Dirty (A Damaged Romance Duet Book 1)

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Dirty (A Damaged Romance Duet Book 1) Page 11

by Michelle Horst

  Her movements are tentative, as she reaches up, placing her hand on my chest.

  I’ve been bitten and clawed at, but never just touched, not the way River’s touching me.

  I lower myself on top of her, closing my eyes as I savor the powerful feeling of her beneath me. I crush my mouth to hers, as my hands start to roughly explore her body. She’s feminine beneath my hands, soft to my hard.

  I kiss my way over her jaw and down her neck.

  “Jack,” she whispers breathlessly.

  My lips find their way down her chest, and push her shirt up and over her head. I trace the curve of her breast with my tongue, before sucking her nipple into my mouth.

  It’s all a new experience, and I move faster, wanting to feel more of it.

  I push my body off hers, and then quickly yank her shorts down her legs. When she’s naked in front of me, I rip the foil packet open with my teeth. I shove my pants out of the way and roll the condom on.

  Spreading her legs I position myself over her. I don’t think, letting the beast in me take over. When I feel her entrance, I slam forward, entering her in one quick stroke. I’ve never felt a pussy so tight, her walls squeezing my cock.

  Her body tightens and a painful gasp shatters through my loss of self-control.

  My eyes search her face and I see her trying to gasp through the pain, a horrible sinking feeling fills my chest.

  “Fuck,” I curse myself for being so rough with her.

  Her arms tremble as she wraps them around my neck. I’m surprised when she pulls me down, burying her face in my chest.

  I keep still, not wanting to hurt her again. I listen as her breathing slows down. Her arms tighten around my neck and she starts to press kisses to my chest. She works her way up my neck, and when she reaches my mouth, I pull out of her a little.

  Slowly, I fill her again, this time watching her face for any signs of pain.

  She brings her hands to my shoulders, trailing them down my straining arms, supporting my weight.

  I pull out and her fingers dig into my biceps. I trust back inside her tight pussy, a little harder than before. Her thighs relax, and she opens a little wider, allowing me to push in until all the way. My pelvis rubs against her clit and her breath hitches from the pleasure.

  I start to move faster and harder until her breaths are coming fast. I feel my body opening up to hers. I frame her face and slip my fingers into her hair. Grabbing fist fills, I press my mouth to hers, taking every breath from her.

  She lets go of my biceps and bush her hands down my back, until she grabs hold of my ass. She opens her legs wider and her fingers dig hard into my ass. Her back lifts off the bed and she presses her breasts into my chest. I feel her everywhere. Her scent fills my nostrils. Her breaths fill my lungs.

  I keep driving my cock inside of her until her body tenses and the walls of her pussy starts to milk my cock.

  Her lips part and a whimper bursts against my lips. My movements grow desperate and forceful. I pull at her hair as my cock plunges deep inside of her.

  She pushes down on my ass as my balls start to tighten. A growl rips from my chest as I start to come, claiming the orgasm I’ve been in need of.

  My movements slow until our bodies still against each other. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tightly, as I close my eyes. I want to etch the image of her coming into my mind. I want to imprint her body on mine.

  I want to own her, the way she owns me.

  Chapter 18


  Adam and I decide to treat everyone to a barbeque. I’ve chased Miss Ella out of the kitchen, and the last I saw of her was when she was walking down to the river with Jack.

  Sophia is helping me fix some salads, and buttering some rolls. When we’re done with it all, we carry the bowls outside to a table Adam placed under a tree earlier. We do a few trips up and down, bringing out sodas and everything else we might need.

  “Thank you, Sophia.” The woman has become a younger version of Miss Ella. She’s a quick learner and loves spending time with Miss Ella. That’s when she’s not with Adam.

  “It’s my pleasure,” she says, a bright smile lighting up her face.

  I’m glad we’re all spending some time together today. Weeks can pass where we all get so busy with our lives we miss each other. We try to get together at least once a month, but with Jack and Sophia joining us, time has just slipped by.

  I follow Sophia to where Adam and Tristan are grilling some steaks and burgers. Adam places his arm around Sophia and holds her close to his side, while he’s flipping the burgers.

  “We’re ready. It went so quick with Sophia’s help. I’m going to go call everyone.”

  “The meat should be ready soon,” Tristan says and then his eyes dart over my head. I glance over my shoulder to see what he’s looking at and then I grin. Diane and Lizzie are walking towards us. Diane looks at Tristan and then she quickly looks back at Lizzie. There’s definitely something brewing between Tristan and Diane. The girl is painfully shy but he’ll get through to her.

  I glance up at Tristan and whisper, “Be careful with Diane, she’s fragile.”

  He frowns at me and then huffs, “There’s nothing going on between us. Besides, she’s way too young for me.”

  I chuckle under my breath. “Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.”

  I go back inside and find a small group of the girls in the living room, where they’re busy reading. “The food is almost ready.”

  It takes me a good few minutes to find everyone in the huge house, before I walk towards the river to get Miss Ella and Jack.

  I find them sitting on one of the benches.

  “I’d like some lilies and lavender.” Miss Ella points to their right. “I’m sure you can fit them in there. They would go so nice with the others.”

  Jack stares hard at the spot Miss Ella pointed out. “You really think so? I was thinking of putting in more roses.”

  “You already have roses.”

  “I’d like to plant more, though,” Jack says with determination.

  “Why roses?”

  “My mother loved them.”

  My heart jerks painfully for the loss Jack had to suffer at such a young age.

  “What was she like?” Miss Ella asks.

  “Her smile,” Jack whispers, and I can hear the sadness lacing his words. He clears his throat and then says, “She could light up the darkest night with her smile.”

  “Then, you must’ve gotten your smile from her.”

  “Yeah?” His mouth twitches at the corner.

  “Yeah,” Miss Ella whispers. “Fine, you can plant the roses.” I know she’s trying to lighten the air a bit.

  I walk back to the barbeque, leaving Jack with Miss Ella.

  When I get back, it’s just in time as everyone is sitting down to eat. I grab two plates and load them with food for Jack and Miss Ella, and then I get some for myself.

  I listen as everyone talks and laughs, and then I spot Christopher taking a plate of food to Maddie.

  I walk over to them and make sure that I sit a safe distance from Maddie. Because of her past I let the men handle her. I don’t want to upset her. I just want to know if she’s okay.

  “How are you, Maddie?”

  Her eyes jump from me to Christopher, who’s taking a seat next to her. He smiles at her and it seems to give her courage.


  She twirls her fork in her plate and then suddenly looks up.

  “Thank you for bringing me here. I know I don’t talk to you a lot, and it might come across as being rude, but I want you to know that I’m thankful for what you and Adam did for me.”

  “I’m so glad that you’re happy, hon. That’s all that matters.” I look from Christopher to Maddie and I can clearly see their love for each other. “So … it’s obvious that the two of you are serious. I noticed you moved out of the house, Maddie. I’m guessing that the two of you now live together?”

stopher reaches over to Maddie and takes her hand. There’s a serious light in his eyes when he says, “We’d like to get married.”

  He looks nervous, as if he’s asking my permission.

  “You’re both adults. If you’re sure that’s what you want then I don’t see why you can’t. Are you planning on leaving or staying?” I need to know. Christopher is one of my best guards. I’d hate to lose him.

  “We’re staying if that’s okay? Maddie is comfortable here and you know that I love working here.”

  I smile reassuringly at them. “Then you stay. The choice is always yours.”

  “Is it okay if we get married here? We saw how beautiful Jack made the chapel. We could have the wedding there,” Christopher asks with hope shining in his eyes.

  “That’s a great idea. Just check with Adam if you need anything extra and let us know which date you decide on.”

  Maddie’s face is shining with excitement but it’s Christopher who gets up and comes to hug me.

  “Thanks, River.”

  I laugh and pat him on the back. “It’s my pleasure.”

  “Nana,” Adam calls. “Your food’s over here.”

  My eyes find Jack, and I drink in the sight of him. I love the way he walks, as if he’s stalking his prey. There’s nothing sexier on this planet.

  My thoughts go back to the other night, when we made love for the first time. I can honestly say there’s nothing bad about having sex with him. I was worried that we would have issues, but the second we came together, our pasts vanished and there was only us.

  He’s incredibly alpha male and it’s a constant turn on.

  “Here’s yours,” I say as Jack reaches me. “You want to go sit with me?”

  He nods and straddles the bench, his body facing me.

  I pick at my food so I don’t embarrass myself by throwing myself at Jack, in front of everyone.

  More people join us, forcing me behave.

  “Are you enjoying yourselves?” I ask around the table.

  “I love these barbeques,” Jamie says. “I was thinking we could dance later on.”

  “That would be fun,” Lizzie says.

  “Can I have everyone’s attention,” Adam shouts.

  Christopher and Maddie are standing next to him. A smile pulls at my lips as Adam throws his arms around them. He looks like a proud father.

  “Christopher has asked Maddie to marry him.”

  Oohs and aahs sound up and everyone takes a turn to congratulate the couple.

  Colby catches my attention as he throws his plate to the side and then stalks off. I wonder what’s wrong with him.

  Jack’s moves closer to me, his powerful legs cage me in and his arms go around my waist. He just stares at me, his eyes a soft green.

  “What?” I whisper, feeling a blush creep up my neck from his intense look.

  His mouth lifts at the corner in a sexy smirk, just as music blares over the yard. Some of the girls start to dance. Christopher and Maddie are standing to the side, swaying romantically in each other’s arms.

  Sophia is sitting on Adam’s lap, and you can see the two are lost in their own world.

  My eyes meet Miss Ella’s. She makes huge eyes, trying to tell me something. I frown at her, but then she just yells. “Dance with Jack.”

  Everyone bursts out laughing and it makes me flush red hot. I get up anyway and then hold my hand out to Jack. “Would you like to dance?”

  He stands up, but says, “I’m not sure I’ll be any good.”

  “That’s okay, we can be bad at it together,” I repeat his words of the other night.

  He smiles as his arm slips around my waist, and then he pulls me tightly to his muscles chest.

  We start to sway and I place my hands on his biceps, loving the feel of his strength beneath my fingers.

  It finally feels as if my world is settling. It doesn’t feel like I’m being haunted by the ghost of my father.

  I know things won’t always be all sunshine and roses for us. I’m still worried about this relationship that’s forming between us. Are our feelings real, or did we just gravitate towards each other because of our pasts?

  I hold Jack tight and press my ear to his heart, listening to it beating.

  It’s a nice evening. Everyone is having fun and the heat of the day is dying down.

  Jack straddled the bench again and then pulled me down too. With my back against his chest and my legs stretched out in front of me, I keep drifting off. His arms are steel bands of safety around me.

  “Fire!” The shriek splinters my happy bubble.

  I dart up and look in the direction the scream came from.

  “No!” Fear shudders through me as I catch sight of the stables. Flames light up the night sky.

  “The horses!” I scream as panic grips a hold of my heart. I dart up and run as fast as I can towards the stables. I have to get the horses out. “Water! Get water!” I scream. Fear numbs my mind and makes my heart beat wildly.

  There’s a lot of shouting, and even Miss Ella runs towards the fire at her high age. Jack darts past me at one hell of a speed, dragging the hose behind him. He already opened it and water is spouting everywhere.

  Jack is the first one at the stables, and he sprays the water right into the heart of the fire. Adam, Tristan, Christopher, and the others work to get the horses out and to safety. I feel useless and thrust my hands into my hair. My eyes are stinging from the heat. I feel sickened by the thick smoke bellowing around us.

  The air thins quickly as if the fire is sucking all the oxygen from it.

  A loud crashing sound comes from the side of the stables as the building starts to crumble under the destruction of the flames.

  A piercing scream comes from somewhere inside, and it makes my heart leap to my throat.

  Jack drops the hose and I watch with horror as runs towards the burning building.

  “Jack!” His name is torn from my burning throat and I rush forward to stop him.

  Miss Ella grabs the hose and she goes after Jack, wetting him as he runs, and then he disappears into the inferno.

  It almost looks like Miss Ella is about to go into the burning building too. The panic and horror of the night rips a scream from my aching chest.

  “No, Miss Ella!”

  I run to her and taking hold of her arm, I pull her a safe distance from the building.

  It feels as if the heat is trying to melt the skin from my body. Miss Ella bends over and she coughs until her legs give way and she sinks to ground.

  I kneel beside her, rubbing her back. “Just breathe.”

  “Jack,” she wheezes in between coughs.

  Tears blur my sight and I wipe quickly at my stinging eyes. I help Miss Ella to sit and then run back to where the hose is lying. I pick it up and spray water where I last saw Jack run in. The seconds are long and agonizing while we wait for some sign of Jack. My heart pounds in my tight throat, and fear sharpens all my senses.

  I see movement and for a moment hope spikes sharply in my chest. Colby stumbles from the burning building and although I’m glad to see that he’s okay, I’m still worried for Jack.

  Finally, Jack comes out and it feels as if the weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders. He’s carrying someone. As he gets closer to me I recognize Beverly.

  What is she doing back here? How did she find the plantation? Colby said he blindfolded … Colby!

  “Adam!” I scream hoarsely.

  He swings around, his face black with soot.

  “Grab Colby. He’s got something to do with this!”

  I point to where Colby is stumbling towards the parking area. He’s heading for the trucks.

  Adam darts forward, quickly catching up to Colby. We’ll deal with Colby and Beverly after the fire has been contained.

  I look over my shoulder and then my heart all but stops. Miss Ella is lying in a small bundle. She’s not moving. I grab the person nearest to me who turns out to be Diane.

p; “Just keep the water on the fire!” I shove the hose into her hands and then I run for Miss Ella.

  “Miss Ella!” I fall to my knees next to her. She’s out cold. I can hear her wheezing. Glancing around for help, I can’t find anyone. I tuck my arm under her shoulders and try to lift her, but I’m not strong enough.

  “What happened to Miss Ella?” Jack suddenly snaps next to me. He slips his arms under her, and lifts her gently up.

  “She went too close to the fire. I think the smoke overwhelmed her.”

  “I left that woman with Adam. I’ll take Miss Ella inside.”

  His voice sounds dead, as if the fire sucked the life from it. He turns away from me and taking huge strides, he walks towards the house.

  I run ahead of them so I can phone Doc. I have to do something, or I’ll lose my mind tonight.

  After I’ve phoned Doc, I check on Miss Ella where Jack placed her on one of the couches. I go get a cloth and some cold water, but before I do anything, Jack takes it all from me.

  “I’ll stay with her, go check on the others.” His voice is cold and unyielding. I stand for a moment and watch as he gently wipes Miss Ella’s face.

  “Fuck, River! Just go,” he shouts, scaring the shit out of me.

  I take a stumbling step backwards, and my heart splinters. The last time someone spoke to me like that, it was my father.

  The look on his face is threatening, as if he’s going to attack me any second.

  I turn around and walk away. Right now, I have to keep it together for my people. I can’t think of what Jack just did.

  It takes us over and hour to make sure the fire is out, and that everyone is accounted for. I saw Doc’s car pull up a while ago. I know he’ll take good care of Miss Ella.

  I go to where Adam is busy interrogating Beverly and Colby. I’d rather face them than Jack. I still can’t believe that he spoke to me like that.

  When I reach them, I ask, “What’s going on here?”

  He points to Colby and Beverly, where they’re sitting on the floor.

  “From what I understand, Beverly and Colby are in some sort of relationship. Apparently he’s been sneaking her off the property, whenever she felt like she wanted go to town. It’s been going on for months.” Adam shoves his hands through his hair, looking angry as hell. “I’m sorry, River, I should have known.”


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