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Bedtime Stories

Page 1

by Madeleine Oh

  An erotic anthology by

  Cincinnati, Ohio

  6470A Glenway Avenue, #109

  Cincinnati, OH 45211-5222

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  eBook ISBN 1-59426-503-8

  Bedtime Stories © 2004 by Madeleine Oh

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Cover art © 2004 by Stacey L. King

  Phaze is an imprint of Mundania Press, LLC.


  After a metallic rasp, came a sound like a long sigh, and Abbie's car nose-dived into the ditch as trees came up to meet her. She leaned forward, white-knuckled hands clutching the steering wheel, branches scraping and twigs snapping until the car stopped moving. Rain beat down on the roof overhead. A large branch was flattened against her windshield, another blocked the driver's door and the seat belt cut into her shoulder. A great way to start the weekend!

  Why couldn't Rob live in a town like any civilized lover? They could be flirting over tapas or sushi or queuing for tickets for the newest Art House movie. But no, he was snug in his decommissioned country pub toasting the health of long-departed patrons and she was in a ditch.

  Unsnapping her seat belt, Abbie crawled over the passenger seat and forced the door open. After climbing up and over, she landed knee-deep in cold water. Not that it made much difference, the pouring rain soaked her to the skin. She clambered up the bank on hands and knees, finally standing on not-particularly-dry land and looking at her car lying askew, like a drunken dowager, in the ditch. She wasn't wasting brain space on her car. Right now she needed a warm drink, a steaming bath, and some nice hot loving.

  She was well past the village so Rob's place couldn't be more than half a mile or so. She set off, trying to ignore the rain slashing down in torrents.

  Abbie reached the crest of the incline and looked down at The Green Man. Lights by the front door and the unshuttered windows cast a welcoming glow. The original carved and painted sign still hung over the door, as it must have for hundreds of weary travelers, who no doubt praised the gods at sighting the old inn at the cross roads. She almost ran the last fifty yards, pausing only to look up at The Green Man who did rather leer down at her in the night.

  "Rob," she called, opening the door, "I'm here but my car's in the ditch down the lane!" Her voice echoed back at her. A warm fire crackled behind the guard. A fresh pot of coffee waited on the counter top but Rob was nowhere to be seen. Abbie poured herself a much-needed mug of java, adding a generous tot of rum along with the milk and sugar to warm herself up.

  Getting her damp clothes off could only help. Abbie dropped them in a sodden heap on Rob's bedroom floor. A nice hot bath would ease the shivers and Rob had an immense Victorian one, which they'd shared on more than one occasion. Abbie rifled through the cabinets for bath oil or salts, as the shiny brass taps sent a steaming torrent into the vast tub. Soon the room was filled with steam and the scent of mosses and ferns and green woods in summer.

  She was darn glad to be out of the green woods! The wind seemed to amplify as it buffeted the walls, and the roof echoed every drop of rain. Glimpsing herself in the mirror, she looked as wild as the storm, hair plastered to her head and a bruise coloring up nicely over one eye. At least she could get clean before Rob returned. Balancing her coffee mug in one hand, Abbie stepped in. Her feet throbbed in the heat but soon settled down to an ache, as she eased herself down in the scented water.

  Relaxed in the warmth, Abbie listened to the thrum of rain overhead, sipped her coffee and decided maybe she'd been a bit too generous with the rum but what the heck? She drained the last of the mug, and letting it sink in the water, closed her eyes and prepared to dream of warm sheets and hot sex.

  Strong hands rested on her shoulders. "Ah, Rob." Abbie lay still, glad of his touch. He had a new aftershave, woodsy and fresh. "Oh that feels wonderful. Where've you been? My car..."

  "Shh." His breath came warm on her shoulder as his hands stroked and eased out the tension of the evening. "Relax," he said. "Close your eyes and forget the rain and the crash and your aches. You're safe from the fury of the storm."

  As if on cue, wind buffeted the outside walls and rain beat hard on the roof overhead but Abbie relaxed under his touch. She let out a slow, contented sigh and eased a little lower into the warm water.

  He stroked slowly across her chest, cupping her breasts and gently caressing them until they felt heavy and swollen. He lifted them, bouncing them lightly until ripples of water lapped her chin. Abbie lay still, enjoying the growing sensations in her body, anticipating more. She opened her eyes to watch his long fingers moving through the green water, or was it green fingers in clear water? Did it matter? Not while he touched her like this. She let out a little sigh of contentment and the lights went out.

  He chuckled at her cry of surprise. "Not to worry, the fire's inside you." His hands slid down her belly towards her pussy and a sweet itch rose in her cunt. "Kneel up," Rob whispered, "I'm getting in with you."

  The water rippled as he settled behind her. The rough hair on his legs caressed the soft skin of her thighs and his cock pressed hard against the small of her back. She leaned into him, rocking to stroke his erection along her spine. His hands steadied her hips. "Keep still. The storm is easing. Listen."

  He was right. The wind was scarcely noticeable and the rain beat gently overhead. "I'll have you with the storm," he said. "When the winds blows easy I'll caress you and taste the beauty of your skin." He paused to run his tongue up her neck from between her shoulder blade. "When the storm rages harder, I'll fuck you, and as the thunder claps and the lightening flashes across the heavens, you'll scream your satisfaction."

  Her mind tried to shape the argument that there was no thunder, just rain and wind. How important was that while he kissed and nipped his way down her shoulder? She wanted to turn and face him, to rub her breasts against the rough hair on his chest and press his erect cock into her belly, but he held her steady. As he reached for the soap and slowly lathered up her breasts, she thought of nothing else. Never before had Rob caressed her with such infinite and teasing slowness. As he opened her pussy, and set waves of scented water breaking against her clit, she leaned back against his chest and moaned.

  "You like that." She'd be a liar and a fool to deny it - if she could find the words. All her mind registered were his hands on her breasts and his fingers working her nipples hard, while his lips fluttered over the shoulders and neck. She dropped her head forward and his mouth kissed a trail up the side of her neck. He nipped the lobe, holding her fast as she jerked with shock. "Easy, I'll kiss it better." He suckled her earlobe until trails of desire skittered over her skin. How did he...?

  He took a washcloth and squeezed water over her breasts and belly so rivulets ran down towards her pussy. She was throbbing and he'd yet to touch her cunt with his fingers. She needed Rob's strong fingers, opening her and penetrating her slick cunt in preparation for his cock. Instead, he splashed and teased her with scented water. She angled her hips to send more water against her aroused pussy.

  Rain hit the roof in a wild tattoo. A loud gust of wind against the window panes was followed by a great crack and a thud. Abbie jumped but his arms wrapped her close. "Be calm, it's just an old tree falling to th
e power of the wind." Power indeed she felt around her, the force of the storm and the strength and might in the arms that held her. She paused, inhaling the green scent around her, and rubbing her breasts against the rough hair on his arms. She wanted more. Needed more. She rocked against his erection.

  "The storm increases. Stand up." She obeyed without thinking, his hands steadying her. She expected to shiver as cool air hit her damp skin but the air around seemed warmed by the heat between them. He pressed her hands flat on the cool tiled wall. "Brace yourself."

  She balanced, shin-deep in water, as her heat inside burned with a building need. His hands marked her body as his. He stroked and caressed, pulling her nipples between two fingers, tracing wild circles on her belly, teasing trails up and down her back, cupping the aching heat of her pussy, tugging at her pussy lips and teasing her clit with soft flicks. It wasn't enough. She wanted his fingers penetrating her and his cock deeper but he made her wait, running wild kisses across her shoulders in a rhythm that matched the wild beat of rain against the panes. He rubbed his cock between her thighs, rubbing back and forth until she moaned for penetration.

  He pausedbut only long enough to gather handfuls of water and trickle warm trails down her back and breasts. She groaned. Was he going to make her wait forever? His slick touch on her thighs and ass meant he'd soaped his hands again. Or had he? It didn't feel like soap. She tried to look but in the dark she felt, rather than saw, his fingers open her pussy, while his other hand stroked her ass. Now he had two hands on her ass, caressing and gently massaging and parting her ass-cheeks as his fingers skimmed between them.

  "Trying something new, Rob?" Abbie asked.

  He replied with a slow kiss on the side of her neck and gentle pressure of one finger against her puckered ass hole. She took several slow, deep breaths. She was tight but his steady pressure opened her until she felt the easy intrusion of his fingertip. He waited. His free hand stroked up and down her spine, soothing her, settling her apprehension as she was stretched and filled. He didn't move until her muscles relaxed a little, gently moving his finger back and forth until she sighed and rocked in rhythm. Her tightness eased as her passion soared, the rain came in harder gusts and lightening flashed as he pressed deep. She stood there, hands splayed on the tiled wall, body presented for his intrusion, as she let out a soft moan, halfway between ache and need.

  "Soon," he promised and withdrew.

  "More," she gasped, bereft and ready to cry out at the loss.

  His deep, husky laugh sent warm ripples down her spine. One arm snaked around her waist as his free hand parted her ass cheeks. His hand rubbed along her crack, easing something smooth and cool into her now not-quite-so-tight ass hole. His cock pressed between her crack as he fluttered soft kisses across her shoulders. She gave a little sigh of pleasure as the head of his cock pressed against her opening. He rocked gently, just enough to stimulate but not stretch. Another lightening flash and he pressed, easily and insistently as her muscle slowly opened and her body surrendered her last virginity. Her moan was lost in the thunder. He paused. Waiting as his fingers stroked her breast and his other hand crossed her belly to cup her pussy. She sighed as his fingers nestled between her curls and opened her. Wet and soaking as the world beyond this steamy room, she yearned for his deep penetration. She rocked her hips but he moved with her, keeping the head of his cock just inside her.

  "Wait," he whispered as his finger softly tapped her clit.

  She would go wild with waiting. Another flash of thunder and he drove in deep, her shout masked by the thunder. He was vast and filled her with his strength and male power. She was stretched and invaded and possessed by wildness as he moved in cadence with the driving rain.

  Sighs of pleasure became moans of need as her passion mounted, and his grunts of power echoed in the small room. It was as if they were locked together and one with the storm outside. His fingers still played her clit but now her cries rose above his. Like two animals locked in a primal embrace, they pushed each other towards the brink. His thrusts came fast and furious with the rising wind. Her cries came louder and keener as thunder came immediately after lightening. His finger gave one final flick and sent her over the edge. As she climaxed, he drove even deeper as he pumped his jism into her depths. Her legs wobbled as her climax spent. Only his cock and his arms kept her from falling.

  As he withdrew, he lifted her out of the tub. Her toes sank into the deep pile rug as he wrapped a towel around her. The dark didn't slow him as he dried her and carried her into the bedroom. Light-headed and spent, she felt his hands smooth and tuck in the covers. She sensed rather than felt a kiss on her forehead and she sank into exhausted sleep.

  * * *

  She woke to sunlight, clear blue skies and raised voices outside. Rob was already up, his side of the bed smoothed and his pillow plumped up. He had to be outside with whoever was wielding a chain saw. Her clothes were still a sodden heap on the bathroom floor. She stood up, still relishing the sweet sensations deep in her body and took Rob's robe off the back of the door. Knotting the belt, she went to the front door and opened it.

  A team of men were removing the tree she'd heard fall last night. Rob was helping, his car parked on the far side of the tree. That didn't make sense. How did it get there? Abbie went back inside and put on the coffee maker. She obviously needed caffeine to unfog her brain. She borrowed sweat pants and a shirt from Rob's closet and carried out a tray of mugs, just as the tractor moved the first part of the trunk.

  "Sorry about the mess up," Rob said. "I just slipped out to get some wine and got caught in the storm. Took me forever to get through the village and then that damn tree was blocking the road. Sorry you were alone all night. Weren't scared or anything were you?"

  "No. Rob, I wasn't scared." Nor was she alone and it was definitely not without incident. Not that she'd be complaining. She had a weekend ahead, the storm was over, the sky was blue, the old pub was bathed in sunlight, and the Green Man over the door seemed to wink in the sunshine.

  At Long Last

  This was it.

  As the train slowed, I snapped my novel shut and pulled my suitcase from between the seats. In a few minutes we'd be face to face after thirty years. Was it curiosity or obsession that had me haring up to Scotland to see the man who'd shattered my twenty-two-year-old heart when he married my cousin, Penelope?

  Why was I here? To see how the years had treated Alec? Did I hope he sported a massive beer gut? Sagging jowls? Perhaps recovering from a triple bypass and double hip replacements? Sitting in a wheelchair pushed around by his brand new trophy wife?

  If he looked the same as he had at twenty-five, I would rail against the injustice in the world. He didn't. But he wasn't the one who recognized me.

  "Jasmine Waters! May I call you Jasmine?"

  It was Emily, wife number two. One of my faithful readers. "Of course you may. It's my name."

  "But is seems so... You being so famous and..,"

  "You must call me Jasmine. Alec does." She all but blushed. How deliciously English and young she was, like a fat ripe plum ready to drop off the branch into my hand.

  "He calls you Jazzikins."

  He would. He had. Couldn't call me Jazz or Jasmine the way everyone else did. He had to make up a special name that still had the power to tweak my soul. Standing beside her was my old heartache himself. "Hi, Alec."

  A man who left his wife with an autistic teenager and a senile mother-in-law had no right to thrive on it. But heaven help us all, he was still gorgeous. His dark hair was halfway gray, but it looked good on him. And as for his laughter lines, where had they come from? From smiling to himself as he walked away from his responsibilities?

  "Jazzikins!" His smile was so sincere, I wanted to spit. "Fantastic to see you!"

  I held out my hand before he had a chance to even think about hugging me. "Alec. It's good to see you." That wasn't a lie. I was satisfying my curiosity and, to be truthful, he was as easy on the eyes as eve
r. He still had a smile to invoke impure thoughts in virgins' minds. It had in mine. He'd just never delivered.


  I restrained a wince.

  "After all these years." He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug before I could evade, planting a great smacky kiss on my left cheek. While I took a deep, cleansing breath, he stepped back, looking me up and down as if contemplating purchase. "I still can't believe it! You're here, and all because of Emmsy. Who'd have thought it?"

  Thought what? That I could write? That his wife could read? That he was incapable of using anyone's full name? I made a point of not snarling. "How could I not come? Invited to Scotland by a loyal and ardent reader?" He'd better not think I'd spent all day in a train for him. But he did.

  "Alec," Emily put a hand on his shoulder. Marking her territory, perhaps? "Let's head for the car. I bet Jasmine wants to kick off her shoes and have a drink."

  I decided I might like her, even if she had supplanted my cousin, and hoped her idea of a 'drink' entailed something more than a cup of tea. I couldn't help wondering what Alec had told her about me. Was I his ex-wife's cousin, the sister of a school friend, an old lost love? Most likely none of the above. Maybe he never remembered breaking my heart.

  His dark green Jaguar was an improvement on the Deux Chevaux he owned the last time I'd ridden with him. His transport might have changed but his laugh hadn't, neither had his voice, or the way he drove too fast, and slid through lights as they changed. He made a very Alec crack and Emily laughed, throwing her head back a little, shaking her long, chestnut-colored hair and showing the vulnerable expanse of the long, pale neck. I'd always longed for a long neck. Still, I had bigger boobs but she had Alec.

  Did I honestly care now? Come to that, had I ever really been in the running? I'd fallen for him like a felled oak. And got over him, or so I always told myself. I wasn't the type to do unrequited love. But I'd hurt. Standing as bridesmaid at Penelope's wedding was an agony I hoped never to repeat. Now was payback time! Alec owed for breaking my virgin heart, leaving a gaping hole in my cousin's life, and for the handicapped son he'd abandoned. Penelope wouldn't seek revenge. She was far too kind and up to her eyes with providing care. Simon missed his father desperately, Alec's mother was too senile to realize he'd gone and poor Penelope was aging daily.


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