A Rose of Any Color: MaleDom: A BDSM Anthology

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A Rose of Any Color: MaleDom: A BDSM Anthology Page 4

by Editors: Katherine Merchant, Sonya Bond, Michelle Puffer

  Stop! How the hell was she going to do this? She glanced at the clock and the brilliant blue LCD display flashed nine. Taking a deep breath, she braced herself for the initial touch of the tremors that would radiate from her clit up into the pit of her stomach.

  Placing the vibrator between her thighs, the tip grazed along her wet slit. She stiffened.

  “Him with another sub and me watching. Him with another sub and me watching,” she repeated out loud.

  Morgan placed her fingertips on her mound, spreading herself open. Her nails dug into the tender, sensitive flesh, and she began the slow, exquisite descent to that place where only physical sensations existed. Sliding the vibrator back and forth, the hum transposed itself into little wisps of pleasure that skipped and teased her skin. The tingling, shimmering tip of the vibrator mingled with the hum and began to stir deeper, more powerful, sensations.

  Her hips gyrated. Breathing became a race to inhale and exhale in sequence. Morgan pursed her lips just before a moan feathered past them. Bending her knees, she left her feet flat against the mattress and pushed her ass off the pillow with each motion of the vibrator. Perspiration dampened her skin. Sensual heat erupted beneath her fingers, radiating over her abdomen to the pit of her stomach where it grew into a tight hot fireball. Flames licked over her moist skin, tickling and teasing her nipples.

  “Sir.” The plea slipped past her lips, and his image sprang to life behind her closed lids like that of a movie projected upon a screen. God she wanted him. She wanted to serve him in every way, if he would but accept her submission.

  A moan of pleasure followed by a hiss between her clenched teeth filtered out into the darkened room. Tension tingled, and her clit quivered beneath the vibrator. So close, she thought. Oh God, I want to come. His vision still in her mind’s eye left her powerless to do anything but watch in silence.

  Her body trembled, and she dropped the vibrator to the mattress. She laid her palm over her wet mound and squeezed her legs together, willing the orgasm to recede. Please, don’t let me come. Tears slipped from the corners of her eyes, disappearing into the hair at her temples. Struggling with the desire to please Evan and herself come Friday night, and the erotic gratification that lay so close at hand right at this moment, she dared not move.

  Morgan took several deep breaths, inhaling and concentrating on the lavender scent. Some help that turned out to be, she thought. The tightness and longing between her legs eased, and a sigh of relief murmured from her throat. She’d made it. The urgency of the moment had faded. Thank God! The smile that tipped up her lips fell flat. She remembered she had two more to do and the clock was ticking.

  Glancing at the clock, she’d already used up six minutes. That left nine minutes to get through two more. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her confidence slipped just a little at the prospect of adhering to Evan’s directives. To falter on this would surely disappoint him. And, come Friday night, even herself. The thought of watching him with another, and her unable to even participate, hurt. Even now.

  Raising her shoulders from the bed, she looked for the vibrator. Finishing this was just as important as his command not to come. She’d do this. She was not going to allow some other submissive the pleasure of being Evan’s center of attention.

  * * *

  Walking down the corridor to Evan’s office, Morgan smiled. Finally, she would be in his presence again. The click of her heels echoed around her until she stopped just outside his door. Placing her fingers around the doorknob, she took a deep breath to steady her trembling body. Excitement coursed through her veins. She raised her hand and knocked lightly against the hardwood door.

  “Come in.”

  The deep timbre of his voice sent shivers cascading over her. She placed the palm of her hand against the door, closed her eyes, and inhaled a steadying breath. Her stomach flip-flopped. Thoughts tumbled, spinning and weaving a confused mass that she failed to comprehend. What if he didn’t think her journal or the assignment he’d given her was adequate? She wanted him to be impressed, but now she wasn’t so sure. The pounding of her heart radiated to every nerve in her body until her skin pulsed with each beat.

  “Deep breath,” she murmured.

  Twisting the doorknob, she stepped into the office. Not sure if it was the overhead lighting or the bright aura that surrounded the man seated behind the desk, Morgan blinked. She shut the door behind her, walking immediately to his side, and dropped to her knees next to him with her eyes downcast to the carpeted floor.

  “Hello, little one. How are you this evening?”

  She heard the smile in his tone. Elation - the only word that came to her mind at that moment to explain her feelings.

  “Hello, Sir. Very well, Sir. Thank you for asking. And, yourself, Sir?”

  “Quite well. Have you brought your journal with you?”

  “Yes, Sir, if I may retrieve it from my purse for you now.”

  “Yes, of course.”

  Maintaining her erect posture, she opened her purse and extracted the journal. Without looking up, she held it up for him to take.

  “Before I read this, is there anything you need to say?”

  “It was a most difficult directive, Sir. The past forty-eight hours have been hell, but now it is better.”

  He chuckled. “I didn’t expect it to be simple or easy, Morgan, but you know that already, don’t you, girl?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Silence. The ruffle of paper filled the room, and Morgan knew he was reading the words she had written from her most inner self. She had poured her every thought and emotion into those two pages. Thinking back, she had laughed, sighed, and even shed a few tears while she wrote. She so loved the gamut of emotions he could invoke and evoke. It made her feel alive.

  “Morgan, please rise.”

  Swallowing the sudden lump in her throat, she stood to her full height, keeping her gaze focused at her feet.

  “Remove your coat and turn around slowly so that I may inspect you.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said. Her fingers twisted the buttons loose, and her coat fell open. Gripping one sleeve, she divested it and dropped it onto the chair beside her.

  Slowly, she turned a complete circle. He had shifted in his chair, and both feet flat on the floor far enough apart that she could easily step between them.

  “You have done an excellent job on all counts, girl. You look ravishing, and I am as hard as a rock after reading your descriptive. Step forward and place one foot on the chair between my legs. You may grasp my shoulders if you need to steady yourself.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Oh. My. God. I’m going to come right here. She did as he requested, making sure not to look upon his face while hiking up the tight leather skirt in an effort to raise her leg.

  Morgan watched his fingers curl around her ankle, and fire streaked up her leg to the juncture of her thighs. Her juices flowed, dampening her slit. His hand slid slowly over the curve of her calf towards her knee. Evan paused to tease the sensitive skin behind her knee before traveling to her thigh. He slipped his fingers under one of the garter straps and stopped.

  Reaching out, she gripped his shoulders and held on. She struggled to maintain her balance. Closing her eyes, she breathed in deeply, and his scent mingled with the musky odor of her arousal. Her body quivered. Flames of desire licked and stroked her between her legs in anticipation of his touch. She’d dreamed of this moment, awaking wet and drenched in sweat. Emotions. It was all she knew whether he occupied her thoughts or sat in front of her as he did now. His hand smoothed over her skin to her ass cheek and gripped firmly. She wavered unsteadily

  “Look at me, little one,” he commanded. She raised her lids to stare into his dark, sensually charged gaze.

  Her breath hitched. Dark beacons of passion glowed up at her, striking her with a force so strong that Morgan swallowed the lump in her throat with visible effort.

  His fingertips dug into her flesh, pulling her closer.
So hard was his grip, it pinched her soft, sensitive skin, and she bit back the yelp of pain. This is heaven, she thought. Evan dropped his gaze to her pussy, and he leaned forward until all she could see was the top of his head. She heard him inhale a deep breath just before he slipped his finger along the valley of her sex to tease her clit.

  Morgan’s heart leaped in her chest. Gasping for air, she threw back her head and succumbed to the wildfire licking and sucking at her body. Her knee buckled as Evan guided one finger to the opening of her tender, pulsing pussy, teasing with short strokes but not entering her. Fingering her. His tongue grazed her clit. The warmth of his breath and the heat of his hand permeated her flesh. She was going to melt into a puddle soon.

  “You are very wet this evening, girl. That is good.” His words tickled against her slit. He buried his finger in her heated canal. The muscles immediately clenched, wrapping around it to savor his welcomed intrusion.

  Morgan’s feminine juices scented the room. With every thrust of his hand, his finger driving deep into her body breathing accelerated. Her pulse raced in a maddening rush. Desire for completion catapulted inside her. An inferno of molten fire stormed from the pit of her stomach to ignite and explode in her clit. Sensitive beyond any prior memory she had, Morgan wanted to fall into the blackness of subbie space. That treasured period when nothing existed except feelings. Nothing else touched her.

  “Oh, God, Sir. May I come?” she blurted out in broken gasps for breath. But no sooner had the words left her lips, Evan withdrew from her.

  “No, you may not.”

  She whimpered, and tears spilled silently down her cheeks as he pulled her down onto his lap. Evan held her close, cradling her against his shoulder.

  “You will be granted release later this evening, little one. This I promise you, but first, there is the demonstration.” Evan cupped his fingers beneath her chin, urging her to look at him. “I am so very proud of you. You have been a most deserving and devoted pupil. Your reward awaits you. But first, the demonstration. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Morgan smiled up into the face of the man she would lay down her life for should the need arise.

  “Are you ready to go, or do you need a few minutes more?”

  “I’m fine, Sir. Thank you.”

  He helped her up from his lap, his hands clasped firmly on her waist, making sure she was capable of standing on her own. Evan rose from his chair behind her and leaned close to her ear, his breath tickling the sensitive skin.

  “You are quite beautiful tonight. Perfect for the evening’s demonstration.”

  Evan stepped around her and over to the door. Holding it open, he nodded for her to follow.

  A Rose of Any Color: MaleDom: A BDSM Anthology

  Chapter Five

  She walked into the dimly lit club room. Music and voices filled the hall from wall-to-wall. Blackness swathed one end of the staging area. Strange. They always have it well lit before any guest speakers arrive. Obviously, somebody wasn’t informed of the proper etiquette.

  Several people spoke to Evan on their walk to the back of the hall, shaking his hand and tossing her a cursory glance. She didn’t care. Evan was the attraction. Wherever he went, people gravitated towards him. The mystery that surrounded him created an energizing field. She was so proud to be with him.

  If he had only accepted her submission, she thought. A tinge of sadness struck her heart, but she quickly banked it. Right now, she shared his space. That was gift enough. She could drown in her sadness later, alone inside the walls of her home where no one could witness the despair she had hidden all week.

  Her attention returned to the man whose pace she kept stride with. Evan nodded towards a man at the side of the stage just as he placed a foot up on the first step. A gentle blue swath of light flooded the stage. Evan turned to her, extending his hand for her to take, and aided her climb.

  Morgan maintained her place. One step behind him, to his right, and they turned to face the audience. Her gaze lowered to the floor and would remain there until he gave her permission to raise her chin.

  “Tonight, my friends, is a special demonstration. One that I have saved over the years until the time was right. Tonight you will all witness the Ceremony of the Roses.”

  Morgan’s heart thudded. Stopped. And thudded again. She couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t possibly mean this demonstration would be their Ceremony? How could he be this cruel? Never in her life had she thought him capable of this level of sadism. After pouring her heart and soul out to him in submission and sending her home with no response. That had been torture. The whole week had been painful. And now this? Still, she remained mute. He had asked her to be here tonight. She would not dishonor him in front of so many, but this was just downright evil.

  The lighting brightened overhead.

  “Under normal circumstances, this is a very private exchange between the dominant and the submissive,” Evan continued. “Only a few close friends are ever invited to attend an actual ceremony. Because of this, many have never witnessed the power and beauty of the ritual. Tonight, I have chosen to make this public. The splendor of the ceremony itself in all its simplicity, coupled with the deep emotional ties that take place will forever leave an indelible memory. I ask that you each refrain from speaking while the ceremony is being conducted.”

  No way! He couldn’t possibly be saying this was the real thing. Morgan heard the swishing of cloth behind her. Shoes tapped against the stage flooring while people bustled around behind them.

  “Now, before I begin, I have unfinished business with this submissive that must be taken care of at this moment. Silence is required, because many of you who are still fairly new can learn from this as well.”

  Evan turned to face her. His finger lifted her chin until their gazes met. A smile like none other she had witnessed before revealed an even line of white teeth.

  “You have pleased me in the past months more than any submissive I have ever known,” he said. His voice was lowered in muted tones. “You offered your gift to me last week, and I sent you home without a response. You deserve to know why.”

  Morgan stood perfectly still, her heart beating in thundering spasms.

  “I have loved you from the beginning. The night we met here for the first time you knew to come forward with nothing more than a look and a nod. A door to my heart that has been closed for a long time creaked open. Over the months, you proved over and over again your devotion to the lifestyle. You accepted your punishments with the soul of a submissive. You celebrated your accomplishments as though they were my own. That evening which I ended our training,” he hesitated, his eyes intent on hers, “it was then I realized I did not want to let you go. But, I sent you away because I wanted you to be sure I am what you want. While this is not something any dominant would even consider, I will grant you a chance to rescind your submission. If you have not changed your mind, I will accept you now. And this Ceremony of the Roses will be ours. So, speak now, girl.”

  Her throat constricted with the force of emotion that bubbled to the surface. Her heart begged to burst with happiness. Tears ran unheeded down her cheeks.

  “I gave my submission a week ago, Sir. If it will please you, I will gladly do it again here. Right now.” She watched the curve of his mouth broaden.

  “I accept your gift with pride, girl. From this day on, you will be known among the patrons and our friends as evanescence. I will be your Master from this day forth.”

  “May I speak freely, Sir?” His brow arched over one eye, and Morgan immediately realized her error. “I meant, Master. Forgive me, please.”

  “Tonight, I forgive you.” His grin warmed her in its glow. “And, yes, please say what you wish.”

  “Just that you have made me the happiest submissive in the entire world. I have loved you for so long and am honored to take my place at your feet.”

  “As it should be. So, tonight we shall begin our life together for all eternity.” Evan turned
to face the crowd. “This ceremony you are about to witness is in fact our Ceremony of the Roses. From this moment, Morgan is now known in the community as ‘evanescence’. She is my property.”

  Smiling, Morgan heard the collective gasps before the applause and whistles followed in echoes throughout the room. It died quickly to absolute silence the moment Evan spun on his heels, his eyes finding her waiting gaze.

  “Come, pet. It’s time.”

  Standing before a long, skinny table draped with a white lace cloth, Morgan stood proudly facing Evan. His closest friend and owner of the club, Drake, stood on the opposite side facing them. With trembling fingers, she took the white rose he extended to her while Evan took the red one.

  Three thick white candles burned in the center of the table, and a small link chain lay doubled and stretched along its length. The coveted silver collar rested on Evan’s end of the table. Tears blurred her vision. He actually removed it from its prominent position just for me. Morgan choked on the overwhelming emotion at the reality of the moment.

  Evan reached for the collar, passing it through the flames of each candle swiftly. Facing her, his smile broadened, and he slipped the silver metal band around her throat, latching it at the nape of her neck. His thumbs trailed along the sensitive skin just above it while bringing his hands back to the front. He stared at her neck momentarily.


  Morgan smiled at him. “Yes, Master?”

  “Your right hand please. I will prick your finger with a thorn on my rose. I’ll allow two drops of your blood to fall on the petals of your rose. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  She quickly offered her hand to him and watched in fascination as he stabbed the pad at the tip of her middle finger. He squeezed it while allowing her blood to pool. Morgan held out her rose, and two drops of bright red blood dripped and stained the pure white petals.

  Evan took the rose from her and pricked his fingertip with a thorn from hers. Using his thumb and ring finger, a drop of his blood landed alone on a partially opened petal, while a second drop covered one of hers.


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