A Rose of Any Color: MaleDom: A BDSM Anthology

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A Rose of Any Color: MaleDom: A BDSM Anthology Page 3

by Editors: Katherine Merchant, Sonya Bond, Michelle Puffer

  Morgan stared at the brick façade blinded by the tears pooling in her eyes. Would she ever see him again? The idea of never having the opportunity to please him after tonight brought a fresh stab of pain to her chest. Now I’m just like the others. A submissive lucky enough to be trained by the best.

  A Rose of Any Color: MaleDom: A BDSM Anthology

  Chapter Three

  Morgan twisted the key in the lock and pushed open the door to her small cottage. It had always been her refuge. A place of comfort. A place to shut out the rest of the world. Closing the door behind her, profound loneliness swept over her. Isolated. Emptiness.

  She pushed herself to move and flipped the light switch. This isn’t how he trained you. Evan would be disappointed in you...and with himself. He expected so much from himself. To be perfect. The epitome of what a dominant should be. If she allowed herself to wallow in self-pity, it would be a mark on his capabilities.

  “I won’t do that to you, Sir.” Just the thought of any displeasure that she may cause him sent chills down her spine. And he had requested she keep a journal of her emotions over the next several days. Until he called.

  “Can’t have a subbie fall into a depression from separation anxiety,” she muttered. “Common sense would dictate to anyone who had a brain as to the need of keeping a journal. Evan’s just making sure I have a reason to keep going. Obviously, he’s witnessed other submissives going through separation anxiety after spending months training under him. He wants me to know that tomorrow will definitely follow today and the next day. He’s wants to make sure I realize that there is life after the Lord Evan.”

  Yeah. Right! Like I don’t already know that! It was not so much the life after Lord Evan. It was the quality of that life. Without the honor of kneeling at his feet, what possible good could come of it?

  Morgan was sure he believed her to be star-struck. The first dominant to take her under his wing, she had just gotten caught up in all the attention that is lavished on a trainee. Evan would label it ‘infatuation with domination’. She grinned.

  “Well, you’re wrong,” she said.

  She moved across her living room, heading straight to her at-home office. The room held a plethora of bookshelves along two walls, and she’d spent hours cataloging the wide range of books which filled every nook and cranny. From fiction to technical to her college textbooks, Morgan knew she could walk in and place her hand on any book she wanted blindfolded. The closet housed her office supplies. She pulled the door open, and her eyes immediately focused on the dozen or so journals standing upright on the shelf before her. Taking one from the stack, she stepped back and shut the door.

  “If a journal is what you want, Sir, a journal is what you shall get.”

  Grabbing a pen on her way out of the office, Morgan retraced her steps to the living room and plopped down in her cushy hunter green recliner. She curled her legs up into the seat and flipped open the cover, staring at the blank, ruled page. Nothingness grasped her mind. Fifteen minutes later, she wiped at tears dripping from her chin. The date stared back at her from the top of the page. Her handwriting filled the once empty sheet but she didn’t recall writing anything. Morgan’s gaze scanned the words, some of them blurred. By tears, she thought, and her heart ached. She returned her attention to the top of the page.

  i hurt. i’m scared. The center of my world and all that could make me happy appears to be gone. The dominant of my dreams sent me away tonight without acknowledging my submission. Without saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’, He escorted me from His home and watched me get into my car. Then turned and disappeared behind His door as if i never existed. As if i was nothing more than a solicitor. How do i live now? Is there life after Lord Evan? i think not! The days ahead no longer hold hope or promise. He exposed me to my true self. i know i am strong. He nurtured me with tenderness and a strong hand. Because of Lord Evan, i am so much more aware of myself. Of where i belong in this fast-driven society that i live in. And, i know without a doubt in the deepest recesses of my soul, my place is at His feet. For the past four months, i have been happier than i’ve ever been in my life. Pleasing Him. Seeing His approval of my progress in those dark, sensual eyes lifted my heart beyond mere accomplishment. i know i will never serve any other. Whether Lord Evan accepts me or not, i will be faithfully devoted to Him for eternity. While i may go through life without Him, i will not displease Him by begging Him to accept me as His property. However, i will not forsake my own heart and go in search of another. He is my destiny. He is the Man…the Dominant…the only Master this girl can kneel before in servitude and truly be the submissive He cultivated. While i may shed tears in the coming days, i will treasure every breath i took while in His presence.

  * * *

  Morgan stared at the numbers in front of her. Concentration on her job demanded her full attention. Thoughts of Evan never invaded her thoughts during these times. But, once she stepped out of her office for lunch, breaks, or to go home at the end of the day, the memories of their time together attacked with a renewed furor.

  Curled up in her favorite chair with a bottled water sitting on the table next to her, Morgan flipped open her journal. The entries were always difficult to begin. She longed to say so much in each one, knowing at some point, he would read them. She struggled to put her inner turmoil to paper. The aching need in her heart and soul grew more pronounced with each passing day.

  She reached for her throat and enclosed it, her fingers tightening. Tracing her fingertips along her skin, Morgan could almost feel the familiar leather of his collar where it had once been. Her fingers trembled, and tears pooled in her eyes. Morgan dropped her hand to her lap and sniffed, her shoulders stiffening. She pushed back the tears, and the pen she held tapped lightly against the journal’s open pages.

  Two days have passed and not a word from Him. He always said pain begets pleasure. Dear Journal, if that is so, i should be in sheer ecstasy by now. Yet, pleasure escapes me, and i’m floundering. my world is empty, although i get up every morning and begin my normal routine. Sometimes i swear i can smell His presence. His cologne. His male scent. The taste of His skin. The musky aroma of His come. But still there is no word from Him. He will call, and i know this in my heart. This pain is torturous. Is He testing me? Is that why He hasn’t called? Is He hoping my devotion will falter? He will see by the time He chooses to contact me that He is my Alpha and my Omega. Only through my submission and servitude to Him can i be set free from the bondage that has held my heart and soul prisoner for the past 48 hours.

  * * *

  The workweek helped keep her mind occupied. Well, most of the time. Sitting down in her recliner, she kicked back with her favorite dinner. She had stopped by the store and picked up two stuffed salmon pinwheels. Fifteen minutes in the oven, and they would be ready to eat. Comfortable, she listened to the local news and sipped on a wine cooler.

  Five days, and he still hadn’t called as he had said he would do. Whenever her phone rang, she anxiously grabbed it, checking the incoming caller ID only to have disappointment consume her each time a friend’s number glared back at her eager eyes. Still, she continued to make daily entries in her journal. Evan would never not keep a commitment, she reminded herself yet again. She grabbed her glass of water and sipped.

  The phone rang, startling her. With trembling fingers, she picked it up and flipped it open, refusing to allow her gaze to fall on the lit window.


  “How are you, little one?”

  Evan’s voice filtered through the line to her ear, and heat shot through her. A wild fire erupted in her veins, licking at every inch of her skin until she felt engulfed. Setting the bottled water down with a shaking hand, she almost tipped it over. Her body immediately straightened, and her feet touched the floor. The authority in the sound of his voice practically put her on her knees in her own living room. Morgan’s spirits soared. She knew the grin that stretched across her lips must have covered the lower half of her f

  “Hello, Sir. I’m better at this moment than I’ve been all week. How are you, Sir?” The racing beats of her heart thrummed in her ears, drowning all other sounds with the exception of hers and Evan’s voices. Gooseflesh prickled her skin, skimming down over her shoulders and arms to the pit of her stomach. She quivered.

  “I’m quite well, thank you. Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  Bad time? Was he out of his mind? He could call her in the dead of night and she’d be thrilled about it.

  “Oh, no, Sir. Never.”

  “Good. Have you been writing in your journal as I requested?”

  “Every day, Sir.” She stood on wobbly legs and paced across the room to the window. God, how she would love to see him again. Even over the phone, he affected her. Just the sound of his voice reeled her senses. Ripples of desire surged through her, teasing her in the most delicious spots. Morgan ached to feel his touch. Memories of his hands sliding over her skin, pinching and twisting, flooded every crevice. Moist heat dampened her thong, and her clit tingled, begging for his fingers to caress her mound. Or even his tongue. She stifled a moan at the thought.

  “Perfect. I want you to continue writing in it every day. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, her excitement waning a little. He wasn’t going to ask her to come to his home tonight.

  “I’ll be at the Club Friday night. I’m doing another demonstration. Are you available?”

  “Of course, Sir.”

  “Good.” She heard the smile in his reply. “I want you to arrive at ten o’clock, and make sure you bring the journal with you. You are to dress in black thigh high stockings with a black garter belt. Wear the purple leather skirt and the matching halter-top. Do you know the outfit I’m speaking of?”

  The sound of his voice coated her in a blanket of warm caresses. Her palms grew damp, and she prayed she didn’t drop her phone. “Yes, Sir.”

  “You are to wear the black four inch stilettos and nothing else. I want you accessible. No jewelry other than your rings, earrings, and watch.”

  Morgan trembled with anticipation. Her nipples perked into rigid little pebbles, and the moistness between her thighs coated her inner thighs. Her lids drifted down, closing out her surroundings, and she imagined his tall, dark figure standing before her.

  “I won’t disappoint you, Sir.”

  “I know you won’t, Morgan,” he said. The soft, husky tone tickled her eardrum. “There’s one other thing.”

  “Yes, Sir?”

  “At the club, I want you to come straight back to my office. It’s the last door on the left down the corridor off to your right as you enter the front door. I’ll be sure to inform the guys at the door. I’ll be waiting there for you.”

  “Your office, Sir? At the club?” She was confused. Why would he have an office at the club? God, she was so out of line with her questions.

  “Ah, I see. I suppose being a silent partner there remains as such.” Evan chuckled.

  “A silent partner, Sir?”

  “I am one of the owners but choose not to get involved with the operations or business decisions. Therefore, I invest in the club. Hence, I am a silent partner.”

  “Oh,” she replied. Lame!

  “So, you are to meet me in my office.” He paused. “At the club.”

  Morgan wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. Alone with him again. Yes! Ohmigod, she thought. Excitement and tension coiled into a tight spring deep inside her.

  “I can barely wait to see you, Sir.”

  Evan chuckled. “Perhaps you will change your mind once you are privy to what I have planned for you.”

  “If it will please you, Sir, I will do whatever you ask of me.”

  “Of course you will. I would expect nothing less of you, girl.”

  Neither of them spoke, and the silence made her uneasy until his voice touched her ear again.


  “Yes, Sir?”

  “Have you come this week since leaving my home?”

  Sensations sprung into spiraling tremors between her legs, and with the utterance of one word from his lips, she knew she’d collapse to the carpet in a trembling mass of orgasmic ecstasy.

  “No, Sir,” she choked out. But, God, I want to now!


  Stumbling over the word in her mind, she struggled to understand the single syllable he’d uttered. Morgan was afraid to move. She had waited days to just hear his voice again. She’d dreamed he would say that one word, granting her the orgasm her body craved. And now, here he was denying her that single pleasure.

  “Did you hear me, girl?”

  “Y...Yes, Sir,” she stammered. Her heart slammed against her ribs.

  “I want you to use your vibrator tonight. At precisely nine o’clock, you are to go to your bedroom and strip naked. Lay spread-eagle on your back with your ass propped upon a pillow. Use the vibrator on its highest setting, teasing your clit only. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Did he have any idea what he was doing to her? If he didn’t stop, she’d come right there while on the phone with him.

  Turning away from the window, she leaned against the ledge for support. Morgan straightened her legs, locking her knees to avoid falling to the floor. Perspiration trickled down between her breasts, tickling the sensitive skin.

  “You are to bring yourself to the edge three times in fifteen minutes, but you are not allowed to come. If you do, I will know Friday night and punish you for the disobedience.” He paused. “Would you like to know what the punishment will be if you disobey?”

  She didn’t want to know, but she would never tell him that. He expected her to say, “Yes, Sir.” Which was exactly what she did.

  “I will choose another submissive from the crowd and allow her to please me instead of you. And, you will watch in silence with the knowledge that it could have been you in her place.”

  Morgan snapped to attention, and her pussy clamped violently. The small of her back ached from the sudden strain of her muscles. “I will not disappoint either of us, Sir.”

  “I feel certain that you won’t, little one. You have been an excellent study and learned well.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Now,” he continued, pausing. “Once you have done this, you are to write in your journal everything you did. How it made you feel, and what your thoughts were while masturbating. I want to know details, girl. I want it explicit. So explicit that as I read it, it will be as if I stood right there and watched you. I want to feel every emotion. I want to be so drawn into your description that I can close my eyes and see it. Smell it. Taste it.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her body shuddered, and she willed back the orgasm that threatened to tip her over into the sea of rising and falling waves, each lapping on the beach of her sex.

  “We will discuss several things before the demonstration, Morgan. It’s important that you do exactly what I have requested of you tonight.”

  “I will, Sir.” And she knew she would. Masturbating with thoughts of Evan and all the delicious things he made her feel whenever they were together. Determined to make him salivate, Morgan set out to write the hottest, most erotic description she’d ever written in her life.

  “Then I will look forward to seeing you Friday night, girl.”

  His voice held a smile. She could almost visualize the slight curve of his lips. Lips which drove her mad once placed against hers. Or, wherever he happened to place them. The devilish thought brought a grin to her mouth.

  “It will be the longest two days of my life, Sir,” she said. Gawd, was that ever an understatement.

  Saying their goodbyes, Morgan snapped her phone shut and stood staring at...well, nothing. How the hell was she going to keep from coming tonight? Following his directives—and I will to the letter—was going to be a test of his training. She knew it. And, she knew he knew she knew it. Morgan giggled at herself. I’ll be half out of my mind by Friday.

A Rose of Any Color: MaleDom: A BDSM Anthology

  Chapter Four

  Lying spread-eagle on her bed later that evening, Morgan propped the pillow under her rear and grabbed up the hot pink vibrator next to her. Lavender scented her room, and her eyes drifted closed. The tranquil aroma filled her lungs with each breath, and she allowed herself to relax. With a little luck and a lot of hope, she needed the lavender to keep her calm enough to avoid coming.

  “Oh well, he didn’t tell me I couldn’t use counteractive measures.”

  Twisting the black base of the vibrator, it hummed in the palm of her hand. Already wet, this was going to be difficult, but Evan had trained her to come only with permission. She’d done this before and she was going to do it now. Just the thought of Evan pleasing some other submissive while she watched was unbearable. Not that she was jealous. Threesomes were okay with her. They’d done it several times, but the idea that she wouldn’t be included Friday night in the scening...

  Oh, hell no, she thought. She took a deep breath. “I can do this,” she said to the empty room. “If I just keep that in mind, I’ll make it through this.”

  As if challenging her resolve, the vibration in her hand sped up a notch or two. Oh God. Her determination wavered. The vibrator created tingles that danced from her fingertips up along her arm, which fanned out over her shoulders and tickled her breasts. Morgan glanced at her nipples, now pencil-eraser peaks. She groaned at the thought of his tongue lashing across them.

  Morgan clenched her eyes shut and bit down on her lower lip. Evan sprang to life in her mind playing out against the back of her lids. His dark gaze soaked her in raw hunger. His dark pink mouth a thin line encircled by his dark beard and mustache. His neck tapered off to broad shoulders that merged into a vast expanse of a muscled chest sprinkled with dark waves of hair. Juices seeped from the hot depths of her sex, lubricating her pussy.


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