’t we just hit the local drug store, it’ll be cheaper and they’ll have a much better selection. That is if you’re up for it.”

  “I don’t want to put you out any more than I already am.”

  She walked around him, stepped up and looked him right in the eye. “Are you having second thoughts about staying with me?”

  “No are you?” he returned the intense glare she gave him.

  “Not at all.” She glanced away and then returned her gaze to his. “I’m looking forward to it,” she said in a shy voice.


  “Mr. Campbell, I have your paperwork ready to go.” The nurse said breezing into the room.

  Boomer continued to hold Hannah’s gaze a few extra seconds before turning and sensing her shiver. He gave the nurse a huge bright smile, pleased he affected Hannah in such a way. Once all the paperwork was signed the nurse showed Hannah how to clean and dress his wound properly, with instructions that if it began to look infected or emit a peculiar odor that she was to bring him back immediately. Boomer received his instructions on eating and lifting.

  After all the formalities were finished Boomer picked up his bag, gave Hannah one last curious look and nodded toward the door. She gave him a shaky smile before turning to leave.

  Hannah stopped at a nearby drug store and walked inside with him, following him around as he picked up the few things he would need. He liked having her close, it felt right, natural. He wondered if this was the way Mike and Kong felt when they began their relationships. Most women made him feel on edge, like he had to walk on eggshells around them all the time. With Hannah he felt nothing but comfort.

  “Is there anything you need while we’re here?” he asked.

  “No I’m good,” she replied with a smile.

  “Would it be okay if I picked something up for Raya?”

  “You don’t have to do that, Ben.”

  “I know I don’t. I want to. Come on help me find something she’d like.” Boomer reached out and took her hand in his, pulling her toward the aisles that held books, toys and gadgets.

  At first she resisted, stiffening her arm and trying to pull her hand free. When he turned his head and gave a gentle smile she relaxed, tightened her hand around his and stepped up next to him. They laughed, joked and teased each other as they scoured the shelves looking for the perfect gift for him to give Raya.

  After twenty minutes they both decided on a cute stuffed monkey and a one thousand piece puzzle of a field of wildflowers. Hannah hoped it would keep her occupied for hours. Boomer found a shiny plastic badge with the word hero stamped on it. He picked it up and tucked it under the monkey so Hannah wouldn’t see it. In his mind Raya was a hero for her bravery during the whole episode yesterday.

  On the way to Hannah’s apartment they told each other about their favorite movies, music and food. They were both surprised at how much they had in common. Hannah inquired about the many places he had been to and expressed her desires to travel someday.

  “Where would you like to go?” Boomer asked.

  “A lot of places. I’d like to see the pyramids in Egypt and Big Ben in England but mostly I’d like to travel this country, to see and meet all the different people who call this country home. The world is changing so fast I’m afraid I’ll miss out on what made this country what it is.”

  Boomer smiled to himself. He knew exactly where he would take her one day.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Yep, this is our guy,” Sam said looking at a picture on the computer. “A little thinner but his cheekbones, nose and eyes are the same.” She moved away from the screen and looked at her uncle. “Fill me in.”

  Walt removed his reading glasses, rubbed the bridge of his nose and began filling her in on the intelligence. “His name is Reed Parker, thirty-six years old, born in New Jersey. From the looks of his arrest record he committed his fair share of petty crime. Everything from shoplifting, street brawling, DUI, tried his hand at drug dealing until he was roughed up and robbed by his clients. He actually had the nerve to report it to the police can you believe it?”

  “Sounds like a candidate for ‘stupid criminal of the year’,” Sam replied.

  “He drifted around for a while. Some arrests in New York, DC, Virginia all petty. He makes an appearance in the local cop shop about every three months and then he drops off the radar about eight years ago. Then he shows up at the school making demands for the release of terrorist leaders.”

  “You think he was recruited?”

  “That would be my guess. No record of him until two days ago except we did find a hospital record with his name on it.” Walt leaned back in his chair and gave her smug look.

  “Did he get rolled by customers again?”

  “Nope, his name is listed on a birth record as the father.”

  “Father? He has a kid?”

  “It looks that way but that’s not the interesting part.”

  Sam sat and waited for
the bomb to be dropped. She knew that crinkled eye, furrowed brow look on her uncle’s face. Something big was coming.

  “The child he fathered is a little girl, born deaf.”

  Sam’s blood began to run cold through her veins. He was the father of a deaf daughter and it was a school for the deaf he chose to make his statement in.

  “The daughter lives in Philly.”

  “And attends the school he wanted to blow up,” she said putting pieces together.

  “I bet you can’t guess the child’s name?”

  It couldn’t be she said silently to herself.

  Walt picked up a copy of the birth certificate and handed it to her. Sam’s heart sank to the pit of her stomach, her hands shook. “I can’t believe this,” she whispered.

  “Believe it, Sam. Lowe and I checked it three times.”

  There in her hand on that piece of paper was a name she knew all to well. Her blood turned to ice. She looked up at her uncle with fury in her eyes. He nodded his head confirming she understood what she just read.

  * * * * *

  Boomer stepped inside the small apartment and smiled when Raya came hopping toward him on one foot. Her bright, innocent smile lit up the room. He braced himself for her to barrel into him but was surprised when she halted and simply stood there like she was waiting for permission to hug him. He knelt down in front of her and held out his arms. Raya slipped into them with grace and dignity and hugged him with a tenderness that filled his heart.

  When he looked up at Hannah she was holding her hand over her mouth. He couldn’t decide if she was pleased or horrified.

  “Are you okay?” he asked her.

  “I thought she was going to bowl you over. All I could think was I’d have to take you back to the hospital and try to explain how a seven-year-old did so much damage.”

  Another woman walked up then, smiling at him. Boomer gently pushed Raya away and stood. The older woman clasped her arthritic, gnarled hands together and looked at Hannah.

  “Mrs. Romig, this is Ben Campbell.”

  “Nice to meet you, ma’am.”

  “My you’re a big man,” a twinge of pink colored her cheeks.


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