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Ladies Night

Page 10

by Claudia Rose

  There were no questions in his eyes when he raised himself up on one elbow and looked deep into her eyes.

  “I’m very much alive.”

  Her response was punctuated by wracking sobs.

  “Yes, but not for much longer. Oh Brandt, they’re going to kill you”

  “Will you miss me that much, Dr. Jewel?”

  His tone was light, but his eyes searched hers. It was all she could do in that moment not to bring her defenses into play. A lifetime of dealing with the pain of her mutation had taught her not to place herself at the mercy of others. Sometimes it was necessary to take risks, and if this wasn’t one of those times, then she’d probably never encounter another.

  “I can’t stand the thought of losing you, Brandt. I never thought I’d say this to another person, but I love you.”

  He was silent for a moment. Her heart and breathing stopped as she waited for his reply.

  “I never expected to love again. I thought I’d lost the loves of my life when Schtum killed my family. For these last few months I’ve been a dead man walking. You’ve brought me back, Helena. As painful as it is to feel again, you’ve helped me regain my humanity. I love you.”

  Helena wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him as tightly as she could.

  “I want to be with you Brandt. I don’t want us ever to be separated. I wish I could die with you here and now. I’d rather do that than suffer the pain of losing you.”

  Brandt kissed her, tasting the tears that glistened on her cheeks, and transferring their salty flavor from his tongue to hers. He couldn’t take away her grief. But he could show her how much he wanted her. His hands began to caress her body. She responded, and their touches turned once more to urgent lovemaking.

  “Make love to me, darling. Please make love to me,” Helena whispered.

  Brandt knelt on his haunches in preparation for entering her. She pulled her legs up to her chest, so that her buttocks were stretched wide. He swallowed deeply at what he saw—without realizing it, she’d made her asshole as available as her pussy.

  Did she realize what she was offering?

  Did she have any idea what he wanted?

  He rubbed the tip of his cock from her wet pussy, down to the taut ring of muscle at her anus. She jumped at the intimate touch, but didn’t withdraw, either. The memory of how delightful his tongue had been was fresh in her mind.

  Brandt dipped his fingers between her lips and slowly, almost as if in a dream, rubbed the puckered opening of her ass. She moaned and pulled her legs farther apart, a blatant invitation if ever he’d seen one.

  “Helena? Are you sure you want this?”

  “Yes, I think…but only if you want to. I don’t want you to do it if it bothers you.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” He rubbed the tip of his cock around her opening, applying the slightest bit of pressure. “But only if you like it…”

  Helena sighed and lowered her feet to the bed. “I don’t know if I like it or not, I’ve never tried it.” She laughed, a self-conscious sound that affected Brandt more than he would have imagined.

  “I want to though. With you. It’s the one thing Nigel wanted to do that I never allowed. When I was marked by my mutation and powerless, he used me in almost every way imaginable. But the more he pressured me to have anal sex the more determined I was that he’d never get to. I know it probably seems bizarre, but it’s the one thing I’ve held on to, and I’d like you to…”

  “I don’t want to hurt you. My cock’s pretty big.”

  She laughed, but this time the sound was full-throated and free. “Goodness…as if I hadn’t noticed?”

  “Ha! Ha! All I’m saying is it’ll be very tight. I could only just get my finger in your ass when you…ahem…got me to pleasure you the other evening.”

  “I’m sure I’ll be more relaxed. There’s some lubrication in a tube in that drawer there. What if we tried using that?”

  “Good idea.”

  The drawer was locked against Nigel’s frequent intrusions. Helena reached over to a small touch pad. It verified her fingerprint and slid smoothly open. Brandt rummaged around inside.

  “What’s this?” He held up a small vibrator, garishly colored in yellow and black stripes. Helena got the giggles.

  “I call it my buzzy bee. It loves buzzing around my honey pot.”

  “Whatever turns you on, Dr. Jewel.”

  He rummaged again and found the tube of lubricant.

  “Legs up, please.”

  Helena obeyed. Brandt squeezed some of the clear gel onto his fingertip and gently rubbed it around the little opening below her aroused pussy. She gasped at the coldness of the gel, and her asshole clenched in sympathy.

  “Just relax.”

  Gently Brandt rubbed the lubrication around the tight ring of muscle. As it loosened he worked more and more of his index finger up her ass until he was penetrating her past his knuckle. The hot passage felt very tight, but Helena moaned with pleasure, so he assumed she was comfortable enough.

  Withdrawing his finger, he squeezed a generous amount of the lubricant on the head of his cock and rubbed it around the shaft until it glistened wetly.


  She nodded.

  Brandt positioned his cock so the glistening tip was in contact with the rim of her asshole. Helena felt herself clench involuntarily, but Brandt whispered again, “Just relax.”

  She tried to relax as he instructed. The head of his thick cock pressed more firmly against her asshole. He entered her and she gasped. Her gasp became a moan as his cock began stretching her virgin asshole. Even with lubrication she feared he would cause her injury. Involuntarily she clawed his back. His muscles tensed at the feel of her nails, but he didn’t withdraw. Helena willed herself to relax. The sensation became more pleasurable. Soon she felt confident enough to pull her legs more firmly into her chest. This allowed him to slide inside her a full four inches.

  “My God you’re tight,” he gasped.

  “My God you’re big,” she giggled.

  They waited in that position for a few moments. Brandt took the opportunity to cover her face with kisses. Their lips locked together and their tongues engaged in a sensuous duel. Helena felt more and more relaxed and began to thoroughly enjoy the illicit sensation of his cock inside her ass. Brandt began moving again. His penis slid unhurriedly in and out of her. His movements were easier and they quickly settled into a pleasurable rhythm.

  Helena caressed Brandt’s body, from his shoulders to his buttocks. She found the way his muscles rippled, while his big cock wedged in and out of her, tremendously exciting. His rhythm became increasingly urgent and Helena could hear him panting. Not wanting to miss out, she slid one hand between their bodies to play with her own pussy. Her other hand toyed with his buttocks, gradually insinuating one slender finger between his firm buns until its tip rested gently against his asshole. He grunted approval, so she pressed a little harder until she was penetrating him digitally.

  His thrusts intensified dramatically. “Helena!” he cried out as he came. She pushed firmly with her finger, sliding it right up his ass to feel the vigorous contractions of his orgasm. The additional lubrication in her butt when he ejaculated meant his final thrust slid inside her to the hilt, where it remained anchored. The small discomfort this caused was more than compensated for by the wonderful feeling of having him buried fully inside her, with his heavy frame collapsed on top.

  “My turn,” she whispered in his ear.

  She reached for the little vibrator still lying on the bed and slid it between their bodies until it reached her pussy. Then she turned it on, gasping with pleasure as the vibrations stimulated her swollen clit. Brandt held her close so that his groin pressed the small device even closer against her. When Helena nibbled his ear lobe, he found a perfect rhythm with his hips. The vibrating toy brought her quickly to orgasm. The muscles in her asshole contracting deliciously around her man’s spent cock, heightened the i
ntensity of her climax.

  Helena turned off the vibrator and they stayed in that position for some time. Eventually Brandt withdrew and took her in his arms.

  After a while Helena overcame her innate feelings of insecurity to speak about their future.

  “Brandt,” she whispered. “There’s something that’s been on my mind that I have to ask you. It’s not easy for me to broach a subject like this, but time is against us so I’m just going to say it.”

  He waited expectantly.

  “I never expected to fall in love with you—let alone so deeply in love with you. I can’t stand aside and see you die if it’s in my power to stop it happening. As Chief Sociologist there is a lot that is in my power. At the same time, I’m not going to do anything against your wishes. I understand how much you have suffered and can imagine why, even though you love me, you may still welcome death. So you tell me, Brandt, and I’ll honor your decision. Do you want me to try and halt your execution so the circumstances surrounding Schtum’s murder can be re-examined?”

  Now that she’d committed herself totally, terror overwhelmed her. Why didn’t he say anything? Surely he wouldn’t prefer death. He was silent for too long. The thought that he intended to refuse filled her with grief. A wail began to build in her chest.

  Why didn’t he say something?

  Chapter Seventeen

  A deafening explosion stunned both of them into semi-consciousness.

  Black clothed figures wearing gas masks invaded the apartment. Some, with flight-packs on their backs, smashed through windows. Others burst in through Helena’s demolished front door.

  The figures rushed in waving stun guns, and shouting at the tops of their voices.

  “Corrections! Freeze! Stay on the floor. Stay down on the floor.”

  Within seconds half-a-dozen of the intruders had surrounded Brandt and handcuffed him. Four more stood protectively in front of Helena, shielding her from him. In the eerie silence that followed, the leader of the team spoke into a wrist phone.

  “Mission accomplished. Convict is secure. Hostage safe and unharmed.” He knelt down beside Helena and unlocked the Corrections Department bracelet from her wrist. Then he handed the bracelet to one of the men holding Brandt. “Okay, get him out of here, and have him taken to Death Row, his termination has been pushed forward.”

  Swiftly Brandt was hustled out of the room while the section commander turned to Helena, trying not to stare at her naked body, but failing miserably.

  “Are you okay, Dr. Jewel?”

  Helena shook her head to clear it. There was a ringing in her ears and small stars at the edges of her vision. She was in no mood to be polite.

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  “Corrections Department Penal Advance Commandos, Ma’am, known as ‘CoDPeACe’. We were assigned to free you.”

  “Free me? What the hell are you talking about?”

  The leader looked flustered.

  “Ma’am, we were reliably informed you were being held hostage by a notorious killer who had already murdered your predecessor.”

  “Reliably informed? By whom?”

  “By your partner, of course Ma’am. Professor Snively.”

  “Nigel? Nigel did this? What? Wait! He’s lying. It’s a big mistake. I wasn’t a hostage. Get Brandt back here now.”

  “I’m sorry, Ma’am. My orders are clear. Rescue the hostage and recapture the prisoner. I’ve done that Ma’am and now it’s out of my hands. As for getting the convict back, I don’t think there’s much chance of that. He’s due for brain cauterization in about four hours.”

  The commando leader turned on his heel and left without another word.

  Helena sank to the floor, stunned. Four hours? In four hours her big beautiful Brandt was going to be destroyed. The enormity of it was too much to absorb, and she just sat staring dumbly at the floor.

  “Dr. Jewel. Dr. Jewel. Excuse me, Dr. Jewel.”

  The voice finally penetrated her numbness, and she looked up to see a young commando standing over her. He seemed to be talking to her breasts.

  “Dr. Jewel.”


  “He asked me to give you a message.”

  “He…? Who…? What message?”

  “The convict Ma’am. He asked me to tell you the answer to the question was ‘Yes’.”

  Helena made herself get up. She had to do something.

  The files! The riot files! Perhaps there was something in there that might give her cause to delay the execution pending further investigation of Brandt’s claims about Schtum.

  She stumbled into her office and logged into her computer.

  “Good morning Helena.”

  “Good morning computer. Priority two request.”

  “Certainly. What is it you require?”

  “Files with substantive information on the J7 riots, Chief Sociologist Schtum’s murder, and the trial and conviction of Brandt De Vos.”

  “Wait twelve seconds.”

  In six seconds the computer returned.

  “I’m sorry Helena. Those files are sealed against a priority two request.”

  “Sealed? Really? By whom?”

  “By you, Dr. Jewel.”

  “By me? Nonsense! Let me see the requisition.”

  A document appeared on screen. She studied it carefully.

  “That’s my order code, sure enough. But I never sealed these files. I’ve never even seen them. Was the order made from my computer?”

  “No Helena. It was made from Professor Sniveley’s computer.”

  “Nigel? Nigel sealed these files under my name? When?”




  “Where is Professor Snively at this moment?”

  The address that flashed up on the screen caused Helena to start in surprise.

  “Computer, log me out and re-enter me as Priority One.”

  “Certainly Helena. Please type in your access code and verification, and hold still for a retinal scan.” She did so, and in short order the restricted documents appeared on her desktop.

  She sat down hurriedly and began to read. Twenty minutes later she jumped to her feet, alarmed and excited.


  “Yes Helena.”

  “Log me into the office’s video monitoring center. Then order me a sky-cab to go to the City Penitentiary in twenty minutes time.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The heavy straps securing Brandt’s body wouldn’t let him get comfortable.

  Out of the corner of each eye he could see the glistening tips of the needles that would shortly pierce his temples and inject a carefully measured cocktail of chemicals into his skull. They would destroy everything but his brain stem and autonomic nervous system.

  From here, his brain-dead hulk would be taken to an organ farm. The farm would probably keep his body on life support, selling off bits as required. After harvesting every transplantable organ and piece of tissue they’d incinerate his remains.

  Alternatively, they might sell his intact body to military or pharmaceutical entrepreneurs who needed living human flesh for testing new weapons or drugs.

  Brandt was unsentimental about the body he inhabited. Even so, he prayed that the transplant option would be his body’s fate.

  The execution chamber wasn’t large. Apart from the impressive machinery for dealing out death, most of the space contained cameras and media paraphernalia for beaming his final moments to the masses.

  So it’s come at last.

  He shouldn’t feel surprised. He’d been anticipating this moment. Up until four days ago he’d been welcoming it.

  Now the reality of his execution sickened him.

  Helena! What would his death do to her?

  She’d probably see it. Knowing her, she’d feel duty bound by love to witness his final moments. He didn’t want her to see him dead. If only there was some way to tell her not to watch. Some way
to tell her to preserve, as her final memory, some reminiscence of him alive.

  He’d tell her not to watch! That’s what he’d do. When the camera focused on his face and the needles of death inched towards his skull, he’d say—”I love you Helena. This day and forever I love you. Now, my darling, as you love me, look away. Remember me alive. Remember my love. Look away Helena. I love you. Look away.”

  “Five minutes to execution,” announced the technician sitting at a desk to Brandt’s right.

  Resigned to the fact that he could do no more to protect Helena, Brandt closed his eyes and his mind to what was happening in the chamber. As he had always intended, he set his consciousness free to drift down the road of happy memories. Most of these memories were old friends.

  There was Laura, the first time he had laid eyes on her.

  There were his parents, his mother weeping with pride as he graduated Summa Cum Laude from Hydrology College.

  There was Laura, naked, kneeling over him, her long hair brushing his chest, her soft lips forming those words—I Love You.

  There was the birth of their baby, a squawking, wriggling bundle, still wet from birth, cradled gently in his arms, his tears of joy splashing her face.

  Memories of his family no longer caused such intense pain. He’d grieved for them through hundreds of sleepless nights as he lay in his little cell.

  Thoughts of Helena were different. They were so fresh they wounded him cruelly. Beautiful, brave, vulnerable, tormented, feisty Helena. She loved him. She’d do anything to save him. He’d always been the one saving others. He couldn’t remember anyone ever offering to save him.

  I love you too Helena. Don’t watch me die, my darling.

  A low malicious chuckle intruded on his reverie. Reluctantly he opened his eyes. If his head hadn’t been immobilized he would have recoiled in shock and disgust. A mere inch in front of him hovered the gloating face of Professor Nigel Snively.


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