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Seducing Their Princess: A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 11

by Michelle Hughes

  “Now your talking. We’ll tell them all to go fuck themselves.” Theo was thrilled with her answer, but I worried about what she was agreeing too. As much as I wanted her to stay, I also didn’t want her to regret the decision later.

  “You should finish school, princess.” Her eyes turned to me and the pain in them felt like she’d punched me.

  “You don’t want me?” Lowering her head, I knew she’d misconstrued my words in the worst possible way. Walking over I wrapped her in my arms, holding her tightly against me.

  “I love you more than life, but I would never ask you to give up your dreams. If you want to stay with us, we’ll rent a house in Alabama until your classes are finished.”

  “Then what? You shack up and ruin any chances of her being taken seriously. Saying fuck you to the world is one thing, but you know how close-minded people are.” Langley had a point. It was the reason he decided not to stay with our group. It took thick skin to live this lifestyle and not worry about what others thought.

  “One of us could marry her?” Jackston’s words had all our attention.

  “It’s not a bad idea?” Gage chimed in, and I certainly had no problem adding a little conventional in with our very unconventional lifestyle.

  “That could work.” Langley seemed to be getting his anger under control, and I wondered if he wasn’t more conservative than he knew. Marrying his baby sister seemed to be okay when sleeping with her wasn’t. I bit back a laugh.

  “Which one would I marry though? I love all of you.” The precious confusion on her beautiful face made me smile, and I noticed everyone else was smiling too.

  “I don’t care which one as long as you do it. That’s the only way you’ll have a normal life. You finish school, too. If you want my approval that’s the only way this works.” Langley seemed to think his opinion mattered, and maybe it did to his sister, but not to us. She’d already given us her heart and that’s all any of us could ask for.

  “That’s up to you.” Jackston smiled and walked over to take her into his arms. “We’ll all be married in heart, so the paper is simply a way to protect your interests.” She nodded at his explanation then looked confused again.

  “What about our children?” The thought of our princess being pregnant had never crossed my mind. “Who would be the legal father if something happened?” I felt like a complete ass when I realized we’d never talked about pregnancy considering we’d all slept with her without protection.

  “Are you on birth control?” A little late now to ask the question, but it needed to be brought up.

  “No. I never thought I’d have sex, so it never crossed my mind.” Her brilliant mind connected the dots quickly and those precious eyes widened. “I could already be pregnant.” A soft gasp escaped her lips.

  “I think you might want to decide who your husband’s going to be soon.” Theo chuckled, and I would have joined in, but I wasn’t sure how Brooke felt about being a mom yet.

  “Kids. Wow. I never thought I’d have them.” Instead of being upset, she smiled, and I could finally relax enough to smile back.

  “We could start our own football team.” Gage was obviously on board with the idea too.

  “If you think I’m going to sit around popping out babies all my life, think again. Two should be enough, and I plan on working too, so you guys will have to be great dads.” I guess we were told. We all laughed together, and it looked like a crisis was avoided.

  “Better get on birth control if you’re not pregnant then, because I don’t plan on ever letting you leave our bed.” Theo’s words were on par with how I felt too, and I nodded.

  “Jesus, guys, she’s my sister. Can we not talk about what you want to do with her?” Langley looked a little nauseated, but I guess if I had a sister I wouldn’t want to know about her sex life either.

  Now that her brother no longer wanted to kill us for seducing our princess, we made plans to return to the states. Brooke had another year of college and we had a wedding to plan, not to mention a trip to the physician so we could find out if we’d be father’s.



  Six months ago, I met these four incredible men and discovered that some fairy tales do come true. If you had asked me what I thought about a polyamorous relationship before, I would have told you that I didn’t think anyone could live with more than one partner and be happy. I would have been wrong.

  I married Alec, but in my heart, I said I do to Jackston, Gage, and Theo too. We decided on the groom by drawing numbers, because it didn’t matter whose last name I held. I love them all and they’ve made me happier than I ever thought I could be.

  In three months I’ll bring our twins into our home. Two more little men to love, but I think my heart has room for all of them. I feel like a beached whale, but the men have been the most attentive husbands a girl could ever ask for. I can’t wait to see them with our children.

  Living with them has been like my own contemporary historical romance. Instead of a Sheik, I have my own harem and it’s the most beautiful relationship any girl could hope to have. Love doesn’t have to be conventional. It comes in many different forms, and this works for me. When I close my eyes at night, I know I’m blessed. The world outside may never know or understand what we share, but we realize how lucky we are to have found each other.

  About the Author

  I hope you enjoyed this fantasy and will consider leaving a review. Writing a reverse harem romance was a lot of fun, and I admit it made me think about what it would be like to have one in real life. Since I’m married, I’ll have to leave that to someone else to explore. Please join my mailing list to be updated on new releases. You can subscribe here:

  Michelle Hughes lives in Verbena, Alabama with her husband and five children. She’s published over twenty books on her own and has one title with Kindle Scout. Hughes was raised as an Air Force Brat and traveled the world with her family before returning home to her state, Alabama. Prior to writing she was a country singer/songwriter, and then a respiratory therapist.









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